Supreme God King

Chapter 1454: Dragon Skills

Dragon Clan join forces!

Around this Tianbone Mountain Range, countless monsters are already petrified, even if they are rarely seen in this kind of earth-shattering battle, and among them, there is a low-eyed man who roars and notices the changes of these four ancestor dragons. When the words were uttered, it caused a shock between the world.

Ancient Ancestral Dragon, the leader of the Seven Overlords!

To reach this point, the latter line definitely has the capital to dominate the world, and it is rumored that when the Seven Overlords fought for the first place, the immortal phoenix had the capital to compete with the ancestor dragon. The fight is endless, and both sides have reached a stalemate.

However, at that last moment, the blood of the Ancestral Dragon turned out to be a burst of energy, and many Ancestral Dragons chanted at the same time, inspiring the blood, and performed a unique skill. The energy of countless Ancestral Dragons turned out to work together, resulting in double strength. , Overwhelming the undead Phoenix, that's it... the Dragon Clan's combined force technique!

This method of killing and killing has always been the true legend of the Ancestral Dragon. Only after reaching the core level can it be qualified to practice. It is one of the most profound meanings of the dragon clan. For tens of thousands of years, few people have been able to cultivate it. The supreme killing, once sacrificed, will shake the world.

What everyone didn't expect was that the four demigod ancestor dragons in the field were already proficient in this secret method, so they dared to gamble with Meng Fan before.

Because this kind of dragon clan combined force technique can not only completely burn their physical potential, but also the power of the four people is combined, and the force produced is four times the usual. The combined force of the four people is again four times higher. Under this endless ascension, one can imagine how its power will reach as soon as it emerges.

Before that, the reason why the four dared to make that kind of gamble was to set up a dark game and kill Meng Fan!

The breath is filled, the sky is shaking!

The breath of the four great ancestor dragons stand in a corner between Meng Fan’s body. That kind of rich blood is already full of infinite evil spirits, making this world suddenly pale, only these four ancient blacks Clouds are in this sky.


One word was spit out, and the four great ancestor dragons smashed into the sky at the same time. The handprint of the dragon family traversed the sky and attacked outright. It was many times faster than the previous speed, and the power in it was even more terrifying. Measurement!

one strike!

Raising his head, Meng Fan felt the blood all over his body was about to coagulate, that kind of infinite evil aura hits, even his kind of person who is accustomed to life and death is like a big enemy, his five fingers are closed, the whole body is qi and blood circulating, at the same time Quickly four punches, and four of them confronted with the shadow of the ancestor dragon.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

The four sounds spread all over the world at the same time. In the next moment, you can see Meng Fan spurting out two mouthfuls of blood, and his body retreats directly. The appearance of the Heavenly Tiger transformed by the phantom wood is almost unstable, breaking apart, causing his body to be large. Step back, the tiger's mouth fell apart.

In the interlacing before this, with Meng Fan's power, he was able to resist the two blows, but he had reached his limit. The power of the other two ancestral dragons came and exploded directly in Meng Fan's body, causing his body to blast away, wiping out how much qi and blood.

A hit!

The four great ancestor dragons roared at the same time, and four handprints came again, like four mountain peaks, falling again.


Above the sky, Meng Fan had to use the fist as his palm, blasting out, covering the surroundings, and resisting his body.

However, between the power of the four dragons, even if Meng Fan’s combat power is terrifying, and his body ascends to the gods, he cannot withstand this infinitely increased ancestral dragon's combined power. The terrifying palm prints are torn apart, causing his whole body to continue to retreat. Later, blood spurted out again, and the bones between the chest burst into pieces, and under the impact of blood, it looked precarious, and could be crushed by the four great ancestor dragons at any time.

"Little brother!"

The Tongtianhu four shouted, but there was no way.

After all, this is a gambling agreement, and even though there are countless killings in the line of Warcraft, it is extremely important to this point. Meng Fan has already agreed before, so only Zulong and Meng Fan are the matter.

That one is a race handed down from ancient times, if it is untrustworthy, it will not stand. Under this kind of eyes, everyone can only watch Meng Fan fight against him.

And in such a battle, it is obvious that all Meng Fan's previous advantages have disappeared. The killing game carefully laid by the four Ancestral Dragons is not unbelievable. This kind of dragon clan combined force completely burns out their own methods, and the sacred is Unstoppable, let alone Meng Fan!

"He must die!"

In the distance, many ancient beasts looked at each other, all whispering.

Including war ants, true magic trees, etc., they all shook their heads, feeling that Meng Fan no longer has any hope. If they face one statue alone, perhaps Meng Fan still has a chance of winning, but among the four, this is not one plus one. Simple, even if they think they can't resist in the field, they can only say that Meng Fan was too big before, and he would die!

"If it doesn't work, we will force it in and rescue the little brother!"

After a few breaths, a few words were uttered in Tongtianhu's mouth, and the Hydra, Golden Lion, and Linghu suddenly nodded, and a trace of fierceness flashed in their eyes.

