Supreme God King

Chapter 1471: Goodbye old friend

Soul God Valley!

Located in the center of this Middle Ancient Region, it is also the fringe of the Liu Family and Zhao Family of the Golden Family. It is located in a dangerous position and has numerous trades.

In the past few years, in this area, there have been countless forces participating, because each is to maximize the benefit, but there are not too many people in this area who are willing to fight. Both are able to build shops and attract tourists from all over the world.

Only a few days ago, everything had changed suddenly.

Prior to this, there were seven major forces in the entire Soul God Valley, and one of them, named the Three Snake Gate, suddenly emerged. It targeted the other major forces. In just a few days, it was the entire Soul God Valley. All forces retreated and were crushed by them.

Of course, one of the most important reasons for this is that everyone knows that in the Three Snake Valley, there is the support of the supreme golden family behind, the Liu family of the emperor.

With this class of hole cards, and here is leaning on the edge of the Liu family domain, who dares to compete with them.

Within a few days, the spirit of the gods had already made the ghosts and dogs jump, countless deaths, and the displacement of a large number of people. The three snake gates fought all and made the past prosperity here no longer exist.

It can be seen that among the Forgotten Front Sect, which was also one of the seven forces in the Valley of Soul God, a group of people also retreated quickly, sorting out the ancient books and resources in the previous sect, and seeing a total of 10,000 people at a glance. It seemed a little hurried.

Because at this moment there was news that the army of the Three Snake Gate was on the way to come, so the transfer of so many people was naturally a bit laborious.

And among them, you can see that there are rows of women at the core, all of them have good looks and strengths, and they are the most elite group of the Forgotten Front Sect.

After a while, one of the women looked at the person in the center, and said intently,

"Sect Master, I am afraid that time is too late, you should go first, you will definitely be able to break through with your cultivation base!"

The voice fell, and all the women around him nodded, with a trace of determination in their eyes, looking at the graceful figure headed.

She is dressed in white, with blue silk draped over her hips, her skin is fair, her eyes are like a bright moon, with endless watery meanings. She is definitely a rare beauty, and she is the sovereign of the Forgotten Sect. . . . Mu Yuyin!

"Sect Master, you take me in and wait for you, and you all have the grace to reinvent me, I am willing to desperately want to protect!"

To the voices of the girls, Mu Yuyin shook his head and said softly.

"The establishment of my Forgotten Former Zong is to collect lonely women in this world, hoping to give everyone a family again. Now you and I are like relatives, why bother to say something, to walk together, to Stay together, okay, I said before I waited, I am the Sect Master, you must listen to me on these things!"

The voice fell, making all the women hesitate to talk, looking at Mu Yuyin's firm gaze, only to touch the tears secretly, unable to say anything.

Once upon a time, there was a mysterious woman in this Valley of Soul Gods, Mu Yuyin, who created a sect called Wangqianzong, the main purpose of which was to take in lone women living in this world and build power together. , Operating itself.

For the women in this Forgotten Former sect, this is not an ordinary sect, but the home of all lonely women. Over the years, everyone has built it together, and each has paid too much, but Now this house is obviously going to be destroyed.

In the entire field, everyone in the Forgotten Former Zong was also quickly tidying up, taking away all the things that could be taken away from the field. However, when such a group of people were busy, the world suddenly solidified in the next moment, the space revolved, and the void A majestic pressure came from between.

Under the pressure of the rune, everything around is sealed, and you can see that there is a large space in the world that seals everything, and after that, a large number of figures descend, rows of like The black cloud is normal, and the impact is coming.


At a glance, all the people who forget the previous sect have the same look. Naturally, they understand that their retreat is too late. The people of the Three Snakemen have already solved another force. They came here non-stop, and a voice in the void Falling slowly,

"It's been a long time, Sect Master Mu!"

When he said it, his tone was cold, and at the same time he could see three elders coming out among the army, all in blue shirts, with gray hair and looking extremely old, but all of them had reached the Profound Origin Realm. At the fifth level, standing between this world and the earth, there is a kind of coldness that people can't look directly at.

The fifth stage of the three major profound elements!

These three elders are the three sect masters of the previous three snake gates. They have always been around the second level of the Profound Origin Realm. However, after relying on the Liu Family of the God Race, it can be said that one person gains the Tao, and the chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. The strength can be upgraded several levels in just a few days, and the secret technique is in control, so that it will be so arrogant and conquer everything.

