Supreme God King

Chapter 1485: God king is not afraid

God King Realm!

There are too many between these three words, enough to make anyone in this world moved by it and go crazy!

Looking at the ages, looking at the past and the present, let alone Meng Fan, even if it is Qin Mieren, the powerhouse of the original level standing here will make an immediate sensation and it is difficult to restrain.

This is the Divine King Realm. Since ancient times, such a small group of people can reach the point, how exist!

However, it was truly placed in front of Meng Fan, only one step away. Now he just needs to nod his head, then he may advance to become a powerhouse in the Divine King Realm. This is no longer a temptation, it is simply better than any chance in the world. All have great opportunities.

Standing in place, Meng Fan was struck by lightning, and he was silent for an unknown period of time, forcibly suppressing the kind of ** in his heart, and said slowly,

"Dare to ask Senior, I am sleeping here, so when should I wake up?"

"I said that the past remains unchanged, but this is a specific point in time for me. Sending your soul back is to give you plenty of time to practice!"

By now, the Destroyer God King was already in his chest, smiled, drank strong alcohol, and said calmly,

"So there is a full 280,000 years for you to spend, but I can't control the specifics. After all, this method is only the first operation for me. It still depends on your own integration. But at least I can guarantee that it will succeed, and you will wake up before the final battle!"

"The last battle?"

Meng Fan raised his brow, a little confused.

"Of course it is a collision of top forces!"

The King of Destruction sighed softly, somewhat depressed.

"In fact, at this moment, I still don’t know that even the strong of the God King Realm is possible... to be completely killed, so the final battle in the future is very important, and we will do that. , I used all the power that was left before I fell asleep to set up this round, and to send back those who practiced to the gods of the gods. I don’t know how much power I spent, but I just hope that the future battle between heaven and earth will succeed and save me. The next peace, but even I can’t worry about so much. The previous battles are not something I can interfere with. Only in the last battle can I wake up, and then work with old friends between heaven and earth. war!"

The tone was calm and contained too many secrets, but it also made Meng Fan's pupils shrink, and said in a deep voice.

"According to what the predecessors said, once I fall asleep here, then it is very likely that with the passage of time, I will only wake up in the last battle. The forbidden area for the killing in my ten thousand domains, Anything that crushes me is powerless, right?"

"Not bad!"

The Destroyer God King was silent for a moment and nodded,

"I really can’t guarantee the time you will wake up, but the little guy has one thing I have to say, that is, it doesn’t really matter how many people will die in the future battle. The important thing is the battle between the kings of the gods, that’s the real thing. The core of, even if you stand back, you can change everything, but if you fail in the last battle, everything you have will be lost, and the entire universe will fall into endless catastrophe. The emperor must weigh talents. Yes, the life and death of other people can only fend for themselves, and you can't control it. Do you think I am right!"

When he said it, Meng Fan was speechless, and he couldn't object to it.

Because what the Destroying God King said was the truth, although it did not fit Meng Fan's mind, it was correct in the overall situation. Because there are the supreme powerhouses in the restricted area, whether it is their previous attack or any means, it is the first offense. Then the entire ten thousand domain is plunged into endless catastrophe, so countless people die, so it is impossible to make peace. The last battle is more important, so it is for so many strong An Nai to continue to prepare for himself, only for the last battle.

Although this method is extremely correct and maximizes his future preparations in this final battle, it is also extremely cold-blooded, because he needs to remain immobile, settle down, and give himself plenty of time to grow himself. , Then it is necessary to watch the death of the people around him one by one, watch the ten thousand domains crying, watch the sorrow of the world.

But the emperor, only so!

Closed his eyes, Meng Fan was silent for a while, then opened again, softly speaking.

"There is one last question below, Lord God King... If you and me merge, I... or me?"

Hearing this, the Destroying God King was taken aback, silent for a moment, and finally said,

"It should be... But it's just my power that occupies the main body, because your martial arts path will develop completely according to my thoughts. Although I don't want to say it, you, a little guy, is very good. The basis of the scroll has formed the martial arts of the self, but all the roads in the future will need to follow my footsteps, which is equivalent to practicing in my world once.

But this path is extremely correct, because I have stood on the basis of the king of God, you just need to repeat, just persistence, after you wake up in the future, you will look like you, your strength It's still your power, Meng Fan, this is your supreme opportunity, don't miss it, you just need to nod your head, you are the king of God, don't miss this great opportunity because of this, why not agree! "

The voice fell, causing Meng Fan's heart to tremble. Under these words, Meng Fan couldn't help but want to nod.

Indeed, why not agree!

Over the years, this is his goal, to achieve the king, and then to reverse his destiny!

Once he is a strong man who can reach this realm, waiting for more time is nothing, and dying some people is nothing, then maybe after he retreats, he will be able to break through everything, and then bring everyone back to life.

