Supreme God King

Chapter 1436: Hit the field

After Meng Fan's order, the Empress and others naturally left quickly, but as they disappeared, Meng Fan looked back and felt a kind of instinctive jealousy towards the depths of the hag forest. This comes from the instinct that Meng Fan has honed through many years of life and death.

There is no doubt that it is precisely because there seems to be something in the depths of this hag forest, and even makes Meng Fan feel that the same eyes are staring at him all the time, that makes Meng Fan have this kind of reaction and does not want to step on it again. Into it. A dangerous place in the chaotic valley can have countless ancient legends.

If that kind of powerful aura spreads out, as if it has the dominance of opening up and destroying everything, once Meng Fan dared to step into it, it must be torn apart.

Being able to possess a powerful aura that makes Meng Fan like this must be. . . . The divine powerhouse is definitely not just a statue. Eternal time has passed, and there have been countless experiences here, but no one can set foot here completely. In this hag forest, it can be said that there is a large resource in the chaotic watershed, but this land is. . . . Ghostly.

According to the vague information Ling Dai gave to Meng Fan, this hag forest involved the earth-shattering battle in this chaotic watershed that year. It seemed that there was an ancient confrontation between the supreme power and the current emperor, and finally lost. People are hidden in it, but after too long, the legend is not too clear.

What a group of people who were in ancient confrontation with the current emperor clan, they were hiding in this dangerous place. I have to say that no matter who heard it, there was a sense of fear.

"Hey, I won't see you today, but I'll be a neighbor in the future... Xiaoye will visit again tomorrow!"

Looking at it, a smile appeared on Meng Fan's small face, shook his head, and immediately turned and left.

Silent all the way, the speed of Meng Fan, the Empress and others was naturally extraordinary. In two days, moving the space, they had directly returned to the base camp of the dark alliance.

The sea is surging and the tide is constantly rising, wave after wave against the deserted island before. But now it’s not appropriate to describe it as a desert island. At a glance, Zhou Tian is imprisoned, and the vitality is lined up. Among them, you can see the waves of people. Rows of black-clothed men seal the main roads and flood With an amazing breath.

The Middle Ages Dark Alliance!

In just a few months, with the help of Ling Daiyou, Lin Tang, a kind of capable person who once created a powerful force, it can be described as wind and water, making this place different from before, not just a desert island. In one place here, with the full help of Lin Tang and others, the entire island surrounding thousands of miles of heaven and earth are planned in the dark alliance territory, and now there are a large number of people coming and going, all of them are countless ruthless people in this chaotic valley. After hearing the wind, there are mercenaries, monsters, merchants, killers, etc., which is absolutely unimaginable. Not long ago, Meng Fan was alone on the entire island, plus. . . . Three ducks.

"I went home!"

Meng Fan chuckled, strode out, and the Empress and the others directly walked towards the core of the Middle Ancient Region.

Those who were able to come here were all the old men of the dark alliance, and naturally there was no obstruction along the way, but just a moment later, Meng Fan's brows wrinkled, and he instinctively felt an atmosphere of murder.

Sure enough, after walking into the hall just forged by this dark alliance, I saw that many of them were gathered, including King Yan, King Ling, Ling Daiyou, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Lonely Proud, Lin Tang. . . . . The core figures in the many dark alliances are all in this hall, and the brows of this group of people are frowned, and there is a hint of evil spirit in the faint.

"Brother Meng Fan, you are back!"

After Meng Fan stepped in, a group of people suddenly stood up, with a hint of joy on his face.


Meng Fan nodded, his eyes swept across the crowd, and said calmly.

"What's wrong? Tell me!"

Hearing what Meng Fan said, the people in the field had a meal, and in the next moment Ling Dai said calmly.

"Let me talk about it. I have already said that there are three major forces in this chaotic river basin. Our rise is too fast and it has attracted their reaction. If before this day, Lin Tang and the lonely heart At that time, there was a conflict with them, and they gave us a dead post!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan's brows were raised and he listened carefully.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan finally understood what happened when he was away.

The chaotic river basin has always been as its name, extremely chaotic, standing on top of each other, the most dangerous is the dangerous place Meng Fan has visited before, and so far few people can survive in it.

However, there are still three most powerful groups of people in this chaotic valley. They are the three major forces, called Kuangmen, Sun Moon Sect, and Mountain River Valley!

For thousands of years, if someone can most hopefully unify the entire chaotic basin, then it must belong to these three forces, but it is because the previous three forces have been entangled and hostile with each other, which has caused inflammation. Wang, the existence of the mountain ghost.

