Supreme God King

Chapter 1447: Tiangu Mountains

With a goal, Meng Fanke never hesitated, even if the other party was infinitely dangerous.

Including the former Bai family, the restricted area is so dangerous. He has always rushed through it alone. Although the previous words are like this, Meng Fan will not frown when he acts.

After leaving this chaotic basin, the latter quickly crossed the void, moved the space, and stepped forward. The entire Medieval Region is extremely large and vast, even with Meng Fan's cultivation base, it takes a lot of time to travel on this road.

Silent all the way, after a full half a month, Meng Fan also arrived at the edge of the Tiangu Mountain Range according to the records on this map.

At first glance, although there are still tens of thousands of miles away from it, it is already off the beaten track. There are rows of lush trees around it, all towering, along the rolling mountain peaks, straight through it, a piece of green.

"It should be coming soon!"

Meng Fan's body moved and fell into the woods.

Although the surrounding people are inaccessible, the environment is good, especially the heaven and the earth are full of energy. They are the majestic and wild aura. They are extremely rich. The energy of the heaven and the earth is much heavier than the average place in the Middle Ages. Times.

But the more you move forward, the more surprised Meng Fan is that the Tiangu Mountain Range is basically isolated from the outside world. Especially when Meng Fan is swept away in this fringe area, he can sense countless things left by the past. The ancient **** array, that one has amazing power of heaven and earth.

This thing may not have anything to Meng Fan, because he is a human body, but it seems that it is only aimed at the beasts. Once it is sensed that a beast comes out of the Tianbone Mountain Range, it will break the ground and cause the world. For one of them!

Between the week and the sky, there are big formations, the divine formations are launched, and everything is wiped out!

With Meng Fan’s eyesight, it is natural to see that all the divine formations are activated, and the power is too terrifying. If he is a monster, he can’t resist a breath. It is conceivable how powerful the people who once deployed here are. Only then could this place be used as a prison, and all the Primordial Prehistoric Beasts were enclosed here, and it would be impossible to get out for tens of thousands of years.

There is no doubt that the various prohibitions here are sufficient to show that there must have been an old grievance in the ancient times, which was only able to be so.

I don’t know how many battles between the twelve emperors of the ancient times and theirs, and can suppress the entire line of beasts here. In Meng Fan’s memory, it is true that there are few truly powerful beasts in the Middle Ages. It should be because of this. It was completely sealed.

"Although humans won in the past, but now this grievance can't be resolved, the little master has been pitted!"

Looking at it, Meng Fan murmured softly, now he insists on stepping into it and facing the group of ancient fierce beasts.

But it is conceivable that after years of resentment, Meng Fan will inevitably take a great risk. He now understands why it is said that the monsters here hate humans so much. This is not a legend, this is. . . . fact!

Blaming and complaining, Meng Fan's actions are extremely cautious, especially when he knows this kind of grievance, the steps he stepped into it turned into the ultimate streamer, and his whole person was completely hidden and merged into the mountain forest.

After all, under this situation, what Meng Fan wanted most was to understand the specific situation first, and then talk about other things.

All the way like the wind, it was naturally easy for Meng Fan to step into this place as a human being, without disturbing the big array between Zhou and Tian. The more I walked towards it, the more I stepped into the Sky Bone Mountain Range, there was still nothing before, and then it made Meng Fan feel that he was incompatible with the surroundings.

Because in this world, the most are the beasts. Jane is everywhere, allowing Meng Fan to pass through a territory of Warcraft and another territory of Warcraft before moving forward. For half a day, Meng Fan has a kind of The feeling of being a thief is really that a trace of breath cannot erupt. Even if you see the most low-risk monsters, you will take a detour and dare not be alarmed, because there are no humans in this world. If there are humans, it will be reduced to Their food was grilled.

Once any beast is to notice that there is a human being mixed in here, then the consequences can be imagined.

So it made Meng Fan extremely awkward in it, it was almost dangerous, but fortunately, his cultivation was amazing, and he also entered the Tianbone Mountain all the way.

However, without waiting for Meng Fan to move forward, his expression suddenly changed, and when he looked at it, he instinctively felt a burst of danger.

Because there was a group of earthquake-like shadows not far away, directly rushing toward the face here, full of blood, causing Zhou Tian to tremble, and countless beasts retreated. Undoubtedly, this is an absolute group of powerful enough monsters to be able to achieve this.

The whole body was numb, and Meng Fan instinctively stepped back a few steps, but he was already unable to dodge, so he could only hide himself in a forest and try not to show any breath.

