Supreme God King

Chapter 1437: Let you slaughter

Chaos basin, endless sea!

The level of chaos in this world is unimaginable. The sea is born, but after a great war, it may stain a sea area. However, some places are extremely lively, and few people dare to make trouble, because it belongs to the sea area of ​​the three major forces. And among this sea area, it is one of the three major forces in this chaotic watershed. . . . Crazy!

The latter dared to call this name here, naturally, he possessed such general confidence, and it was no accident.

In thousands of years of time, even if this is a chaotic basin, I don't know how many ruthless people have been born, but they can't shake the position of Madmen here. It is conceivable that the latter's strength is so great.

Therefore, on this huge island, the guards of the wild gate surrounding here are not so harsh. At a glance, they are on the huge gate of the wild gate. There are tens of thousands of people in silver armor. The strength is good. , But a lazy breath spreads around.

"Hey, the girl last night was really nice!"

"Why, your kid is lucky, but don't let the above know about that. We are most afraid of us using the name of the madman to suppress others!"

"It's okay, a little girl, how dare to talk, anyone else dares to talk too much!"

Between the guards, there was a burst of whispering, and from time to time there were a few jokes of laughter. Being able to run wild in thousands of years of time, it is already that all the madmen have a sense of jealousy, the entire chaotic valley Except for the people of the Sun Moon Sect and the Mountain River Valley who are somewhat jealous, other people don’t pay attention to it at all, especially in this chaotic place. Burning, killing, looting, and bullying will naturally happen every day. The least unusual.

However, when the guards above the many city gates were discussing which place to sack tonight, everyone's heart suddenly shocked, because at this moment the sky seemed to be completely dimmed, and all the sunlight was blocked. Asking everyone to raise their eyes and look towards the sky, only to find that it is not cloudy, but the whole sky is already. . . . Covered by a group of people.

At first glance, the black was pressed down, tens of thousands, like locusts, overwhelming the sky, most of them were dressed in black armor and did not say a word, but that kind of murderous air shook the entire sky.

Especially between every figure in it, there is a kind of infinite sharpness, like hungry wolves, coming in groups in rows, approaching the base camp of this crazy door.

Not saying a word is already murderous!

More than a hundred thousand people came here, and they were all powerful. How powerful is this kind of breath. Before everyone had too many opportunities to react, I felt that the entire island seemed to be trembling. Even if there are tens of thousands of wild gate guards around it, it is at this moment in a loss of mind. Compared with this group of black-clothed people, they are judged high, and they are constantly retreating back. That kind of hungry wolf-like breath, under the sky, instinctively made a group of people tremble and sweat profusely.

"You are... who do you know what this is... the place!"

The leader of the madman said intermittently, spitting out a few words from his mouth with difficulty, sweating profusely, if it weren't for the strict regulations in this madman, he might have already run away at this moment.

Hearing this person's words, the many black-clothed men in this world were speechless, but they had already used their actions to tell everyone that they were here to find the crazy door! It is like a row of swords, sealing all the places in the whole world, the pressure of that kind of killing suppresses everything, immovable like a mountain!

And after a while, a slender figure walked out of this group of people in black, dressed in a black shirt, black hair dancing, and standing on the sky above the sky, after which everyone was speechless, waiting This person speaks.

The latter faced the madman, glanced around and said calmly,

"In the next dark alliance, Meng Fan... Leading the dark alliance is here, invited to come!"

The tone was calm, but at the moment it was spit out from his mouth, there was a stormy wave. It was the most terrifying sound wave, sweeping the world, even if the entire island is extremely huge, it is the core place of thousands of force madmen. , It was also at this moment that the heavens and the earth paled, and the earth trembled, like the same ancient monster swallowing mountains and rivers. That kind of tone made Zhou Tian turn around.

A word, shaking the world, Bahuang trembling!

Under this situation, it can be said that Meng Fan’s voice covers all the places in the entire Crazy Gate, and even the countless powerful forces around the Crazy Gate have their expressions moved, sensing the monstrous fluctuations here, and can’t help but look at them. Looked over.

In the chaotic valley, within thousands of years, there have been countless conquests among these three powers, but no one from other powers dared to make trouble like this, and this is the case including Sun Moon Sect and Mountain River Valley. Undoubtedly, this kind of action will inevitably set off a terrifying battle, endlessly dying.

