Supreme God King

Chapter 1483: Who has retired from the medieval war

Only fight!

This sentence is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult to really want to do it. But this is the attitude of the Empress and others, this is the attitude of the dark alliance, and everyone does not need to think about it, it will definitely be the attitude of Meng Fan.

Even if Meng Fan is already in retreat, even if he is not there, but for the entire dark alliance, the two words Meng Fan are their belief in fighting. The latter is in the base camp of this dark alliance, even if there is no word. Fat, five years of silence, but it is an inspiration for everyone to have a soul.

Because in these years, that lonely and slender figure has always stood at the forefront when everyone needs it most, fighting the world, one person!

Under the decision of the Empress and others, all the accumulated powerhouses of the entire dark alliance were also dispatched. Meng Fan had already laid a good foundation before.

Although this time the forbidden area is coming and the momentum is fierce, the ancient true magic powers that it dispatched swept the world, but the dark alliance is not the weak force of the day, the strong are gathered, even if it is facing the forbidden area, it also has a battle. force.

Not just in this place of Chaos Valley, everywhere in the huge Middle Ancient Region can be said to have encountered countless ancient true demons, although the restricted area is a unified name.

However, they are divided into seven royal clans, which has caused various differences in their powers. Therefore, even if they came to these ten thousand realms, they moved separately and each heard the command of their royal clans.

But this is also terrifying enough. The name of the restricted area is a synonym for death to anyone in the world. The latter is now launching an invasion, and many ancient powerful men have recovered. The strength is stronger than imagined. In this powerful crush Down, it simply caused countless strong men to fall, sweeping across the sky.

In just a few days, a **** color!

In the huge Middle Ancient Territory, it can be said that it was caught in several major wars. The ancient powerhouses in the forbidden area belonging to the seven royal clans came to the Ten Thousand Territories, and more and more, went straight to this Middle Ancient Territory.

Under such circumstances, even the twelve emperors could not help but unite with many powerful people in the Middle Ancient Region to fully defend, and many powerful people invaded and confronted them.

Of course, some people fight and some fight. Naturally, some people evade and some people flee. What's more terrifying is that even more people choose to join the forbidden zone, transforming into the same role as the forbidden zone, and fight together against many forces in the Middle Ages. .

Many choices have caused the entire Middle Ancient Region to be in chaos, and the world is full of blood.

Dark alliance, where the veins are!

This is Meng Fan's retreat. For five years, he hasn't made any movement. Even if the forbidden area strikes and the world is in chaos, it can't shake Meng Fan's mind.

And in it, no one can detect it. At this moment, Xiaotian, the aura of Xiaodi surrounds him, senses the world, and gives Meng Fan an absolutely safe environment.

But now the two great ancient gods are frowning and extremely solemn.

They have always been by Meng Fan's side, and naturally they know the latter best. In these five years, Meng Fan has swallowed the power of this bodhicitta and used it to enhance his own rebellious imprint.

The tenth-tier gods of heaven and earth are so terrifying. After falling into Meng Fan's body, their power burns. Even though Meng Fan has always moved against the divine will and swallows everything, the power of this bodhichitta has allowed him to bear it for five years. Pain, I don't know how much piercing pain, just absorbed it completely into the body.


The divine veins were tumbling, and countless divine laws emerged and merged into Meng Fan's body. At this moment, the latter was sitting between the world and the earth, his clothes shattered and burned completely.

Vaguely, you can see a little bit of blood on his body. The whole person is like an old beggar, just sitting in place, motionless.

The power of that kind of Bodhicitta was completely integrated, which also made the Inverse God Seal in Meng Fan's body experience the most powerful progress, but after this moment, Meng Fan's entire hostage was changed and his hair fluttered.

The inverse **** seal at the core of the body is constantly changing, including the martial art, soul, body, and so on in Meng Fan's body, all complementing each other, and they are rapidly ascending.

This level of qualitative change, once promoted, is enough to make Meng Fan soar up to 90,000 li and become a **** at once.

However, Xiaotian and Xiaodi were shocked. What was extremely shocking was that after Meng Fan spent five full years preparing all this, according to their previous plan, Meng Fan at this moment should be The power is qualitatively changed, and the gods are achieved by rebelling against the god!

But that scene did not happen, and everything did not proceed according to common sense.

Meng Fan is still sitting on the spot, his body is still his body, but at this moment Meng Fan is completely silent, and with the eyes of Xiaotian and Xiaodi, it is impossible to see what Meng Fan is doing at this moment. The whole person turned out to be a dead silence, like a living dead, without any spirituality.

In the past five years, although Meng Fan has not acted, his soul has been there, constantly condensing himself and promoting the imprint of the gods, but now he has undergone major changes, and no one can see through Meng Fan. What is it doing at this moment?

"Xiaotian, what should I do!"

Even the Emperor Dao is panicked now, his knowledge is extraordinary, from ancient times to the present, but he has never seen anyone in the last moment of retreat, it turned out to be dead, and the whole person has no vitality.

