Supreme God King

Chapter 1506: Empty city plan


Under these five fingers, it almost made the entire first floor of the Shenyuan Tower almost burst, thanks to it being an ancient forbidden place, but at this moment many stone tablets flashed, bursting out of chaos, resisting the world. Meng Fan and Zhang Qixian took over the force of the confrontation, but this was so that the tower body was slightly shaken, making the outsiders stunned!

What is this thing, left by the ancient gods, is a treasure of heaven and earth, but it all has that kind of terrifying aura overflowing.

There is also the terrifying and unmatched martial arts that the top powerhouse can feel the person performing, absolutely stunning, as if no one is the same as him, not only swallows the mountains and rivers, but also wipes out all directions, leaving this group of powerhouses dumbfounded.

Among them, who can perform this blow is simply violent to the extreme.

To be sure, under this blow, let alone the first sacred realm, I am afraid that a strong person who stepped into the second realm may be seriously injured immediately after the hard connection, or it is considered minor, and even life-threatening!

"My mother-in-law, the fourth uncle, this blow... who did it!"

Standing in the sky, the old man in the sky spit out a few words with difficulty, which was really shocked.

Bai Lanling also looked at each other, and they all shook their heads when they looked at each other.

Although they don't know much about Meng Fan, they also understand that the latter is only a strong man who has stepped into the sacred realm. Even if it is evil, there is a limit.

And this blow is not. The latter and others just entered, and they gave out such a terrifying aura. It was like an old monster stepping into the three sacred realms. There was that kind of suppressing everything between the fingers and destroying the sky. The hegemony of the earth, if everyone knows that there is no such a powerful person among them, I am afraid they would have thought that they had entered it too early.

For everyone, they all understand that even if one of them can perform such a terrifying blow, it cannot be so fast or so fast!

There was an uproar in the outside world. Countless temple disciples or elders were all here preparing to watch the excitement. Although a day is like a year, it is a great opportunity, but the outside world is only a month. For this period of time, it was simply an episode in the ascetic practice for the many strong men in the temple. Naturally, they were prepared to wait for fun, but now they are a little unclear about the situation, only the look of the early old man in the field. With a move, he took a deep look at the Shenyuan Tower, then smiled slightly, stopped speaking, and turned to leave.

There was an uproar among the outside world, but even more so in this Shenyuan Tower!

In between a blow, Zhang Qixian's blood was spit out, his body burst into pieces, and he flew out directly, turning into a heavy meteor. I don't know how many meters Meng Fanyiyin blasted out, life or death is unknown!

The other Yue Han, Wang Soul and many other powerful players were all froze, and their steps stopped involuntarily. While in the midair, Meng Fan smiled slightly, alone in the sky, staring at all directions, and said calmly,

"Everyone, can I still make this palm?"

The sonorous tone, with a supreme fierce meaning, made Yuehan, Wang Soul, Chen Lei and others who were originally murderous, their expressions changed suddenly, and they felt a great terror.

Without him, before Meng Fan’s palm was aimed at Zhang Qixian, the latter, the hapless man, was directly blasted out and must have suffered serious injuries. If it was aimed at one of them, it would be even more terrifying, and it would definitely not have a good fruit. !

Including the king's soul, they were all stunned. They didn't expect Meng Fan to be so terrifying. This was only a few days, and it was so many times more overbearing than what he encountered in the dark alliance that day!

"You broke again?"

Wang Hun said in surprise.


Meng Fan swept around and said indifferently,

"You are all ants, but who am I, Meng Fan, do you dare to target? You didn't know where you were when the young master swept all directions. How could you see through the combat power? Who dares to come up? Damn you!"

The voice is full of hostility, if ordinary people say this, I am afraid that several strong people in the field have already rushed away.

Which one is not extremely proud, the hero among the people, even the old monster powerhouse is insulted, it must be a battle.

But now, including Wang Soul and Yue Han, were shocked by Meng Fan's previous palm. It was too violent. I was afraid that Meng Fan would be able to make a few more palms, with the speed and strength of that palm!

Then I am afraid it is really like Meng Fan said, one palm, and the few people in the slap field have no power to fight back!

Facing the pause of several people in the field, Meng Fan sneered and said calmly.

"Don't dare to shoot anymore, okay, Wang Soul, if you are run away, I will shoot you to death first!"

With a word, its blood revolves, heaven and earth riots, and directly strides toward the king's soul, like the same great emperor descending, killing the heaven and the earth, and the one who blocks me is dead!

The breath is coming, hostile spirit!

Only a moment later, Wang Soul's expression changed drastically, and his body moved directly away from the void, moving away from him.