When this sound fell, it could be said that a single stone stirred up a thousand waves, and countless strong people around it all rushed here, and it will inevitably cause greater impact. Everyone understands this move. But you can't be good at all, and Crazy Men will definitely find the scene.


It is indeed the supreme power located in this chaotic valley. Just after Meng Fan’s voice fell, one could see the five handprints appearing, and the billowing vitality fluctuations emerged. The world is completely stable.

At the same time, it can be seen that under everyone’s eyes, there are five elders who have come out with different clothes, but that kind of powerful and extreme qi and blood spread throughout the world, and they have reached the level of quasi gods. , And three of them have already stepped into the realm, followed by many top powerhouses among the madmen, emerging on this sky, confronting Meng Fan, Dark Alliance and others.

Just a moment, it is to freeze the entire week.

You must know that the two sides are definitely not weak, and that one of them has a good vitality cultivation base, and now the confrontation is so terrible.

Under this circumstance, there were more and more figures between the sky this week, and countless people's gazes came over with a hint of shock.

Undoubtedly, the latest dark alliance in this chaotic sea is finally unwilling to be lonely, and it collides with this old-fashioned force of madman, which is all the supreme force stepping on the top of the bones. The war will inevitably affect the entire chaotic sea area.

"People of the dark alliance, Meng Fan? Hey, come here to die?"

After a while, the five elders of the wild door stood on the sky, facing Meng Fan, one of them sneered, and the tone was full of ridicule.

When Meng Fan fell into Meng Fan’s ears, the latter was extremely indifferent. Instead, he nodded and said calmly.

"Indeed, this time we come up and down in the dark alliance to lead the death. Didn’t you all of the crazy sects have sent us dead posts before, and now I’m waiting here, and there is no one in the dark alliance. Come on, as to whether you can kill... it's up to you!"

The tone is mans and orderly, but the many dark alliance people behind Meng Fan are not so calm, among them, the Yan King, the Spirit King, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Lin Tang, Gu Xin Ao and others are headed, but all of them are They are all heroes who have risen from countless killings, even if they may be inferior to Meng Fan, but how many Meng Fans are in this world?

This group of people are all decisive and powerful mechanisms. After Meng Fan finished speaking, a wave of outrageous blood has already hit the sky.


It was just a word, just like the thunder of the eight wilderness, shocking the world, causing the surrounding sea to collapse crazily.

The brave wins when meeting on a narrow road!

Especially under the confrontation of this kind of supreme power, it is a duel between auras. Under the extremely domineering aura of the dark alliance, even if there are many crazy masters appearing at the same time, it also makes the whole The island trembled, and countless madmen disciples took a step back.

"Huh, what are you!"

In between this kind of breath, one of the madman old men changed their expressions and gave a low growl. However, before his words fell in the next moment, he saw a figure coming straight towards him.

In just a moment, he has come to the side of this old man. His body is slender and his face is like a scholar. Under the siege of this madman and millions of people alone, he is like nothing. When he raises his hand, a big mouth is drawn. Past.

Even if the person who speaks is a quasi-god-level powerhouse, it is difficult to exceed his speed. The moment he starts to defend himself, he feels the supreme power contained in the five fingers, breaking through everything, and being born. The defense between his body was completely blown away, and it fell directly on the face of the old man in the next moment!


In one blow, the old man was directly volleyed out. The previous words were still not finished. The teeth in his mouth were all broken, blood spurted out, and the figure was like a sandbag.

Standing alone, the speed, the strength, and the brutality of the shots are completely beyond the imagination of the people in the field. No one in the crazy door can think of it. Between this kind of confrontation, the crazy door is now in the base camp. There are millions of disciples appearing, countless masters are here, the other party dared to come to the center of this big formation alone and hurt its elders.

What courage is this, to take the first rank among a million troops!

"you dare!"

After a while, the other four quasi-god elders who followed were violent at the same time, their vitality exploded, like a mountain, and between the four voices, it was like four ancient monsters awakening, that kind of overwhelming anger toward the person who shot it Struck.

But what responded to him was a more domineering aura, standing alone, expressionless, despite the breath of the four quasi gods coming to him, his clothes did not move, just standing in place and speaking indifferently.

"Compared with me, you can't do it, the people behind you... can come out!"


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