And Xiaotian smiled bitterly, and finally said,

"Only wait. Although I don't know what happened to him, one thing is certain... It seems to be related to the Nishen scroll!"

Inverse scroll!

The three words were spit out, and the little emperor was shocked, but he knew best about who this Nishen scroll was. Once it was related to the Nishen scroll, it meant that it was possible. . . . . Destroy the King of Gods!

The fog is churning, a chaotic world!

There is no existence in this piece of the world, because the aura is permeated between the heaven and the earth, flooding the surroundings, that kind of terrifying force sweeps the heaven and the earth and wipes everything out. It is difficult for real things to survive here.

And the moment he opened his eyes, Meng Fan's gaze was to see the surroundings, and there was a strong shock in his eyes. For Meng Fan, his memory has always been in retreat, being in this secret alliance. In the base camp, but the moment he opened his eyes, he was actually caught in this peculiar world.

At this moment, his body is illusory and extremely unreal. Walking in this terrifying world, you can see the sky fire erupting at any time, the endless impact of vitality fluctuations, which distorted the whole world, and could not help but make Meng Fan Be extremely careful, for fear that the fluctuations can affect you.

After a full stick of incense, the more Meng Fan walked along the world, the next moment he let his expression move, and finally he knew why this world was so chaotic.

Because in this piece of the world, there are actually two supreme beings fighting each other. They stand 10,000 meters away, with their fists facing each other, and their powers collide, causing the entire world to collapse.

His pupils shrank, Meng Fan stared at the two figures in front of him, clearly knowing that these two people must be two extremely powerful ancient existences. They are two men, one in black and one in yellow. Although their faces are different, But that kind of reigning over the world, the unparalleled breath of Sun and Moon, is the same way, like two Optimus Prime, standing in the whole world, is the lord of this great world.

Even if Meng Fan's current cultivation base saw the two, he couldn't help feeling a small feeling. Compared with the two, he felt that all his power was nothing.

The two people in front of him were obviously already at the extreme of the divine way. At this moment, Meng Fan deliberately clearly sensed that the two of them are the existence of the three sacred realms, and they seem to be only one step away, they are the gods!

At this level, looking at the world, looking down at the past and present, I am afraid that it is absolutely rare, and between the power of the two, the world collapsed, chaos overflowed, such existence, I don’t know how many years have passed before it is the proof of the way. , Too scary, too shocking.

What is the ultimate of heaven and earth, made Meng Fan on the side shocked, and he clearly understood that even in his memory, only a few people like Qin Mieren were qualified to compare with the two in front of him, but they seemed to be inferior. After some things, one can imagine what roles these two people are.


The sky paled, and the next moment the yellow-clothed man blasted out with a punch, Zhou Tian flashed, and the endless black death gas surged between his fists, and the entire world was dimmed by the shot. That kind of ultimate power broke through everything, and finally fell on the black-robed man, blasting it into the air, causing the world to collapse. At the same time, the yellow-robed man sneered and said calmly.

"Destroy, you lose!"

In the distance, the blasting man landed, blood spurted out, and the strength on his body was obliterated by the punch of the yellow-clothed man. He coughed heavily, and immediately raised his hand to remove the volume of exercises. Flew out, calmly said,

"Before you and I fought, one victory and one defeat, the last time you lost, gave me your ancient exercises in the restricted area for me to visit, and now I have defeated you by one game, this is my inverse scroll, and it is for you Up!"

"it is good!"

The yellow-clothed man knotted this inverse scroll, his gaze swept away, and he nodded, even if he turned and left, at the moment when this space disappeared, he finally said,

"Destroy, you and I competed in two rounds. It was a verbal battle for many years, and each broke the Shinto. Even if it is the two camps of you and me, I am still reluctant to kill you. If you are not sure in the third battle, then don’t coming!"

The tone rumbling, meanwhile the body of the yellow-clothed man disappeared in place, and standing in this void, the figure in the black robe stood calmly, blood spurting out, and after cleaning himself, he finally spit out a few words,

"Yes, my old friend, there are too few people who can practice with me, too few... I really can't bear to kill you!"

The tone was whispering, and the black-robed man turned around and looked at him. He turned directly toward the world where Meng Fan was.


Just for a moment, it made Meng Fan feel like a lightning strike. Before his spiritual thoughts had passed, he was located in this world, and he found that the two of them did not seem to see themselves, because the men in yellow and black robes had both cultivated. It was shocking. Although it was in battle, if a third party came to this chaotic space, it would inevitably cause the two to discover, or even stop.

But from the beginning to the end, the man in yellow had never seen this place. However, after the black robe man turned around, he was staring at him as far as he could. This was enough to make Meng Fan's heart fluctuate.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan said slowly,

"Senior, are you looking at me, dare to ask Senior if..."

Hearing what Meng Fan said, standing between the void, the black robe man smiled and said calmly.

"I am now called Destroy... In the future, the world will call me the King of Destroy!"


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