Supreme God King

Chapter 1453: Bidou

Three bottles of Shento Ancestral Dragon essence blood!

The sound fell, enough to shock the crowd, and silence the ancient alien species around a magic sky cave, including war ants, real magic trees, etc., all of their eyes condensed, and they felt that their breathing was a little still!

Any bottle of Shento Ancestral Dragon’s essence and blood is comparable to a Tier 10 divine object, and three bottles of Shento Ancestral Dragon’s essence and blood mean three Tier 10 divine objects. Take it out for gambling. This kind of handwriting is absolutely huge enough. , Even in this Tian Bone Mountain Range, it is extremely rare.

This gambling fight is no longer a normal fight, but has been completely upgraded to the point of life and death.

After a few breaths, one of the ancestral dragons said coldly,

"We can take things out, but if you lose, I want your life, the ancestral line, from ancient times, don't offend, offend, die!"

The tone was gloomy, pointing directly to Meng Fan.


Standing in place, Meng Fan's expression was still and calmly said.

"But I see the blood first!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the four ancestral dragons looked at each other, and then gritted their teeth and opened the space. After a few breaths, three small bottles fell into their hands and opened the mouth of the bottle, a kind of rolling The power of the divine way is spread from it, permeating the world.

Shinto Ancestral Dragon!

What a strong person this is, it's just that the moment the breath spreads, it causes the breath of Zhou Tian's countless beasts to shock, and it echoes with each other.

Although the Warcraft family is born strong, it also has many of its own shackles. It is not easy to break it, especially for the Primordial Alien Species who want to cultivate to reach the gods. The three bottles of Shendao Ancestral Dragon’s blood can mean their life's strength. Cohesion.

Even if the Sky Bone Mountain Range is the place where the ancestral dragons are inherited, but this thing is absolutely rare and pitiful in its family. If it were not for the four demi-god ancestral dragons, they were only a few thousand years old. Fast, it is absolutely impossible to be given this kind of thing by the Ancestral Dragon's line, I hope it can achieve God's way within eternity.

Three bottles are their limit. Although there are five ancestral dragons, the ancestral dragon line can give them only three bottles. Only three of them can be taken, and it is impossible to achieve one bottle for five people.

But now, in order to kill Meng Fan, the four of them took out the three bottles of Ancestral Dragon Essence and Blood, obviously they have the certainty of victory!

"Brother, I think... forget it!"

After that, the brows of the Golden Lion and the others were frowned, even if the reaction was rather stupid, but the few people also saw the methods of the Zulong and others. This kind of layout was for Meng Fan to fight against him.

"Yes, it's a big deal to lose some face, better than losing one's life!"

"Yes, our brothers will help you and take action together, they won't take you to anything!"

Hearing the words of the Golden Lions made Meng Fan's heart warm. His disguised monsters and Tongtianhu got along with them, and the latter treated him as a brother sincerely. It is better than not knowing how many humans often harm brothers for many years. Know how many times.

However, Meng Fan shook his head, looked at the Zulong people, and said calmly.

"That's it. Since you all want to kill me, then use this as a covenant, a battle of the flesh, I will face the four of you alone, if I lose, my life is yours, if I win, three bottles of ancestral dragons The blood is mine, everyone... do it!"

The tone is calm, spread all over the world, without any emotion at all.

With one word, the heroes move!

In the next moment, everyone in between Zhou and Tian took a step back and dispersed, leaving plenty of room for Meng Fan and others. Among them, many people are already looking hot, feeling a kind of extraordinary excitement.

The Sky Bone Mountain Range is the gathering place of this Primordial Beast. It has always been fierce, and there are many fights everywhere, but this battle is related to the blood of the three ancestral dragons, and this one is more. The color is enough to make anyone feel that a good show is about to be staged.

After a while, Zhou Tian dispersed, and the Golden Lion and the others had no choice but to retreat, leaving only five figures on the sky, Meng Fan and...Four Great Ancestral Dragons!

The breath is opposite, the eyes are crossed, and without waiting to speak, it has already made this world cold and cold.

"Hmph, kid, since you are looking for death, then I have no choice but to send you to death!"

Facing Meng Fan, one of the ancestor dragons grinned and said, a taste of conspiracy success.

Regarding this, Meng Fan was extremely calm. Facing the crush of the four people in this void, he stepped out suddenly, and in one move, the monstrous blood merged with himself, as if all the blood was burning all over his body, bones. The explosion sounded, a punch was blasted, and the mountains and rivers changed color.

one strike!

Between this fist and the sky, that kind of great emperor was born, and the aura that suppressed everything was attacked. Even if the vitality was never used, the golden fist was issued with the power of the flesh, and it was the same terrifyingly extreme. !

Even in the face of the four great ancestor dragons, at this moment Meng Fan still chose the most repressive style of play to fight everything.


In the void, the four dragon shadows roared at the same time, like four black clouds, standing in the sky, and at the moment when the sound of the dragon's chants spread all over the world, it was to make everything fall apart.

