Supreme God King

Chapter 1430: Cave Secret

Rest assured, I will be even more extraordinary!

Looking at the familiar smile on Meng Fan's face, this kind of words fell, and the Empress and Gu Xin'er could not help but laugh softly at the same time, which was extremely gorgeous, and there was a strange look in the eyes of the two beauties.

They all knew Meng Fan when Meng Fan was at his most desolate and humble. Naturally, they understood that the latter had always been like this, and it is still the same now.

No matter where Meng Fan is, whoever he faces, it seems that there will never be a strong existence in his eyes, as if Meng Fan himself is always a big man, the second child, and his third child.

However, while Meng Fan's self-confidence, he paid an unimaginable perseverance, so that he was able to overcome difficulties every time.

This kind of smile and the aura of facing everything calmly is the sign of Meng Fan, and it also makes the empress and Gu Xin'er feel familiar at the same time, and there is a warmth between their hearts.

It seems that following Meng Fan has a natural sense of security, even if he is as strong as a female emperor, he has to admit that Meng Fan has the right to be proud.

"Hmph, what kind of cowhide, let's step into this cave first!"

After a while, the empress put away the look in her eyes and said coldly.

When he said that, Meng Fan's expression could not help but moved. When he looked at it, he found a cave not far away, which was extremely dark and filled with a mysterious atmosphere.

There is no need to remind the female emperor, Meng Fan also knows that he must step into it. The Seven Kills and the Breaking Army were here before. Even if Meng Fan is a fool, he understands that the two supreme killers in this restricted area will definitely not be so easy. Just come here, and there must be something in it.

It is possible to make the two murder gods in the restricted area a hidden place, even Meng Fan has a kind of curiosity in his heart, stepping out, and the female emperor, Gu Xin'er three directly into the cave.

Forbidden zone, endless land!

Shrouded in this darkness, there are four palaces, suspended in this strange space, revealing endless darkness and mystery.

But at the next moment, there was a sudden shock in two of the palaces. If there is a strong one, it must be able to sense it. In the two palaces, there is a bursting noise. Two horrible howls fell and disappeared immediately. The disappearance without a trace, reveals an extraordinary sternness.

After a few breaths, a voice came from the other palace.

"Boss, what are you going to do, these two guys didn't merge themselves, and they still..."

"Needless to say, I have seen all this and heard what he said to me!"

A few words were coldly spit out from the palace headed by them, and the voice was stern and stern, spreading all around, giving people a creepy taste.

There is no doubt that the voice alone is enough to make any sacred heart tremble, as if the person in it may set off a shocking method at any time to kill everything.

In the silent space, after he finished speaking, everything suddenly calmed down, even if the person who had spoken before did not dare to say one more word.

I don't know how long it has passed, as if the whole world is about to reach the end of the world, and finally the voice of anger from before came out again, the tone has become calm, but it is... . Murderous Ling Ran.

"Don't worry, I have my own way. These two guys are hurting themselves now. They must have affected our plans. It takes too long to find a suitable host. It is not suitable at all, and now there is only one. There is a solution. Didn't we catch the gods, just use a few of them to perform the operation, otherwise it will be useless to shut down, those old bones... should come in handy!"

The sound fell and merged into the space, as if it hadn't been said before, and it made the whole space extremely quiet... . However, the meaning contained in that kind of words can be called stormy seas!

Quiet forbidden zone!

The seven forbidden areas are their own different spaces, and the quiet character headed by them is even more extraordinary. Among the countless empty worlds, thousands of miles are barren.

And in one place in this endless space, there is a strange mountain, where there is no vitality at all, it looks like hell, that kind of black death is full.

If it is an ordinary secluded restricted area, there may be some figures, but in this place, it is completely different from other places. There is no place at all, and there is no figure. It is completely complete. of…. Jedi!

And if you are in the Forbidden Area of ​​Youzi, you will definitely not dare to approach this place, even the Royal Family of Youzi is like this. You can avoid this place far, because the more you understand this place, the more terrifying. .

Rumor has it that this is an extremely important place in the entire Forbidden Area, known as the first prison in the Forbidden Area. The people in it... They are the most terrifying characters, but anyone who is reluctant to kill the Royal Family of You, or has a great use in the future, will inevitably be locked in here.

