Supreme God King

Chapter 1452: Overcast

The voice fell, spread all over the world!

Before, everyone thought that Meng Fan was just a soft-shelled turtle that didn't know where it came out of the Tianbone Mountain Range, but now that the scene fell, everyone was surprised to find that this soft-shelled turtle, who didn't know where it came from, was hanging...

It was an absolute sling. Under Meng Fan's fist, Zu Long had no power to fight back.

After a hit, it was completely suppressed by Meng Fan’s body. The latter’s fists were like electricity, falling on the huge body of Ancestral Dragon. Each punch was as heavy as Mount Tai, and between a few breaths, the entire body of Ancestral Dragon was beating. There is no intact place up and down, even the natural defenses of the Ancestral Dragon's line were blasted away by Meng Fan layer by layer, the body burst to pieces, the dragon scales were all shattered, and they continued to retreat, and finally they looked like a piece. It was like a meteorite from outside the sky, hitting the ground with a bang, smoke and dust everywhere, shaking the sky and the earth.

Moving like thunder!

The previous ancestor dragon was still aggressive and vigorous, but now, under Meng Fan’s old fist, he has completely smashed from an ancient ancestral dragon into a severely disabled patient. In the pit, the whole body was covered with smoke and dust, and it looked like a big worm.

From the dragon to give birth to you an adult!

In this void, Meng Fan waved his hand, stopped moving, and stood still, showing his helpless smile again, looking at the Zulong people.

"That.... I'm sorry, my hands are heavier, and I feel a little depressed, but it's impossible not to give the blood we said before?"

The sound fell, breaking the calm here, so that everyone around the entire mountain was refreshed. Including Ancestral Dragon, Heavenly Tiger, Golden Lion and others, they never expected this to be the case. It's just that in less than half a time, all these battles are over, and the two sides are not on the same level. It was even completely suppressed by Meng Fan.

Around it, there are rows of petrified beasts, as if thinking that the previous beasts were fake, and the four guys, Golden Lion, Sky Tiger, Hydra, and Spirit Fox were equally stunned, almost shocked. Chin,

"Brother Tiger, this is definitely not the same as your dad, your wild dad gave birth to great!"

"Yes, he grew up with some milk, this body looks like..."

"Tiger, tiger, tiger!"

These methods can be called thunder, especially in this line of monsters, they are all the heirs of the self-proclaimed generation of demon ancestors, and they pay the most attention to the cultivation of the flesh, but I never thought that Meng Fan's body was so terrible to this point, with ancestors. In this comparison of dragons, although countless ancient beasts have gathered in this mountain range, many of them are known as Primordial Alien Species, but now they are all cold, hesitating whether they can resist Meng Fan's punch!

Imagine the scene of Meng Fan's rampage before, but everyone was shocked.


The other four ancestor dragons ran away at the same time, their breath exploded, and the powerful blood stunned the world, crushing towards Meng Fan. But under this terrible aura, Meng Fan didn't move at all, but said indifferently.

"Why, do you want to do it together? Okay, first give me the blood that I lost before. Everyone is in full view, are you shameless?"

Hearing that, the four of the ancestor dragons looked at each other, and they all felt extraordinary shock and anger. Unexpectedly, they were kicked on an iron plate today and let an unknown turtle beat one of their brothers into this. Vice appearance.

But what has been said before, the promise in the monsters is still very important, especially under the eyes of the people, one of the ancestral dragons pondered, and then raised his hand, a purple bottle was thrown at Meng Fan.


As the air wave flew, Meng Fan smiled and raised his hand, turning the strength contained in the bottle into invisible. After opening it, a strong blood burst out, shocking the world, bloody. The moment he touched it, Meng Fan's whole body trembled.

A full bottle of Zulong blood!

Although this is not the one that Meng Fan beaten before, but it is also from a demigod. It should be left by a predecessor in the Ancestral Dragon line who is about to sit and transform, and is more powerful than the divine power in their five bodies. Even terrible.

Such a thing is absolutely important to even Meng Fan, who is physically ascendant, and it will be an excellent existence for tempering himself.

That is to say, it can be obtained in the Sky Bone Mountain Range. When the ancestral dragon is already extinct in the world, it is difficult to reach the sky in order to obtain this bottle of essence blood in the ordinary place. It is only a ninth-level god. Things, but the level of rarity is about the same as that of a Tier 10 divine object, too rare.


Meng Fan smiled slightly and said calmly.

"Thanks a lot!"


Seeing Meng Fan’s smile, it almost made the four ancestor dragons feel like they were back, and hated it as a gritted teeth. In the next moment, one of the ancestor dragons said coldly.

"What great emperor do you dare to fight?"

Hearing this, Meng Fan was taken aback and hesitated,

"Are you going to get a beating too?"

Obviously, the five ancestral dragons in the field are all reaching the level of quasi-god, and their strengths are almost the same. Without changing their vitality, Meng Fan brutally beat an ancestral dragon. This scene has fallen in the eyes of everyone. Who dares to fight him.

