Supreme God King

Chapter 1472: Kill with a finger

The tone is calm, slowly falling!

However, at the moment she spoke, the long sword that made her fall on Mu Yuyin’s neck was unable to move, including Mu Yuyin herself, unable to control it, and turned around in surprise, only to find that it was in her. An extra black man appeared behind him.

He has long hair, swaying in the wind, and his face is like a scholar, but there is already a lot of vicissitudes on this face. A pair of eyes are opposite to it, standing quietly in place, motionless.

The eyes are facing each other, and the moment is still!

When, not in this Middle Ages, not on this battlefield, the two sides are also much younger than this, these two pairs of eyes have also faced each other like this, and they have a life-long communication between them. One of them is admiration. Yuyin, one is. . . Meng Fan!

Goodbye beautiful lady!

Meng Fan stood quietly on the spot, never expected that he would encounter Mu Yuyin in this Middle Ancient Realm. Compared with many years ago, the latter did not have the purity of the original girlhood, but one more. This kind of mature charm does not seem to be a young girl, but is fully grown up, she is absolutely beautiful!

The gazes were relative for a moment, but countless things in the past flashed quickly, and in the end only Meng Fan’s voice came out.

"are you OK?"

And the moment he saw Meng Fan, Mu Yuyin was even more shocked, absolutely never expected that at this kind of moment, he would actually meet Meng Fan.

It is this face again, and this familiar figure. The latter will always be like this. He likes to appear at the most critical moment, and he likes to do things that others seem impossible to do.

"I'm okay!"

The faint words came from Mu Yuyin's mouth, even though it was forcibly suppressed, but in his bright eyes, there were tears in his eyes.

Over the past few years, the wind and rain have passed by alone, and I have been alone, bearing all this silently.

Moving forward, there has never been a person beside her who can help her share the pressure, and she has never needed this person.

But now looking at this face, I feel as if this is the tallest mountain in the world, and it can help it resist all the wind and rain, so that Mu Yuyin has the idea of ​​leaning on it!

Everything is silent, only two lines of tears!

In such a scene, a man and a woman standing on the sky above the sky make everyone stunned, not to mention the people of the three snakes, even the many disciples of the Forgotten Former Sect are stunned. Some hesitated looking at the scene, according to their understanding of Mu Yuyin.

Although the latter treats his disciples very well, his personality is quite cold, especially for men. During these years, I don’t know how many people want to get Mu Yuyin’s heart, but they are all rejected by him. Besides, no one can get close to this frosty beauty.

But the moment this black-clothed man appeared was to make the atmosphere in the field a little different, which naturally aroused everyone's suspicion and looked here in shock.

"Boy, who are you!"

Above the sky, the old man headed by Three Snake Gate became a little gloomy, and said coldly.

The tone was gloomy, that kind of murderous intent spread around, but to Meng Fan, it was as if he hadn't heard it. Instead, he stepped out and came to Mu Yuyin's side, his palms spread out and fell on his jade body. , The vitality in the body also enters into the meridians of his body, flowing throughout the body, helping Mu Yuyin to repair himself.

This level of action is undoubtedly equivalent to completely ignoring the Three Snake Gate and many other powerful people above the sky, and they couldn't help making all of them furious. The old man let out a low roar and stepped out, but in an instant it was a one. The palm prints fell, overwhelming mountains and rivers, and came straight to Meng Fan.


The fifth-order powerhouse of the Xuanyuan realm made an all-out effort, covered the sky with his huge palm, and came straight to Meng Fan. Under this kind of rolling pressure, all the disciples of the Forgotten Front Zong around him changed their expressions, and they were Meng Fan The two of them became worried, and the palm of the hand was comparable to that of Thunder.

However, at the next moment, the thunderous offensive above the sky suddenly disappeared, because standing in the same place Meng Fan just raised his hand slightly, and a sword energy between his **** chopped down, that is, through the void, to the sky. An extremely bursting palm pierced through the past, as fast as electricity.

Then let the Xuan Yuan elder who shot in the void directly stain the world with blood, snorted, and the blood spilled around, the whole person was immediately divided into two parts, and a head fell out with a grunting head. The aura at the fingertips is even more fierce and violent, not only cuts his flesh in an instant, but also passes in an instant, destroying his soul!

A powerful figure in the Profound Origin Realm died with a finger!

Faced with the blood in the sky, everyone felt a little stunned. This is not a cat or a dog, but a painful cultivation to reach today’s Xuanyuan realm, but it’s hard to beat Meng Fan’s finger. Who is the man in black and how could he be here?

