Supreme God King

Chapter 1488: God war

Five handprints, suppress the eight wastes!

The billowing black death aura suddenly appeared in this big formation, directly impacted, and directly grabbed everyone from the dark alliance. If these five handprints were to fall, then the dark alliance must have dozens of them. Wan's death didn't even have a chance to confront. This was the method of the top powerhouse.

The power of one person and the good fortune of the world can make the Empress and others so jealous.

These five people had already reached a level of unparalleled horror, but they were in the restricted area. . . . . Ancient sacred!

Five in total!

Looking at how rare this kind of existence is in this world, it is quite good to be able to walk out of one of the billions of creatures, but now there are five directly appearing, what kind of power this is. Large hands cover, completely filling the sky over the entire chaotic valley, so many sacred powerful shots, even in the chaos of the past five years, are definitely quite rare.

Obviously, the restricted area pays much attention to the chaotic watershed, so a large number of powerful people have gathered to kill.


At the next moment, the five palms were about to fall on the sky above the sky. Suddenly, the Empress and others made their move. They had already waited for a long time. At this moment, seven or eight shadows pierced the sky, and each of them burst out. Clash with the five handprints on the sky.

During the collision, the sky shook, and the entire chaotic watershed was boiling, and the sea surface evaporated and turned into layers of air.

Between the air waves, the female emperor, the Burning Heaven Order, Zhan Mokong, Zu Wen, Liu Qianhua, the old snake snake, Amethyst, Yan Wang and others stand on this sky, which is a collection of all the top powers of the five major forces. Except for the burning of the sky to reach the sacred, the rest of the people are in the realm of quasi-gods, but they also have the power to fight.

"Jie Jie!"

In the direction of the forbidden area, although it did not succeed, at this moment there were a few gloomy laughs, and at the same time five elders could be seen coming out of this void. Two of them have been fighting against the forbidden area for a long time, and they are mainly responsible for attacking this chaotic valley. The other three have just arrived, but each of them has a strong breath and shocks everything, but is stepping into a sacred state. The gods of Taoism are all standing on this sky.

"There is still a little resistance. That's fine, it's more enjoyable to kill!"

One of the old men said coldly, looking at the empress and others, full of a sense of indifference.

"Stop talking nonsense, you have been preparing for so long, don't you know if you try!"

In the void, Fen Tianling sneered in a sonorous tone.


The other old man in the restricted area smiled sorrowfully and said with disdain,

"Unexpectedly, your attitude is still so arrogant. After a while, you will know what is called the Forbidden Area of ​​the ages. You have wiped out everything and killed them. I heard that in the past ten years, you have not seen the figure of your leader Meng Fan. , Did he run away, haha..."

The laughter fell, and the big hand waved, grabbing forward.

The other four people behind him also did the same. They shot directly, and the rolling waves swept through everything, and attacked brazenly, even filling the entire void, causing the mountain and sea to shake.

The air of black death is powerful, and these five people have cultivated it to the sacred level. What a point, just this shot is the kind of annihilation that strikes, so that many monks in this chaotic valley are Avoiding, including those in the restricted area, stopped attacking and retreated quickly.

The five great sacred shots, plus the many strong men in the dark alliance, there are more than a dozen sacreds on this heavenly vault who stepped into the divine way, what a masterpiece.

If it weren't for this world war and the forbidden zone, it would normally be difficult to happen in eternity, but now in front of the people, so many sacred powerhouses have gathered. A random blow from this kind of top powerhouse could bring disaster to the pond, and naturally it caused countless people to retreat.

Everyone knew even more that this kind of battle was the most critical one. . . . Enough to kill thousands of lives!

Boom, boom!

The sky burst, and the void shook open. Among the dark alliance, the burning sky led the way, the sacred fire burned, erupted into the world, and directly faced a sacred statue.

The Empress and others behind him are teaming up. Although they are not sacred, they rely on a large number of people. They are all two to one. At this moment, their own breath is completely exploded, and they brazenly attack the sacred strong in the forbidden area of ​​the sky. Past.

The sound of thunder continued to spread, and under this kind of sacred battle, the flick of the finger was the kind of attack that destroys everything, impacting the surroundings.

Almost to the extreme, even people tens of thousands of meters away can feel a majestic pressure, unimaginable, like countless boulders in the chest, it is too terrifying.

This is the sacred majesty, throwing one's feet to shake the world and destroy the universe!

However, after a few breaths, the sky flashed, and a figure flew out directly, blood spurting out, it was Zhan Mokong. His body was broken, and one arm was lost. The whole person was gray-haired and bloody. It was obvious that an old man in the restricted area almost split his body in the air. If he didn't hide quickly, he would die immediately. .


Blood spurted out again, Zu Wen's body was blown away, and the large muscles in his chest disappeared, and even the bones were exposed.

The two of them are both old monster-level powerhouses, with shocking power, but it is a pity that this time they are dispatched from the restricted area.

