Supreme God King

Chapter 1443: Integration

A successful battle!

Under this madman base camp battle, although the process is extremely dangerous, it also made the entire dark alliance huge profits, because the three major forces of madman have disappeared, including the existence of the ancestor level, both of them have fallen and one is seriously injured. This is too shocking.

After the news came out, it was an uproar in the entire Middle Ancient Region.

Here, the emperor clan is a place to look at, but it is extremely complicated here, and there are many strong people, it is extremely difficult to unify them, and you need to bear great risks. But now Meng Fan did this step alive, beheading two sacred powerhouses and occupying this place.


Anyone who hears of this method will be completely disgusted. After the news of this dark alliance, many people just thought that the latter was a small mess, but in this situation, whether it is the temple Or maybe it was the twelve emperor clans, and the forces in the entire Middle Ancient Region, I'm afraid no one would dare to look down upon this new force.

In the chaotic watershed, the dark alliance is honored!

Whether it is the strong one who is willing or not, they can no longer fight against it. The latter must completely control the entire chaotic basin. The survivors can survive and the rebels. . . . Must die!

The war broke out, and one stone caused a thousand waves!

Whether it is the chaotic watershed or the entire Medieval domain, it has to be said that it is an extremely huge news. I don't know how many people's faces have solidified, and it is difficult to utter a word. And after this battle, Meng Fan and others were not polite, they were non-stop, led by the female emperor and others, and directly swept all over the place, wiped out the remaining mountains, rivers, valleys and the remnants of the Sun Moon Sect, and then took control. The entire chaotic basin.

After a full two months, with the Empress, King Yan and others set off, Ling Daiyou was in control behind the scenes, and this kind of cooperation was simply perfect.

The many forces in the huge chaotic river basin are not the surrender of the surrender, the annihilated are annihilated, the entire chaotic river basin, as Meng Fan said before, completely changed their surnames and belongs to Meng Fan!

The Middle Ages, the Central Capital!

In the most mysterious palace in the middle of the city, the surroundings are exquisitely placed, and you can see two men standing, one of which looks like a middle-aged man, majestic and terrifying. In front of him was a young man, like a sword that must be sharp, extremely sharp.

If Meng Fan was there, he would definitely be able to recognize it, because both of them could be regarded as his old acquaintances, one was the king of the Zhongtian Dynasty, Qin Mieren, and the other was Qin Hong.

There was a scroll in both hands. After a few breaths, Qin Mieren raised his head, sighed, and said calmly.

"It's worthy of Meng Fan, who really has the ability to shock the sky. No wonder the elders of the temple, Venerable Sparrow, and Venerable Turtle were doing their best to protect him before leaving. I didn't think I gave him anything. In such a short period of time, he actually had such a great summoning power, and risked his life and death to behead the old guys of Crazy Sword, let alone a junior, even my dynasty. The three elders among them may not be able to achieve his level, Meng Fan, Meng Fan, and he will certainly rise between the world in the future, how far will he reach!"

Two consecutive names were spit out from Qin Mieren's mouth. With his status and strength, one can imagine the status represented in his heart.

Standing in place, Qin Hong's expression also became dim, the corner of his mouth moved, and he wanted to open his mouth, and finally all the words were swallowed.

If it were the usual, Qin Hong would definitely be disdainful, even facing any junior of the same age in the world, no matter how good it is, in his eyes it is just a stepping stone for himself, once he touches himself, he will definitely be killed.

However, in the Battle of the Middle Ancient City, Qin Hong did indeed lose to Meng Fan. He was inferior to that kind of life and death. Although it was only a good one, it was simply unacceptable to their kind of supreme arrogance, which meant huge .

Sweep all enemies in the world, I am king in the era of dominance!

This sentence is not just what Meng Fan wants to do alone, as Qin Hong, a kind of no uploader from the Zhongtian Dynasty, will ask for it. Prince Zhongtian, a person who can be called by this name is not only a kind of glory, but also needs to withstand supreme pressure. In ancient times, even in the Zhongtian dynasty, few people dared to call him a prince.

Qin Hong's ability to reach today is definitely not just because of his blood, but the most important thing is his own efforts over the years and his overlord heart.

However, after the Battle of Zhongdu, all this caused Qin Hong to be extremely injured, and even his cultivation of heart had changed.

"Hong Er!"

Standing in place, Qin Mieren glanced at him and said calmly.

"I know that you failed last time, but do you know what happened to the Lord of the Open Heaven of the Central Heaven Dynasty?"


