Supreme God King

Chapter 1438: Siege

Can come out!

Between the last few words, Meng Fan did not move, but the powerful evil spirit had already struck. The breath was relative, Zhou Tian trembled, and after a while, you could see the four elders who had shot before Kuangmen spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time, their complexion flushed, and they burst back.

Just the moment of the collision, that is already the case!

Physically ascending to the gods and constantly fusing, today's Meng Fan is truly a flying dragon in the sky, even if it cannot be compared with the existence of the old monsters of the godless tribe, his own strength has reached an unpredictable level.

Between the same level, it was already defeated in just a moment, even if the four of them were strong men who had cultivated for a long time, it was difficult to resist Meng Fan's powerful edge.

After stepping back a few steps, the bodies of the four of them stood, and a look of terror flashed in their eyes. Even though Meng Fan was only a junior, the collision of their thoughts made the four of them seem to see the blood of the dead mountain. Like the sea, there is an endless evil spirit displayed in front of the four.

Such a method is already a battle against sacredness.

Although the four didn't want to admit it, they couldn't stop Meng Fan at this moment.


One of the quasi-god old men wanted to say more, but after Meng Fan glanced at it, all the words stopped and were swallowed alive.

Until now, Meng Fanke stood alone among these millions of madmen disciples, surrounded by madmen, but just like his own camp, the previous lightning shots had proved its powerful means.

The Dark Alliance can become the fourth force outside of the three major forces in this chaotic basin in just a few days, but it is definitely not a matter of talk. The name of Shura is not for nothing!

Even though Zhou and Tian are madmen, they find that even if there are many people, they are absolutely unsafe in front of Meng Fan. The latter dare to shoot among millions of people. If there is no strength to fight against him, who will attract? Its murderous intent, who will die!

This is the case for the supremely strong!

Looking at Meng Fan's actions, after that, many people from the dark alliance, Yun Feiyang, Lin Tang, Zhan Wuji and others all had a flash of heat in their eyes. For many years, the latter has always been like this, able to make so many **** men in the field believe in Meng Fan, and the latter has never let them down.

I am alone!

After a while, the world shook, and just as Meng Fan’s breath suppressed the madman’s millions, a cold laughter also slowly fell.

"Yes, yes, it's a hero who was born in a young age, and he deserves to be a person who can attract the attention of the entire Middle Ancient Region. The old man has seen it!"

The tone was sharp, and at the same time a figure walked out in the void, an old man with a black robe and white hair, with a dry body. And there were two other people who followed this old man, both of them were old monsters who had gone through a long time.

One of them is an old woman, dressed in a golden robe and holding a few jet-black beads, looks a little dying, while the other old man is sitting on a chair with a rich face, like a supreme king , Flashed at the same time.

The three of them came out, just for a moment to freeze Meng Fan's body.

With his spiritual sense, it was natural that he sensed a great crisis in a flash. This kind of crisis does not need to be spoken, as if a kind of chill was born from the soles of Meng Fan's feet to the top of his head.

Looking at each other, Meng Fan grinned and said calmly.

"If Zaixia didn't guess wrong, the three should be the madmen of this chaotic valley, the Sun Moon Sect, and the mountains and river valleys!"

With one word, the heroes move!

Countless gazes between the world and the earth looked at them, all with incomparable shock. I have to say that the supreme power behind these three forces is too famous, and the name has spread throughout the chaotic valley, and even The emperor were not willing to provoke.

Many people who have been in this chaotic valley for a century or even a thousand years have never seen these three people at all. They have only heard the legend of the master of these three powers. The true king who has existed for many years is the absolute killer in this chaotic valley. .

Over the years, the three of them had killed each other, but now they have appeared at the same time, appearing in this world, seemingly present. . . . For one person!

"Yes, Venerable Crazy Sword under the mad door!"

The old man who had spoken before smiled softly and looked at Meng Fan, but in his eyes, it seemed that there were stars bursting and murderous intent.

"Sun Moon Sect, poisonous woman!"

"Mountains, rivers and valleys, mountains and rivers are scattered!"

The three old voices fell, that one name can be said to represent a generation of legends that once stood between the heavens and the earth. There is no doubt that these three must be the three sacreds who have been alive until now. What strength they possess, but they are not. Clear.

Three holy!

Meng Fan's smile remained unchanged, and said calmly.

"Then it seems that the three have been waiting for a long time. They have been observing before, but now they appear, are they going to be killed?"

The tone is calm, just like a normal question, and it is no different from whether you have eaten, but anyone is holding their breath at this moment, feeling a great pressure, as if breathing is a bit difficult, after all, these are the three major The sacred appears, looking at the world, who dares not fear, who is qualified not to fear?

"Haha, refreshing!"

Confronting Meng Fan’s gaze, Venerable Mad Blade laughed and said calmly.

"Yes, the old man likes to talk to such a refreshing little guy like you. In that case, there is no need to hide. I and the three of you have already discussed before. You have a strong rise, but you have a big name before. , The old man has also heard that you actually defeated a sacred, not sacred, but possessed the power of the gods in the middle capital city, which is really evil.

I have to say that your little guy’s arrival in this chaotic valley made me and the other three panic a little bit, so I set up this killing game. I originally wanted to come and find you, but since you came, everything. It's all left, it's you today. . . . Should the old man be singled out against you, or the old man against you? "

When the last few words fell, it could be said that this week was cold. This kind of murder came from an ancient sacred mouth, which was enough to make this world frozen.

