Supreme God King

Chapter 1487: Life and death

"I am afraid that after three days, the restricted area must have big means!"

In the main hall, the empress sighed quietly, as strong as she could not help but a sad look appeared in her brow at this moment, and the other people were also the same. Under this kind of life and death, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

On the side, Burning Tianling said slowly,

"In the past five years, I have waited against the restricted area to find that they have listed us as a key target. Even if it is not the emperor, the pressure on it is not as small as the emperor.

Before, there were two sacred powerhouses, Heavenly Sword and Soul Thunder, but because the Empress and I, Amethyst, were able to hold them back, everyone did their best.

But this time the latter had been preparing for more than half a year, and now they are launching an offensive again. I am afraid that they have already been fully prepared. I am sure that they must want to defeat the dark alliance in a battle, then at least they will dispatch again... . Three sacred! "

The tone was calm, but it made the hearts of all the strong people in the entire hall shake.

If there are three more statues, then there are as many as five sacred ones who are attacking the forbidden area of ​​this chaotic basin. If they come together, one can imagine the pressure facing the chaotic basin.

There were two sacred powerhouses before, but one was dragged by the Burning Heaven Order, and the other was joined by the Empress and Amethyst, causing the top powerhouse in the restricted area to be unable to cause damage to the battlefield.

However, this restricted area is also quite terrifying. Although today's dark alliance includes many powerful people from the five major forces, it is also seriously injured in the face of it. I don't know how many disciples have died.

It came from the strong in the restricted area revived in the ancient times, and many of the demons were powerful, cultivating the aura of black death, that kind of power was strange and unmatched, not everyone was Meng Fan, who was qualified to resist.

In addition, the quasi-gods, Xuanyuan, and Tianyuan realm in the restricted area are even more powerful.

Under this kind of large-scale offensive, that time it was the Thunder Soul old man, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Zhan Feng'er, Gu Xie, Gu Xin Hou, etc. who fought desperately before they were able to resist the opponent's powerful attack. .

However, the latter had stopped for half a year after conquering the chaotic watershed for many years. Now they are gathering again, but everyone knows that what Fen Tianling and the female emperor said is definitely not vain.

This forbidden zone is not moving. If it moves, it must be a thunder method, especially when it has failed so many times, it is bound to bloodbath the entire dark alliance!

Now the Middle Ages are in chaos, and the seven restricted areas are moving at the same time to fight the Middle Ages. Under this situation, the entire Middle Ages is simply plunged into endless chaos.

Nowadays, all the great emperors are constantly fighting and fighting against them. There is no time to estimate the others. Although the temple headed by the powerful dispatched, it is only saving the elites and juniors everywhere, so now only the dark can save the dark alliance. League itself!

"Ten years... Meng Fan, haven't you awakened yet!"

The empress sighed slightly, and Qingcheng's face had a trace of fatigue, but the moment her eyes looked at everyone, all the hesitation in her eyes disappeared, only infinite fierceness.

"In any case, I will not wait to die, or the words back then, it's just a fight!"

A few words fell, sonorous and powerful!

Hearing this, Lin Tang laughed and nodded.

"Yes, Brother Meng Fan is not here, so I'll be the only one left to wait, can't you embarrass him, brothers, after three days, I will drink together if I am born, and if I die, I will go to the Yellow Springs together. Go and pull out his three beards too, haha!"


Hearing Lin Tang's words, he suddenly changed the heavy atmosphere in the whole hall and roared with laughter.

The eyes of everyone gathered together. In the past few years, this group of strong men lived and died together, and they have cultivated that familiar feeling between each other. Now they are even stronger, even if they are about to face the battle of life and death, it is... Outrageously fearless!

The dark alliance hall, no one speaks, but one by one is already exploding, ready to be bloodied to kill!

Three days later, the endless black death air permeated. On this morning day, the sky shook, and the surging black death air became more and more terrifying.

And you can see that the figure is turning in the endless sea of ​​black death, and finally a wave of air comes out, countless ancient true demons are moving, one by one, like a hill, with blue-faced fangs, directly facing the direction of this chaotic watershed. go with.


In one move, it is like an endless black sea!

This ancient true demon is a real war machine in the forbidden area. It was born for war. The more corpses you get in this ten thousand realms, the more powerful it can make the forbidden area stronger and constantly create this terrifying creature. , Everywhere you go is simply destroying, turning everything into smoke and dust.

More than a million people are dispatched now, it is almost overwhelming, running through the sky!

Even at a glance, it is enough to make the powerhouses who step into the divine way shudder. Under the surging of that black death, the world is dull, like the world is extinct, with an extremely terrifying The breath came.


