Supreme God King

Chapter 1501: crisis


Five hundred years of discussing the Tao, colliding with the martial arts of the **** king and powerful, and finally ended in a tie. This kind of thing is absolutely shocking enough to cause a big wave in the entire ten thousand domain.

What a realm of the Destroying God King, and under the same state and theories, Meng Fan escaped from the opponent's hands for the last life and persisted to a tie. This in itself was too enchanting. Anyone who doesn't enter the Divine King Realm might be shocked to drop their chin, and this feels incredible.

In the endless space, Meng Fan's martial arts returned, looking up at the Destroyer God King, and finally sighed lightly,

"Awesome, awesome. I have been invincible for too long. The arrogance of an era has no one to compete with me. Now it seems that there are really some frogs in the bottom of the well.

Unexpectedly, Lord God King, in the same realm as me, was able to continuously suppress me and put me in a desperate situation several times. If it weren’t for the constant collision of martial arts between you and me, I would have learned many mysteries with the help of Lord God King’s martial arts. , Perfecting oneself, I am afraid it is really not the opponent of Lord God King, before the eternal age, having a character like you is indeed amazing! "

The tone sighed, not that Meng Fan was complimenting, but that he sent it from the heart.

Destroying the God King was in the same realm as him, and everything was on a balance point. If Meng Fan faced such a powerful person in the ordinary, it would be a strong crush.

But when he met the Destroyer God King, the latter turned out to be just the opposite. Aiming at Meng Fan, Meng Fan saw the former supreme pride.

Leaving Wuzhen when he was young, Meng Fan looked around the world, and in the entire Ten Thousand Regions, there was no strong man of an era who could compete with him, and even made Meng Fan a little bit proud.

But now this kind of pride is completely broken, because it is conceivable that in the cultivation path of ancient times, his current achievements are definitely not the first, at least the destruction of the gods, he has had it before!

In the void, the God of Destruction gave a cold snort, looked at Meng Fan blankly, and finally said,

"Don't be humble... You won this battle. Although you and I are in the same realm, your arrival has awakened me, even though my martial arts philosophy is suppressed.

But there are also many that are perfected after I become the King of Gods. Even if suppressed, I have some advantages over you in this battle, but you and I are a draw, and I don't want to take advantage of you, then you will win.

As I said before, if you win, you can leave now, but Meng Fan. . . . I remember you, and my plan will not change, so although you leave, I will go to you personally after my resurrection.

At that time, you will also be refined into a new me. Although you have opened up a martial art of yourself with the inverse God scroll, I don’t think you are right. The world’s major events are not to be jokes, so the future world, I must Looking for you! "

The tone was rumbling, and the body of the Destroying God King slowly dissipated between the world and the earth, but the words in his ears kept echoing, so that the now Meng Fan could still feel the power of the day. A sense of oppression.

A strong man in the realm of the gods naturally speaks verbally and makes a sound when landing!

The latter's plan will naturally not be changed because of Meng Fan's ideas, especially when the other party planned forever, not tens of thousands of years ago when this strange time was set.

During these years, Meng Fan has followed this rebellious scroll, but on the basis of it, he has walked out a path of his own. However, compared with the Destroyer King, all his achievements today are worthless. Mention it!

The latter wakes up. . . . It was already inevitable, and he would also find Meng Fan, according to his plan, to refining Meng Fan into another him.

If he collides with each other, then there is no martial arts competition, and he is fighting at the same level. Only a strong person in the realm of the gods is really facing the pressure. How great is this kind of pressure!

Looking at the past and present, who can bear a kind of pressure!

Meng Fan clearly understood the terrible existence of the destruction of the God King. Now that the restricted area is attacking and the world is fighting, he will not know at that moment in the future.

Although it seems that there is still time, Meng Fan understands that it will definitely not be too much. If it is slow for a thousand years, or as fast as a hundred years, the Destroy God King may return!

If he was in his current realm, a single finger would be enough to blast him, and he would definitely become a vassal of the Destroyer God King.

Still the same sentence, if Meng Fan, who was fused and destroyed the God King, lost his own cultivation path and ideas, that one Meng Fan. . . . . Is it Meng Fan?

So in any case, Meng Fan will not become a vassal, or go out of his own way, or. . . . dead!

Wanting to take this step is to make Meng Fan's future path inevitably one more enemy, which is to destroy the God King!

Enemy a strong man in the kingdom of God!

Even if I thought about it, it made Meng Fan's face a wry smile, looking at the Burning Order that he still didn't know, but he didn't say a word.

After all, it was useless to say this kind of thing, but it was to make Burning Tian worry them, so Meng Fan kept everything in his heart, and he himself was such a person.