Although the other ancestor dragons are also demigods, their physical strength is almost the same as that of the ancestral dragon that was shot before. Then, to Meng Fan, the words that came forward were equivalent to death, so there was a question before.

But falling into the ears of Zulong and the others is comparable to countless big mouths drawn on their faces. They pay the most attention to the body of the monster line, but I can't think that the body of this turtle is so powerful, the power of that kind of fist It makes them incomprehensible at all, and wanting to come forward alone is indeed as it said, it is simply looking for death. Under this kind of environment, it is really an incomparable slap in the face, but I want to say more about fighting. But looking at the ancestral dragon lying half-dead in the ground, the other four ancestral dragons also dispelled this idea.

"That... I also said that the four of us will go together!"

One of the ancestral dragons said slowly, and this statement immediately caused a shock in the surroundings. Countless people looked at the four ancestral dragons with contempt, and they were obviously quite disdainful. Most of the World of Warcraft is simple, naturally yearning for a one-on-one duel, but not a group fight. Although Meng Fan is an incomparable soil turtle, that kind of combat power has already convinced most people, and now Zulong Obviously, he intends to bully the less by more, and he speaks emptily, which naturally attracts the disdain of those around him.

"That one...."

The four Ancestral Dragons are obviously a little ashamed, but what they want to find more is the previously lost face. One of the Ancestral Dragons coldly said,

"We admit that your physical body is very powerful. If you are one-on-one, we are... not your opponent, but you can dare to fight with the four of us. If you don't dare, then get out!"

"Don't you think you are shameless?"

Meng Fan blinked and stared at the four Ancestral Dragons, smiling.

Hearing this, the four ancestral dragons are speechless, and a moment later, an ancestral dragon is

"If you can win the four of us together, then we will not only give you four bottles of demigod-level ancestral dragon's heart and blood, but also give you one more bottle, which is... A bottle of heart and blood!"

The last few words fell, and immediately caused an uproar around it. This is the Ancestral Dragon family, even in this Tiangu Mountain Range, this kind of thing is absolutely extremely rare.

There are five bottles, one of which is from a master of the gods of the Ancestral Dragon!

His pupils shrank, and I have to say that Meng Fan's heart was also shocked. This bottle is absolutely different from Yidhui. Perhaps there is hope to get a drop of Shendao Ancestral Dragon Essence Blood in the Ten Thousand Realms, but what concept is this bottle, which is at least equivalent to 500 drops of Shendao Essence Blood, and its value is no different from that of a Tier 10 Divine Item , And it is extremely rare.

With such a heavy treasure, Meng Fan couldn't help but make his heart tremble. The whole person was also in a state of hesitation. After a few breaths, Meng Fan's eyes opened, a light flashing, just about to speak, but he suddenly noticed. The look of one of the ancestral dragons immediately sneered.

"Are you stupid for me? You four ancestor dragons shot, how could I be your opponent, don't do it!"

Hearing that, many monsters around this world nodded, but there was no surprise to this, and I felt that no one would agree. Because the four ancestor dragons shot and one is fundamentally two concepts. It is not as simple as three more. One person VS four demigods, but you will face big enemies on all sides, even if you can resist one, two, and two. Falling on his body, one ebb and flow, must make him fall into a passive state, one step and one wrong step, when the four people fall together, it is enough to beheaded!

There are quite a few alien monsters with the ultimate physical cultivation around it. Naturally, they understand the degree of danger, and the pressure they face is tens of times, or even a hundred times, that of an ancestral dragon!

"How dare you?"

Seeing Meng Fan's refusal, the four ancestor dragons glanced at each other, and a fierce look flashed through their deep dragon eyes.

"Why not, let's increase the reward once. If you can resist the means of the four of us, then we will give two bottles of Shendao Ancestral Dragon's efforts, what do you think!"

Two bottles!

Between these two words, it was definitely called a flat ground blast, which almost ignited the entire field, even if everyone knew that this was definitely a killing game, but it also made the hearts of countless monsters slammed. This temptation But it is extremely big.

Standing in place, Meng Fan seemed to have gone through intense thoughts, and finally said,

"No, I will die, I will least five bottles!"

Five bottles!

With a word, the five ancestral dragons almost flashed their tongues, one of them said coldly,

"Hmph, what do you think of the essence and blood of God's Dao Ancestral Dragon? What we have in our hands is nothing left by the previous generations for us to break through. It is definitely not much. Come if you want, and forget it if you don't. We don’t have as many as five bottles at all!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan seemed to be struggling fiercely, and finally, infinite greed flashed in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and uttered a few words with difficulty.

"Three bottles, if it's three bottles, I'll bet, life and death!"

Seeing Meng Fan’s expression, Zulong’s eyes met each other, and they communicated quickly and privately. In the end, each of them flashed a fierce light, and the four said in unison.

"Okay, three bottles!"

When the voice fell, that kind of murderous intent also came at the same time, faintly with a taste of incomparable indifference, obviously it was already carefully prepared, and wanted to ruin Meng Fan!

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