Supreme God King

Chapter 1499: father

Between heaven and earth, a **** color!

Under the slaying of many people in the dark alliance, the pursuit and killing of all the people in the restricted area finally made the chaotic valley quiet again.

This battle lasted for a full five years. During these five years, I don't know how many people in the dark alliance have spent countless efforts. It is finally after this battle that they have gained a moment of peace.

After the death of Liu Shen, everyone in the restricted area fell apart, and the Dark Alliance won a big victory, although the price of this victory was indeed a bit huge.

However, everyone understands that it is already quite good to be able to do this in the Great Tribulation, because this is for the mighty and mighty of the entire ten thousand realms. Everyone is searching in this Great Tribulation, like ants, even if it is like Meng There are not many things that can fight against this kind of strong.

After the First World War, within three full days, what kind of blood color did the sea gradually recover from!

And the entire dark alliance finally recovered some vitality, and still re-trained many divine formations, combined defenses, and so on. After this battle, many masters of the dark alliance also fell into the cultivation, but the news spread all over the world, but it caused a big shock!

Temple, one line, Zhongtian Dynasty... . The waiting place is also facing a battle with the forbidden area. The sacred fall has also occurred in the past five years, but there has not been a big scene like the fall of the six gods in one day.

I have to say that the restricted area was completely planted this time. I originally thought that the Chaos Valley was just a small place compared to the Middle Ancient Territory. A great spirit ancient **** plus five sacreds were completely enough to crush.

But still... . I underestimated Meng Fan. The latter was known as a **** for a hundred years and broke through the barrier. Even if his realm is only one stage, he can actually behead the ancient **** who has already entered the second stage. This kind of combat power It's too scary.

Five great powerhouses who have been called gods for a hundred years, the six gods fell in a battle!

There were too many shocking news in this chaotic river basin war, like a huge boulder, causing the entire Wanyu to fall into different reactions.

There will be evildoers in troubled times!

I don’t know when this sentence was circulated in this entire Middle Ancient Territory, and it has attracted the approval of countless people, and everyone knows that the imperial palace had no winners or losers in a battle. Ten years later... . Looking at the entire century, or perhaps the first arrogant of all ages, it was Meng Fan.

After the other four great arrogances were called gods at the same time for a hundred years, Meng Fan's single-person force suppressed the four, and his combat power reached the point where he could kill the ancient gods of the Great Spirit.

And a few years ago, he was just a mediocre... . Wuzhen boy!

Wanyu, a place of extreme!

There is endless black death between the sky and the sky, and the sea of ​​magic is tumbling, and at the center of this extreme, a young man's eyes look deeply into the void, and you can faintly see that his face is a little distorted, revealing endless. Fierce, after a few breaths, he finally uttered a word,

"Meng Fan, you are really dead. I can't think that this method didn't kill you. It seems that I was the only one... I did it myself!"

The tone is gloomy, and the killing intent is strong!

Ten Thousand Territories shook, and in the chaotic watershed that gradually returned to calm, Meng Fan was directly in retreat.

This is really helpless. When he exits the barrier, he faces a powerful enemy like the Great Spirit Ancient God, which consumes a lot of money. It takes three full days to suppress the injuries in his body and leave the barrier.

Now that there are too many things in the dark alliance that require his decision, it is natural that Meng Fan cannot have any leisure.

In the study, Meng Fan carefully looked at the information in the restricted area over the past few years. He has been in retreat for a full ten years, naturally he is not familiar with the outside world.

And Yang Qing’s advice to him is firmly remembered by Meng Fan. There is a joint forbidden area hall above the seven forbidden areas, and there are some clues in this information, and the temple is still present. There is no real strong shot, which proves this.

It is not that there are no ancient existences in this temple and the great emperors. They are just waiting, fearing the supreme power in the forbidden area, just to deal with the people in the forbidden area, intending to eliminate the real main force in the forbidden area in one fell swoop.

Although this method is cruel, it is not wrong if it is considered as a whole. After all, only when the top powers are truly eliminated can the world be peaceful.

Therefore, it is very important to deal with the peak existence in the forbidden area. Once it is the whereabouts of many powerhouses in the temple and a large amount of intelligence falls into the hands of the forbidden area, then everything is not easy to handle.

To know that the ancient wars, earth-shattering, caused how many strong people reincarnated and how many strong people slept to repair themselves. This kind of intelligence is the key to Wanyu, even including Yang Qing, a direct successor of the imperial clan. They all don't know how many strong people return in the same line.

And this group of people are waiting quietly, also waiting for the supreme powerhouse in the restricted area to take action!

