Supreme God King

Chapter 1484: Time and space chaos where destruction is

Destroy the God King!

When these four characters fell, Meng Fan was shocked immediately. Like being struck by lightning, looking at the scene in shock, the meaning of these four characters is so huge, but the creator of the inverse **** scroll, the **** king state before the eternal age exist!

For this existence, Meng Fan has always only heard of his name and never saw him, but he never thought that he was standing in front of him now, which made him feel like a world away.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan was not very human. Even when he saw this kind of existence, he could not help but tidy up his clothes, arched his hands, bowed his body, and said very respectfully.

"Boy Meng Fan, I have seen Lord God King!"

Perhaps facing others, Meng Fan only respected, but he did not reach this point, but for the Destroyer God King, it was a great favor to Meng Fan.

The latter’s Inverse God scroll comes from this Destroying God King. Although it relies on Meng Fan’s self-improvement and continuous Nirvana along the way, it ultimately comes from the Destroying God King’s technique, which is relatively speaking, Destroying God King is Meng A master of Fan.

How many times the Inverse God scroll helped Meng Fan get out of trouble, so this kind of etiquette was nothing to Meng Fan.

"Haha, no gift!"

The King of Destruction smiled indifferently and waved his hand. There was a sudden change between the world and the earth. The previous chaotic aura slowly disappeared. Instead, a pavilion was formed, in which two pots of spirits were placed on it, and one was given. Meng Fan, give himself a pot, meanwhile said,

"You can come here, it shows that you and me are fate, you are also a cultivator of Nishenjuan, the same... This is also a secret game I played, and to be precise, I brought you here!"

The tone was calm, and Meng Fan’s brows were immediately raised. He picked up the pot of spirits, took a swig, and said in a deep voice.

"Good wine, good wine... Can seniors be able to clarify this?"

"of course!"

The King of Destruction nodded and said in a deep voice,

"The world you are in now, what I see is not exactly the destruction of the God King, nor is it a complete world, because at this moment I am not... The God King, but only the three realms of the gods. Although it's infinitely close, it's not for that step, but it's too far off, and the time is not right, but 280,000 years ago!"

Two hundred and eighty thousand years!

What a number this is, it means that countless years before antiquity, even if it is a sacred one that has gone through so many years, even if it is immovable and immortal, it may still be dead. This is too ancient and too long. , But the King of Destruction actually said he was there!

With a word, Meng Fan was almost choked by this sip of wine, and couldn't help but shocked.

"how is this possible!"

"For the realm after me in the future, there is really nothing impossible!"

The Destroyer God King said calmly, staring at Meng Fan,

"You may not believe it, but it is true, but it is not that you have returned to this era, but the point in time I laid out. The past is immortal and no one can change it, even if it is a god. It is impossible to change this, but it is possible to find a point in time, and then come to send you back, only in this place, just at this point in time, before ancient times, and you cannot leave this place!"

The voice fell, although it was so explained, but it was shocking enough to give Meng Fan an unbelievable feeling that the powerhouse who stepped into the Divine King Realm would have such a means.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan just regained his composure and said in a deep voice.

"Senior came to me, I don't know what to do!"

"Because Inverse God Roll!"

Destroy God King directly said,

"If you are not a cultivator of Nishenjuan, you will not be able to come to this strange space and wake me up. In fact, the scene you saw before is true. Many years ago, I and the supreme existence in the forbidden zone If the sky is playing against each other and setting three rounds, this space is the battlefield. One win and one defeat is the previous scene. If you do not come, I will continue to practice according to the next situation. , I sensed the magic, so in the last competition I killed Ruotian, and I realized the ultimate in the kind of battle with him. Finally, I stepped into the last level and truly became the king of God!"

Ruotian, restricted area!

His eyes flashed, and Meng Fan finally understood the origin of this Inverse God scroll. The man in yellow shirt Ruotian should be Ruo Shuiyi's ancestor. This Inverse God scroll fell into Ruotian's hand for his enlightenment.

However, it did not conform to the cultivation method of the people in the restricted area, so it was always dusty, until it fell into the hands of Ruo Shuiyi after not knowing how many years later, it was a battle in the restricted area, tossing and turning, and finally came to the hands of Meng Fan. thereby…. . Changed the fate of his life!

sister…. .

With a soft sigh, Meng Fan said slowly,

"Dare to ask seniors, what does this have to do with me!"

