Supreme God King

Chapter 1429: My battle

My name is Taibai!

These four words spread all over the world, resounding in this space, and immediately silenced Meng Fan. Needless to say, the meaning of these two words was already there.

For those who have just made their debut in Ten Thousand Realms and have recently cultivated, this is indeed just a name, but for any gods who have survived the ancients, it is definitely... . A nightmare existence.

The top four killers in the restricted area, Taibai!

This name is a dumbfounding for all those gods, like a nightmare, if a strong person who has experienced that kind of era is even enough to faint.

As long as you close your eyes, you seem to be able to see a figure, coming from ancient times, fighting the world, laughing in the blood of billions of creatures.

An existence comparable to the **** king, the supreme killer **** in the ancient forbidden zone turned out to appear in front of Meng Fan, and he could feel that although it was not the true body of the other party coming, the latter should have been awakened and possessed Consciousness is coming to see here through this thought.

Facing Taibai, I am afraid that being as powerful as Qin Mieren's level of existence, he also needs to tremble!

Standing between the same place, Meng Fan's expression moved and slowly said,

"Oh, my name... Meng Fan!"

The two words were uttered, and it was also extremely calm, as if they were talking to a junior of the same era, and the entire field was plunged into a dead silence.

The appearance of Taibai would inevitably stain the world with blood, and the extreme existence in the forbidden area, but the more in this kind of situation, the more it made Meng Fan extremely calm and fearless.


Between the void, the remaining divine mind moved, and finally a cold laughter came out. This sound was extremely slight, but it fell into the ears of Meng Fan and the Empress and it made them feel quite uncomfortable. It felt like the other party was knocking on the door of a ghost, and he could take his own life at any time.

"It's interesting. I heard your name before. This should be... the second time. You are still the first time I talked to me after I woke up!"

The faint voice fell, and across the endless void, it made Meng Fan seem to be able to see a figure watching here. That kind of figure was so mysterious that it seemed impossible to see what it was. It was completely hidden. In a strange world, but being stared at by him was to make all the hairs on Meng Fan's body explode at this moment, and a chill appeared from the soles of his feet.

Not only Meng Fan, but also the Empress and Gu Xin'er behind him. Among the powerful and unmatched power of the latter, even if the real body has not come, one thought is enough. Meng Fan's level of power is also extremely trembling.

However, just for a moment, Meng Fan’s own martial arts show made his heart extremely calm, and said indifferently,

"Really, then maybe in the future, you will hear my voice more!"

Undoubtedly, conquering the world in the restricted area will inevitably bloodbath the world, especially those who belong to Meng Fan and those around him will naturally be taken care of by the restricted area.

Since it was already an enemy, for Meng Fan, no matter who it was, it was the same.

I am kind, but slaughter the common people!

If people move my hands, I will kill them!

Since it is impossible to hide, there is no trace of other thoughts in Meng Fan's heart. He calmly looked at Taibai, the whole person is truly fearless, as if the person in front of him is an ordinary forbidden zone cultivator.

" are really confident, little guy, but do you think your strength can be presumptuous in front of me? I should be about to wake up completely, when I will trust who is behind you, here In the world, it won’t be too difficult for me to take your life!"

Across the endless void, there was no figure in sight, but there was a gloomy laughter falling, spreading between the world and the world, targeting Meng Fan with the ultimate murderous intent.

The threat from Taibai, I have to say that this kind of treatment is extremely rare, although it is not a good sign, but in the ancient times, the top powerhouse of Taibai was too terrifying; fighting the world, among the ten thousand domains killed The gods are even uncountable.

And letting him remember his name is a nightmare in itself, in disguise... It is also an honor!

Hearing Taibai's words, Meng Fan couldn't say anything with a smile, and immediately stepped out in the next moment, his figure directly shifted the space, a palm shot out, and he went straight to Taibai's thoughts.

The previous two attacks have consumed too many white minds to help break the army. Under Meng Fan’s full blow, it is naturally even more impossible. No matter the break army wants to struggle, everything in the world is lost by Meng Fan. Where it is completely sealed, the latter is alone in the sky, with the palm of his hand falling, traversing everything, completely enveloping his remaining body and soul, fusion of power, like a huge furnace, refining it... life!


The roar of the army broke out, full of endless unwillingness, loss, anger, etc. For him, the loss of a reincarnation is also an extremely unbearable thing, and he still died in the hands of Meng Fan. Kind of way.

