Supreme God King

Chapter 1482: Forbidden zone strikes all things sad

Temple, polar region!

In this void, twelve old men in red were sitting quietly, each with gray hair and old faces, immobile.

But at the next moment, the bodies of these twelve people trembled, their eyes looked at the void, and their eyes were filled with endless pity, and the words resounded throughout the world.

"God bless Wanyu!"

As the voice of the twelve red elders fell, riots broke out in the entire temple.

An extremely old big bell located in this temple turned out to be ringing at this moment, and the vicissitudes of bells spread all around, as if someone was crying, even the countless powerful people in the retreat heard it, one by one. Opening his eyes, a panic appeared.

In this eternal time, the temple guarded the imperial palace, and it was extremely peaceful, not to mention the bells, even people rarely walked around.

But now the bell in the void is getting more and more rapid, and the thunder is spreading in every corner, making countless powerful people break through!

Anyone understands this moment. . . . . It must be a shocking event that can make the big bell that the **** king stayed in the temple in the past, so sad!


The temple riots, the strong from the major retreats came out, all came over, turned into a light and shadow, and came straight to this core place, quietly waiting for the call of the twelve red elders.

Not only in this place, the major forces in the entire Ten Thousand Realms, the Zhongtian Dynasty, Yikei, Bai Family, Liu Family, Xitian God Race, etc., are all rioting quickly, with The rapid arrangement, even this group of eternal emperors, is like a big enemy.

Because in just a few days after the various places of these ten thousand domains have changed, you can see the raging smoke everywhere. At the same moment, countless forces are screaming because of it. . . . Encountered the crush of countless mysterious powerhouses.

This group of people was dressed in the air of black death, like a **** demon descending, but in this moment, it swept everything, wherever they went, all killings were extremely cruel.

Countless pieces of information were suddenly sent out and spread all over the world, but no one could react, because at this moment the war was not only in one place, but at the same time and in many places.

The tranquility that has existed in this ten thousand realm has been completely broken. At a glance, I don't know how many places in the whole ten thousand realms are constantly descending from the shadows of the black death air, each aura is powerful and extremely powerful, just like an extinction.

Between the void, in a gloomy corner, a young man stood quietly at the top of the endless black sea of ​​death, looking down on the whole world, and at a glance, you can see that it is located in a large space, causing This world is distorted, the law changes, and finally it is like a loophole, allowing it to continuously transmit in this endless universe. I don’t know how many people are sent into this world by it. After a few breaths, it is on the face of the young man. I couldn't help but put out a cold smile, said indifferently,

"Waiting for eternity, is it the beginning after all? Tsk tsk... Wanyu, it is really nostalgic, I believe that old opponents of the ancients, you are also about to recover, I am too white waiting for you, the restricted area The emperor... waiting for you!"

The tone is indifferent and shocking!

The world is in chaos, the restricted area is coming!

Under the arrival of this group of demon-like powerhouses, a few days later, countless people in these ten thousand domains finally reacted. It turned out that the most forbidden area between the world and the earth appeared, and the black death air struck. It is to make people who don't know how many have no chance to react, or become a piece of blood.

restricted area!

This kind of ancient existence, the one who set off the catastrophe of the past, turned out to be once again dominating the world. This kind of appearance is like a lightning strike, making countless powerful people panic, and the more time goes by, the more powerful people will continue to fall, blood spurting out, and the more vivid lives will be lost.

Under such circumstances, it caused screams from all corners of the Ten Thousand Territory. This group of strong men could only fight with it continuously, and then fought and rescued the Middle Ancient Territory while waiting for the instructions of the Golden Twelve League and the Temple.

In the old days, there was a Primordial Covenant, and everyone knew that the only one who could really fight against this restricted area was the golden family, the emperor in this Middle Ages. Otherwise, apart from the scattered powers between the world and the earth, who is qualified to fight against this group of old monsters before the ages, even an ordinary ancient true demon has a lifespan of several years, even a pig depends on its lifespan Perhaps the cultivation has reached a terrifying point, not to mention this group of fighters.

There is no comparison between the two sides. The entire restricted area is constantly killing people from ten thousand domains!

However, when the many powerful people in this ten thousand realm were waiting hard, they found no gain. One day, two days, and a full month later, the entire ten thousand realm was already full of countless For the strong in the restricted area, the air of black death swept the earth, but the emperor had no action!

"Does the sky destroy the world!"

"No, my daughter, I am unwilling..."

"Where is the emperor, where is the ancient covenant!"

Among the countless earths, there are similar screams, but only those pieces of people falling down and being reduced to a part of the black death atmosphere, it is simply helpless to give to many powerful people. Die, at a glance, it was only more than a month later, and there was already a **** color in this ten thousand realm.

The Middle Ages, the domain of the emperors!

For today’s great emperors, including the Zhongtian dynasty, the first line, etc., it can be said that they have been burned. The latter is a godless race. I don’t know how many vassals and wings are in this world. After encountering this great chaos, the intelligence sent into this Middle Ages is too much, but now it is so that all the great emperors are unable to take care of the others. Its countless retreats are all coming out, each leading a group of people, stationed in each The corner of the fortress of the great emperor clan, guard carefully.

