Supreme God King

Chapter 1428: My name is Taibai

Looking at the world, who dares to slaughter the gods!

Between Meng Fan’s one-stroke handprints, across the world, it exploded with the strongest blow of this body repairing one vein, crossing the void, and falling down with five fingers. That kind of killing everything, only my domineering breath hits the void, directly. It is crushing the army.

The latter is the ancient killing god, so at this moment Meng Fan is going to go against the sky, I will kill the god!

Ordinary people can't perform Meng Fan's attack at all, because it is not only a problem with the method, but he does not possess this kind of idea.

For the people of this world, the sacred level is too dazzling to exist, and it is not bad that one of the worlds and hundreds of millions of creatures can be born.

If you don't have the invincibility, you can't cultivate this kind of heaven-defying method.

One print runs through the sky!

Under such a blow, it can be said that the entire sky is completely suppressed, and the flow of time is completely lost at this moment, and the army that is retreating can not help but be shocked.

Since he saw Meng Fan, he has never had this kind of gaffe, but he can't take care of it anymore, because under Meng Fan's attack, there is a power to completely slay him.

how is this possible!

Breaking the army's heart set off stormy waves, even if Meng Fan had gone through countless killings before, he was famous, and even frustrated the greedy wolf, but in his eyes, he only regarded Meng Fan as an existence that could be crushed at any time.

After all, it was just a junior, and didn't care too much, even if it was a collision, but such an earth-shattering display of a blow was no longer as simple as the so-called junior.

Kill the gods, kill the gods with one blow!

"Broken the body, the universe moves!"

Under this blow, the broken army roared and screamed up to the sky. At the same time, the whole person stood on this sky, forcibly calming himself down, the infinite aura blended into the body, directly forming a huge layer defense.

The runes flickered and were extremely mysterious, causing the body of the broken army to expand again, forming a terrifying image, which looked like a human and a non-human, a beast and a non-beast, with a terrifying force standing in the sky.

Entering can attack, retreating can be defended. This is the ancient killing god. Obviously, at the moment of breaking the army, he realized the crisis of life and death. The whole person also chose defense instead of facing Meng Fangang. The killing sword that has been following him is also a psychic. Before its body.


Suddenly, Meng Fan’s stroke touched, that kind of power fell on this form, the breath impacted, the moment of touch, it seemed like a miracle happened, even if this form was incomparably domineering, enough It resisted a blow from the sacred strong man, but it was actually at this moment that it was shattered layer by layer, and the handprint penetrated and passed by.

That kind of overbearing power to slaughter the gods and demons is simply a terrible extermination, as if it is impossible to resist anything in front of it, causing the naked eye to see Meng Fan with a big hand falling, directly penetrating all the defenses of the broken army. , Fell violently, and finally hit his chest heavily.


The blood spurted out, the vitality art phase collapsed, even if the army broke the ancient secret art instantly, there was a powerful and unmatched defense art phase, but it was unable to resist Meng Fan's attack.

It’s just a seal, and I don’t know how many bones broke the army. That kind of aura is rampant and domineering, impacting and breaking the countless meridians in the army, not only destroying his body, but also a force that shocks the soul. Power is broken martial arts.

At the time when the Queen of the Capital of the Middle School had displayed a strong **** to Meng Fan, this moment turned out to be a reappearance, even if it was the kind of terrifying that Meng Fan displayed without the Queen of the Capital of the Capital, it was by no means simple.

Breaking the army and ascending to the gods, with ancient mysteries and countless mysteries, it was almost completely torn by Meng Fan between this blow. If it weren't for the defensive aspect that he had summoned at the last moment, it would be enough to make him appear in an instant. All gone!

However, the three forces attacked at the same time, and the broken army was not much better. The whole person almost fainted, blood spurted from the whole body, and was completely bombarded. Even the silver sword in his hand was completely shattered.

In between, crush again!

When such a scene fell, the eyes of the Empress and the Seven Killers in the void could not help but look over, extremely shocked,

The previous type of crushing was extremely critical. Meng Fan's hole card came out, and all the power was suppressed on this Slaughter God Slash. If the army was resisted, the latter would definitely fall into absolute passivity.

But obviously Meng Fan was right. He was extremely unique in grasping the situation of the battle. When both of them were hit hard, he took the lead and no longer repaired himself. Instead, he came with the strongest blow and directly grasped the key to breaking the army. To give it any respite is to blow it up with a violent blow, damaging its body.

And it will kill with one blow, slaughter the gods and destroy the demons!