And in the faintness, Meng Fan did not deliberately completely destroy Taibai's thoughts, but stayed in this space between heaven and earth, letting him look at this place with such a pair of eyes, and he completely destroyed the reincarnation of the army. Obliterated, turned into invisible, and completely vanished in this world.

An ancient killing god, completely dead, and... . Refining in public!

The brutality of these methods and the violent behavior were enough to cause a sensation in the world, not only Meng Fan was able to kill the broken army in the same realm, but the latter chose to kill in the face of Taibai.

Such a behavior is not a declaration of war, it is already countless times more terrifying than declaring war, it is like countless big mouths slamming on Taibai's face.

In the void, there is no longer any sound from that remnant thought, but it can be felt in the faint, the figure after this thought must be... a terrible rage!

"We... will meet sooner or later, you should remember what I said!"

After a few full breaths, that thought was the words again, extremely cold.

Meng Fan smiled slightly and said calmly.

"Tell me that there are too many people of this kind of flower. You have to line up. If you want to kill me, you will come. I am waiting for you. And if you can't kill me, remember one day... I must be Meng Fan. Flatten your restricted area, destroy all you have, cut your soul, shatter your body, after the world, there will be no more restricted area!"

When a few words fell, they were unrivaled and spread all over the world. In this tone, there was a sense of arrogance that belonged to Meng Fan. It doesn't matter who someone else scolds him, it doesn't matter if he is For Meng Fan, this is his real path. He has paid too much, too much, just for... the two figures who will always close their eyes.

Both of those two died because of the restricted area, so the blood debt will only be paid by blood. What about the supreme killer, you don't find me... . I will look for you!

As Meng Fan’s voice spread throughout the world, the meaning of that kind of vibration including the Empress, the Seven Kills and others could not help but trembled, as if the whole world could feel Meng Fan’s thought at this moment, and it was tit-for-tat against Taibai. , But there is no retreat posture.

After a while, under Taibai's gaze again, Meng Fan walked over and went straight to... . Seven kills!

Obviously, although the two killers in this restricted area cannot be completely killed, they definitely cannot keep him alive. When his body moved, Meng Fan's big hand blasted out again, and the female emperor also suppressed the space, and went straight to the seven kills. , Completely imprisoned it in this square world, and the force of obliteration suddenly attacked.


In the same place, the divine mind that belonged to Taibai suddenly collapsed after a while. He already knew the result, so naturally he would not stay in place anymore. He saw that the Seven Kills were also killed by Meng Fan, and he blew himself up. This idea.

And the result of the battle in the void was also doomed. The seven kills were wounded, and even facing the crushing of Meng Fan and the empress, after half a stick of incense, they had already made the seven kills completely. Shattered, like breaking an army, Meng Fan's soul and body were wiped out in this world, completely.... . dissipate!

The battle in the entire field was only half an hour, but it had already damaged the two ancient killing gods in the restricted area. Such a scene was not unbelievable.

Once it spreads out, it will cause an uproar in the entire ten thousand domain.

It's not that Pojun and Seven Kills are not fierce enough, but that they are not in their most peak state now, and they are not even one-tenth, but they have just found their host and reincarnated.

In this case, there is not much accuracy at all, but I have encountered two enchanting generals Meng Fan and the Empress. I have to say that all this can only be regarded as a seven kill and a bad luck!

Even if you encounter two ordinary quasi-god realm powerhouses, it is just a matter of giving them hard work, and it is bound to be a big victory, but it happens to encounter Meng Fan, who has a few people in the entire ten thousand realm. The almanac when you go out can be... . Absolutely wrong!

"He is extraordinary!"

Standing in the sky, the Empress's eyes fell on Meng Fan, and she uttered a few words. Although it was still cold, but if you listened carefully, you could feel the worry in the Empress.

There is no doubt that Taibai's powerful breath is enough to make any strong person feel terrified, and being hated by this kind of person is undoubtedly enough to make people sleep and eat.

However, standing still, Meng Fan smiled slightly, looking at the ancestor and Gu Xin'er, and said calmly,

"Relax, I will be... even more extraordinary!"

After a few words fell, a calm smile appeared on Meng Fan's face at the same time, but it was filled with infinite confidence. Since he had already embarked on this path, there was no backlash.

Even if the opponent is as high as a mountain, no matter how bad it is for Meng Fan, it is not as bad as when he was in Wuzhen and there was nothing.

Destiny is in your hands, and you are. . . . . The only person to change the destiny, people block murder, **** block...kill god!


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