Supreme God King

Chapter 1445: Ground


With a change of expression, a hint of playfulness appeared on Meng Fan's face. What a means to reach the sacred level with the strength of the mountains and rivers. However, such a meticulous collection of a map here made him a little curious.

After all, the existence of the level of gods, if it weren't for the amazing things that attracted him, it would definitely not be collected here.

Reaching out and taking it out, Meng Fan's gaze scanned it carefully, and at a glance he saw four characters on it.


There are rows of small characters under it, and the more you look at it, the more a peculiar smile appears on Meng Fan’s face, which seems to be unable to hold at this moment with his concentration. calm.

Because according to the above, this Bodhi Zhenzang is actually an uncle from Shanhe Sanren, the supreme existence in the past, named Bodhi Patriarch. The latter was an existence that stepped into the three sacred realms in the past. He practiced with the master of Sanhe Sanren, but later the master of Sanhe Sanren betrayed the master, leading to the chase and killing of Bodhi ancestors. After many twists and turns, he barely escaped. However, it cannot be compared with the ancient Bodhi ancestor.

However, even so, the master of Sanhe Sanren is alive longer than the ancestor of Bodhi, because the ancestor of Bodhi once had a terrifying battle. Although he was victorious, he was seriously injured. Even the existence of the three realms was indelible. Injury, in the end can only sit down.

However, the master of Sanhe Sanren knew that there was a peculiar change in the Bodhi Gate he inherited, that is, the bodhi real change. The real transformation of Bodhi is that when a sacred statue is sitting and transforming, although the soul is completely dissipated and the body no longer exists, it can condense one's own power through the last force to form an elixir. It is called. . . . Bodhi fruit!

The effect of this bodhi fruit can be called a tenth-order god, it is the purest energy of heaven and earth, but once this bodhi gate is the time when the previous generation of old predecessors sits and transforms, self-formation power is transmitted to the next generation, maintaining The sect's no inheritance.

However, the ancestor of Bodhi had a high self-esteem and existed in the three realms, but he did not find a suitable disciple. However, the master of Sanhe Sanren can conclude that the ancestor of Bodhi will eventually be the bodhi fruit left behind before his own power dissipates .

This kind of bodhi fruit can only be formed by those who have practiced the supreme practice in the Bodhi Gate. Although it is not a kind of vitality and various methods, it is a kind of condensed by a powerful person in the three sacred realms. The power of Shinto is completely the purest law of Shinto in the world, without a trace of impurity, it is extremely helpful to any god.

Even after the first-order sacred consumption, you can even use this to break your own shackles and reach the second-order, you can imagine how powerful this thing is.

Therefore, the masters of Sanhe Sanren were digging their heads to find clues to infer the whereabouts of the Bodhi ancestor. Unfortunately, his life was limited and eventually fell. This thing also fell into the hands of Sanhe Sanren. The Sanhe Sanren didn’t care, because according to the record of the Sanhe Sanren master, this bodhi fruit is definitely not so easy to get. His uncle Bodhi ancestor is an extremely terrifying existence, and this bodhi fruit left behind It must be extremely secretive, and has all kinds of restrictions, even if it is a holy one, it is very slim to find.

This map has always been silent here, until I don't know how long it has passed, and finally fell into it. . . . . Meng Fan's hands!

Bodhi fruit!

The three words reverberated in Meng Fan's mind, and now even he couldn't help but freeze his body, grasping the scroll of the map in his hand, there was an unimaginable excitement.

If it were ordinary sacred inheritance, it would definitely not let Meng Fan be like this, but this Bodhi fruit is a **** of heaven and earth, and it is. . . . . Pure power of God.

For Meng Fan, this is of great significance, which is equivalent to the point where Nishen scroll has advanced again. This requirement is completely in line with the engulfing requirements of Nishen scroll. It is simply tailor-made and makes Meng Fan have to go crazy.

Once this thing is obtained, then Meng Fan can completely change the Inverse God Scroll through him. Once that is the case, it is conceivable that Meng Fan is at such a crucial step in becoming a god.

During these years, Meng Fan achieved the Quasi-God Realm. When he planned to step into the divine way, he found that this step was extremely difficult. According to Meng Fan's own estimation, he couldn't forcefully break all the shackles. It would take at least a hundred years to succeed in this step.

For a hundred years, whether it is long or short, it may be just a retreat for the vitality monk.

But for Meng Fan, the future war between heaven and earth is coming, and the forbidden zone is coming, so time is equivalent to life, not only his own, but also the entire dark alliance.

Under this situation, Meng Fan couldn't help but be in a hurry, but it was definitely not an anxious effort to break through the divine way, otherwise the eternal time would not be so scarce. But now that he has this piece of bodhi fruit in his hand, it is for Meng Fan to foresee that he must have an extra shortcut to becoming a god.

