Supreme God King

Chapter 1465: Slaughter professional

Slaughter professional households!

With one word, the world moves!

At the moment when his voice fell, Meng Fan also blasted out a punch, golden light flashed, absolutely domineering!

Years of cultivation, countless lives and deaths, only in exchange for today's strength against the sky.

And in the countless past of Meng Fan, it is indeed as he said, it can be said that he stepped up on the blood of the restricted area.

Throughout the ages, who would dare to enter the restricted area, or look at the times, who would dare to move the imperial family in the restricted area, but Meng Fan did it, not only did it, but also did it so thoroughly and harshly.

The real demon in the restricted zone and the royal family who died in his hands did not have a million, and they were almost the same.

Especially in the battle in the restricted area, I don’t know how much blood in the restricted area was contaminated. The latter claimed to be a professional slaughterer. I am afraid that even the powerhouses of the three sacred realms would not dare to rob him, and there was no Meng. Those who have killed many in these few years.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, the blackness of death is a symbol of death, but for Meng Fan, once he sees this kind of sign, there are only three words: kill, kill, kill!

People in the restricted area can only kill!

This is Meng Fan. In one move, the front of the fist traversed the world, even with the endless black death energy, it was difficult to resist his powerful front.


In the sea of ​​black death, it exploded. At this moment, the power of rebelliousness in Meng Fan's body broke out, which itself was to restrain the black death. Between Meng Fan's movements, that kind of power was simply unstoppable, directly. Blasting the entire sea of ​​black death, rushed towards the Bodhi Patriarch in it.


In an instant, Bodhi Patriarch's expression changed, his hand stretched out and resisted.

Under a collision, the two fists faced each other, and after a while, Bodhi Patriarch felt that a storm-like offensive was coming.

Step by step shooting stars, fists like cold flashes, every step of Meng Fan's fall is to make the entire week tremble, like a kick from the ancient beasts, with great power.

In the face of Bodhi ancestors, such a former peak powerhouse, how could Meng Fan be big, just for a moment, the strongest trump card controlled by Meng Fan was used, and his combat power reached the pinnacle.

Now that Meng Fan's body is ascended to God, his vitality is Nirvana, at this moment he explodes two big cards, one is the setting sun, and the other is the rebellious scroll.

Moving by one person, blessing the two god-level methods, under the fusion, Meng Fan's combat power has increased by several times at this moment, with a kind of extreme dominance that smashes the sky and cuts everything away!

Suddenly, the fist front fell, and with Meng Fan stepping forward, it was a number of blows of the old fist. That fierce and unmatched fist front was like a storm, constantly falling on the Bodhi ancestor, even if it was as powerful as Bodhi. The ancestors always changed their palms, and the black death air protected their body, only to resist with all their strength.

Above the sky, one person in the sky, eight breaths, hundreds of punches fell on Bodhi Patriarch's body.

Both the Inverse God scroll and the sunset change come from the mysterious and incomparable inheritance, which suppresses the aura of black death, so even if the Bodhi ancestor is very confident and thinks that its means can crush everything, it is a pity to encounter But Meng Fan, the latter’s combat power is definitely not as simple as the Quasi-God Realm. It only takes a moment to burst his body. That kind of rebellious power is integrated into the body of the Bodhi Patriarch through the fist and it is constantly Obliterate its power.

"The Great Seal!"

In an instant, Meng Fan was the last seal to fall, and all the fighters were transformed into this handprint. That kind of war emperor's unique knowledge was also used to the extreme by Meng Fan, as if the war emperor came in person, he was unparalleled. Below the seal, the layers of the black sea of ​​death were blasted away, and the five fingers fell, which impacted the ancestor Bodhi’s chest, and the seal spread, causing the ancestor Bodhi to roar, and his body seemed to be broken. The kite generally retreats, and in a single blow, it is hit hard.


Behind him, the pretty face of the blue-clothed woman changed. With her eyesight, she had already estimated Meng Fan before, but at this moment, it turned out to be low when Meng Fan started, and she couldn't help but feel a little surprised. This situation is really rare.

It is not that the woman in blue has insufficient eyesight, but that some things cannot be seen through at a glance, such as the martial arts fusion in Meng Fan's body, and his own understanding of various methods. These are all in Meng Fan's insights of countless lives and deaths. , It’s just forging itself, not ability, but it is more important than ability.

"No wonder being so arrogant, it seems I am really worried!"

The blue-clothed woman chuckled softly, with an inexplicable smell on her pretty face.

At this moment, the Bodhi ancestor, who was in the void, did not feel so well. During his retreat, he encountered a powerful impact, and he still had to dissolve the power of rebelliousness in his body. Even though he was as powerful as him, at this moment he felt the soul agitated and faced a powerful threat.