There is no doubt that Meng Fan had already shown terrifying combat power before, but now the four Ancestral Dragons have nothing to care about, and they have pressed three bottles of Shendao Ancestral Dragon’s essence and blood in order to obtain Meng Fan’s life. Now they are naturally negligent. No.

Just during this movement, the four figures moved forward at the same time, each of the dragon's bloodline shook, and one claw stretched out, surpassing the world.


In just a moment, Meng Fan's boxing front collided with one of the dragon claws. As previously expected, it was only the moment of the collision, and before Meng Fan could exert any more force, the three dragon claws around the sky came and volleyed.

The four ancestral dragons can reach the point they are today, but they have also risen from countless killings, and they definitely did not come out of thin air.

The minds are connected, the four people are one, even if Meng Fan can resist one of the handprints, but in this void, the other three are spread out, the breath explodes, and they are directly crushed.

Between this kind of handprints, even if a sacred statue is located in it, it is difficult to resist, not to mention that the vitality is not allowed to run. It comes from the ancient ancestor dragon, which is an absolute powerhouse in the body, which allows Meng Fan to resist. Live on one side, but it is difficult to resist the other three sides.


The infinite murderous intent struck, and Meng Fan could not help but let out a loud roar, standing all over the sky, the more the crisis, the original violent meaning is...more dense!

In Meng Fan’s rebellious imprint, he absorbed Zhou Tian and merged into himself. At this moment, Meng Fan’s body has doubled out of thin air. Even with this phantom wood cover, that kind of domineering look at mountains and rivers is also Broke out.

The flesh ascends to God, but I am undefeated!

Only after a while, Meng Fan's other hand was tightly grasped, and another punch was blasted out against one of the Ancestral Dragon's claws.

During the collision, Meng Fan didn't move at all, his fists staggered, and he faced the other two Ancestral Dragons again.

This kind of interlacing is as fast as extremely electric, and the impact it faces is like shaking Mount Tai. If it weren't for the extraordinary judgment of Meng Fan's physical cultivation, even if it was just one of the blows, it would have been a physical collapse, let alone. Face four blows at the same time!

One person is above the sky, motionless, moving like electricity, but with his own power like a fort, constantly blasting the front, fighting with the four great ancestor dragons above the sky!

Bang, bang!

Just between this moment, a big storm was set off in the entire field, sweeping the sky and breaking the space.

Among them, the rupture of power between the five figures is unpredictable, just like the collision of gods, causing endless sparks. Even if this is the Tianbone Mountain Range, where fierce beasts are gathered, now they can’t help but breathe in a cold breath. It is hard to imagine that there is a great horror at this kind of physical collision. There is someone who can do this. Practice the physical body to the extreme.

In the eyes of everyone, one person VS the four great ancestor dragons!

Meng Fan did not retreat even one step. Facing the crush of the four ancestral dragons, while meeting the strong at the same time, he was strong. At the same time, he made four punches, shaking the sky, and clashing with the four great ancestor dragons. . Even if the pressure he was facing was countless times that of before, it made Meng Fan calm and unhurried, and that kind of emperor's aura became stronger and stronger.

Between several breaths, the five human figures in the field had undergone thousands of collisions, and the next moment Meng Fan was alone in the sky, he roared.


It was just a word, falling out of thin air, just like a verbal method. After a while, the four roaring dragon shadows flew out like four sandbags. At the same time, the student on the chest took Meng Fan's punch and was almost beaten. Broken their bones, the dragon blood spurted out and flew out directly.

Just one person!

When such a scene fell, it caused an uproar. It was only then that Meng Fan was able to agree to the requirements of the four great ancestral dragons, but not only because of courage, but because of his own boldness and extraordinary strength. Can get to this point.

Even if it is a kind of physical warfare of the arrival of the sacred, it is to be defeated, but Meng Fan has achieved this step in his life, it is not unbelievable.

Around the sky, there was a shock, and in the next moment the four dragon shadows floated in the void and rose up into the sky. It was the four great ancestor dragons that had been bombed by Meng Fan before. Looking at each other, at this moment, the eyes of the four great ancestor dragons are full of fierceness to the extreme, the sound of the dragon's chants resounded through the world, and the four dragons are in the sky, saying in unison,

"Joining skills!"

The four words were spit out, and the sky was suddenly distorted. Although the bodies of the four ancestor dragons were also standing between the sky and the earth, their auras turned out to be more and more unpredictable, making people even look at them. It seems to be true and imaginary.

Between this kind of breath, Meng Fan's whole body was instantly covered with murderous intent, even his whole body's hair exploded, and there was a great terrorist attack facing the threat of life and death.

His eyes flashed, and Meng Fan had already reserved it before. The latter four dared to press three bottles of Shendao Dragon Clan's essence and blood, but it was definitely not just because they wanted to fight him. The four really have the means to suppress him, and they are extremely confident, and they just dared to do so.

But now, this method is indeed... extremely terrifying. The bodies of the four ancestor dragons float in the void, with flashing runes. That kind of breath is extremely ancient, and it is obviously an ancient secret method operating. This secret method turns out to be the ultimate development of the physical power of the four people, and the mind and mind are completely united, the infinite evil spirit envelopes the sky, and wants to destroy the sky!

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