However, in this stretch of trees, there is a corner that everyone did not notice, but there is a delicate body standing quietly. If someone finds it, it will be extremely shocked, because this benevolence is a peerless beauty, a blue suit. The robe is made of a close-fitting body. It is undoubtedly exquisite, concave and convex, and extremely tall. The white skin on the neck is outside, and it has a charming face, especially the eyes, as if they can speak. The ecstasy, at first glance, is the feeling of facing Hu Meizi.

With such a figure, with this look, there is no doubt that the latter is definitely the beauty of the country and the city, and the corner where the latter is now avoids the sight of everyone, making it impossible to notice her. Not to mention it's quite strange.

But when her eyes looked at it, the blue-clothed woman smiled at this moment and said calmly,

"This person is very interesting!"

The tone was calm, but if Meng Fan heard it, he would be surprised, because in the words that this peerless beauty said before, the character... is extremely important, even if it is between the world and the earth. Sacred is not necessarily able to see through the true identity of Meng Fan through the magic wood!

Between the sky, the breath is chaotic, and smoke is everywhere!

In the previous collision, it burst unmatched, 10,000 meters high in the sky, just like igniting. And at this moment, Meng Fan took a big step backwards. He stopped after a full kilometer, and his body was frozen, but the blood in his body was constantly rushing, impacting his whole body, uncontrollable, making his complexion flushed, as if anytime. It may explode.

The power destruction of the four great ancestor dragons is truly terrifying!

Under this kind of situation, it is almost necessary to cut off any vitality of Meng Fan, and in the next moment the void air is coming, covering the world, but the four ancestor dragons do not intend to give Meng Fan any opportunity. The breath comes, it is directly Completely seal the world where he is.

"Boy, you have nothing to say this time!"

Above the sky, four ancestral dragons descended, covering Meng Fan’s body, one of them sneered.

"Yes, obediently kneel down and beg Uncle Long, maybe you still have a chance to survive!"

"Yes, kneel down for me!"

The gloomy tone spread all over the world, and reaching this point naturally made the Zulong people's mood quite good, able to completely crush Meng Fan, and avenge the previous hatred. So they did not rush to do it, but like a cat watching a mouse, wanting to tease it.

In response, Meng Fan coughed heavily, spouted blood, looked around, and said calmly.

"Yes, there is really nothing to say. Your trump cards did not disappoint me. This kind of physical killing method is indeed terrifying, and it is worthy of the Beast family!"

A few words fell, sonorous and powerful, but when they fell into the ears of everyone, they found that Meng Fanfei at this moment did not have any fear, but there was a hint of excitement in his tone.

Such an emotion, it seems that it should never appear in this kind of killing.

Rao was the four great ancestor dragons also discovered, an ancestral dragon said coldly,

"Hmph, what are you, you still have the right to comment on us, let's scrap it first, and interrupt his limbs!"

With a word, Zhou Tian trembled, and at the same time the four great ancestor dragons shot, the vitality merged with themselves, the huge dragon claws also came to Meng Fan, breaking the world, suppressing the world, that kind of dragon clan's combined force technique worked to the extreme, and went straight to Meng Fan. .

In the midst of the violent storm, Meng Fan’s complexion remained motionless, and the corners of his mouth were drawn out. The whole body, which was originally calm, suddenly made a burst of sound from all the bones in the whole body. The blood hit, and the hair was standing upside down. Fan didn't move, but the blood in his body turned out to be more powerful.

Go ahead to dangers!

For many years, Meng Fan has always been like this. In countless life and death fights, he knew that his opponent had a strong hole card and fought fiercely. This is especially true for Meng Fan's practice of the physical body. Without this kind of confidence, He can't reach the point he is today.

Prior to this, with Meng Fan’s eyesight, he had naturally seen through the killing of the four great ancestral dragons. If it is a pitman, he is the ancestor in this respect, and the reason for hesitation is not to choose, but to seduce the other party. More ancestral dragon blood.

On the contrary, in Meng Fan's heart, he yearned for this battle!

The physical body is the ultimate, only by using battle to prove the way, using power to break the sky, using body as the base, and fierce as the soul, only in this kind of life-and-death battle, can you sharpen yourself.

At the point where Meng Fan is now, his body is astonishing, he has performed to the extreme, has amazing growth, it is too difficult to find opponents to sharpen himself.

Finally, there are four ancient ancestor dragons, controlling the secret method of the flesh, which is definitely a powerful enemy, and it is how Meng Fan can miss it. On the contrary, he wants to compare with the other party and discuss the level. This Primordial Alien Species came out of the Tianbone Mountain Range, where there were such good opponents.

In just a moment, Meng Fan’s body seemed to have become stronger. I don’t know how many times. His eyes were cold. The biggest hole card was also used by him. When he raised his hand, only three words were cold and unmatched. ,


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