After a few breaths, Bodhi ancestor just stood firm, stabilized himself, coldly said,

"Humph, I didn't expect that after so many years, the human race turned out to be a character like you, which is not sacred, but has a combat power comparable to that of sacredness. People like you are rare in ancient times. The old man did not have this kind of ability back then. , But it’s okay. The stronger you are, the more help I absorb and give me... Today is to show you the means of Bodhi Gate. Bodhi has no trees. I die!"

The last few words fall, like a law, with a vastness that suppresses the sky, so that the black death in the sky is also skyrocketing. The body of the Bodhi ancestor is constantly expanding, like a giant, standing upright in the sky, When an ancient secret method was displayed, its combat power was also constantly rising, making the pressure in the sky become extremely huge.

Holy Three Realms!

As soon as Meng Fan gritted his teeth, he clearly felt that the opponent's strength was increasing. Although the latter only appeared with bodhicitta, he was always the pinnacle powerhouse standing between heaven and earth. Now it is obviously operating a secret method to return its former strength. The overwhelming majesty comes. The suppressed Meng Fan has difficulty breathing, and he has a kind of oppression in the face of a mountain. It is difficult to move your fingers.


The gap between this level of strength is really too huge, even if the latter has fallen, but facing this level of power, it is as fierce as Meng Fan, and there is a feeling of wanting to surrender and not dare to make a move.

The realm of vitality, day by day, the more backward, the more the sky is, not to mention that Meng Fan is not sacred now.

However, before Meng Fan could speak, a voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Strike a snake and hit seven inches, use ten points hard. Although this guy is regaining his strength and can temporarily reach his former peak, he still has a weakness after all. It is in his heart where his energy body is. Now he can There is no body, everything is transformed by this energy body, and there is only one way to deal with him, which is to attack on this energy body by all means, only to hit the last trace of mind above the energy body Only then can he completely kill him, otherwise there is no other way, his realm is too high, you and I have only one dead end!"

The speaker was naturally the blue color suit, which caused Meng Fan's eyes to flash, and he was extremely agreeable with his mind and methods, and was able to deceive the four sacred people, saying that she was simple and no one believed at all. Although he didn't know exactly how Lan Caiyi saw through, after a moment of silence, Meng Fan nodded, and a fierce thought flashed through, with a loud roar, suppressing all the fears in his body, and his mind was in harmony. One, the thought is well understood, and one step is boldly taken.


Three words were spit out, Meng Fan's physical body rushed with blood and blood, boldly shot, and punched.

Already knowing the opponent's weakness, then Meng Fan is the only way to sacrifice it. If he fails, he will become benevolent!

Before the opponent was in the strongest state, he was hit hard, and his body glowed in the air. That kind of destructive aura was also full, permeating the world, and coming violently.

And at the moment Meng Fan made his move, the blue colored clothes behind him also came out with a sword, his eyes gleamed, and the two runes in the faint also flickered, forming a strange symbol. At this moment, his body There was a kind of monstrous hostility surging in it, faintly infinitely more terrifying than Meng Fan, and at the same time, he cut down with a sword and went straight to the ancestor of Bodhi.

The two attacks are both of that kind of supreme means, traversing heaven and earth, and slashing to the chest of the Bodhi ancestor!

Under these two cuts, the Bodhi ancestor’s expression was cold, and he never thought that the other party had discovered his own shortcomings, but he was a strong man who stepped into the three sacred realms and went rampant for an era. The palm prints in his body broke out and he grabbed it with one palm , The billowing black death air surged out, forming a handprint like a mountain.


Only for a moment, the sky shook, and Bahuang paled.

Both Meng Fan and Lan Caiyi’s powerful slaying blows are on this handprint. Under the impact of this kind of force, it can be described as a place of 10,000 meters, everything collapses, if this is not the previous generation of demons. The place left is probably already completely broken.

There was a thunderous sound, and the air flow rushed, but you could see Meng Fan and Lan Caiyi spouting out of blood, and the two of them each stepped back and were blown out.

Facing the Bodhi ancestor with two sacred combat powers, although the latter fell, but relying on the bodhichitta, it completely suppressed the two of them. Just between this palm print, the judgment has been made. The shaking Meng Fan didn’t know how many bones were broken, a lot of internal hemorrhage, and the whole person was flying across the sky. .

"Jie Jie!"

The ancestor Bodhi sneered, stepped out, that kind of murderous intent struck again, coldly said,

"What did you find out? You don't have to die, two guys, no matter who you are, today... I will kill you!"

The voice fell, and the air of black death struck, blatantly suppressed.


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