Supreme God King

Chapter 1466: Fight to the death

Between heaven and earth, a piece of black!

With a seal of the Bodhi ancestor, it is enough to shake everything. It can step into the three realms, but it is already the top master of Qin Mieren. Even if the combat power is far less than the peak, the methods are also different. Unusual.

A snap of the finger shook the two back, and the handprints of the blow were shot again. The billowing black death air swept the world and filled everything. It turned into a big hand in the void, and then grabbed the two again.

Suddenly, murderous!

Under the endless chill, that kind of biting aura made Meng Fan's whole body become cold, suppressing his vitality, and felt like facing the end of the day. This kind of feeling has been one of the few in Meng Fanke for many years. Only those who live and die will feel cold in their hands and feet, instinctively afraid.

There is no doubt that this living Bodhi ancestor is too powerful. Even though it is only a trace of divine thoughts running Bodhicitta, the combat power suppresses everything, and Meng Fan cannot be the enemy.

"Meng Fan, wait for me to stay, resist with all my strength, you can delay time and help you escape!"

At the next moment, Xiaotian slowly said, spitting out a few words, which contained a firm taste.

Hearing his words, although the little emperor was speechless, it was the last benevolence. At this moment, the two of them already felt the powerful crisis of the Bodhi ancestor, and wanted to help Meng Fan, in exchange for Meng Fan with their own power. Life.


Meng Fan shook his head directly, and stepped down to control the blood of the riot in his body, but another mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm just a tool spirit, you are a human being, if I wait for the flesh, maybe I will be able to recover after eternity, as long as you come back, you will also have the same opportunity to stay in the green mountains, not afraid of no firewood. !"

Xiaotian roared, trying to make Meng Fan obey him and leave immediately.

"Yes, time is too late for a while!"

Hearing what the two said, Meng Fan's mouth was bleeding, but he shook his head and said calmly.

"Xiaotian, you are wrong!"

Hearing this, Xiao Tian was taken aback and looked at Meng Fan hesitantly, while Meng Fan's mouth drawn a strange arc, that smile revealed a firmness.

"For many years, you and I have fought for life and death. To me Meng Fan, you are not just a god, but...My brother, my family, whether it is you or the lost monster blood Halberd and Undead Armor are all like this. I have lost them, so how can I lose you? If it is my god, then I will leave it, but Xiaotian, how can you make me give up... Family, my friend, my brother!"

Every word is powerful, like Hong Zhong!

In the past, when Meng Fan was in Wuzhen, he was just an ordinary young man. He learned to refining weapons from Ruo Shuiyi, step by step, and became a Soul Master. For many years, he continued to fight with weapons. For Meng Fan, his brothers were not only Lin Tang, but also Lonely Haughty and others, but also included the magic weapon Xiao Tian, ​​Burning Heaven Order, and Demon Blood Euphorbia.

God soldiers have spirits, they are also souls and people!

My brother!

This sentence is not just talking, even if it is between this kind of life and death, Meng Fan is the same. He would rather abandon himself than his brother.

The common people pressed down to retreat, blood stained hands and tears!

For many years, Meng Fan has been like this. Only this kind of thought can reach the point where it is today. Only Meng Fan really treats the gods with this kind of feelings, and then can make the monster blood spurge and immortal. The battle armor deified the spirit, desperately protecting Meng Fan, and died without regret.

Scholars die for their confidants, even the grass and trees in this world have their own feelings, not to mention the gods with their own minds.

Only for a moment, Xiaotian and Xiaodi were speechless, the two of them had no tears, but they felt choked with their voices, and they couldn't say a word.

When he stepped on the sole of his foot, Meng Fan stood between the heavens and the earth, looking up to the sky with a big laugh, the blood flowing in his body, his eyes were blood red, under this endless murderous intent, that kind of fighting intent was more intense, once again A punch came out.

"God Slaughter!"

Between the three words, the fist strikes across the world, and between the punches, there is a feeling that the entire space is distorted. A more violent and more violent means is used by Meng Fan. , Attacked outrageously.

The second blow!

Between these three styles, one blow is more overbearing than one blow, and one blow is more fierce than one blow. After Meng Fan's punch fell, the overwhelming power traversed the world, killing the gods and destroying the Buddha!


Only for a moment, Xiaotian and Xiaodi shot at the same time, without saying a word, the power of the two tenth-order divine objects shook the sky suddenly, and the waves rolled like thunder.

And in the space of Xiaotian, there was a bang. A stream of light flashed in the sky. Naturally, it was the eternal qi cauldron, surrounded by chaos. At this moment, there was no summon of Meng Fan, or it was already shot. Shining the sky, resisted and left.

One person, plus three great things, make a single blow!

Under this kind of breath, the blue color yi raised her eyebrows, and a strange meaning appeared on her pretty face, whispered,

"Unexpectedly, after eternity, there will be such a strange man in the world. It is interesting, cut!"

Another word was spit out, Lan Caiyi's hands changed, and she herself was elevated from a quasi-god to a sacred level, but she was absolutely extraordinary, and her combat power skyrocketed.

