Supreme God King

Chapter 1442: Big win

Do you still use me to shoot!

Before Meng Fan uttered the last few words, the eyelids of Venerable Crazy Saber and Shanhe Sanren suddenly jumped. Before, all their attention was on how to break the defense and rescue the poisonous woman and old woman. I almost forgot that there is a group of people outside the current array, that is. . . . Dark Alliance!

Before they used this method to deal with Meng Fan and isolate the people of the dark alliance. They originally thought that less than half a stick of incense would be enough to kill Meng Fan and then decide the overall situation. But what I didn't expect was that not only was the time for a stick of incense passed, but the poisonous woman among the three of them was killed by Meng Fansheng.

Not only that, now the two sacred Masters of Mad Saber and Shanhe Sanren glanced at them, and they found that the disciple who belonged to the Madmen before had been slaughtered clean. There was black pressure between the world and the earth, but except for the people of the dark alliance, it was the corpse of the madman disciple, stained with blood.


Zhou Tian burst open, and at the same time that the tens of thousands of mothers and sons broke apart, the ancient **** array laid by the mountains and rivers and the three people of Venerable Mad Saber also shattered at this moment, and several figures walked in. A **** female emperor, Yan King, Spirit King, Ice King, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji and others.

Among them, this group of people has reached the level of quasi-god cultivation, and there are also a large number of disciples of the dark alliance. They have all arrived, and the suffocation is permeating the surroundings. Among them, the Venerable Mad Saber, the Sanhe Sanren are all Surrounded completely.

At this point, after just a stick of incense, the three major forces of Venerable Mad Saber meticulously broke the situation, but the result was the death of the poisonous woman and the old woman, and the entire mad gate was slaughtered up and down.

With the female emperor and Yan Wang as a group of people who can rival the sacred qualifications, it is naturally no problem to deal with their group of madmen disciples, especially under the leadership of Meng Fan, the dark alliance all went mad and violent. It is simply crushing, sweeping across the four directions, wherever everyone resists, there is only one word, death!

Even if there are millions of disciples in the entire Crazy Sect, they were destroyed by the Empress and others in a short period of time. The blood stained the surrounding area, and the corpses were everywhere, making the Venerable Crazy Blade simply lose his wife. Break down.

Looking at the female emperor, King Yan, King Ice and others who are still in their heyday, it can be said that they are all enemies between the sun and the sky. The complexion of Venerable Mad Saber is almost bleeding, and the teeth are about to be broken, but in the end there are only Spit out a word,


Even if they still have two sacreds left, the Empress, the Flame King, the Spirit King, the Ice King, and Yun Feiyang are all quasi-gods, and they have strong auras. Two of them even have the right to fight alone. .

Under this situation, it is the entire Dark League’s turn to fight more and less. Although there is a big gap in realm, the Dark League has close to ten quasi-gods, which is enough to make up for this, not to mention the mad knife. The two of them are not in their heyday, even though they are murderous in their hearts, they can only choose to leave.

"I want to go now, but it's not that easy!"

The female emperor sneered, and she stepped forward. She herself was a peerless ruthless person. She was already suffocated when she was shut outside by the ancient great formation. Facing the two divines at this moment, the female emperor was naturally chilly, and the jade hand shot out in an instant, crossing the heaven and the earth, the undead flame burned, and a seal rolled towards the two.

"Do it!"

King Yan and the others did not hesitate, and the entire strong who stepped into the quasi-god level in the dark alliance moved fiercely. Aiming at the Venerable Mad Saber among them, Shanhe Sanren immediately besieged.


The overwhelming vitality fluctuations swept through everything, flooding the whole world, completely covering the two places of Venerable Mad Saber.

Before the three of them besieged Meng Fan extremely quickly, if it weren’t for Meng Fan’s cards, he would have died, but now they face the same fate, under the siege of many quasi-god powerhouses such as the Yan King, the Spirit King, and the Empress. That kind of overbearing power completely sealed the place where they left. At first glance, it was the kind of vitality power that came across.

Not only did the Empress and others run rampantly, but also Xiaotian, Xiaodi, and Ten Thousand Mother Qi Ding were also killed at this moment.

The three great gods isolate the world and suppress everything. This powerful power makes the entire Zhou Tian tremble, and they are all murderous.

Everyone understands that Venerable Mad Blade and Sanhe Sanren in the field are both sacred existences. Once this existence is allowed to leave, it can be said to have endless troubles, so without Meng Fan’s instructions, everyone is between the world. Already all the cards at the bottom of the box were taken out instantly, swept the world and burst out.


Between this kind of murderous intent, I could not help letting the Venerable Mad Saber and Sanhe Sanren run away, and the two sacred powers fought against the sky. However, it is really difficult to bear so many dark alliance powerhouses at the same time, just between several breaths. It is to make the two of them retreat steadily, and the blood of the gods stains the sky.


