Supreme God King

Chapter 1444: treasure house

Chaos basin, dark alliance!

The sea water surface, the world is the same!

After more than two months of war and chaos, the entire chaotic valley is now completely quiet, and compared with before, chaos can no longer be described here, but instead. . . . Well organized.

Although it was controlled by the three major forces of Madmen before, these three forces themselves are extremely conniving. Burning, looting, and looting are all commonplace, and there are other small forces making troubles, leaving no order at all in this chaotic river basin.

But now everyone understands that the old days are changed to the new heavens, and the new owner in this world is Meng Fan and the dark alliance behind him.

For many years, Ling Daiyou has always been strictly enforced in terms of management, not allowing any private unrest in the dark alliance, which also completely changed this chaotic watershed. Although there are countless ruthless people here, now one can do it. He is more honest than a cat.

Either leave, or offer to the dark alliance, dare not to have any turmoil at all, and can't wait to breathe and be cautious.

Because everyone in this chaotic valley now knows that there is the largest Shura sitting in town, and the quasi-god can slaughter the gods. This kind of combat power, the violence of that day spreads all over the world, even the most cruel people are in this chaotic valley. I dare not say that it is too spicy.

Compared with Meng Fan, he was really ruthless. . . . Inferior!

Controlling everything, with the support of Ling Daiyou and many dark alliances, even if the chaos here used to be extremely chaotic, it was completely under management. Of course, all this is also attributed to the strong force of Meng Fan and the Empress. In the face of absolute strength, everything is in vain.

And having Ling Daiyou, a kind of wise internal helper, can be said to have made everything easier for Meng Fan, completely becoming a slap-off shopkeeper.

After solving the Venerable Mad Saber that day, Meng Fan was in retreat, but after a few days of healing from his injuries, the latter became a superfluous person in the entire dark alliance. After all this was on track, Meng Fan basically didn't need to act on anything.

After a few days of training, Meng Fan felt extraordinarily boring.

For one thing, his current strength is stuck in a state of bottleneck, which cannot be solved by penance, and secondly, he has nothing to help. However, after a brief period of boredom, Meng Fan came up with a way and did it excitedly. . . . . Treasure hunt!

But not looking for opportunities in this chaotic valley, but searching for the treasure house of the major forces.

Now the entire dark alliance has swept across all directions and suppressed countless. Previously, the three major forces including Crazy Gate and Mountain River Valley were all defeated. They also included countless forces attached to them. There were thousands of them, and all of them were dark alliances. Extinguished.

This group of people previously occupied this chaotic valley with ruthless methods, but accumulated countless gods, etc. The most important thing is the sect treasure house in each of them. Under the dark alliance’s thunder method, there is no one. Time to move away.

The three major powers, plus the treasury of the powers of the past, had always burned, killed, and looted with their previous practices. I don't know how much money was left to buy roads, and all of these are now owned by the dark alliance. Therefore, Meng Fan stopped this important "drought job" with all his might, and began to search in order to open the treasure house.

For a full half a month, Meng Fan took Xiaotian and Xiaodi, these two guys, they had already opened the treasure house to the point where they were sore.

Among them, even the poorest treasure house contains a lot of good things. Even Meng Fan has a red eye after seeing it. No one will face a large number of natural treasures without feeling, with this kind of powerful Resources, practice is definitely twice the result with half the effort.

Although Meng Fan is already very critical now, there are many treasury treasures that fit Meng Fan's wishes. He is also not polite, and takes it away directly.

"One after another, Kaibao is really good!"

"Life is to be spent among uninterrupted babies..."

Following Meng Fan, Xiaotian and Xiaodi also grabbed and grabbed them. What they did was a clean and tidy one. Naturally, they have been quite happy for a while.

After a lot of searching, the three of Meng Fan also came to the base camp of this mountain and river valley. Compared with that kind of small force, this place is undoubtedly more magnificent. It can be one of these three forces, even the treasure house is many times larger than the average force.

When the vitality merged, Meng Fan was also rude, and directly blasted it away with force, lifting all the restrictions in this seal, and reaching the core place.

At first glance, it can be said that there are treasures of heaven and earth everywhere in this treasure house, rows of magic weapons, pills, scrolls, etc., ordinary people will inevitably go crazy after seeing it.

But now the three of Meng Fan have become quite indifferent. They have swept away their spiritual thoughts, and they have already seen too much of that ordinary thing before. Even if they are used, they may not be able to take them. It also gave the three people immunity to this kind of ordinary fetish.

Now the only thing that really interests Meng Fan is that kind of strange ancient gods, or the method of no inheritance.

After a few breaths, the trio of Meng Fan were already proficiently shuttled through the treasury group, each of the gods flew over, and at the same time the voice fell.

"Hmph, this sixth-order **** is not good-looking, don't!"

"Yes, this pill is not fragrant enough to refine, no!"


If the words in it came out, it would be enough to cause countless monks between the world and the earth to shoot Meng Fan to death. It is too maddening. Many of the divine objects and medicines are quite rare and are hidden here. However, it was because of the fact that they had gained too much before, that made the three of Meng Fan so rich.

Divine thoughts flowed in it, and Meng Fan carefully probed and left. Although there are many divine objects in this treasure house, Meng Fan has experience now. Divine thoughts have turned into countless torrents, everywhere between the world and the earth. Circulation, every piece of the gods fell into the sea of ​​consciousness of Meng Fan.