Although the entire Ten Thousand Territories were in chaos, hundreds of millions of creatures were killed by them in just one month, and how many tragedies occurred, but the great emperor clans only defended the Middle Ancient Territory and did not move.

Maybe other people don't know, but for the great emperors who had countless battles in the forbidden area in the past, they knew too much. The forbidden area is not moving, and it was just a small fight before targeting Wanyu, but once the dark turmoil is really launched, then even the emperor will not be able to stand alone and encounter the most powerful crisis.

And as far as the restricted area is concerned, what really wants to deal with is. . . . . Middle Ages!

The sky and the earth are so vast. Even if the many powerful people in the restricted area want to conquer one domain and one domain, they don't know how many years it will take. The environment in many regions is bad, and there are not many people. Even the occupation of this large domain is a waste of time and cannot get much help. For the restricted area, if you want to completely conquer the ten thousand domains, then there is only one day, which is to destroy the twelve emperors with thunder. Clan, destroy the temple, occupy the Middle Ages.

If the forbidden area occupies this domain of ten thousand domains, then I am afraid that the other big domains between this world and the earth will not be able to fight at all, and even the qualifications for confrontation will be lost.

Therefore, the real discerning people know that, although there are wolves everywhere, the real battle still takes place in the Middle Ages, and it will be even more terrifying and bloody!

Sure enough, it did not exceed the expectations of the great emperors. After another half a month, all the people and horses in the restricted area that came to the forbidden area were incessantly attacked, directly stepping into the middle ancient domain, targeting every corner of it, all Zone, total killing!

Chaos basin, dark alliance!

With the passing of spring and summer, time has passed, and it has been five full years since Meng Fan's retreat. However, there was no movement in the latter's retreat at all. After Meng Fan stepped into it that day, it has made these many powerful people unable to sense Meng Fan at all.

And the female emperor, Fen Tianling and other masters have always been outside to help Meng Fan guard, and they are also not moving.

However, as time passed, the mood of the Empress and others was affected to a certain extent. After the fifth year, the Empress, Burning Heavenly Order, and Amethyst opened their eyes at the same time, their eyes were terrifying, and they clearly understood that they could not. Stay here, because outside this chaotic basin. . . . The black cloud is overwhelming, and the restricted area is coming!

Over the years, the dark alliance has developed, and there are many strong people. With the help of many forces in the Samsara Palace, it can be described as a complete integration.

The most powerful alliance of interests has been formed among these ten thousand domains. And after the first moment of the forbidden zone attack, the many powerful people in the battle hall, the Samsara Palace, the Heaven and Earth Palace, etc., decisively abandoned, directly transferred on a large scale, and came to this dark alliance, and Its confluence.

Unlike the two wars that Meng Fan faced in the past, it was only a battle between one domain, and it affected too little to be faced by the Zhantang group of forces. But now this kind of battle is understood by everyone. In front of the terrible forbidden zone, anyone or any force who wants to fight alone is undoubtedly self-defeating, without even a chance.

Therefore, the entire dark alliance has been in a short period of several months, but I don't know how many people have been included, and it has taken in a large number of powerful people scattered among these ten thousand domains. In its main hall, it can be said that there are many people at first glance, and the blood is boiling, making it impossible to look directly.

Among them are Lone Heart Proud, Lin Tang, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Zhan Feng'er, Liu Xin, Jun Qian, Lei Hun Old Man, Hu Niu, Xiao Hei, Gu Xin'er and many others, some of them follow Meng Fan It has been a long time, some are the elders of several major forces, etc., and some are the strongest newly added to the dark alliance. There are many Tianyuan, Xuanyuan, and even quasi-god cultivation bases. Now they are all here, and they are magnificent. Qi and blood filled the whole hall, suppressing everything.

After a few breaths, the Empress, Burning Tianling, and Amethyst walked in, and immediately focused countless eyes on these three. After a few breaths, the empress’s three thousand blue silks fluttered, swept around, and said calmly,

"I already know the matter. Meng Fan is not here, so let me talk about it first. No one can avoid such a big battle. If Meng Fan is here, he will definitely be like this. He must fight in, whether it is chaotic watershed or Heaven, Earth and Ten Thousand Territories are the places where we wait for survival. There are no eggs under the covering nest. If there is no ruler of the Heaven, Earth Ten Thousand Territory Forbidden Zone, then everyone can imagine the consequences, so... this time, there will only be one. The way is... only battle!"

The four words came out, the tone was calm, but that kind of killing intent. . . . . Already soaring!

Behind him, Fen Tianling and Amethyst also nodded, and said at the same time,

"Only fighting!"

The words of the three powerhouses shocked the minds of everyone in the entire dark alliance. The energy and blood flowed like burning. At this moment, everyone's eyes became hot, even if Meng Fan is now in retreat. , Even if the enemy is currently, but in the past few years, the oldest group of people in the dark alliance and the people gathered by Meng Fan are definitely the decisive masters. After a few breaths, this At the same time, a group of people were energized, and their voices fell, resounding through the sky.

"Only fighting!"

"Only fighting!"

"It's just war..."


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