Venerable Mad Saber roared and slashed open the world, trying to escape, but the body of the empress had also arrived, and the jade hand turned into a blast, and landed on her back.


The blood spurted out, as if Venerable Mad Saber was struck by lightning, the bones all over his body were broken. Yun Feiyang and the others were like a pack of wolves, attacking together, swept by the overwhelming vitality. Let a sacred bleed again, and completely disappear between the world and the earth.

At this point, all the ups and downs of the madmen were all beheaded, headed by Venerable Mad Saber, the previous bold words to let the dark alliance be slaughtered, but what was left was the general fate he said.

However, just as the Empress and others targeted the Venerable Mad Saber, the mountains and rivers scattered by the side gave a low roar, tearing apart the space forcefully, trying to escape. Even if the Empress and others reacted, the overwhelming power left, it was only to shatter the flesh of Shanhe Sanren, whose soul turned into an aurora and disappeared in this piece of heaven and earth.

After all, it is a sacred statue, just seizing a trace of fighter opportunities between this kind of siege, it is already impossible for everyone to capture.

Looking at its disappearing figure, the dark alliance group sighed, full of regret.

"Sorry, Meng Fan, many of us haven't kept that old guy..."

King Yan said helplessly.

Shaking his head, Meng Fan smiled.

"It doesn't matter, after all, he is a sacred and powerful person. It is enough for Venerable Mad Saber to die. The remaining physical body is destroyed. I can't think of anything in a hundred years. Even if he wants revenge, it will take another hundred years. , If there are another hundred years, I believe he will have no revenge!"

With a word, at the same time Meng Fan's eyes circled around, looking at the Empress and the others, and everyone in the entire field immediately understood what Meng Fan meant.

One hundred years!

Now the three major forces in this chaotic valley have been resolved by the dark alliance, and there are two remaining forces in the mountains, river valleys and the Sun Moon Sect. It is not at all fearful. It took only two months to reach the entire chaotic valley today. Zhong has completely fallen into the hands of Meng Fanshi.

With this as a foundation, a new powerful force will inevitably appear in the chaotic valley that has been incomparably chaotic for thousands of years. Like the Lord of Chaos, in addition to a dangerous place, the entire chaotic valley is already Without the strength to contend with the dark alliance and Meng Fan, the chaotic watershed will fall under the control of the dark alliance. What a resource and a force this is!

The Lord of Chaos back then started by controlling this place, continued to develop, and reached the point of the three sacred realms of the past, and summoned so many sacreds in one word.

For many years, no one has been able to achieve complete integration, but Meng Fan has truly achieved it now, and will be unified, ignoring everything.

In another hundred years, how far the entire dark alliance will reach, and now Meng Fan can already kill the sacred.

Under his command, the female emperor, Yan King, Spirit King, Yun Feiyang, Gu Xin'er, etc. all have the posture of becoming gods, and now possessing the resources of the entire chaotic basin will be even more effective, and it is impossible to imagine how far the future can reach.

At that time, even if Shanhe Sanren returned to its full prosperity, not to mention the dark alliance at that time, it is estimated that even running away will think that he has fewer legs.

"Willing to follow Big Brother Meng Fan to the death!"

On the side, Lin Tang roared and stared at Meng Fan, with only one oath he had ever made.

"Willing to follow Big Brother Meng Fan to the death!"

Around the world, all the people of the dark alliance also roared. This group of people has been following Meng Fan, too clear who the other party is and how it will be. Between the heaven and the earth, including Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, and even the Yan King, the Spirit King and others, their eyes flickered, and there was a firm belief in them.

Over the years, what Meng Fan has done is to let everyone prove that following the latter is absolutely not wrong.

The latter may not be a good power controller and cannot do everything, but he is definitely a good elder brother, a good brother.

The one who moved my brother, cut one finger, and slaughtered you all over the door, this sentence can be described as the most vivid and vivid interpretation of Meng Fan.

"it is good!"

Looking at the surroundings, Meng Fan also sighed and said slowly,

"Today I am waiting to control this chaotic watershed. From now on, in the chaotic watershed, all my secret alliances will be mine. Those who violate me will die!"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world!

This sentence made the entire world tens of thousands of meters reverberate continuously, and it fell into the ears of countless people in this chaotic river basin, which can be called thunder.

Among them are the forces that are idle in this chaotic valley, as well as a large number of people who followed Crazy Gate, Mountain River Valley, Sun Moon Sect in the past, but they all gather here. After hearing Meng Fan’s words, these general words are undoubtedly a Meng Fan caveat!

Today’s battle has completely changed this chaotic watershed. All previous rules have been reversed. From today onwards, there is only one supreme power, called the dark alliance, and there is only one co-lord between this land, that is. . . . . Meng Fan!


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