Supreme God King

Chapter 1500: chat

Chaos in the basin, return to peace!

After the First World War, the entire chaotic valley began to come back to life. Even if the many powerful men in the restricted area between the world and the earth are aggressive, they are also retreating backwards. Even the people in the restricted area around the chaotic watershed are all It runs faster than rabbits.

There is no doubt that Liu Shen has fallen!

This is such a big thing, even in the current ten thousand realms, it is definitely a terrifying and very shocking news. Meng Fan returns, with such a violent powerhouse sitting in the dark alliance, wanting to shake It is too difficult to get up, so in a short period of time, the chaotic basin will be extremely peaceful and there will be no more battles.

Being able to maintain a pure land amidst this kind of catastrophe is really hard-won. It should be understood that only the emperor and a few large and small forces can do it in this world.

All the people of the dark alliance understand that this kind of peace is not known how many strong people in the dark alliance have exchanged their lives, without their **** battle, even this moment of peace... Not necessarily!

In the dark alliance, the ancient hall!

At this moment, the little boy Meng Nian was sitting on countless ancient books, looking through the cultivation methods in them, the look on his small face was extremely serious, just like Meng Fan back then.

Meng Fan's middle-aged son was naturally very fond of this little boy. He wanted to give him the best things in the whole world, but Meng Fan was restrained by life, and just gave away ancient books and countless world truths and cultivation methods. When you reach Meng Nian's body, let her own realm.

The tiger, from the evil forest, the dragon, rises against the current!

This reason Meng Fan is naturally very profound. He can only rely on himself to beat down bit by bit today, and although he loves his son, but hopes that the latter can take off the world, then he absolutely does not. Can give him a little comfortable environment.

The more comfortable he is, the more he develops a kind of laziness that cannot survive on his own. In today's world, it is undoubtedly harming him, so for Meng Fan, the opposite is to be like his rise in the beginning. Fight Meng Nian!

At this moment, outside the hall, three figures walked in. Two of them were young girls and one was a snow-white monkey. The figure was as tall as a hill. The three eyes looked at Meng Nian with a grin. Smile, whisper,

"Is this the master's son?"

"You are!"

Seeing the three people coming in, Meng Nian raised his head curiously and looked hesitantly.

"You can call us Senior Brother, Senior Sister!"

One of the little girls smiled, with a strange look,

"Boy, although you are the master’s son, but I’m the first to get started. You must call me the second elder sister. This is your master sister Han You, the third elder brother Bingtian Ape. From now on, you must respect and respect your teacher. Sister Sister, and the first step is that the master must have given you something good... First, show respect to Sister Second!"

When the voice fell, Meng Nian nodded honestly, and put all the treasures Meng Fan had given him in front of him, which caused the little girl to cheer and step forward. The little girl and the ape behind him looked ignorant and felt a little twisted, but under the pull of the quirky girl in front, they finally couldn't help but started to follow the latter.

Needless to say, they knew that these three were the three apprentices Meng Fan had previously accepted in the Sea of ​​Exile and the Land of the God of War, Han You, Youyou, and Ice Sky Ape.

The tribulation of heaven and earth, the dark alliance unites the world, Youyou and Han You also walked out of this sea of ​​exile, and came to this Middle Ancient Realm. After many years, the two girls are just like those little girls in the past. All of them are slim and graceful.

And the strength of the Bingtian Ape and Youyou had reached the Heavenly Origin Realm, each with extraordinary combat power and terrifying potential, and the future must have amazing growth.

It’s just that Youyou’s character still remains the same, she is simply a lively female ruffian. The three of them originally planned to visit this little junior brother, Meng Fan’s son, but after meeting, this visit …. It became a robbery, and began to share the spoils with Meng Nian's things!

In the other ancient hall of the Dark League, two eyes were always staring here, and finally a hearty laughter came out. One of them was a middle-aged man with a majestic expression. Fan laughed,

"Haha... Are you two apprentices really a worry-free material? They are more villains than you were back then, interesting and interesting!"

amount…. .

Meng Fan shook his head, a little speechless.

"But the more I see these juniors, the more I feel that what you and I have done is worthwhile, even if it is tired and bloody!"

Fen Tianling sighed lightly, with a sigh in his tone.

In the face of Han You, this new generation of Youyou has a natural desire for protection. The latter has just grown up, so how can he bear to let them fall into the catastrophe of this world.

"Next, what do you want to do!"

After a while, Fen Tianling became dignified and looked at Meng Fan.

Like today’s great disaster and the forbidden area, although the dark alliance defeated the first crush of the forbidden area, it was only this time. There are countless powerful people in the forbidden area between heaven and earth, and there are also many mysterious potentials. Existence, although the latter has failed now, it is certain that in the near future, there will be a more terrifying strong coming, targeting the dark alliance and targeting Meng Fan!

It's a **** storm, this is just the beginning!

So even if it was Burning Heaven Order, I was extremely nervous, and naturally I wanted to discuss an accurate plan with Meng Fan.

Hearing this, Meng Fan was silent for a moment, suddenly his eyes flashed and he uttered two words.


With a word, Fen Tianling's brows were raised, and he said solemnly.

"What do you want to do?"

