Supreme God King

Chapter 1467: Victory


Just one word, simply, sharp!

At the moment it fell to the world, it seemed as if it hadn't fallen, and at the same time Meng Fan's palm was raised, just a light stroke, just like the sacred queen of the Central Capital in the capital of the Central Emperor.

Physical training, third style, break!

There is only one word, but it comes from the essence of the empress of Zhongdu Sheng. Before Meng Fan, no one could realize success in the ages. It is as powerful as Qin Hongdu chose to give up at this last moment. This blow, It's called break, name break, is break!

Between a blow, a knife cuts the water, between a blow, cut the universe, between a blow, cut everything.

From the avenue to the simplicity, only one break!

This is the essence of this blow. Meng Fan only realized the success at the beginning, and the price he paid was that he was personally cut off by this judgment. Even with his cultivation base, it is extremely reluctant to deploy it now, but at this moment of crisis, the latter is all the treasures that are pressed on it.

Kill you while you are sick!

Obviously Bodhi Patriarch is in a stable state, and the state is down again. I don’t know how much, so that Meng Fan understands that there is only this last time. If it is missed, then everyone today will really be under the control of the Bodhi Patriarch Among them, it turns into fly ash.

Fight life and death with one blow, play the designated universe!

Only at this moment, Meng Fan didn't move, but the palm in the void had already fallen, slashing toward the Bodhi ancestor.

Among the slender five fingers, there was just a very simple palm, grabbing towards the Bodhi ancestor, but at the moment when the hand was shot, it made the Bodhi ancestor's look drastically changed, and the black death aura boiled, forcibly interrupted. My own fusion, roared,

"Do not!"

When a word falls, it can be said to be as stern and stern as it is, and at the same time its big hands change, all the black death energy around it is gathered in the whole body.

The runes flickered, like a sea of ​​black death, blocking his body, and this still made the Bodhi ancestors feel that it was not enough, and countless runes flickered in a flash, directly forming a layer of defense, resisting oneself On the chest.

Just for a moment, the world is silent!

There is no doubt that at this kind of moment, it has reached the point of the most straightforward words, Xiaotian, Xiaodi, and the aura of the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding locked this place, and including the blue color clothes, all pretty faces appeared. A strange look, as if a little nervous.

one strike. . . Life and death!

As far as his eyes could be, the palm of his hand fell, touching the layers of black death between the sky and the earth, but it was as if he hadn't seen it.

Even if there is an endless sea of ​​black death around it, this handprint is directly passed.

Even with the vitality defense meticulously transformed by the ancestors of Bodhi, the runes of the heavens are also outrageous. . . . Blasting open, like cutting tofu, in the void, only the palm of the hand is constantly moving forward, the void is still, and finally it is shot down. . . . . Above the heart of Bodhi Patriarch!


In the sky, after this palm, Meng Fan finally couldn't hold it, the last nerve collapsed, blood spurted out, bones burst, fell into the void, and fell between the ground.

Now at this kind of moment, even moving a little finger is laborious, forcibly supporting himself with the inverse scroll and the sunset change. If it were not for these two god-level methods, the Jedi would not let Meng Fan have such a explosive power. Can operate so many means.

And after this instant eruption, it also caused Meng Fan to completely consume the last trace of his body's strength. Under this kind of moment, the whole person's vitality is in the lowest state, and it is possible to die every moment.

After all, Meng Fan is not a perpetual motion machine, but a living human being. In addition to his own supreme belief, the reason why Meng Fan can do this is from his magical method and physical body. There is a limit.

After the previous consumption, it can be said that all of Meng Fan's strength was almost exhausted, and there was absolutely no power to do anything.

And in the void, Bodhi Patriarch’s body has been in the sky for a long time, standing still, making Xiaotian, Xiaodi and others hold their breath, watching this scene hesitantly, absolutely never expected that the battle would be It will happen to the point where it feels as if time is frozen.

After not knowing how long passed, Bodhi Patriarch finally uttered a few words slowly.

"Old man...not reconciled!"

The sound fell, and the black sea of ​​death that surrounded him burst into pieces, and they were separated directly, not knowing how much nothingness turned into nothingness. And the body transformed by his figure quickly dissipated, disappearing little by little on the sky. Obviously, between this last blow, Meng Fan’s one-stop lore, turned out to be the one who cut off the Bodhi Patriarch’s bodhi mind. A trace of soul.

Without this trace of soul, then Bodhi Patriarch. . . . No longer exists!

Even if it is the supreme power of the past, even if it is the real overlord between the world and the earth, but after these eternity, it is let a younger generation of juniors be completely cut off, the soul bursts and turns into A piece of gunpowder smoke between the world.