Once it is Nishenjuan that absorbs its power and turns the Nishenjuan, which is the foundation of its own cultivation, into a divine way, then the changes brought to Meng Fan will and will be endless. Then it is extremely likely that Meng Fan advanced through this Inverse God Roll, and he followed it directly to break through and reach the real. . . . Shinto!

A hundred years of proof!

There is no inheritance behind Meng Fan, and there is no so-called blood of gods. In this eternal time, it is only a few people who have achieved sacredness, and it will undoubtedly take a lot of time for Meng Fan to achieve sacredness. , A lot of energy, just have this kind of qualification.

The key is undoubtedly the bodhi fruit. There is no doubt that this thing is too important to Meng Fan. It far exceeds the value of the tenth-order divine object itself, and is even comparable to the ten ancient divine objects falling into His hands are average, and although the power is far from comparable, once he gets it, the effect he has is enough to help Meng Fan have too much time left to face the future world war calmly.


After gritting his teeth, there was a fierce flash in Meng Fan's eyes. For many years, he had rarely had that kind of desire for divine things, but there was no doubt that he was determined to obtain this bodhi fruit.

With his current cultivation base, it may be easy to find a tenth-level divine object, but to find a pure ultimate heaven and earth energy, especially the divine object transformed by the power of divine Tao, it takes luck, maybe a hundred years, It may be eternal. . . . But at this moment of luck, Meng Fan naturally wouldn't want to let it go.

Scanned the map carefully, and finally Meng Fan carefully locked it on a few sentences.

In order to find this bodhi fruit, the master of Shanhe Sanren kept summarizing and inferring where he could go where he was seriously injured. In the end, he discovered that the latter was very likely to bury his inheritance in this middle ancient realm, and he was one. The place is supreme, since ancient times has infinite secrets, called. . . . Tianbone Mountains!

"Tian Bone Mountain Range!"

After these four words were uttered, Meng Fan had no expression on his face, already turning around and striding out of the world.

In the dark alliance, in the base camp, after three days Meng Fan stood on the sky, and his whole body revolved, and the powerful vitality fluctuations in his body broke out and filled the surroundings.

Being alone in the sky, it seems like a sacred, and the terrifying aura is constantly circulated from his palm, and merged into this world. Suppress the world with Meng Fan's power, making the entire Zhou Tian tremble constantly, the runes flickered, and the world faded, as if making way for Meng Fan.

After a few breaths, his big hand stretched out, and a huge dragon came out of his hand and fell into the most core zone under the island of this dark alliance base camp.


A word was uttered, Meng Fan's voice was like a law, spreading between heaven and earth, and the one that fell in his hand merged into this base camp, immediately triggering a violent earthquake in the sky, causing a great power.

And under this circumstance, the vitality fluctuations in his body were covered, which caused countless vitality formations to be formed throughout the week and suppressed around it.

With such a breath, the female emperor, the flame king, the spirit king and others were also quickly awakened and rushed towards here.

At a glance, they can see what Meng Fan is doing now. The most important thing is to seal the things that live in the bottom of the mountains and rivers. Female emperor, Gu Xin'er is good to say, but Yan King, Ice King and others are here. Under the induction, everyone was shocked and saw what it was.


That anger dragon is indeed a divine vein, possessing the most natural law of divine path between heaven and earth, controlled by Meng Fan, and completely sealed between the heaven and the earth.

The more the top powerhouse, the more he knows what this thing means. Now the dark alliance controls the entire chaotic valley and sits on one side. Even in the Middle Ages, the upper princes and kings, but this kind of power The formation did not move Yan Wang and others too much.

But today I saw the emergence of this divine vein, and it can be said that King Yan, King Ice, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Guxinao and others are all crazy.

It is conceivable that this divine vein will fall between the heavens and the earth, and what effect it will have. In the future, the cultivation of the dark alliance and others will inevitably be twice the result with half the effort, especially for their kind of powerhouse, even enough. Help them approach the sacred the fastest.

Anyone who does not enter the divine way will be mad when seeing this divine vein, and any one who does not enter the divine way will not want to leave when seeing this divine vein!

Between the void, Meng Fan let out a loud roar, all the strength of the whole body is used in the divine vein of the seal, one person is in the sky, with eyes squinting, suppressing the Eight Wastes, the strength of the whole body is burning more and more, and finally the big hands are closed, and at the same time thunder The voice is spread all over the world,

"This day is my open, this place is my confession, this person is my call, this is the basis, the people are the head, the sky is the testimony, the soul is the name, and my inheritance is established in this Middle Ages, and all respect my name. , The world cannot be humiliated, the sky cannot be destroyed, my will cannot be changed, the inheritance is immortal, the sky and the earth, I am the only person, for the supremacy!"

Second more.


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