Therefore, the defenses in this world are extremely strict, with sacred ancient guardianship. Anyone who dares to approach this space will be completely beheaded by it. No matter who it is, it is impossible to step into this place without order.

And in the two spaces in the deepest part of the prison, densely packed, you can see two figures in them, not humans, but two... Warcraft is a bird, a turtle!

These two demon beasts were completely sealed, and a powerful yoke between them was nailed to the bodies of these two demon beasts, and they were constantly immersed in the black death spirit, causing the two to experience unprecedented torture. This kind of black death not only suppresses the vitality fluctuations in the two of them, but also puts them in a dilemma of life and death, and will endure endless pain every day.

After a few breaths, a hoarse voice in the void slowly fell, expressing a sense of pride,

"The two sacreds around the former Kaitian God King, Venerable Bird and Venerable Turtle are so extraordinary. I can't imagine that they have fallen to this point after the ancient Tribulation. It is really sighing. I thought you could create something The wind and waves,"

The tone was sharp, with a sense of sarcasm, and it could be seen that the speaker was an old man who was suppressed in this prison, with unpredictable aura and a gray robe, his own strength has already reached... The point of the sacred second realm!

Hearing the old man’s ridicule, after a few breaths, a hoarse voice was also uttered with difficulty.

"Old Piff, sooner or later, your sparrow will kill you... I will give you... to... stew!"

"Master Turtle... Yeah, give me... Kneel down..."

The two voices fell, and it was extremely laborious. There is no doubt that at this moment, on the body of a bird and a turtle, there is endless pain. The black death air continuously refines the two people, crushes them, and continuously swallows them. , Resulting in the two people being unable to extricate themselves, it is extremely difficult to even say a few words.

If it is an ordinary person, this moment must be silent, but for this bird, it is forcibly holding back the injury, speaking with a kind of great perseverance, and does not want to let the words go down. Said that this indeed requires an unimaginable spirit.


Seeing that the two still had the strength to taunt themselves, they immediately made the guardian yell, coldly,

"You two old men are already two useless people. It is really pitiful to have so many words... Hmph, if you want to kill the old man, you will never have this chance, and sooner or later you will see The domains are all falling into our forbidden zone. I really don’t understand what you two are still holding on here. For you, there is no hope. It is better to surrender obediently!"

The last few words fell, and the tone of voice was extremely harsh, making the whole world tremble, and it was a kind of irony for this bird and a turtle. The two wanted to open their mouths, but the old man just flicked. That kind of erosion power is even more intense, and endless pain hits, making this bird die alive, without any chance to speak!

And while suffering from this kind of pain, it made this bird's eyes flash, but he heard the old man's two words, which is.... . hope!

I don’t know how much time has passed, the two finally slowed down, muttering to themselves in a voice that the guardian of the restricted area could not hear.

"I don't know what was left for him... Will he find..."

"Relax, that guy is very clever... It must be possible, Meng Fan... Come on..."

Chaos basin, cave!

After the decision had been made, the three of Meng Fan and the Empress did not hesitate. They stepped into this ancient cave and walked along the way. Except for the smell of blood, the others did not hesitate. There is no special place.

However, after walking for a while, after Meng Fan and the Empress came to the most core place of the cave, their expressions suddenly solidified the master, staring at this place, and there was an unbelievable feeling in their hearts.

As far as I could see, there was an ancient hall in front of me. It was engraved under the underground palace. I don't know how many runes were painted on the surrounding caves. It was extremely ancient and mysterious.

In the center of this hall, there are rows of skeletons. There are dozens of skeletons. If they are just these ordinary skeletons, then there is nothing, but the breath of Meng Fan and the three of them feels. After reaching this piece of skeleton body, they all looked petrified, and finally understood why these seven kills and greedy wolves were here.

Because there are dozens of skeletons in this row, all of them are... The sacred realm, now placed here, used to be the supreme powerhouse between heaven and earth. All the bodies are a little broken, some are preserved intact, and each of them is the remains of the sacred remains, so this place deserves it. Is called... . Land of Gods Fall!


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