At the same time, it also made Meng Fan extremely curious, because it was not that he had never encountered a powerful beast before, but he was able to avoid it with his cultivation base, but now among this group of beasts, it is Meng Fan. There is a kind of instinctive alertness, as if just one carelessness is enough to cause heinous murder.

Following Meng Fan's gaze, he saw this group of monsters turned out to be. . . . A group of tigers!

All of them are all golden, and their fur is extremely domineering, shining with hot light, as if it can make the mountains and rivers tremble while moving, with an infinite power. There were dozens of giant tigers, and one of them was all a monster in the emperor realm, which was equivalent to the powerhouse of the Tianyuan realm among human beings. It was quite scary to gather so many together.

"This is... the Sky Tiger!"

Meng Fan's heart trembled. After seeing this group of tigers, he finally understood why he felt that way.

This is because it is said that there is a kind of tiger recorded in the ancient books of this world. It is called the Tongtian Tiger. Its golden body is golden and its body is huge. . . . Sky Tiger. This kind of tiger clan is an ancient alien species. It was very famous in ancient times. It used to compete with the white tiger clan. Later, because of unknown reasons, they were defeated, causing them to disappear in this world. However, it is said that the Tongtian tiger lineage was Meeting the gods and killing the gods, meeting the Buddha and killing the Buddha, has been invincible for an era.

And the most important thing is that this kind of tiger clan not only relies on its own power, but also has a terrifying psychic meaning. It can see everything in the world, understand all its origins, and see through the laws of God. There will be top powerhouses in that era. This kind of tiger clan can see everything clearly by instinct, the simplest and the most insightful.

If you were in the Ten Thousand Realms, you would probably not see the existence of this race, but it was unexpected that in this Tian Bone Mountain Range, Meng Fan encountered this kind of extremely terrifying line of ancient times.

The tigers passed by, traveling through the world, causing Meng Fan to hold his breath and cover up everything. However, just as one of the giant tigers passed Meng Fan’s body, it suddenly stopped and stood in the midst of this heaven and earth, and all the giant tigers around it were obviously headed by this same biggest giant tiger, so too All of them stood in the midst of this world.

"There are humans!"

Among them, the biggest Sky Tiger roared, his eyes were blood red in an instant, and his powerful spiritual insight directly locked the position of Meng Fan.

With this statement, all the surrounding sky tigers roared, and the blood evil aura broke out, and they also followed their spiritual thoughts.

not good!

With a heartbeat, Meng Fan couldn't expect the other party to see himself, as expected, he was a Tongtianhu.

The palm of the void is the power of thunder, and the huge sky-reaching tiger headed by it directly slapped it, and its golden claws fell from the sky, like a huge mountain.

Demigod Warcraft!

It was just this movement that made Meng Fan understand the latter's powerful cultivation base, and the person in the lead was actually the same level as his own. Only then was he able to reach such a point, giving him a great pressure.

There is a quasi-god realm among human beings, and the corresponding demigod among these monsters is demigod.

This sky-reaching tiger is only one step away to become a sacred realm. Although it has been thousands of years old, it is also quite terrifying.

Suddenly, Meng Fan had to do it, and he slapped it directly, and banged with him. The latter kind of attack from a strong man cannot be avoided at all, only a collision. Between these attacks, this week's sky suddenly collapsed, and a thunderous sound came out.


In just an instant, the world turned into countless space fragments, completely vacuuming the place where they were fighting. Among them, the Heavenly Tiger roared with a fierce look, staring at it, the blood all over his body burst out, and he was already planning to make a real shot.

And all the Sky Tigers around it are also moving. One of them is equivalent to the powerhouse of the Heavenly Origin Realm among human beings. Naturally, all of them are absolutely extraordinary, and they completely seal the entire Zhou Tian to death in an instant. The surrounding is called an impenetrable water. Even Meng Fan could not leave silently. He could only break it with force. However, beside it was a demigod-level Sky Tiger who looked eagerly and raised his huge palm, ready to go again. Photographed, that kind of terrifying force is also coming.

It is absolutely uncomfortable even for a sacred one to bear the blow of this Heavenly Tiger. The latter is an ancient alien species, not as simple as an ordinary beast, and it can ignore ordinary beasts of the same level, and it is more terrifying than a sacred creature. strength.

However, at the moment when the leader of the Heavenly Tiger was preparing to do it, a loud shout suddenly came from the world.

"Don't do it, don't do it, brother, take a good look at me, don't you know me, brother, I am... your own!"


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