But after Meng Fan arrived, he was unique, swept one side, and aroused the vigilance of these three forces. I have to say that the reputation of the four words White-haired Shura is still quite big, especially after Meng Fan, after the big trouble in the capital, even if there are many strong people in the entire Middle Ancient Region, there are many emperors, but they are all. Knowing the power of Meng Fan, he is known for his domineering and romantic world.

And the latter has now come to this chaotic basin. The actions of Lin Tang and others were also quite strong before. The continuous integration of the surrounding forces made the three major forces of Kuangmen feel a crisis, so just a day ago, Lin Tang and Gu Xinao were integrating an island when they saw the elders of the three major forces coming.

There was only one confrontation between the two sides, but Lin Tang and Gu Xinao were not his opponents. The two elders of Kuangmen and Sun Moon Sect were dispatched, both of whom had reached the level of quasi-god cultivation. He Gu Xinao had just reached the Profound Origin Realm now, and there was no hope that they would be their opponent, just a palm, and he was injured.

But fortunately, King Yan and the others came and repelled the opponent, but it only caused a draw. Before leaving, the elder of the Kuangmen gave a post to King Yan, which was a dead post in the hands of Meng Fan. .

Opening it, Meng Fan's gaze swept over, and he saw the few words left on it, which contained an extremely profound mind.

After seven days, do not roll. . . . . Tu you full!

The words were powerful, and the vague thoughts spread, even Meng Fan's eyes felt a hot. There is no doubt that the person who left this post must be a strong man, and yes. . . . It was only when it reached the point of the Divine Origin Realm.

"According to our intelligence, there was indeed an older generation of strong awakened in the crazy door before, with amazing fluctuations, it should be a sacred one!"

Aside, Ling Dai said slowly.

"Furthermore, Sun Moon Sect, Mountain River Valley can stand against it for such a long time. If there is no strong person of the sacred level, even if it has already been slaughtered, it can be concluded that among the other two forces, it is also Has a sacred existence!"

The tone was calm, but after falling into the ears of everyone, it made the atmosphere in the field condensed.

You must know how dark alliances have existed for many years, but they are extremely united, especially with such masters as Yun Feiyang and Yan Wang, like Lin Tang, lonely arrogant and other strong players are injured, even if Meng Fan is not there. This group of people must also smash their corpses and kill them completely.

However, according to intelligence, the other party may have three sacreds, so all this is not easy to handle. One carelessness may bring a huge disaster to the newly emerging dark alliance.

In the main hall, everyone was silent, while standing still, Meng Fan grinned, glanced at Lin Tang, hammered his fist and Gu Xin’s chest hard, and smiled.

"You two guys are all right!"

"Relax, Brother Meng Fan, who is as strong as a cow!"

Lin Tang smiled, but what kind of eyesight is Meng Fan, a strong person, and he can naturally see the injuries in Lin Tang and Gu Xinao at a glance. Although it has been a day, both of them have already suffered. Cai Dibao's recuperation, each suppressed his injuries, but there was still siltation in his body, and it would take several days again.

Looking around, Meng Fan smiled.

"Everyone, what else are you looking at, let's go!"

With a word, everyone's expressions were stunned. After a while, Yun Feiyang said in surprise.

"What are you going to do?"

"Of course it is... I'm taking you to hit the place!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly, his palms pressed hard, his vitality burned, and the dead post that belonged to the three major forces of Mad Men gave him quickly burned and turned into a mass of ashes.

"People move my hands and I want life. This is our brother's principle. Have you forgotten? Since he wants to slaughter us, then I will go over the door... Let him slaughter!"

The tone was calm, but it fell into the ears of everyone in the hall, but it made this group of people excited. You must know that they are definitely not the first day to know Meng Fan. In the past countless years, Meng Fanke has been like this. Take them as a group to fight the world.

Ever, when, and when have you ever been afraid.

From the Dagan Empire to the Sifang Territory, and from the Sifang Territory to the Divine Emperor Territory, now it has come to the center of this ten thousand realm. It belongs to Meng Fan’s original intention, but there is no one. Between you and me, there is a brother, Brothers for life.

Since people touched my brother, the only one I can repay. . . . . One kill!

After a while, blood erupted in the hall. Although they were standing in place, the roar of a tiger was already resounding through the sky, shaking the void, like countless thunders falling at the same time.

"Let him slaughter!"

There is something in life. I will fight for a few days to explode and supply everyone. I am sorry here.


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