Supreme God King

Chapter 1498: Do you want to stay?

It can be done!

With an indifferent tone, Meng Fan stood in the sky, his clothes stained with blood, but he still showed endless terrifying light.

While they were talking, the burning orders in the sky, the Empress and others also shot out, each of their powerful vitality methods burst out, blood stained the sky, and slashed together.

Bang, bang!

Under the siege of so many powerhouses, the last two statues were sacred to bloodstains, their bodies burst into pieces, falling between the world and the earth one by one.

The five restricted areas are sacred, and the ancient gods of Waiga Ling, a total of six peerless powerful men who stepped into the divine essence, but after a few breaths, this group of people were all bloodied and completely dead on the spot.

One day, kill the six gods!

Between heaven and earth, a shock!

In the eyes of the world, any strong master of the God Realm has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. The existence of heaven and human beings. The sacred births in the past are very few, but now after one day in this chaotic valley, they are There are six gods falling.

This battle is destined to spread all over the world and cause a sensation in the world!

The sound of killing and slashing resounded through the sky, and countless people from the dark alliance were even more powerful at this moment, and they began to fight against all the people in the restricted area.

Under the many sacred falls, the ending cannot be changed at all. The sky is the defeat of many powerful people in the restricted area, and under the hands of the dark alliance like tiger wolf, they come easily, but want to leave. . . . But it is difficult!

With blood, countless people in the restricted area began to pay the price for their actions!

However, this group of people is not worthy of pity, and most of them are even people from these ten thousand domains. After this forbidden area strikes, they follow the forbidden area and target many human races and swallow them. World of Warcraft has no humanity, and is completely a real scum.


Between the sky, the female emperor, Lin Tang, the lonely proud, the thunder soul old man, Luo Huayin and other powerful people brazenly shot to seal the square, and it is the way of people who resist the restricted area.

But Meng Fan stood quietly between the world, facing this kind of killing method, his face was expressionless and motionless.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan's gaze reversed, and he looked at the four great arrogances of Qin Hong. At the same time, he grinned and said calmly.

"Unexpectedly, how many are still here, this battle... Thanks to the help of a few!"

The voice fell, and facing Meng Fan's smile, the four of Qin Hong also cooperated with a smile, but this smile looked quite reluctant!

"Oh, I remember, what did you guys come to do with me before..."

Meng Fan stared at the four people, and said solemnly.

"Yes, yes, you guys came to me to compete, right, yes, none of you four are the most proud of the world, such a powerful man, now my combat power is less than 30%, so why not give me a rest? How about a period of time, just after three days, I will compete with the four of you one by one to see how the four can beat me, how?"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world!

However, at this moment, anyone can hear the sarcasm in Meng Fan's tone, and the expressions of the four of Qin Hong are even more embarrassing.

According to their previous plan, what Meng Fan said was exactly what the four of them wanted, and it was precisely for this purpose to help the dark alliance overcome the difficulties, but after this collision, the four of them all discovered Meng Fan astonishingly. The combat power turned out to be able to slay the Great Spirit Ancient God.

It is also a sacred realm, but people are more dead than people, and goods are to be thrown away. The four believe that they can't kill the ancient **** of the big spirit alone, and compared with Meng Fan, once it is three days later, it is simply there. . . . . Looking for abuse!

"Haha, Brother Meng Fan is really powerful. He has overwhelmed all directions and shocked the world. It seems that I must also compare with Brother Meng Fan. The name of the world's number one arrogant is not yet final!"

After a few breaths, Cao Qiushui laughed and stared at Meng Fan with an air of arrogance, but in the next moment everyone thought he was going to take a short break in this dark alliance, but he could see clearly. When Cao Qiushui suddenly had a distorted face, he muttered,

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Fight for length!"

The sound fell, and the sole of his foot stepped on, Cao Qiushui's body turned into a meteor-like existence, and went to the sky.

After a few breaths, before everyone could react, he had disappeared in this space, leaving countless people stunned.

Stomach ache, is the hidden illness of the strong in the Divine Origin Realm the stomachache?

When Cao Qiushui disappeared, Wang Soul roared.

"Asshole, I haven't settled the account with you before you provoke me, Cao Qiushui, you stand still, between you and me... There is bound to be a battle, I want to clean up you!"

At the same time, Wang Soul took a step forward, chasing in the opposite direction of Cao Qiushui, looking menacing.

The four great arrogances, two of them left in a blink of an eye, making Meng Fan dumbfounded. The reason for these two people was obviously to prepare for leaving.

After all, it doesn't make any sense to stay here. Facts have proved that Meng Fan's combat power is the strongest in the first stage of the Divine Origin Realm, even more obvious than the gap with him before.

