Supreme God King

Chapter 1446: Let me inherit

In heaven and on earth, I am the only one, for. . . . Supreme!

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world, falling into anyone's ears. Now the eyes of countless people in the dark alliance between the world and the earth are looking over, including the Empress, Ling Daiyou, Yan King, Ice King, Spirit King, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Gu Xin'er, etc. By.

Now I understand one thing, that is, today Meng Fan is in this chaotic valley, completely establishing the inheritance.

There was a dark alliance in the northern group before, but in fact, according to the rules in these ten thousand domains, it is not a inheritance, at best it can only be regarded as a power.

Because the inheritance means that it has its own foundation and orthodoxy, and it is definitely not just as simple as ordinary martial arts, but has a real law against the sky, and many powerful people under the school have the qualifications to dominate. Just now dare to call inheritance.

Once the inheritance was established, Meng Fan was the first-generation master of this inheritance. His own martial arts techniques were passed down to the mountain gates, and he established the mountain-opening rules with his own will. Later people respected him and respected him. It is long.

Between this world, only those who really touch the Xuanyuan have this qualification, and only those who have reached this level can they dare to call themselves great masters and have a certain understanding of luck cultivation, otherwise Why is it?

Today, Meng Fan completely established the sect in this Middle Ancient Realm as his foundation. He is the first generation of grandmaster, and all the people of the dark alliance here are his followers.

In a few years, the latter was just an ordinary boy in the Sifang Realm, but 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, today’s Meng Fan is already at the right time to completely take his own life in this Middle Ancient Realm. Inheritance falls.

Between one seal and slap, the vitality in Meng Fan's body seemed to be burning, his eyes became blood red, and his big hands fell, not only sealing this divine vein in this island, but also the meaning of martial art in his life. Among them.

And Meng Fan’s intentions were already very obvious. The only person in the sky and the earth is Meng Fan’s own thoughts. He cultivates to the extreme and walks against the sky. No one can be above him, so it is called the supreme.

This is a kind of his own mind, the soul of this dark alliance.

This kind of thing is extremely exhausting, but Meng Fan at this moment has an aura of more courage and more war.

When a person is in the sky, that kind of vigorous vitality fluctuations completely erupted, covering the entire world and fusing with big hands. In addition to the two inheritances of Inverse God scroll and Sunset Change, their own inheritance was also recorded by it, and this spirit vein. Sealing it together, there will be a strong person in the future to sense the divine veins, and it is also the supreme way to reach Meng Fan at the same time.

After doing all this, Meng Fan just stopped, and a big hand fell, sealing everything down.

At this moment, the mountains and seas changed color, as if there was a strange feeling between the world and the earth, there was an infinite thunderous aura intertwined in the void, faintly trembling.

In ancient times, there was great power, or something against the sky, there will be faint and strange changes in these ten thousand domains, but now the same breath is soaring, the world seems to fade, the sea is frozen, and the energy of the world is rolling toward Meng Fan's attack here, integrated into this island.

With the blessing of this divine vein, the entire island will definitely be the best cave in the future, and this moment under the surging of the weather this week, the feng shui of the entire island turned out to be more perfect and faint. It is like an angry dragon entrenched above the sea, it is possible at any time. . . . . Up to the sky!

"Meet the leader!"

At the same time, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Yan Wang and others all gave their hands, completely agreeing with Meng Fan's approach, and speaking together, the voices of countless dark alliances between the world and the earth also resounded through the world.

"It's okay!"

Meng Fan's body freezes, looks around and says calmly,

"Today is just to clarify everything and seal this thing here so that you can use it. As for other things, it is the same as before!"

"Hey, even so, but I waited to be regarded as a real inheritance, I don't know where the dark alliance will go in the future!"

Lin Tang roared, his tone quite excited.

Establishing the inheritance, Meng Fan is the master of the mountain, inscribed on it, and they are the same, if the dark alliance will be famous for eternity, their names will also follow its immortality.

"Unexpectedly, you still have such a method. Did you get this thing before?"

King Yan said in surprise, looking at the divine veins sealed by Meng Fan, it was incredible.

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan nodded and said softly,

"It's just a gain in a dangerous place. Everyone, with such help, I believe that your cultivation will also have a huge improvement, and he comes to sit in the middle palace, I believe that the help for everyone in the dark alliance will be great. The dark alliance is about to rely on you. In the chaotic watershed, I am honored. This sentence does not change. Except for the dangerous place, you don’t touch it. I want the chaotic watershed and this place in the next ten years. It was completely different before!"

The tone is calm, and everyone understands what Meng Fan said. Although the entire dark alliance has completely unified here, there are some things that are not only enough for force. If you want to achieve the supreme power, the more important point is Only by truly utilizing the resources in this chaotic river basin, constantly training the strong, and cultivating one's own direct line, can we have the true foundation and dare to rule the roost in the Middle Ages in the future.


Everyone nodded, and in the next moment Ling Daiyou said solemnly.

"Meng Fan, are you leaving again?"

Hearing that, Meng Fan nodded, a trace of helplessness appeared on his face.

He has been like this for many years. In order to cultivate, he had to completely become a hand-shocking shopkeeper. Although the inheritance of the dark alliance has just been firmly established, according to his previous plan, once the divine veins are laid, it is time for him to leave the dark alliance.

"Where are you going?"