Even if it is the top existence of this vitality cultivation, once the last trace of soul dies, that is, there is no chance, it must be completely cut off.

The body of the Bodhi ancestor dissipated more and more, and Xiaotian was immediately attracted, and the excitement of Xiaodi and others had never expected that it would reach this point. Above this sky, all the air of black death is the last naturalization, only the voice of Bodhi Patriarch slowly falls,

"The old man is unwilling... The old man is unwilling..."

"I am a sacred three realm... how is it possible... how is it possible!"

The words are full of endless resentment and regret, but now they are of no use anymore. With this breath dissipating more and more, the Bodhi ancestor finally disappeared completely, and he slowly returned to peace between the week and the sky. The pressure that filled the world before.

After a while, all the breath dissipated, and a golden fruit appeared above the sky, which seemed to flicker, a pure heaven and earth power flowing, it was a tenth-order god. . . . Bodhicitta!

Finally succeeded!

After a glance, a divine thought spread, and Meng Fan's heart suddenly stirred. He spent so much hard work and came to the Tianbone Mountain Range as a human being, for this bodhicitta, swept all the way and avoided many crises, but now he finally saw it.

Several people can understand the dangers between this, even if Meng Fan is a little careless, it is possible to encounter accidents, after all, this is the Tiangu Mountain Range, just a leak of identity is enough for Meng Fan to drink a pot. .

However, now that he finally saw this with his own eyes, Meng Fan's heart was surging, and he felt a sense of guarding the clouds and seeing Yueming.


But at the next moment, Meng Fan almost fainted, because at the moment of his excitement, his whole body shook, and he clearly felt his bones shattered. What made Meng Fan speechless was that his waist was broken like this. This kind of piercing pain struck Meng Fan almost yelling out.

And this is nothing, with the loss of a large amount of vitality in his body after endless pain, the soul has been affected for a while, and it is at stake.

There is no doubt that this time Meng Fan's consumption was too great, and the strong man he faced was too strong, causing his injuries to unprecedented levels. Under this situation, his whole person is on the verge of collapse, and may fall at any time.

Nima. . . . Is not it!

Meng Fan's heart was extremely depressed. The dissipated spirit made him uncontrollable. If he continued like this, he would inevitably die. His dignified generation of white-haired Shura did not die in such fierce battles before. If you die here like this, it would be too aggrieved and too sad.

However, before Meng Fan could find a way to save himself in the next moment, a majestic force was integrated into his body and protected his whole body.

And this force was extremely terrifying, reaching a point where Meng Fan had never seen it or understood it. After just a few breaths, it made the vitality in Meng Fan's body soar, and the injuries on his whole body were both physical and spiritual. Recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye is simply terrifying.

And not just him, including Xiaotian on the side, Xiaodi and others are the same, surrounded by a strange light group, after a few breaths, it is to make Meng Fan and others change from such a serious injury. Live forever.

Powerful people who reach their level are not easily injured, but if they are injured, they will have to cultivate countless. I don’t know how many supplements of heaven and earth treasures can make Meng Fan better, but it is only this kind of strength. In time, it is to restore them all. One can imagine how powerful this kind of power will be.

Meng Fan and the others were shocked. When they looked, they found that the person who shot was Lan Caiyi, but at this moment the latter was standing on the body of a generation of demon ancestors. Under him, as if an extremely ancient ancient magic circle had been activated, that kind of dusty aura overflowed, making the entire void tremble.

The flesh body of the generation of Demon Ancestor under the blue color clothing turned slowly into countless powers, and finally merged into the flesh and blood of the blue color clothing. . . . Completely compatible!

Alone in the sky, the aura of the blue color clothing becomes more and more unpredictable, and the terrifying aura permeates the sky. Starting from this piece of heaven and earth, it continues to spread, until it reaches 10,000 meters, hundreds of meters away, until. . . . The entire Tiangu Mountain Range.

At this moment, all the beasts were shocked, and their eyes lifted. Whether it is the existence of the sacred level or the most inferior beasts, they seem to have sensed a natural call of blood, and they are very excited and full of tears. face.

Countless beasts are looking here, kneeling to the ground, just for a moment, the entire Tianbone Mountain range is boiling, including the deepest hidden beast, the god-level existence that is closed in countless corners, the ancient alien species, Now they are also breaking through the barriers one after another, roaring up to the sky, kneeling on the spot, in the most pious way, dare not have any presumption.

Tian Bone Mountain Range shook, setting off a monstrous wave, and at the same time the words resounded through the world, comparable to thunder in the sky.

"Welcome... My ancestor is back!"


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