The purpose of the four was to fight Meng Fan alone, discussing a world's first arrogant, but now it is obviously no longer needed, naturally they want to leave.

Shook his head, Meng Fan looked at Qin Hong and Yang Qing again. In the next moment, Qin Hong arched his hands, stared at Meng Fan, and said solemnly.

"Meng Fan, you are indeed very powerful, this time... I am also not your opponent, but no matter what, I will not give up. God's path is long, and you may not be able to suppress everything all the time. I, Qin Hong, still look forward to the future One day to fight you!"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world.

Regarding Qin Hong’s fighting spirit, Meng Fan nodded, and a trace of dignity appeared on his face. No matter how Qin Hong felt, the latter was definitely Meng Fan’s current martial arts practice alone. Enemy, there is no other in the same age, and like Meng Fan, there is a kind of sincerity for cultivation.

"Waiting for you!"

Meng Fan responded with two words, causing Qin Hong's eyes to flash, and after a moment he made a farewell gesture, then tore the world and slowly left.

There are a total of four great arrogances in the field, but Yang Qing is left alone, with the blue silk flying, and the face is full of face, looking at Meng Fan, after facing each other, several breaths, Yang Qing smiled and said softly,

"Don't worry, you are so strong now, I won't find myself boring, just want to talk to you, how about it, will Meng Da Killing God give this opportunity?"

"Can't ask for it!"

Meng Fan smiled bitterly and said that he could always maintain a strong fighting spirit for the other three people, but facing Yang Qing, although the latter was one of his rivals, the scenes in the past caused the relationship between the two to be more similar. Friend, Meng Fan has always been extremely righteous in his treatment of friends, so how could he act.


Yang Qing took a step forward and came to Meng Fan’s body. The good smell fell into Meng Fan’s nose. It was as good as before, but it smelled quite good, but the next moment Yang Qing spit out a few words. The word made Meng Fan suddenly stiff.

"Meng Fan, don't say anything. I will tell you some things directly. I don't want a second person to hear you. You have to be careful. Although you have reached the point where you are now, your enemies will be stronger. Even if you can now kill Kill the Six Gods, but this time the people in the Forbidden Area Palace... will also pay more attention to dealing with you!"

The tone seemed calm, but at this moment, both Meng Fan and Yang Qing had already imprisoned Zhou Tian, ​​and no one knew what they were talking about.

"Forbidden area hall?"

Meng Fan's eyes flashed, staring at Yang Qing.

"Not bad!"

Yang Qing's smile remained the same, but it was only in the eyes of outsiders, but there was a hint of worry in her eyes, and she said solemnly.

"Why do you think that the big powers between the world and the earth don’t make a move? If a strong man of my father’s level makes a move, it can indeed stabilize the world and calm the Quartet. But in fact, they are really afraid of a force, that is, the Palace of the Forbidden Zone. , I know that you have been to the restricted area, but you have already seen that there are not many Shinto powerhouses in the restricted area.

I can tell you clearly, in fact, there is a real alliance between the seven forbidden areas, and only the powerhouse of Shinto can step into it. This is the temple of the forbidden area, whether it is Taibai or any old monster in the previous seven forbidden areas. It is said that after practicing to the gods, they will step into this place. This time it is said that there are already several temple elders in the forbidden area. The ancient gods of the big spirit are only one of them, so... . You must be careful! "

Forbidden area hall!

Hearing Yang Qing's words, Meng Fan's body trembled, and some doubts were finally resolved. I did not expect that there is such a terrible organization in these seven restricted areas. The latter should be the real world and extremely evil existence. , I don’t know how many palace elders are there this time, and what strength the palace master in charge of this forbidden area palace will be!

But in any case, being able to make Yimai so afraid is enough to prove too much, too much!

His heart trembled, but after a while Meng Fan also pressed it down, nodded, and said in a deep voice.

"You too!"


Yang Qing smiled, then turned around, stepped forward, and stepped towards the void. After a few steps, she turned her head and stared at Meng Fan, a strange expression flashed in her eyes, and a sound like a natural sound came slowly.

"Meng Fan, the catastrophe is ruthless, and the world is dangerous. I don't know how many years this battle will last. Even if you and I...are just one of the ants, you want to struggle to survive this catastrophe, so remember Protect yourself and promise me... Don't die!"

Looking at the direction of the disappearance of the beautiful woman in front of him, Meng Fan couldn't help but move his heart, his eyes were opposite, and finally he smiled softly, nodded, and said calmly.

"Don't worry, in this world... no one who can take me Meng Fan's life has been born yet!"


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