Aside, the empress said coldly, staring at Meng Fan.

Although his attitude is not very good, Meng Fan can feel that if one answers badly, this person's temperament may have to follow him, and not only the empress, at this moment Ling Daiyou, Gu Xin'er, even Lin Tang, Gu Xinao and others all looked over, faintly full of expectations.


The corners of Meng Fan's mouth twitched and uttered a few words.

"This time I must be alone, because the Empress and the Yan Wang brothers need to sit in the dark alliance. In the face of unexpected events, the chaotic valley has just been controlled and no turmoil can occur, and Dai You and others need to operate the dark alliance. You are all people who cannot leave. As for the strength of other people is too weak, following me can only be a drag. You are well developed in this dark alliance. With the help of divine veins, your cultivation speed will even be faster than life and death. The feeling of fighting is even faster, and it’s not just you, I have also written out, I believe that in the near future, the old Thunder soul, Zhan Fenger, Liu Xin, etc. will also come to help you control this place, and Not just the two of them, it's time for the fellow Burning Tianling to wake up. In the future, this place is bound to be a turbulent situation. The ancient times are so big and different from imagination. This place must be the place where you and I become a dragon!"

The tone is calm, but it contains an irresistible meaning.

Let me inherit!

This sentence is definitely not just talking, what is needed is a kind of responsibility, to make Meng Fan be responsible for everyone up and down the entire dark alliance.

Therefore, although Meng Fan’s cloud-piercing arrow had already summoned Yun Feiyang’s powerful group, the latter felt that it was not enough now, that is, the entire northern group of dark alliances were completely moved over and came here. In the Middle Ages, help his body.

Including many old friends of Meng Fan, such as the Thunder Soul old man, Burning Heaven Order, and Zhan Feng'er in the battle hall, etc., were all invited by Meng Fan, not only for its own development, it has huge benefits. It is enough to quickly grow the power of the dark alliance.

It is conceivable that with this group of people joining and occupying the huge resources of the chaotic valley, how terrifying the future dark alliance will be!

Hearing what Meng Fan said, although the female emperor, Gu Xin'er had countless expectations and wanted to follow Meng Fan, she still understood that the latter’s words were correct, even if she was persevering, but after all, the catastrophe is approaching today. For everyone in this world, the only way to improve strength at all costs is the right way.

"I only have one word to say. You are now the leader of the dark alliance. I hope you are all careful. The hopes of thousands of people are also pinned on you, Meng Fan, so no matter where you go, remember... . Come back alive!"

Staring at Meng Fan, King Yan said slowly.


Meng Fan nodded, faced the crowd, grinned, and said calmly.

"Don't worry, to this day, the people who can let Meng Fan stay... haven't given birth yet!"

The inheritance is stable under the divine veins!

After this, Meng Fan was also completely relieved, and within a full two days, a slender figure moved quickly, quietly flying out of this chaotic basin, and turned into invisible, only the upper level of the dark alliance knew , Did not alarm other people at all.

This person was naturally Meng Fan, volleyed in the sky, strode out, and quickly left the chaotic valley at his speed, showing a cautious look on his face under the sea breeze.

With the palms open, a map appeared in it. It was impressively obtained by Meng Fan from the treasure house of Shanhe Sanren. It was also the target of Meng Fan's trip, Tianbone Mountain Range!

Staring at the words on this, Rao Meng Fan also felt a little nervous in his heart, because the Sky Bone Mountain Range was absolutely thunderous to countless experts in this Middle Ancient Region. Looking at the vast and middle ages, if some people say that it is not to be offensive, then it must be the base camp and temple of the emperor, and if it is said further, then it will definitely mention a name, yes. . . . Tian Bone Mountain Range, the latter also has a huge origin, that is. . . The place where all demons originated!

Between the heavens and the earth, the vitality monks are humans, and they have an ancestor of monsters, such as ancestor dragon, sky dragon, immortal phoenix, **** monkey, etc. This kind of heaven and earth race, and it is rumored that the monster line has a generation of magic ancestors, which is the origin In this Tianbone Mountain Range, this generation of Demon Ancestors was a divine fetish comparable to the powerhouses of the Divine King Realm back then, and was the co-master of the world of monsters.

And this Tiangu Mountain Range was sealed by the Twelve Emperor Clan after unknown reasons in the past. It is rumored that they are the Supreme Brothers, there are countless ancient alien species, located in the ancient times, and never left that place.

And the most important point is that the Tianbone Mountain Range and the Twelve Emperors of the Human Race were defeated in the past, so where the Primordial Fierce Beast has incomparable hatred for the Human Race monks is basically where. . . . There is no one at all, all are monsters!

Swire Alien!

Hearing these four words, Meng Fan's heart couldn't help but feel frustrated.

The Qiba tribe is just a large number of people before it has spread to the world. The countless ancient alien species that have disappeared in the ancient times have been extinct, but the one that survives is the same as the **** monkey, with amazing ethnic talents. One person can dominate the world, and countless killing methods are earth-shaking.

At this moment, Meng Fan wanted to go to a place full of hostility to human beings alone, and his cultivation level was called a little sheep and went to the wolf den to find the bodhicitta of what he did.

The body moved in the void, stepping forward, Meng Fan looked helpless, only a few words fell.

"Ancestor Bodhi, I am immortal, you can really hide.... You have to use my hand when I die, I am... difficult!"


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