Everything is his goal, and now he can reach it, so he doesn't know how much trouble, so why bother to pursue it by himself.

Wanyu surrender, all glory, multi-year goals, supreme power. . . . . It was completely between his attitude that Meng Fan's fists could not help but gradually clenched, preparing to nod. It is true that he is an ordinary Wuzhen boy, there is no difference at all. In the future war, his power is still too weak, so what to face the restricted area, let alone the strong person with the king of God, even if it is The existence above the second realm of Shenyuan was enough for him to drink a pot.

After the emergence of such a strong man, he can hardly protect himself, so how can he protect others!

With such a condition, what reason does he not agree to? Why not agree!

If it weren't for Ruo Shuiyi, perhaps he was still struggling in Wuzhen back then, how could there be today!

Meng Fan smiled bitterly, his five fingers stabbed his skin, and finally said softly,

"Sister, shouldn't I... promise!"

The tone was calm, and countless shadows were drawn in Meng Fan's mind, and finally fell on the beautiful body between heaven and earth. The latter was flying with blue silk, and his face was full of blood. He was in the restricted area. During the final defeat of the royal family, it was still calm and calm.

"What is truly fascinating in this world is not power, but the sincerity of cultivation, which is the kind of... Perseverance!"


This sentence is what Ruoshuiyi said back then, and was remembered in Meng Fan's mind countless times. At the moment when he recalled it, Meng Fan could not help but shake his whole body. . . . Already crazy!

What has he done for a few years, what has he done!

I don't know how much blood was shed, how much time was spent, and focused on cultivating, just crawling forward continuously for himself, and Meng Fanke was just to protect the people around him, to see Ruo Shuiyi's brilliant smile again.

Dominate the world, it's better than the moment you smile softly, how can Huangtu dominate the ancient trees!

Countless hard work, countless struggles, isn't it the kind of dedication to cultivation, the kind of sincerity to martial arts!

If there is no martial arts, if it is just to accept the gifts of others, then Meng Fan, is it still Meng Fan, is the Wuzhen boy who dared to roar with blood in the past, or the persistent boy!

Standing in place, Meng Fan already opened his eyes and laughed loudly. The laughter made the whole world shake, and he laughed extremely happy.


Standing on this sky, the Destroying God King glanced at it and said in a deep voice,

"Why are you laughing!"

"I'm laughing, I will almost sink because of this temptation, I'm laughing, I can think about it, I'm laughing, my cultivation is not firm enough!"

Meng Fan said loudly, looking at the Destroyer God King, all the hesitation and greed before, completely disappeared, saying every word,

"My Lord God, I will not follow your plan, because in your plan, I am no longer me. My life, Meng Fan, has been decisive and has risen from Wuzhen. I am a hero. Know how many rivals.

I let Tianjiao fall, I let people of my age have seen eyebrows folded, and I let the forces of the ages have nothing to do with me, I am me, if I follow your path, if I abandon the people around me, if I am not sincere to me Budo, I am Meng Fan. . . . It's not Meng Fan, and I have no sense of existence. Then, my sister will laugh at me and I will let her. . . . Disappointment, so I understand your kindness, Lord God King, but I don't. . . . . promise! "

The tone is calm, but it is sonorous and powerful, spreading throughout the world!

There was endless determination in these words, and the King of Destruction suddenly raised his brows, spit out a few words,

"Presumptuous! Is this the time to allow you to mess around? If you are here today and walk my path, there will be an extra **** king between the world and the earth in the future. This is the blessing of the sky, this is It is the meaning of sentient beings. In the past countless years, I have seen countless arrogant people. They have a higher cultivation base than yours. For example, if you have seen Ruotian before, one finger can kill you, but in the end, If you fail in the level of impacting the **** king, do you think you can reach the **** king, or do you think your will can surpass the **** king!"

The sound rumbling, shocked the world!

The previous Destroy God King was extremely peaceful, but at this moment, he was suddenly furious, which caused the entire Zhou Tian to change, the world was dark, and the infinite pressure was pressed toward Meng Fan.

It is extremely difficult for Meng Fan to speak at this moment. The whole person is completely crushed by him, as if it may be riddled with holes at any time, and everything is broken.

However, standing still, Meng Fan became more and more unrelenting, smiling, facing the infinite aura of destroying the **** king, he said loudly at the same time with one step.

"My Lord God King is not me... How do you know that I can't!"

"I am me, Meng Fan is Meng Fan, unique, no more in the world, my path is my path, and my cultivation is my cultivation!"

"It's not easy for the ants to shake the tree, but I changed my life to the sky. Even if it fails, even if it is wrong, even if I fail, but I, Meng Fan, will fight with my brother. Even if I fail, I will... No regrets!"


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