Supreme God King

Chapter 1486: I have no regrets

Death without regrets!

The words are sonorous, Meng Fan is standing in place like this, facing the infinite power between the sky and the sky, even if it comes from the earth-shattering destruction of the gods, he is extremely firm.

This is his martial arts, this is his path of practice.

If he follows the path of destroying the **** king, then it is a denial of everything before him, which is to obliterate his traces in this world, and what Meng Fan has to struggle for all his life is the path of self-cultivation.

If he merges with the Destroy God King, then what is he, how can he be worthy of the help of the old madman in these years, Ruo Shuiyi's contribution to him, the dark alliance and countless brothers and seniors expect him!

My intention is unchangeable, I have been walking along the road, even if it is the King of God... Can't stop it, this is Meng Fan!

Standing alone between the heaven and the earth, even if the breath between the sky and the sky descends, with infinite majesty, it also makes Meng Fan's whole body motionless and does not retreat!

Standing on this sky, the look of the Destroying God King changed, and after a few breaths, he said coldly,

"Asshole, how many years this king has spent so long to deploy this secret method can't you just say no, then you are what you are, no matter what you say today, it is impossible not to merge!"

The tone was indifferent, and that great sense of oppression was beyond doubt.

But Meng Fan shook his head and said calmly.

"Even if the Lord God wants me to merge with you, I am afraid that I will need my cooperation. Without my cooperation, I am afraid that Lord God Lord will not force me to improve my strength, sorry... My lord, I am Meng Fanning for jade and not for completeness. Since it is something I don't want to do, Lord God King can kill me ten thousand times today, but I will never merge with you!"

The tone was sonorous, the two looked at each other and said nothing!

Even though the strength is different from heaven to earth, but under special conditions at this moment, it also gives the two of them a sense of needlepoint towards Mai Mao.

No one is willing to retreat, and suddenly the atmosphere between the whole world and the earth becomes extremely solemn, the void is sealed, everything is dead, and I don’t know how long it has passed. The Destroy God King finally broke the peace and said indifferently,

"Okay, okay, okay, since you are unwilling to merge, this king really cannot break your will forcibly, but it doesn't mean that this king has no way, Meng Fan, since you think your own martial arts and will are so strong , Then how about comparing with one another!"

"How to compare!"

Meng Fan's eyes flashed and he said in a deep voice.

"It's very simple, I don't bully you, I lower my cultivation base, press the realm to the same moment as you, and then you and I will collide, martial arts competition, each is the master of the gods, so I will use the gods to each other. Devour!"

Destroy God King said indifferently.

"Buddhism has superiors and superiors, and Tianjiao has wins and losses. You should understand this. There are countless Tianjiaos in ancient times, and this king fights all directions. Although you are based on the inverse **** scroll, you still have infinite theories. Only the real creator of this king realized that you think you can get out of this inverse scroll, so why don't you give it a try and see if this king’s original inverse scroll is powerful, or you Meng Fan The Nishenjuan that integrates its own martial arts is powerful. Whoever loses will obey the other party.

Such words spread all over the world, as if countless sky thunders exploded at the same time, containing a terrifying overbearing.

Destroy the God King!

What kind of person is this? From its birth to the present hundreds of thousands of years, there have been more than trillions of people among the ten thousand domains during these long years, and it is simply incalculable.

However, there are a few people who can really cultivate and reach the **** king. There is no doubt that destroying the **** king in that era is the first arrogant of the world. I don't know how many people have been swept away, and it has been a long time to fight all over the world. Invincible, just now is the last to win the Divine King Realm!

Even if this kind of person is self-descending, even if it is above the starting line with Meng Fan, but its powerful strength is equally earth-shattering, let alone invincible of the same level, it is simply a posture that no one can compare in eternity, otherwise Destroying the King of God will never reach his achievement today!

Regardless of which state the Destroyer God King is a rare top arrogant in the world, Meng Fan can be sure that even if he has been a **** for a hundred years, he has a supreme posture, enough to laugh at an era, but the Destroyer God King in front of him It must have been a **** for a hundred years, and his own path has been verified successfully, but an absolute struggle, even in the same realm, I don't know how much stronger than Meng Fan.

However, at the next moment, Meng Fan grinned, a look of excitement appeared on his face, just spit out a word,

"it is good!"

The sound fell, his soul revolved, the whole person was completely burnt, and the martial arts that had been fused over the years boiled at this moment.

I want to fight all Tianjiao, ancient and modern!

This sentence, but Meng Fan thought about it in the past, not only compared to the arrogance of his time, but also to compare the ancients. However, most of the people who can live to the present are old monster powerhouses. Where are the arrogances of the ancients, it also caused Meng Fan's exceptional loneliness. Even in the imperial palace that day, he appeared alone and defeated the heroes. But in front of him, there was a real one, the first Tianjiao in the ages, the strongest who fought countless ancient Tianjiao step by step, and the strongest Tianjiao in the era of destruction, now in front of him.