Hearing this, the Destroying God King slowly said,

"Because of the forbidden zone, according to the passage of time, I have become a **** king, invincible in the world, but I found that in the forbidden zone, there are also strong people of my level, and not only one, even the strong people of the **** king level have high Down, and I came from a 10,000 realm, the greater the strength, the greater the responsibility, how could I see the people around me die one by one, so I was fighting against the restricted area.

In the ancient times, I don’t know how many times I fought for the front. Perhaps you should know that it was the ancient battle. There were as many as ten **** kings. The sacredness is countless. That battle is also the most important in my life. There was no one in the battle. In the end, they persisted under the bitter battle of the many creatures in the ten thousand domains, but the forbidden area is immortal, and the core old monsters in it are immortal. After all, they will make a comeback and come to the world again! "

The fall of the last few words caused a cold weather this week, and Meng Fan, who had experienced so much, knew that the latter's inference was not wrong at all, and the restricted area had already hit.

After a moment of silence, Meng Fan asked directly.

"Then seniors have any solution?"

"Yes, that's... Divine King Realm!"

The King of Destruction slowly spit out a few words,

"Only a strong man in this realm can change everything. In the first battle of the world, five strong men from the Divine King realm were dispatched in the restricted area. Later, there were three strong men who participated in the battle. The horror of strength is beyond your imagination. Zhongtian and I and others are only seven, and Zhongtian once broke into the restricted area in the past, telling me that he still sensed other auras inside.

Perhaps it is also the existence of the Divine King Realm, but it cannot be recovered for some ulterior reasons, so if you want to level the forbidden area, you can only give birth to a few more Divine King Realm existences in the ten thousand realms, and you can only step into this. Only the strong at a certain level can change everything and help us, so there is the Primordial Covenant, and there are restrictions on the top strong between the many worlds established by us and others in the past, that is, I hope that Wanyu can give birth to a few more. The young elite! "

The tone was calm, but Meng Fan knew that the latter's thoughts could be said to have set the pattern of the ten thousand domains. He also explained a lot of problems he could not figure out before. There were several strong people in the gods of the past. The tie-in and the establishment of this primordial covenant caused the Twelve Golden League to stay safe in this world and did not move rashly.

Shenyuan does not come out, and rarely walks between the world and the earth, including the major forces, rarely take action to crush the younger generation. They all show respect for the ancient covenants observed by the great **** kings in the past, although it is impossible to do To the full, but just this kind of attitude, that is, I don't know how many juniors in the tens of thousands of domains have more days to come.

It’s just that after the war, the world withered, many secret methods, blood of the gods, etc., have long been lost, and few people have risen. Only in this era, when the heroes headed by Meng Fan and others come together, can they truly have The new posture of the rise of a dark horse can only be compared with this life in the era of the ancient era, when the ruined generation of this population co-existed, and the era of constant evildoers.

After a while, the King of Destruction said again,

"But I still feel that it is not enough, because just an environment is too vain, maybe some people can kill it, some people can't kill it, so after not knowing how many years, I made a decision while I was sleeping. It is to operate the secret method, let my power interfere with this law of heaven and earth, and finally take my Inverse God scroll as the base point, and then send any person who cultivates inverse God scroll between heaven and earth to reach the sacred at this special time. After that, I can help you. In this time, I am not the **** king, but I am the person closest to the **** king. It happens to be the most suitable time!"

With a word, Meng Fan’s expression suddenly changed, and he said solemnly.

"How does senior want to help me?"

"It's very simple. Take my spirit into your body. At this moment, I am the closest to the **** king. If the **** king can't do this, but now it is possible. You are still practicing against the gods. Man of God, I have seen you for countless years, and the power in you has awakened me.

At this point in time, I am bringing all my powers together to you. At that time, I will mobilize the secret law and let me use the secret law coordination between the world and the earth. Finally, my power will be combined for you, you and me. With the same attributes, then you just need to sleep here and constantly sense my infinite power, and then with the passage of time, 280,000 years later, then you will naturally wake up, and then you should be... . God King Realm! "

The Destroyed God King slowly said, but the information contained in these words was simply enough to set off a stormy sea, making Meng Fan stand still and fell into incomparable silence.

Not to mention him, any monk in the world is going crazy here, and now he is only a short distance from him, and he is the most supreme realm in the world... God King Realm!

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