Hearing Qin Mieren’s words, Qin Hong’s eyes flashed and he said in a deep voice.

"The ancestors of the first generation of the dynasty were not the first arrogant of the times. They have been defeated countless times, but they have learned lessons from failures, and then continue to hone themselves and defeat again and again. Those who defeated him in the past have just reached the supreme realm, created a dynasty, and immortal!"

"Yes, since you have understood it, I don't need to say more for a long time. If you don't belong to the divine way, you can't see any gaps, but once you enter the divine way, it is the real experience for people like you!"

Qin Mieren said calmly,

"Between heaven and earth, the ultimate is a god, and you can see how difficult the three levels in this sacred realm are. Even if it is eternal time, if you don’t realize it, the realm will be impossible to move. I don’t know how many arrogances in ancient times are difficult. Among them, if you want to go further, including this seat, I am afraid that it is impossible for a lifetime. Only at that time will there be a huge watershed. I admit that Meng Fan is very powerful and very It’s extraordinary, but Hong Er, you also inherited the uninherited inheritance of my Zhongtian dynasty. You have unimaginable resources in the world. In the future, you will have obvious advantages. So a failure does not mean anything, the real future It’s just the beginning. The restricted area has struck, and the world has changed colors. I don’t know who will rise and fall in the future. Will it be you, Hong Er!"

After the two words fell, Qin Hong fell into silence. After a few breaths, the moment he opened his eyes, a sharp glow spread from his eyes, like a sharp sword.

"Yes, uncle, I promise you that the glory of the Zhongtian dynasty will be carried forward in my hands, without breaking or standing, Meng Fan, see you on the path of God!"

The words are powerful and full of supreme domineering.

This is the case with Qin Hong, the supreme arrogance of heaven. It was during this failure that after he realized himself, he turned it into countless motives. On the contrary, his own mind-cultivation was like a baptism. The future of Qin Hong will be even more terrifying.

In this world, we are never afraid of Tianjiao's appearance, but fear. . . . . A Tianjiao who works harder than everyone else!


Qin Mieren smiled slightly, and between raising his hands, a golden jade pendant appeared in it. It looked like a jade seal. Even though it was only the size of a palm, the dominance of the nine heavens and ten places was vividly manifested.

"Take it, enter it, the inheritance of my king is in it. In the next hundred years, I believe you should be able to understand clearly. As for which step you can get, it depends on you!"

Forbidden area, the land sealed in ancient times, there are only four palaces between this world!

It seems to be immobile here, everything here is the end, even time and space.

And at the next moment, a hall headed by it flashed in the void, passing a silhouette like a meteor, the light merged, and finally formed the appearance of a young man.

The appearance of this young man was extremely beautiful, with long hair and jade skin, and he looked like a peerless beauty, but this kind of appearance grew on the body of a man.

In white clothes, the man's eyes slowly opened, he looked around the world and said calmly,

"Although the body can't really wake up, it can use the Blood Fiend Swallowing Heaven Technique to complete this physical body. Thanks to the old guys I caught, having this physical body is equivalent to having this carrier. , How long have I not left this world, 30,000 years, or 50,000 years? Ha ha... Meng Fan, since you can break my three subordinates, it makes me a little curious, so I plan to see in advance Take a look at you, what kind of character has been born in Wanyu in this eternal time, don't make me too white... disappointed!"

The tone was calm, the latter also disappeared into this world in a flash, broke the world, and merged into this ten thousand realms!

The battle in the chaotic valley spread all over the world.

After its reunification, everyone will know Meng Fan and Dameng's name. This kind of news does not know what storms are set off in every corner between the world and the earth. The speed of transmission can be said to be quite fast, including the land of the same line, the ancient temple, the white family of the emperor, the gods of the west, etc. Wait. . . . . Even among the seven forbidden areas, there are scrolls entering them, reporting the various changes in this Middle Ancient Region back and forth.

Meng Fan, dark alliance!

The latter has always stopped advancing since it has been famous all over the world, and now even the princes and kings of the upper side in this Middle Ages.

Everyone understands that the butterfly fanning its wings will also cause drastic changes. What's more, now that a behemoth like Meng Fan has completely established itself in the chaotic watershed, it will definitely participate in the future. In the battle of heaven and earth.

Under this situation, even the true supreme power between the world and the earth had to pay attention to Meng Fan at this moment and reassess the combat power of the dark alliance. . . It is unclear what the various parties' attitudes towards him are.


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