Destroy the God King!

This turned out to be very exciting for Meng Fan, but his idea for many years turned out to be completed.

Just for a moment, it is to let his breath explode, martial arts burning, ready to fight at any time!

And destroying the **** king in front of him was a cold snort, and immediately his whole person's breath began to weaken, and finally maintained to the point of quasi **** domain, and then directly collided with Meng Fan. Although the two is not a competition between moves, it is more intense because it is the real collision between the two martial arts.

The vitality monk, the real strong man has cultivated in his own martial arts for many years. The body is the ship, the soul is the spirit, and the martial arts is the spirit of the vitality monk's life, and it is the inheritance, in a certain sense. More important than the body and soul.

At a glance, the entire space was hot in an instant, and the two big martial arts collided together, and the Brahma sound suddenly penetrated the world, like patches of lotus flowers, intertwined in this void.

Budo staggered, lotus flower in the mouth!

The martial arts of both Meng Fan and Destroy God King contain a kind of hegemony that swallows everything. It is their own understanding of the gods, which is absolutely a great mystery, and it is the reason that this kind of scene is caused, and the words spoken are changed. Become a lotus.

The sky is staggered, extremely dazzling.

Under the impact of this moment, the entire Zhoutian trembles, each power swallows each other, Sanskrit sounds spread, mutual debate, countless mysteries and their own martial arts understanding continue to impact and collide.

Such a battle, even though it was not a move, was more difficult than any previous battle of Meng Fan, because he was there. . . . . Challenge the king!

A few people in ancient times have this courage, and a few people in ancient times have a means!

However, Meng Fan not only dared, but also did it. If he fails, his own martial arts will be shattered, that is, he will be completely reduced to a vassal of the Destroy God King. Even though Meng Fan's life will be still there, it will be as he said. , Meng Fan without his own will, still. . . . . Meng Fan!

Outside of the chaotic world, at this moment Meng Fan's physical body is still in the dark alliance, motionless, the whole person is so still, there is no anger at all, which caused Xiaotian and Xiaodi to be extremely anxious, but there was no Any way, only quiet observation.

One year, two years. . . . . In a flash, another five years have passed!

In these five years, Meng Fan's physical body has not changed in any way. No matter who it is, he does not know how terrifying and how terrifying the opponent he will face is the biggest challenge in his life!

In the past five years, the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes, because this was the forbidden area a few years ago, and the world was in chaos!

This time it was extraordinary, not a battle between one domain, but the kind of turmoil in the restricted area that swept across ten thousand years ago. In these five years, although the great emperors of the Middle Ages and many forces have taken action, the flames of war are still endless. On the contrary, there are not many strong people in the restricted area. There was a killing in the domain.

In addition, the air of black death swallows everything and corrupts everything. In this state, many people in the forbidden zone come to this ten thousand realm, and many of them become stronger and stronger by fighting.

They are different from the ordinary forces of the Ten Thousand Domains. Once they occupy the Ten Thousand Domains, they will become countless demons. They will directly kill any ordinary humans and turn them into their own nutrients, making this group of ancient powerful people more and more angry, causing them It is more powerful.

For five full years, there was a sorrow among the ten thousand domains. I don't know how many people died, how many people were displaced, and how many people lost their souls.

The chaotic valley is still where the dark alliance is!

However, at this moment, it can be clearly felt that it is divided into extreme two poles, because it is still strict in the range controlled by this dark alliance.

But there was already a **** color outside it, pieces of dry corpses floating on the surface of the sea, and countless places surrounding this chaotic watershed were completely reduced to dry land, and there was no vitality.

There is no doubt that in these years of fighting, the Chaos Basin can still maintain a pure land because of the dark alliance, but there is no such opportunity outside of it. It has been slaughtered by the people in the forbidden area. All of them were killed by it.

For many years, the dark alliance has continued to stick to it, even taking in a large number of homeless people, giving them the capital for cultivation, but at this moment, the calm and chaotic basin has a strong black death array outside it. Its package has a terrible destruction of everything.

And in the deep base camp, the Empress, Burning Heavenly Order, Amethyst and others stood quietly. Only five years have passed for the powerhouses like them, but now there is clearly one more. Kind of wind and frost.

Obviously, I don't know how much effort was spent in these five years. Under it, many people from the dark alliance also gathered at the same time, staring at the map in the hands of the empress, even if it is a lot of power, it is the same now. . . . The brows were frowning, and he felt a kind of exceptional depression for the black death array outside.

After several years of fighting, it is already clear to them that this is the most effective method for people in the restricted area before they start a war. Using the black death array to imprison the void and prevent anyone from leaving, it will inevitably be A violent storm is coming!


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