After half a stick of incense, Meng Fan grabbed the palm of his hand, and a piece of jade and a scroll appeared in his hand.

This piece of jade was placed in the most central place by the scattered people of the mountains and rivers in the past. After careful sensing, Meng Fan grinned, because it was a ninth-order divine object, which was once recorded in ancient books and called Moonstone.

Although there is no powerful means of attack, it can warm the soul, which is of great benefit to the power of the soul.

This thing was sealed here by Sanhe Sanren with great means. The divine formation between the sky and the sky absorbs the energy of the heaven and the earth to help it grow. It is rumored that this moonstone can absorb the energy of the heaven and the earth, integrate into itself, and it will be able to improve in the future. Tier, the achievement of Tier 10 fetish.

If you wear this thing on weekdays, even if you don't need to deliberately cultivate the soul, it will help the cultivator's soul to improve. It is definitely a good thing.

If it weren’t for this moonstone that requires a great array of heaven and earth to warm up, it would definitely not be sealed in this place. It must have been worn by Shanhe scattered people, but the latter is more greedy, hoping to use this heaven and earth spirit array to help rise this month Shi continues to grow stronger and changes, but now it is cheaper than Meng Fan.

Holding the moon stone in his hand, Rao Meng Fan also had a heartbeat. Even if he has gained a lot during this period, this moon stone is definitely one of the few good things he has collected.

The other scroll opened, which also had a strange aura that attracted Meng Fan. It was only then that he was able to fall into Meng Fan’s eyes. After careful exploration, the latter couldn’t help but raised his brows and felt a burst of excitement, because this scroll is also in harmony with A fetish similar to moonstone.

The operation of power, the ultimate killing!

This thing is an ancient book, and it still has the breath of the strongest man in the past, which is extremely indifferent, but it touches Meng Fan's heart greatly. Because this piece is not a technique, but an ancient sacred person telling some of his experience of killing and killing methods. If ordinary people see this thing, it will not feel at all, even the strong of the sacred realm may not be able to see it. Understand, so including the previous Shanhe scattered people, he placed him in this space at will, without even doing much protection.

However, in the eyes of a person like Meng Fan who is intensively researching the physical body, this thing is simply. . . . Priceless.

The person who can write this scroll must be the top power of the past, perhaps it should be the existence of the level of the Saint Empress of Zhongdu, who has cultivated his body to the extreme. Although there is no inheritance in the scroll, it is just a series of characters portrayed, including the old ideas of the great power, and many ways of power operation, which have changed tens of thousands of times, but after the eyes are swept, he gains a lot. The heart trembled, and these changes might not have much effect if they were in the hands of ordinary sacred hands, because he himself could not understand at all, let alone have the body to display them.

But who Meng Fan is, he has already reached the extreme in his body. That kind of change of strength has been understood by Meng Fan in countless killings before, and there are still a large number of Meng Fan who has never seen it before. It helped him to open the door of strength, and his help was limitless.

"Sure enough, there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world!"

Meng Fan sighed. He already has a complete experience of physical cultivation. Today, Meng Fan is definitely a master-level existence in the world, but he still has so many great abilities in the ancient times. The next scroll is proof of the latter's supreme means in the past, even if compared with Meng Fan's current body, it is undoubtedly equivalent to hitting a stone with a pebble and cannot be confronted.

The ultimate physical body, what end has it reached!

The thought in his heart flashed, and Meng Fan suppressed it, and then his spiritual thoughts scattered, and he continued to search the entire treasure house.

But before that, moonstones and scrolls appeared. Although some good things appeared again, they did not give Meng Fan a stunning feeling. However, when he was about to leave the treasure house of scattered people in mountains and rivers, suddenly With a change of expression, all the divine thoughts were in one of the formations.

Here is a powerful seal placed by the scattered people of the mountains and rivers, even more terrifying than the previous kind of seal on the moonstone. If Meng Fan had not already studied the ancient formation method and has rich experience, I am afraid that it would be damaged before opening. Among the treasures.

After everything was resolved, Meng Fan saw a small box on top of his spiritual mind. After opening it, he saw that there was no strong aura in it. It was very ordinary, only a thin piece of paper inside. In the middle, there has been some yellowing, obviously after a long time, there are various changes on it, and it looks like the same picture. . . . . map!

Let me explain to you. I have seen that many book friends have doubts about Venerable Murder Knife and Sanhe Sanren. Since writing the book, even if there are a lot of words, I actually don’t want to waste pen and ink, so many Things may have been mentioned in one stroke. For example, the female emperor, she is a quasi-god spiritual realm, sacred blood, and not inferior to Meng Fan's combat power. I have emphasized many times before that she is very strong and has a history. This is foreshadowing and will be explained in the future. Yan King, Spirit King, etc., a group of veteran powerhouses, and Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji has become a quasi-god, not a domain, and they themselves are not much inferior to Meng Fan. I think you should understand this, and they are not just the protagonist. A person is great, but I didn’t explain too much, because I’m devoted to explaining the protagonist and the main line. I don’t want to waste my readers’ money, I just want to take it for a while. The reader did not understand, please forgive me. In this plot, I have written quite meticulously. The first two crazy knives have injured their bodies, and the second is the large number of people, which one is okay, and there is still a small sky. , Xiaodi, Wanmu these three existences are comparable to the tenth-order gods, so I don’t think there is any problem in destroying a god. Thank you for your support. It is a good thing to have doubts. I love all the book friends.


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