Supreme God King

Chapter 1448: I am your brother!

Brother I am. . . Own people!

The tone spread all over the world, and at the same time, among the gazes of the many sky-reaching tigers, a figure also came out, but it could be seen that this was not a human shadow, but a head. . . . The full sky tiger! The whole body is huge and equally extraordinary, that kind of aura spreading is no different from the numerous sky-reaching tigers in this world.


The fall of such a scene is a miracle. The Heavenly Tiger, headed by him, reached the realm of a demigod. His thoughts were extremely terrifying and he could sense everything before he discovered Meng Fan.

But what he didn't expect was that what he encountered at this moment was not a human being, but a world-wide tiger like them. They could not help being dumbfounded, one by one petrified in place.

"Big brother, don't do it, don't be impulsive, you are your own, look at me!"

Emerging from the bushes, the eyes of the Sky Tiger blinked, staring at the demi-powered Sky Tiger headed, and said loudly.

Countless auras fell on his body, and after seeing them one by one, I realized that there was absolutely nothing wrong, because the aura and appearance on his body were exactly the same as them, and he was a real Tongtian Tiger.

"No, no, I obviously sensed the aura of a human being before, how could a tiger appear, or a giant tiger...Is it that I felt wrong?"

Seeing this extremely strange cosmic tiger, the headed demi-psychic tiger's old face moved and muttered softly. Obviously he was also a little dazed, because no matter what kind of aura, he couldn't notice the difference between the other party and himself, but the spiritual sense of the Sky Tiger was extremely terrifying, and he couldn't make a mistake at all. Naturally, it made his head extremely short circuit.

Being able to reach the sky does not mean that the IQ of the Heavenly Tiger is amazing, but because it is simple enough, it is born with a keenness for everything in the world, and the avenue is simple, so it can sense everything.

Now this scene is quite weird, making him unable to understand all of this.

While standing in the same place, the Sky Tiger who suddenly appeared blinked and said solemnly.

"Big Brother, take a closer look at me. It's a Tongtianhu. We don't know each other if we don't fight. If you have nothing to do, then leave me. I happen to have something!"

The tone is lazy and very natural, but it is impossible for any Sky Tiger to find it. Now this Sky Tiger is definitely holding a cold sweat because of it. . . . . It is Meng Fan.

If his identity was revealed in an ordinary place, Meng Fan would have to violently rise up. It would be a big fight, but here is the Tianbone Mountain Range, the birthplace of ten thousand demons, which is really too difficult. Not to mention whether it can be beaten once it collides with it, but it will inevitably cause a big shock. When his human body is exposed, then the so-called Bodhi fruit can only be thought of for Meng Fan, so in Before this, Meng Fan hid himself between the electric light and flint, and took out the magic wood that Cao Qiushui gave him that day.

This thing is an indispensable treasure for killing people and surpassing goods. There is nothing in this ten thousand domain that he can't imitate. Therefore, Meng Fan also instantly relies on the breath of the sky tiger to cast himself, making himself the same as the group of sky tigers in front of him. .

Although this group of Heavenly Tigers can’t be seen, Meng Fan’s heart is very guilty. After all, the counterfeit is a fake. If someone is accidentally forced to shoot through the magic wood, then Meng Fan’s identity is inevitable. I missed it, so naturally I hope that this group of Sky Tigers will leave soon.

amount. . . .

Staring at Meng Fan, the headed demigod Tianhu looked confused and said solemnly.

"Yeah, yeah, it's really the same, sorry, brother, I confessed to the wrong person, it was me who was wrong,'s not right!"

The Tongtian Tiger who was about to leave just now suddenly changed his expression, as if thinking of something.

"Although my clan is powerful in this Tianbone Mountain Range, the number is extremely limited, less than a hundred people. Where did you come from? Why did I never know you? Do you know him?"

With a word, all the Sky Tigers around immediately shook their heads and stared at Meng Fan. Although their aura is exactly the same as that of them, there is absolutely no problem if they are like the White Tigers, but this is an ancient alien species of Sky Tigers. , One of them can be said to be a little pitiful, so it is so powerful.

If this group of people didn't know Meng Fan, then the latter couldn't be the Sky Tiger clan at all, because there would be no strong person in the same line at all.


Standing in place, the cold sweat from all over Meng Fan's body came out again, looking at the more and more fierce gazes of the surrounding sky-crossing tigers, it almost made him sweat all over his body. If it can't be solved, this group The Sky Tiger will definitely target him.

"Hold on, hold on..."

Just before the demi-psychic sky tiger was about to speak, Meng Fan suddenly roared, staring at the demi-psychic tiger.

"Big brother, it seems that you really don't remember the little brother, do you really have no impression?"

Hearing what Meng Fan said, the demi-supernatural power Tianhu was taken aback and hesitated,

"who are you?"

"You also asked me, tell me what your name is, who is your father, who is your mother, and why the little brother is so sad that you don't remember me..."

Meng Fan looked aggrieved, as if he had received the most unequal treatment in the world. In his tone of voice, it was called sadness, and people couldn't help but want to cry.


Tongtianhu's mentality is fairly simple, hesitate for a moment, and then replied,

"Naturally, I am the Heavenly Bone Tiger of the Tiangu Mountain Range. I call myself the Great Emperor Zhentian. I am decisive and decisive. I say that in this Tiangu Mountain Range, who dares to oppose and who has not heard my name? Ah, but what does it have to do with my father and mother?"