Over the years, I have been advancing continuously, all the pain, all the killings, one person resisted on his shoulders.

In spite of the monstrous crisis, in spite of the countless enemies, so what!

"When are you going to leave!"

Burning the sky said.

"Two days later, the dark alliance has already settled down. I believe that the restricted area does not know my depth, and I will not immediately take action against the dark alliance, but the time left for us is running out!"

Meng Fan whispered softly, only he himself knew the pressure he was facing, so he naturally wanted to set off quickly, even after he achieved God's Essence, it would put Meng Fan under a more pressing pressure.

It must be accelerated cultivation, after which there are secret alliances, beloved women, many brothers, and his children. . . .

"Okay, leave it to me in the Dark Alliance, Meng Fan... Sorry, I can't help you too much now!"

Fen Tianling sighed, a little lost.

Hearing that, Meng Fan shook his head, hammered his shoulder hard, and said calmly.

"Always remember a word, between brothers... It doesn't matter who owes whom, who pays more!"

With a sonorous tone and four eyes facing each other, both Meng Fan and Fen Tianling did not say anything. The two of them had bathed in blood for many years and rose from the trough together. There is no need to say more about the feelings between each other. Too much understanding.

After the decision, Meng Fan also made arrangements quickly, and after making arrangements for the dark alliance, he left quickly, silently.

Even many people in the dark alliance don't know, after all, Meng Fan still doesn't want his whereabouts to be controlled by too many people, a big leak, there are really many crises.

Walking alone, Meng Fan once again walked in this Middle Ancient Territory, and he hadn’t walked around for ten years. Today’s Middle Ancient Territory is a bit different from before. That kind of hustle and bustle that can be seen everywhere has disappeared. You can see that kind of desolation, a bit sad.

Five years of war, the restricted area is raging!

Even if the entire Middle Ancient Domain is still under the control of several great emperors and many forces, under this kind of spreading war, it has also caused countless people to be displaced and lost, and the world of death, how could it be possible to have scenes of prosperity everywhere, like before, An auction site everywhere, a land of mercenaries!

"This picturesque country, but after all, it is inevitable that the restricted area will be trampled on. When will it end!"

Meng Fan sighed slightly, his body flew above the sky, and within two full days, he was quite close to the temple at his current speed.

Of course, the constant experience of seeing Xiao Suo from various places along the way and the many disputes that took advantage of the fire made him feel a little heavy.

And just when Meng Fan came to a vein of mountains, he suddenly stopped and looked at the top of the mountain, because there were three figures standing there, seemingly waiting.... . he!

After a while, Meng Fan strode away. Naturally, there are not many people who are afraid of his current cultivation base, and the latter can know his whereabouts, so there is no need to hide!

On the mountain peak, there is a piece of dry stone, but the surroundings are particularly moving, because standing here are three beauties who are all over the country. The clothes are different, but each of them has a clear view of their lingling figures, their faces are charming, just a look of fear. It was enough to hook the souls of men in the world. It turned out to be an old acquaintance of Meng Fan, Tianji Pavilion... the three big oirans of Bailanling!

As the body walked in, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"Three beautiful women are waiting for me?"

"of course!"

Bai Lanling's delicate body took a step forward, her exquisite figure was extremely close to Meng Fan, and the good smell fell into her nose. At the same time, her body revealed a large area of ​​skin under her clothes, even her proud chest. You have a sweeping view, exhaling like Randao,

"Master Meng Fan now reigns over the world and has achieved God's way. It is gratifying. He is the first arrogant in the world. The three little girls are really admired. I want to consider the three of them marrying Master Meng Fan as concubines. What do you think? ?"

If an ordinary man heard this sentence, he would go crazy, but to Meng Fan, he was expressionless, stepped back slightly, and whispered.

"Big beauty Bai, I'm the one who came here. Now that I have my son, you should deal with others with this trick. Deal with me... I'm afraid your tofu will be eaten by me and you will get nothing!

With a word, Bai Lanling's silver teeth were bitten, and he closed his body. Originally, he wanted to test Meng Fan by means, but now it seems that there is indeed no chance. It's different from ordinary men.

"Hmph, you guy, there are not many people who don't eat the old lady, freak, freak!"

Bai Lanling snorted, and the girls in yellow and blue clothes behind them both covered their mouths and chuckled, and their bodies trembled, making people seem to feel full of charm.

"Let's talk about it, three beauties have probed my whereabouts and are waiting here for what?"

Meng Fan's eyes flashed and he said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Bai Lanling put away her smile, a dignified expression appeared in her eyes,

"Yes...someone wants to kill you, but we are here... to protect you!"


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