Even though there was a burning sky order to stop one person, the hand in the restricted area was too big, and three more sacred figures were sent out in this chaotic valley, which was simply crushing with absolute strength.

Therefore, under this kind of collision, the Dark Alliance is at an absolute disadvantage. Even though there are a large number of Empress and others, there is a half-step difference between the Quasi-God Realm and the Divine Dao, which is a difference of a full world, which is difficult to make up for. !

"Reincarnation tactic!"

In an instant, Zuwen roared, his eyes changed color, black and white, and a chaotic mist burst out, shocking the world.

At this moment, the vitality fluctuations around his body can be felt to move fast, obviously Zu Wen is running a secret method, burning himself, quickly improving his strength in a short time.

However, during the operation of the latter secret method, the power consumed by his own is very large. Just a few breaths of time makes Zuwen seem to be a lot old, full of wrinkles, but his whole body The golden light flickered, and the strength increased rapidly, raising his hand, the runes merged, the vitality came out of the body, and the seal blasted out.

Print out the open sky, suppress the sky!

Under this golden palm, like the same sun across the sky, there is already a sacred combat power!

However, standing in this void, the two forbidden areas sneered sacredly, each of them was filled with black death, and in an instant, an ancient **** array was laid, and the sea of ​​devil was churning, suppressing the world.


The handprint impact, even if Zuwen’s blow has been improved too much, but all the power after impacting on the **** array under the two sacred forces, it is like water falling into the sea, being a little bit wiped out.

And one of the sacred backhands in the restricted area is a palm, as fast as thunder, directly bombarding Zu Wen's body from the air.


Zu Wen spouted blood, and his body retreated again. The whole person was already like a blood man. The bones all over his body did not know how many were broken, and his injuries were serious.

"Too elder!"

All the people in the Samsara Palace had blood red eyes, roared loudly, and the crowd rioted.

"Don't worry about me, don't come over!"

Zu Wen yelled, even though it was seriously injured, it was a steady step, and the blood kept spurting out. Standing on the sky, he waved his hand to block the movements of Yun Feiyang and others.

Even if he is very reluctant to participate in this class of sacred battle, not everyone has the strength of higher-order battle, and is still above the sacred realm.

Woohoo. . .

Among the crowd, countless female disciples of the Temple of Reincarnation have already begun to cry bitterly, not just them. Such a scene is too anxious and moved the entire dark alliance.

Zuwen, who was still fighting, was already gray-haired. Two sacred shots caused him to be seriously injured, but he was still standing on this sky, supporting his broken body, and he did not retreat!

"Jie Jie, because you want to stop me from waiting, it's ridiculous, old fellow, your old bone can resist the strength of my palms. Why don't you just roll over and kneel down!"

Above the sky, an ancient sacred in the restricted area licked the blood on his palm, and said sensibly.

The tone was indifferent and full of endless ridicule, which attracted many dark alliance people to clenched their teeth, grasped tightly, and blood flowed out, but there was no way.

The five ancient gods in the restricted area were dispatched. Even if they attacked the imperial clan, they would set off a huge storm, enough to shake the entire Middle Ancient Region.

Now in this chaotic watershed, even if it is the continuous development of the dark alliance over the years, it is difficult to resist the latter's powerful edge. This is not something that can be made up in just a few years, and the restricted area has not given the dark alliance any opportunity.

"What about Meng Fan, don’t you have a leader called Meng Fan, tell him to get out of the old man, let me know what the person who dared to break into my forbidden zone is like, there is no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey is the king. Many ancient gods fell asleep, which gave him a chance. Now, when I wait for the ancient to recover, one finger can crush him!"

The ancient roar in the restricted area, the sound of sneer spread all over the world, and did not hide the irony in it!

This kind of words was like a knife, which caused the expressions of many people in the dark alliance to dim, and the Empress, Burning Tianling and others gritted their teeth, fighting desperately against the people in the forbidden area in this sky. One has a strong sense of powerlessness.

Meng Fan!

This is the belief of everyone in the entire dark alliance, no one will doubt that he will escape, and the latter must also be caught in some predicament. What made the Empress and others helpless was that after Meng Fan disappeared, even if they wanted to protect this dark alliance with all their strength, they couldn't do it.

However, in the next moment, without waiting for the ancient voice of the restricted area to dissipate, suddenly a sound of laughter also fell.

"I don't know if Meng Fan is or not, but if you come here, I won't let your old thing be so arrogant!"

The tone was strong, and at the same time the heavens and the earth lost its color, a figure came out, and came over here brazenly. At first glance, it was a man with a feminine face, with a sneer on his face, and it was Cao Qiushui!

The latter stepped forward, but at this moment, it was a huge difference from the previous one. I don’t know how many times its aura was stronger. The light flashed in the whole body, and there was a kind of majesty that people could not look directly at. Like the same great emperor, he is unparalleled. Cao Qiushui was not a quasi **** in the imperial palace before, but today he has completely stepped into it. . . . . Holy Land!


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