With such a breath, Mu Yuyin's expression changed and said coldly,

"The three sires are really brilliant when they came here, but don't worry, I will leave as soon as I wait, and don't disturb the three!"

Obviously, now that the enemy is strong and we are weak, she is a half-step Profound Origin Realm in the entire Forgotten Front Sect, and the gap is too big.

For this situation, Mu Yuyin had already planned to give up, leaving all the territory and resources to Sanshemen, just to bless the sect disciples safety, and then a group of them left here to see the world again.

Hearing Mu Yuyin's words, an elderly man in the lead chuckled lightly, expressing a sense of indifference.

"Sect Master Mu is really aware of the current affairs, but... Do you know why the old man chose you as the last one because he wants his full strength to seize the upper and lower vitality of your door, hehe... Actually... The old man is most interested in your group of female disciples, especially Sect Master Mu, who was afraid of too much before and was restrained by forces. Otherwise, Sect Master Mu would have been the person next to the old man’s pillow, Jie Jie..."

Such laughter spread all over the surrounding area, causing many Sanshemen disciples to laugh, full of a kind of licentious aura, and their eyes swept across the many female disciples of Forgetfulness like a knife.

The beauties in this Forgotten Former Sect are famous, and now the latter is about to be destroyed. Even if the beauties like Mu Yuyin are going to belong to the elders of the Three Snakes, but other people can naturally get a share of the pie, and this is also a group of three snakes His disciple was extremely excited, a vigorous spirit, like a tiger wolf.


Two words were spit out from the mouth of Tankou, looking around, Mu Yuyin gritted his teeth at the end, knowing that there must be a battle, only the long sword in his hand rose up and cut it off.

"All those who have forgotten the previous sect follow the orders, I would rather die than be insulted and fight!"

With an order, all the disciples of Wangqianzong made a low roar. Rows of female swords came out and moved one after another. Powerful vitality fluctuations filled the sky, standing with many disciples of the Three Snake Sect above the sky. Together, just a moment, it caused a big battle in the whole field.

Bang, bang!

The vitality burst and the blood overflowed. The entire disciples of the Forgotten Former Sect were fairly good and well-trained, but it was a pity that the three snake gates they encountered were even more powerful, and there were three profound seniors in the field. Sitting down, this is so terrifying.

One foot fell, the vitality was overwhelming, and it was to cause a large number of disciples to be seriously injured. If it was not for the three snakes who did not want to kill a large number of female disciples, he was afraid that a thousand people would be turned into blood mud.

Damn it!

Above this sky, Mu Yuyin's delicate body also moved quickly, slashed out with a sword, and boldly shot, directly colliding with the three old snakes in the void. However, the latter's strength is terrible. It embraces Mu Yuyin's sword aura in one hand, and transforms his palm in the other. The terrifying handprints come out quickly, crashing forward, and within a few breaths, Mu Yuyin is shaken out, blood Squirting out, the snow-white clothes dyed red, and some of Katsuyuki's skin was exposed as he retreated.

"Sect Master, be careful!"

At the next moment, a female disciple of the Forgotten Sect also quickly stepped forward to help Mu Yuyin resist the three-snake old man, but was smashed into the meridians in the body by one of her palms. With a soft cry, all the vitality is here. Cut off for a moment.

"Little Red!"

Seeing this scene, Mu Yuyin couldn't help but yelled loudly and stretched out her hand to grab it, but at this moment the woman was already at the point of dying. Looking at Mu Yuyin, she barely smiled and said softly.

"It's okay, suzerain, Xiaohong has lived and loved, and I am very happy to be able to follow the suzerain. Our sisters have also created a foundation, but have been worried that the suzerain has been alone for many years... Sovereign, I have always wanted to ask... have you ever loved it!"

Have you ever loved it!

After a few words fell, Mu Yuyin's expression moved, and a look of remembrance flashed in his eyes, and he grasped Xiao Hong's body tightly with his palm, trying to answer, but the latter was completely dead.

"Little Red..."

Breathing out and whispering, Mu Yuyin gritted his teeth, but the long sword in his hand was raised, but it was resting on his snow-white neck, his eyes closed, as the old three snakes did not come in front of him. Is planning to break.

"Xiaohong, I have loved...just one person!"

This sentence was not said, but sounded in Mu Yuyin's heart, and a figure flashed in his mind for an instant, as if it had ever been. . . . . In the end, only the trace of determination appeared in his eyes, and his palm was lifted, but at the moment when he was about to commit suicide, a calm voice suddenly came.

"Forget the past... Can you really forget the past in this world?"

Third more.


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