And now between the fusion of vitality, another ancient secret technique is unfolding, and it is only this moment that gives him a kind of dominance that is above all together, and the combat power is even several times higher than before.

Several times to improve the combat power, continue to make itself stronger, this blue color shirt's trump card is simply mysterious and domineering, a sword fell, unexpectedly not lost to Meng Fan and the three great gods combined force, attacked again, brazenly above the sky The handprints of the Bodhi ancestors hit together.


The space collapsed, and the three torrents of vitality interlaced in the void, suddenly causing a great voyage, causing the entire world to be shattered.

Among them, the air wave rushed, and you could see that the bodies of Meng Fan and Lan Caiyi spurted out again, the blood flowed out, the whole person trembled and flew out.

And the group of Xiaotian, Xiaodi, Ten Thousand Mother and Child Qi Ding is even worse. The divine fetish burst, and the powerful air current impacted on the several large divine objects. There were countless traces of fragmentation on them. The light was dim, almost by itself. The spirits follow the smoke and disappear.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse!

This sentence is absolutely true, even if the Bodhi ancestor arrived like this, but the three realm powerhouses before the ages are powerful enough to exceed imagination.

However, at the moment when the air current rushed, it turned out that the ancestor Bodhi trembled all over his body. The black death air surrounding his body was in an unstable posture. One hand was covering his chest, his complexion Very bad, step back.

Gathering Meng Fan, Lan Caiyi, coupled with the power of Xiaotian and others, so many powerful people shot together, attacked one point, swearing to the death, even Meng Fan and others are also seriously injured, but they obviously have a very effective effect. That kind of vitality directly penetrated everything and hit the heart of Bodhi Patriarch.

The impact of power has affected the bodhicitta, which naturally makes the Bodhi Patriarch unable to stabilize himself now. Knowing that he has already fallen and can manifest power after eternity, it is undoubtedly a source of the most bodhicitta in his body.

If there is no such thing as Meng Fan and others, he will definitely not be hurt, but now he is not the peak after all. Between that kind of offensive, his own bodhicitta will eventually have a slight problem, which makes his soul unable to completely. Take control.


Just for a moment, the Bodhi ancestor couldn't help being still in the sea of ​​black death, the spirits and souls running, suppressing the bodhicitta in his body with all his strength.

And in this void, Meng Fan and several people flew out, spurting blood, blood staining the world, now including Xiaotian, Xiaodi, Ten Thousand Mother and Child Qi Ding, and the most mysterious blue color clothing are all without the power of a battle. , Was seriously injured, not to mention wanting to do it, even if he didn't even stabilize himself, he directly fell heavily on the ground.

In the face of such top powerhouses, several people have tried their best, but after all, they are exhausted. Once they wait until the Bodhi ancestor comes back to their senses, then wanting murderous aura is like searching for something.

However, at the next moment, the void stood still, and a figure stood up, vigorously suppressing the wounds in the body, hair fluttering, and his face remained unchanged. . . . Meng Fan!

Between the two blows, they were crushed by the Bodhi ancestor and almost broke all the meridians in Meng Fan's body, but now the latter turned out to be relying on the wounds in the body that was suppressed by the gods. Days, constantly changing.

A little bit of blood fell, even from between Meng Fan's seven orifices, the internal organs overflowed, making his whole person look like a blood man, but he still stood proudly on the sky, without taking a step back. .


A few words spit out from his throat, Meng Fan's eyes were blood red, as if crazy, all the power in his body was boiling at this moment, fusing himself. Under the continuous fusion of the two god-level methods, Meng Fan’s moment was like an ancient fierce beast in the sky, overwhelmingly hostile, even though the injuries were extremely serious, no worse than Xiaotian, Xiaodi and others, but Meng Fan was The living being suppressed by thoughts, standing in the sky, power running, the breath turned out to be. . . . More powerful!

Meng Fan!

At the same time, Xiaotian and Xiaodi's three big gods were all sensed. They stared at Meng Fan, and a strange look appeared in their eyes. This scene seemed familiar.

The latter has always been like this, starting from Wuzhen, reaching today's Middle Ancient Region, and gathering a large number of followers around Meng Fan.

And this group of people are all outstanding people in this ten thousand realms, like Lonely Haughty, Lin Tang, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, etc., are all peerless arrogances, how proud and powerful any one is, but But he was willingly beside Meng Fan.

It is precisely because the latter possesses this kind of fascinating thing, that kind of last-minute step forward, this is Meng Fan, who never stepped back, never feared, never changed, and fought to the last moment , Even if it flows through me. . . . The blood of a lifetime!

When a person is in the sky, Meng Fan's aura overflows and becomes stronger and stronger. After a few breaths, his whole person is already completely filled with the vitality power in his body. Under the changes of the two god-level methods, he will The infinite power in the sky merges into one, the muscles of the whole body bulge, the breath is violent, and the face is expressionless, only one word is spit out,



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