Suddenly, the crowd trembled. There are tens of thousands of people here, but now they are all dumbfounded. Looking at the field, it is absolutely impossible to imagine this kind of thing happening.

However, the blood and heads in this place are facts. After a few breaths, the two big three Snakemen elders at the head reacted, and they were all faceless, and they were both powerful in the Profound Origin Realm. Backed by the emperor, he is even more rampant, thinking that he can suppress everything, and in this soul and **** bone, no one dares to touch their finger.

However, facing this mysterious man in black, they found that as long as Meng Fan was willing, they could die at any time.

"Do you know who we are, do you know the Emperor Clan, do you know the Golden Liu Family?"

One of the elders took a deep breath and said loudly,

"You are presumptuous in this Valley of Soul Gods" unexpectedly you dare to wait for me, you can be guilty, and I can tell you that the Celestial City after this will have the top sacredness of my Liu family. Once it is you..."


Above the sky, the two heads fell again. The old man who was speaking was already next to him. The heads were separated in an instant, and the blood was stained in the void. They fell directly. The person who shot was naturally Meng Fan. It was the energy from two fingertips that killed the two Profound Origin Realm completely without even giving each other a chance.

"Windy 1

Meng Fan was expressionless, raised his head, and looked around. One person faced the many disciples of the Three Snake Clan. Even though he didn't move, under his gaze, he could see a large number of the disciples of the Three Snake Clan moving backward. go with.

It's all sweating and trembling. Even if there are tens of thousands of people here, they are all good, but now they are all scared, and they are constantly retreating back and turning back and forth.

There is no doubt that no one knows that this is definitely kicking on an iron plate. The black man in the field is very terrifying, like a murderous god.

Three Xuanyuan, with only two fingers, is the separation of human heads, completely, this kind of combat power naturally means that this group of people in the field loses the courage to face them, let alone fight.

"I don't want to kill more people, you wait to leave, take ten breaths, don't roll... just die!"

The tone was calm, and Meng Fan's voice spread to the world, but for everyone, it was quite joyful, one by one, as if they had received an amnesty, leaving the world quickly, for fear that his legs would slow down a bit, and the killing **** behind him would regret it.

In just a few breaths, this group of people has completely left the area around the sect of the Forgotten Former Sect, leaving only a place of smoke and dust.

Seeing such a scene, I couldn't help but amaze many disciples of Forgotten Former Zong, their eyes fell on Meng Fan, each of them was full of endless worship, and he clearly understood that this is definitely a supreme powerhouse. The strength is extraordinary.

"Over the years, you have become stronger!"

Standing behind him, Mu Yuyin said softly, staring at Meng Fan, but his expression was quite complicated. Everyone around here saw Meng Fan's supreme power.

But I don't know the latter's struggle in Wuzhen, like an ant on the edge, how much effort it took to reach the supreme combat power of today.

"It's all a little bit

Meng Fan shook his head. Now in his eyes, this group of people is indeed not worth mentioning, and they are not in the scope of consideration at all. However, the many disciples who forget the front door definitely don't think so, one by one is curious. Looking at Meng Fan and guessing about the relationship between him and Mu Yuyin, she couldn't imagine that Mu Yuyin, who had always been cold, knew such a powerful man.

"Although they are, I think you should leave first. It is very dangerous. As far as I know, the Liu Family of the Emperor Clan has already planned to control this place, so they are only pioneers. I believe that once they know that you have killed the three snake gates. If you’re someone, it’s going to be targeted at you!"

Looking at Meng Fan, Mu Yuyin worried. Although he didn't know exactly how far Meng Fan had reached, who would dare to move the people of the imperial clan in this Middle Ancient Territory, especially above the border of the Liu family!

Emperor family, Liu family!

This name is definitely not the first time he has heard of this name. When he entered the Middle Ages, the powerful man with the Liu family attacked Meng Fan in order to crush Meng Fan and prevent him from growing. It was the emperor and others who had collided with the Liu family. It was just that Meng Fan had survived several times of crushing with his own strength and means!

His eyes flashed, and after a moment of silence, Meng Fan said calmly.

"Indeed, this group of people will come to us, it is quite annoying, so why not... You and I will ask them how to trouble us!"

Everyone, including Mu Yuyin, was taken aback by the words. He looked at Meng Fan hesitantly and at the latter’s calm face, only to realize that he had not misheard it. Meng Fan did not expect to run away, but instead. Going to... . Take the initiative to find trouble with the emperor!


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