Just feeling that powerful and unmatched aura is enough to change the color of the Empress and the Seven Killers. If it was just a guess before, then it can already be the final conclusion. Although the four major quasi-god realms are strong in the field, then One is confident and invincible in the world, sweeping the same level, but only Meng Fan can really do this!

You are invincible, but there is no... . Meet me!

This is what Meng Fan has always said before, and has been doing it all the time. Now, in front of the three strongest people from ancient times and today, he fully demonstrates it and suppresses the ancient killing **** in the restricted area with his own method. ,

In this battle between ancient and modern methods, there is no doubt that Meng Fan has already won a real victory. Even if the ancients killed the gods and broke the army in front of him, he was not Meng Fan's opponent!


In the other part of the sky, the empress uttered a word. At the moment when the seven kills lost her mind, the empress also stepped on her body. She stepped forward, and the whole person volleyed over. At the same time, she traversed the sky and land with one blow, and fell on the seven kills on.

If it is normal, the Seven Kills and the Empress are definitely not the same, and even the Seven Kills has not yet brought out the strongest ancient method, but unfortunately the defeat of the army has affected him too much, causing his mind to have a brief separation. Therefore, under the attack of the Empress, it turned out to be a neutral position. Even if he reacted quickly, it was difficult to resist.


The speed of the seven kills was extremely fast, avoiding the death blow of the female emperor, but the jade hand slapped and turned into the ultimate beheading, directly falling on the shoulders of the seven kills.

Even if it was flashed by the seven kills, the entire shoulders suddenly exploded, half of the body was almost shattered by the female emperor, blood flowed out and sprayed all over the ground.

I have to say that for many years, the female emperor is still like this, unrivaled and unparalleled!

Witnessing this scene in person, Gu Xin'er behind Meng Fan could not help but almost jumped up in excitement. The previous battle was a complicated and confusing situation. Both sides were under great pressure and fell into the ultimate killing.

However, after a short while, the army was defeated like a mountain. Under this circumstance, Meng Fan and the Empress already had an absolute advantage.

"Kill them!"

Meng Fan strode out and said coldly.

Although these are only the two reincarnations of the Seven Kills and the Broken Army, the soul of the latter is immortal and can be reborn, but it is undoubtedly necessary to find a suitable host again once the body is dead.

This kind of thing is definitely not that easy to do, otherwise it would not be so difficult to resurrect in the eternal time.

Even if it could not be completely wiped out, it helped Wanyu to delay the attack of the restricted area in a disguised form. This is what Meng Fan would naturally do, so he cut off without any hesitation between the actions.

The same is true of the female emperor, the two figures turned into meteors, killing intent, and directly suppressing them.

Yiyin slapped, as if covering the entire sky under Meng Fan's big hand, just between this movement was a kind of domineering that looked at the world, and did not give the broken army's body any chance.

To give mercy to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself, but Meng Fan's ten-year-old has already remembered this sentence!

Between the palm prints, everything is suppressed. Under this kind of handprint like a tide, there is no chance at all for breaking the army, but it is firmly enveloped in it.

Undoubtedly, breaking the army before was already a serious injury, and it was impossible to fight against Meng Fan at this moment. However, at the moment when the palm of his hand was about to grab the body of the breaking army, a piece of jade that had been on the belt of the army suddenly flashed for a moment. After that, a terrifying and unmatched power came from this jade pendant.


Meng Fan fell with a big hand and hit this power. The power in this jade pendant was unparalleled, and a thought flowed out of it. Even if there was no strong person, the vitality of this thought was a vital resistance. When Meng Fan stayed in a blow, he was shocked in midair.

Yep? !

Touched in his heart, Meng Fan's movements did not stop, he strode out again, a seal struck, and once again collided with the thoughts in the jade pendant.

With such an impact, the void collapsed. Although this thought was extremely domineering, it was only a thought after all. There was a limit. It was only a supreme power who integrated his own power into this jade pendant and stayed.

Although he is extremely domineering, I can feel that this master must be a supreme power, but under Meng Fan’s second seal, this idea has been wiped out by more than half, and suddenly shattered, while the last remaining half remain. Surrounded by the broken army, facing the mid-air Meng Fan burst out a strong murderous intent.

"you wanna die!"

The thought flashed, just three words were spit out, spread all over the world, shaking the ground, could not help but make Meng Fan's heart jump, his body stopped, standing in the midair, looking at this thought indifferently, said in a deep voice,

"who are you!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, this thought was silent for a while, and after a few breaths, the voice also slowly fell, with only a few words.

"My name... Too white!"


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