"In the final analysis, the temple is the head of the world. The forces left behind by the alliance of the great gods and kings in the past, among which there are many strong ones, I will go there and see how they plan to face this A catastrophe!"

Meng Fan sighed lightly,

"In front of the restricted area, you and I are still not strong enough today. If you want to survive this catastrophe, you still need to rely on the temple and the emperor, otherwise there is no other way, so I must go forward. Go there, and I have heard one thing, that any strong person who enters the Divine Origin Realm is qualified to step into the Divine Origin and comprehend... the Divine Origin Tower!"

Shenyuan Tower!

Hearing these three words, Fen Tianling's heart was also shocked, and he clearly understood what this thing did.

The name of the temple moves the world, and it is a place where countless gods from ancient times were willing to cultivate hard. Among them, it is not only famous for the imperial palace, but also has a tower of gods that only the sacred can enter.

It is rumored that this tower was left by the union of several great gods and kings in the past, and the deepest part of it is even the martial art that contains the life of the gods and powerful people. It is divided into 18 floors for later understanding.

Only those who have truly achieved God's Essence are qualified to enter this tower and comprehend the truths left behind by countless predecessors and ancestors. You must know that in this Shenyuan Pagoda, there are countless powerful people who used to smash their own bodies. This is the place where countless strong people in the ages talk about Taoism, and now Meng Fan has stepped into Shenyuan. Circumstances, naturally I want to take a look.

Shenyuan’s cultivation base is no longer something that can be improved by means of moves and divine objects. It only has to constantly improve its own martial arts. Looking at this world, no Shenyuan powerhouse is the same, because each of them People have different chances, different vitality methods, and different exercises, and in the end different martial arts will come together.

Once he has stepped into the divine essence, he is the only one who advances on this path. If he wants to improve his cultivation, he needs all kinds of enlightenment to improve himself. He is the only master on this path of cultivation. No one can help.

However, although it cannot be integrated with other martial arts, it can be used for reference. This Shenyuan Tower is the ultimate place between the world and the earth. There is hardly any place that can match this place. Where Meng Fan wants to step into, he just wants to It is necessary to take a look at the martial arts of countless predecessors, and you can use your own martial arts to collide with them, and the two can compete with each other, stimulate your own wisdom in the collision, and then improve.

"It's also a way. I'll wait to guard. In this troubled world, the greater the strength, the higher the chance of survival!"

Fen Tianling nodded and said with a smile,

"Meng Fan, in fact, you don't have to worry too much. Although the ten thousand domains are vast now, the strength of the group of top powerhouses in the temple and the emperor is still there. I believe that it will not take long before they will take action. It can be seen, but the ancient battle in the past was also a defeat in the restricted area. Now in this world, I feel that the odds of winning can reach 50%!"

unfortunately. . . . Our enemy is not just the restricted area!

Hearing Fen Tianling's words, the corners of Meng Fan's mouth twitched, but he did not speak. He just sighed silently in his heart, and he couldn't help but think of the scene of his breakthrough that day.

In Meng Fan’s retreat, it took five years to absorb the bodhi fruit. According to the truth, once the heaven and earth tenth-level gods are completely integrated, with his power, it will help Meng Fan reach a new level. Break through the gods.

But just after those five years, Meng Fan was drawn to a strange space, that is, belong. . . . That shocking time when the **** king was destroyed!

At that point in time, the Destroyer God King naturally wanted to replicate his own martial arts, letting Meng Fan to listen to himself and do it exactly according to his arrangements, but it was a pity that Meng Fan did not agree, and the two were martial arts clashes. , Compete for superiority.

That battle lasted five full years, and it also dragged Meng Fan's whole person in it. Facing the martial arts crush of the **** king and powerful, even if it was the same realm, it was the biggest crisis in history for Meng Fan!

Destroying the King of Gods, I don’t know how many times, even if Meng Fan has been called a **** for a hundred years, and there is nothing to be proud of in front of him, because what Meng Fan has done is what destroyed the King of Gods in the past. When the grade broke through the sacred, he was earlier than him. Only in this way can he reach the level of today and reach the **** king.

Moreover, Destroying God King was the first pioneer of Destroying Shinto. Strictly speaking, even if Meng Fan was his apprentice, he followed his martial arts and developed to the present!

Therefore, between this battle, Meng Fan and his argument, although the outside world has only spent five years, but in it, that strange point in time is slower than the outside time, the real Meng The collision between Fanwu Dao and Destroy God King. . . . It's a full five hundred years!

No one in Ten Thousand Realms knew about this battle, but it was absolutely shocking to the world, even any strong man in the world was moved to hear it.

At that strange point in time, the two martial arts collided, causing Meng Fan to fall into desperation several times.

However, the latter relied on his own understanding of Nishenjuan and the martial art formed over the years to contend, and I don't know how many times it has been crushed to find such a ray of life to fight against the Destroyer God King.

The two martial arts collided for five hundred years. At the last moment, the martial arts of Meng Fan and the Destroyer God King broke at the same time, reaching the limit of his own ability to discuss the Tao, but Meng Fan clearly understood that martial arts debate. , Although he came out of customs and was able to succeed, he did not win, but instead. . . . . draw!


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