However, in the next moment, just as these countless ancient true demons were like entering no man's realm, they suddenly uttered a roar in the depths of this chaotic valley, resounding through the world.

At first glance, there are countless black-clothed big men in this void, all of them are extremely neat, all in black armor, lined up as a battle formation, standing between the world, and at the same time their palms are raised unanimously, 50,000 blades are also scream , Stand up to the sky.

Dark League, Dark Guard!

Faced with this kind of ancient true demon, even the children of the emperor clan are frightened by the news. In these years, I don't know how many forces are directly annihilated by the opponent's sprint, and they are not even qualified to do it.

But in this chaotic watershed, it will take five years for this dark guard to stand at the forefront. How many big guys have expressionless faces and swords in their hands, just for.... . kill!

Looking at the ages, when countless times the restricted area has struck, there are very few ancient forces that dare to confront the ancient true demons in the restricted area. That one is that kind of lion with hundreds of battles. I don’t know how much blood he has gone through. It is possible to do this, and the dark guards in front of them are one of them. In these five years, they are not inferior to the guards of the great emperors in ancient times!

Fifty thousand blades flashed at the same time, directly killing all the ancient true demons, and fighting their center in this chaotic valley.

Just for a moment, the world was stained with blood and all directions were stained red!

"Are you here!"

Standing in the core area of ​​this dark alliance, Ling Daiyou glanced at it, whispered softly, and there was a hint of mist in her eyes.

In this battle, I don't know how many men in the dark alliance have died, but she has nothing to do. The latter is dedicated to running the dark alliance and has already regarded this place as a home.

But under this kind of chaos, I can only look at the familiar faces of the past, all covered with blood, and then leave.

The dark guards are even more so, the latter and others have always stood in the center of the entire dark alliance, directly resisting the attack of any strong, without retreating.

This center is where everyone's eyes can be seen, it is the momentum, but also where the faith lies. Once it falls, the consequences will be disastrous!

After gritting his teeth, Ling Daiyou forced her emotions to stabilize, and at the same time waved her hand, the battle flag in her slender hand changed, and said calmly.

"Arrange, attack!"

When Ling Daiyou, who was sitting in the middle palace, changed the palms of her hands, in the next moment, many people and horses from all over the dark alliance moved at the same time, among them, like streams of water, they also attacked from all directions towards the restricted area.

The ancient true demons are nothing more than the killing machines in the forbidden area. During these years, the people of the dark alliance have understood that if they want to truly defeat the forbidden area, they can only slaughter the royal family in it, otherwise the opponent will only It's more and more courageous!

At the same time, in many places in the chaotic watershed, there were waves of people, facing the powerful attack in the restricted area, it turned out to be a counterattack.

Do not retreat but advance, there is only one battle!

"Samsara Hall!"

"Heaven and Earth Palace!"

"War Hall!"

"Sura Wei!"

"Qiankun Academy!"

The roar between the heavens and the earth resounded through the sky, and under the impact of the rows of silhouettes, the sky was instantly torn apart, and countless screams of killing came out, everywhere in the chaotic valley. Being ignited, among them, Lin Tang, Lonely Proud, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Zhan Fenger, Jun Qian, Bai Fatzi, etc., were led by many powerful men, and they brazenly attacked the forbidden area. Its royal family, direct collision!

Such a big battle is extremely shocking. It is just that any time of breathing makes the entire field not know how many people are killed. Some are in the restricted area, some are ancient true demons, some are dark guards, and some are called Senior Brother Meng Fan... . . That group of people!

And in the center, standing beside Ling Daiyou and others, the Empress, Burning Heaven Order, Amethyst, Zuwen, Zhan Mokong, Liu Qianhua, etc., have reached the level of Quasi-God Realm in the entire dark alliance. The person is waiting.

It's not that they don't want to move or save other people in the dark alliance, but they are waiting for the hole cards in the restricted area. Their kind of strong can only restrain the opponent's hole cards. Even if they want to rescue other people, But there is no other way than just watching.

This one is undoubtedly a kind of cruel and maddening, especially watching the death of the people next to him with his own eyes, and the cold heart is like the empress.

Between heaven and earth, a fight!

After a full half an hour, I don’t know how many people fell. The entire dark alliance also fought with the people in the forbidden area to the point where it became bladed. However, in the next moment, the atmosphere in the core of the forbidden area was suddenly shocked, and there was a surge of surging. The breath turned the entire sky.

In an instant, five big hands opened up the world and turned into the palms of the five mountain peaks, and they directly grabbed the big formation in the dark alliance. With one grab, they destroyed the world and wanted to slaughter everything!


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