Meng Fan naturally ignored the cowhide of the demigod Tianhu, but said bitterly,

"Do you still remember if your father and mother had any big battles when you were young, if there were any traps, and if there were any missing moments..."

Hearing this, the demi-superior Tianhu Shaking the emperor patted his head and hesitated,

"No, my father and mother are god-level existences. I haven't seen them for three thousand years. I almost forget the memories of them, but their strength is shocking. How could someone make their opponents? If yes, then... I just remember that there was indeed a big battle when I was a child. At that time, my father was out and my mother faced a Nine Heavens Demonized Snake Venerable alone. That guy was also a big battle. , My mother took him away in order to protect me, and only returned to my clan after a few days of fighting..."


At the next moment, Meng Fan directly interrupted the demigod Tianhu, his eyes rolled around and he said solemnly.

"I was born at that time. You don't know that my mother was seriously injured in a battle with that snake. He was recuperating in a cave, but he fell in love during this period of healing. There is a Sky Tiger, so I am, in fact, we are...Brothers, I have also cultivated for many years in the Tiangu Mountain Range. Now that I have appeared, I have seen you!"

The voice fell, and the story was told vividly by Meng Fan. A love story was fabricated entirely based on what the Tongtian tiger said. A severely injured Tongtian tiger met a Tongtian tiger who helped him, and finally the two fell in love. , Then Tongtianhu left, but he couldn't take the little Tongtianhu, and in the end he could only grow up alone, to the end.

Meng Fan let out a long sigh, and all of the Sky Tigers in front of him were dumbfounded and tearful. They all grew up among the Sky Tigers, and they had never received so many twists and turns. Now they seem to have seen them. The story of a young Tongtian tiger growing up alone, after experiencing many trials and hardships, he has not been able to recognize his relatives.


The demigod Tianhu stared at Meng Fan and roared.

"Unexpectedly, you are really a member of my clan or my own brother. I am so stupid. Indeed, your breath is the same as mine. It is completely from my Tongtian tiger clan. I doubted you before and shot at you. Brother is not a human..."

Tears fell, and at the same time, the demigod Tianhu grabbed Meng Fan and took him away.

"Don't worry, brother, whoever bullies you in this Tianbone Mountain range from today onwards will be my Emperor Zhentian who can't make it, I will kill him, go, brother, and my clan!"

While speaking, the demigod Tongtianhu was Meng Fan with a helpless look, and flew directly into the void, and the many Heavenly Tigers behind him followed with tears in their eyes.

This group of sky-reaching tigers traversed the void and moved the space. All the monsters around them evaded one after another, and they did not dare to collide with it. This group of monsters was too terrifying, and brought Meng Fan directly to the base camp of the Sky Tiger.

This is a huge valley with countless palaces in it. The Heavenly Tiger reaching this point already has its own independent territory in the Tiangu Mountain Range, like a human city. And after the return of the demigod Tongtian tiger, it attracted a cheer, and what Meng Fan discovered was that it was not only the bloodline of the Heavenly Tiger, but also the ancient beast golden lion and the Hydra , And there is a family of spirit foxes.

These three are also Primordial Alien Species, and their absolutely rare bloodlines are also mixed with this Sky Tiger.

Back in this base camp, the demi-god Tongtianhu directly told the surroundings, put down a banquet, and summoned the powerful men of the other three races to the hall of the Tongtianhu.

Not long after, the powerhouses of the Golden Lion, Hydra, and Linghu tribes all arrived, but two men and one woman, all stepping into the existence of a demigod, and the strength of the Sky Tiger is about the same.

Sweeping around, the demi-supernatural tiger laughed loudly, and said solemnly.

"Three brothers, this is my long-lost brother. I will introduce to you today. This is also for three brothers named Leitian, Potian, and Jingtian!"

When he said it, the corner of Meng Fan's mouth twitched, this name really made it!

While standing in place, the eyes of the golden lion and the Hydra were also fixed on Meng Fan's body. After a few breaths, the woman of the spirit fox clan smiled and said,

"Big Brother Tongtianhu, you are not deceived, your clan not only has to resemble aura, but also needs a strong body to do it. I don't know the body of this little brother..."

Before the spirit fox finished speaking, Meng Fan didn't say anything. He grabbed the huge axe placed beside Tongtianhu and slashed at his head. He only heard a bang, the eighth-order god. The object broke in half at the sound, and dense fragments appeared on it.

The fall of such a scene immediately shocked everyone, and no one questioned Meng Fan's physical body anymore. Everyone knows that it is an eighth-order **** fetish, and no one feels doubtful about Meng Fan's behavior. The monster is so simple. The more powerful it is, the ultimate physical body, but it makes everyone full of awe.

This kind of powerful physical body already made them think that Meng Fan must be a monster, how could human beings have such a terrifying body.

"Awesome, awesome, worthy of being a tribe of Sky Tigers, good tigers, good tigers!"

The golden lion, the hydra, and the spirit fox were also shocked, and they all took out the wine and bowed to Meng Fan and the demigod Tongtianhu.

"Congratulations to Big Brother Tongtianhu for finding his brother. It is really a great joy. When the brothers meet, Big Brother Tongtianhu is absolutely very happy, and Little Brother Tongtian is very happy too!"

The voices of the people fell, and at the same time they looked at them. At this moment, the Heavenly Tiger that Meng Fan transformed was motionless, like a hill, except that there was a trace of blood on his head slowly flowing down, facing everyone's eyes, from the teeth I spit out a few words,

"I'm ***... I'm so happy!"


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