And everyone around him changed their expressions. The three of the Venerable Mad Saber in the field were all absolute killers of the past, and they had a reputation, but before they faced Meng Fan, a powerhouse in the Quasi-God Realm. , And its difference is a realm.

But obviously Venerable Mad Saber didn't intend to use an upright method, but instead planned. . . . Group fights to suppress one person with three.

"No choice?"

Meng Fan smiled slightly and said calmly.

"of course not!"

Venerable Mad Saber shook his head, a sense of self-confidence glowed on his old face

"I have waited for three people to practice for so long. In this chaotic valley, I have never wanted to kill one person at the same time. Since you are here, don't want to turn back!"

Before the last few words were uttered, Meng Fan didn't wait for any reaction. At the same time, the sky trembled this week. The poisonous woman and the old woman standing behind Venerable Mad Saber and Shanhegushanhe scattered people directly moved, palms stretched out, powerful vitality fluctuations It came out, sealed Zhou Tian, ​​and suppressed everything.

God level array!

In this world, only Meng Fan and the three sacreds are left, and no one else can get involved.


The jade hand slapped, among the dark alliance crowd, a slender figure had already come quickly, she was the empress, although she had been cold to Meng Fan before, but at this moment saw Meng Fan fall into this big formation. , Is to do it directly.

The undead flame burns, with the jade hand falling, this blow has a suppressive sacred dominance. Even in the quasi-god realm, the female emperor’s combat power is also extremely terrifying, but in the impact of this divine Dao formation, she was suddenly resisted by it. Out.

The female emperor's expression changed, and she shot again, the jade hand traversed the heaven and the earth, but this great sacred formation was extremely terrifying and completely sealed the heaven and the earth.

The runes flickered and the vitality surrounded, even if the Empress and others wanted to do it, there was no possibility at this moment.

Because Venerable Mad Saber is a powerful man who has already set foot in the divine way. This kind of existence deliberately sets up a large array. Then, when you shoot, it will imprison the world. Among them, surrounded by vitality, an absolute realm is formed, and Meng Fan and the three People are completely besieged and completely sealed off.

"Girl, don’t be useless. The big formation set up by the old man, even if the group of people outside of you are attacking, it takes a stick of incense to open it, not to mention there is still My crazy disciple is here, in order to deal with you, the old man has already made meticulous arrangements!"

Standing in it, Venerable Mad Saber grinned and said calmly,

"The time for a stick of incense... Maybe you can open it, but I believe it should be able to give Meng Fan the body!"

The tone was sharp, and at the same time the three sacred eyes of Venerable Mad Saber focused on Meng Fan's body, causing the Empress, King Yan and others to change their expressions. Now, none of them can forcibly open this god-level array, like this The old man said that they still need to deal with so many maddened disciples outside, a great battle, and it will be delayed for a long time. Among them, Meng Fan faces the three sacreds alone, and one of them has stages. The difference, not to mention it is now. . . . Three!


A few words were spit out from the female emperor's silver teeth, staring at Meng Fan, even if she was extremely concealed, there was a trace of worry in her eyes.

"Jie Jie!"

Venerable Mad Saber shook his head and said calmly,

"The old man is bullying the big with the big, bullying the small with more, what's wrong, tsk tsk... Girl doll, you are still too young, but you are the best. After this battle, the old man can train you and follow. Old man, you will understand that it is much better than this one with a dry smell!"

The tone contained a kind of full play and abuse. At the same time, the old women from the Sun and Moon Sect and the Sanhe Sanren also sneered at the same time, not just them, after witnessing this situation, It also drove the breath of everyone in the entire Crazy Men.

Everyone understands that the most important core of the entire dark alliance is Meng Fan, and now the three sacreds are aimed at Meng Fan. In their eyes, Meng Fan is absolutely bound to die. Where can I spend the time for a stick of incense? This kind of fighting method is not enough to make Meng Fan's soul fly away. When the time comes, the offensive of the dark alliance will be self-defeating, and it must fall into the hands of this crazy door and others.

Under this situation, the latter are all cut, especially there is a superb beauty like the Empress. If the Venerable Mad Saber gets tired of it, it will usually be distributed to the people below.

Thinking of this, the countless madmen disciples between the world and the earth laughed loudly, the aura broke out, besieged the world, and firmly sealed the entire Zhou Tian, ​​and did not give the dark alliance and others to move forward. Opportunity.

"Everyone listens to the order, temporarily block the miscellaneous fragments of the dark alliance. After the old man has solved them, I will let you share all the women in this dark alliance and kill their men!"

After a while, Venerable Mad Saber let out a low growl, his tone was like electricity, and finally his gaze fell on Meng Fan.

"Also, Lord Meng Fan, do you have any last words!"

Besieged in this great formation, Meng Fan was alone, facing the three sacreds, but at this moment he was expressionless, but smiled softly, showing a mouthful of white teeth, but with a kind of indifferent mechanism. Taste, calmly said,

"No, it's an old fox. It's really a good method. I have already thought of how to deal with me and how to crack the dark alliance. It is indeed as you think. If I die in the dark alliance first, then there is indeed a huge shake, but three How on earth did you determine that you will be able to kill me in this big formation?"


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