Under such a confrontation, even the real combat power that the emperor can use is not much, and it is impossible to save others.

However, although this method is the most sensible, it requires the entire ten thousand domains as a price. In the vast world and ten thousand domains in the past five years, I don’t know how many people have died, and hundreds of millions of lives bleed. cruel!

Looking through countless information, Meng Fan couldn't help but rubbed his temples, raised his head, a little tired and unbearable.

Standing across from it was a tall woman, dressed in red, with green silk draped behind her, with a cold face and stunning beauty, she was naturally the empress.

Looking at each other, Meng Fan said slowly,

"Yan'er, these few years... Thank you very much!"

Upon hearing Meng Fan’s words, the empress was expressionless and said coldly,

"No, I also do it for myself, it has little to do with you!"

In a word, he almost choked Meng Fan to death. The latter has always been like this for so many years. He didn't even have a better attitude towards himself, which made Meng Fan quite helpless.

"Okay, I can't say you, but I still thank you for helping me guard the Dark Alliance for so many years. You are...very important to me!"

Meng Fan spoke loudly, staring at the female emperor's eyes very seriously.

If it weren’t for the Empress, I’m afraid that the Dark Alliance would not know how many crises they could not survive in these few years. Although the latter has always been cold and frosty, the deeds are definitely not less than any one person, and it will take a lot of time. To enhance your own strength, you must always be vigilant to prevent surprise attacks by the strong in the restricted area.

Although the empress didn't say anything about this, Meng Fan naturally understood the hardship of the latter. If there was no empress, I am afraid Meng Fan would not know what to do.

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the female emperor’s eyebrows raised, facing Meng Fan’s gaze. At this moment, the coldness in the female emperor’s eyes melted quickly, with a softness, as if to Meng Fan’s last words. Very happy when I arrived.

However, this feeling disappeared completely after just a breath, replaced by endless cold and anger, which made Meng Fan even feel that it was an illusion before.

"You should take care of yourself, don't talk to me like this in the future, don't get close to it!"

A word was left behind, the empress suddenly got up, stepped out, and left directly. Between the turbulent aura, it caused a gust of wind in the entire study, which made Meng Fan crazy.

Feminine... . Needle on the seabed!

Meng Fan rubbed his head again, guessing that his mentality was more tiring than reading tens of thousands of information. It was still good before, but now it is suddenly like this.

However, just between Meng Fan's doubts, he suddenly noticed that there was an extra small head at the door, and a pair of shiny eyes looked at him. It was a.... . Little boy!

After just one glance, Meng Fan's whole body was shocked, because he had an indescribable sense of familiarity with this little boy, as if the latter was connected to his own blood, making Meng Fan feel extremely close.

"Ah... Come here!"

Hearing what Meng Fan said, the little boy was a little shy, but he slowly walked over to Meng Fan.

Looking at the little boy carefully, the more Meng Fan looked at it, the more he found out where his familiarity came from, because he was almost the same as himself decades ago. When he was in Wuzhen, that Meng Fan Anything that is basically this look, especially the immature arrogance in the eyebrows, is extremely imaginative.

this is…. .

Meng Fan suddenly looked up, and saw Gu Xin'er who walked in not far away. The latter looked at Meng Fan, her pretty face flushed, and mist appeared in her eyes, an indescribable joy and shyness!

In just a moment, Meng Fan understood too much and spit out a few words gently.

"my son?"


Gu Xin'er nodded and said softly.

"He... this year... is already nine years old!"

Ten years ago, when Meng Fan was in retreat, Gu Xin'er actually had Meng Fan’s child, but because of Meng Fan’s retreat, Gu Xiner didn’t want to disturb Meng Fan at that time. , So I didn’t talk to Meng Fan.

The palm of his hand gently stroked the little boy's face, Meng Fan's whole body was trembling at this moment. At this moment, the white-haired Shura who was conquering the world was completely gone, only the endless love in his eyes ,

"What's your name!"

Hearing this, the little boy raised his head and said softly,

"My mother called me... Meng Nian!"

Meng Nian!

Reading these two words repeatedly at the corner of his mouth, Meng Fan finally laughed out loud. In these years, there has been no such kind of joy, so happy.

Countless lives and deaths, fighting the world, and finally having a blood of his own in this world, this made Meng Fan have a strange mood.

Stroking the little boy, his gaze swept across Gu Xin'er, Meng Fan's eyes revealed an endless and firm expression, clearly understanding that there is one more person he needs to guard between this world, and it must be. You need to keep your shoulders in front of them, no matter your opponent... . who is it!

How about the catastrophe, the forbidden area... . so what!


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