Clearly understand that Meng Fan's palm is too domineering, it is impossible to force it, otherwise, it will naturally be traumatized.

However, the moment Meng Fan raised his hand, it was not aimed at the fleeing King Soul, and he did not even look at him, but kept moving forward, to the extreme!

Especially Wang Hun dodges the way for him, allowing the originally imprisoned world to reveal a path to Meng Fan. The latter is such a stride meteor, flying directly under the eyes of everyone. After blinking, it is already Disappeared in the sight of everyone, merged into this Shenyuan Tower, leaving everyone with an extremely elegant back!

amount. . . . .

Faced with this, Chen Lei and others were stunned and looked at the court hesitantly. After a few breaths, one of the temple ascetics who followed Chen Lei said,

"That's not right... He is so strong, why didn't he shoot against us? I'm afraid that the seven of us together are not his opponents with such a strength..."

The voice fell, and after a few breaths, the complexions of Wang Soul and Yuehan suddenly changed at the same time. They had already thought of something. At the next moment, their soft faces were distorted, unparalleled anger!

"Meng Fan!"

The roar of Wang Soul was thunderous, spreading throughout the world, but it was no longer possible to trace Meng Fan's figure.

This is the Shenyuan Tower, the ancient forbidden space, which includes countless ancient martial arts left by the sacred, so it is divided into countless spaces. Before they could target Meng Fannai because they locked his breath and confined Meng Fan here. In the initial place.

But once Meng Fan's body is integrated into this Shenyuan Tower, it is like a bird returning to the mountains and forests and fish into the sea. The space of the entire Shenyuan Tower is too big. It looks like a small tower, but it is a huge world. Where to find Meng Fan, especially here, there are many prohibitions!

"I said why this guy has always carried his hands on his back. He is ready outside the world. He absorbs the power of the heaven and the earth with his exercises, merges with one palm, and always holds it in his hand. It's just that we are afraid that we will find out. Bear, in fact, that seal has always been in his palm, held by him!"

Yue Han stood in place, her pretty face pale, her body shivering.

"The previous blow was his most terrifying blow. Although his combat power is terrifying, it is also limited. If I wait for a few people to join hands, he will undoubtedly die, but he has already prepared a palm for it. So fast, so swift and violent, to frighten me and wait, everything before that... was planned and pretended by him!"

The tone was piercing, which made Chen Lei all reflect.

Before, Meng Fan had already expected Yue Han and others to target him, so he was already prepared to accumulate strength in the outside world, and he would explode with the strongest blow from the start!

Inverse God prints, it is indeed terrifying!

However, even Meng Fan can only use this seal three or four times. I am afraid that the vitality in the body will be emptied, and the time required for preparation is extremely long. If the previous few people shot together, I am afraid Meng Fan will even perform it. There is no opportunity for this rebellious seal.

But Meng Fan was gambling, he was using the empty city strategy, the most domineering force to fly Zhangqixian, but also arrogant words, overriding everything, making a few people into hesitation, will be a mistake of judgment.

And in that gap, Meng Fan was given a chance. The latter was fished into the sea, and he could no longer be found!

Although Yuehan and the others are now reflecting, they can only grit their teeth bitterly while looking at the empty space.

They did have the best time before. If a few people no longer hesitate and dared to kill Meng Fan desperately, I am afraid that Meng Fan will directly expose his stuff and will bleed here, but it is precisely because the relationship between the few people is about life and death. So hesitating for a moment, it will allow Meng Fan to succeed and leave so arrogantly!

The seven sacreds were aimed at Meng Fan alone, but at this moment, they let Meng Fan beat one person away, scared the other six people not to take action, and watched him leave!

If this scene comes out, I don’t know how much an uproar will be caused in the outside world, and how many people’s looks will become extremely exciting. The one in the field is not a top powerhouse, how terrible his mind is, but in front of Meng Fan it is. One by one, like a child, was played and applauded by Meng Fan.

From a distance, Zhang Qixian strode forward, but he was covered in blood, his body was broken and tattered, his whole person was completely inconsistent with his previous demeanor, but now he has become a blood man. However, after all, he is not an ordinary person, he is not lost to any one of Tianjiao such as Wang Hun, and even if he has passed it, he can only be selected by the emperor, but now all his demeanor is gone. Roar,

"Meng Fan, come here, give me another palm, and give me another palm!"

The roar is thunderous, resounding through the Shenyuan Tower!

And in one of the corners, a figure was almost at its extreme, blending into the space of the Shenyuan Tower, with a smug smile on the scholar-like face, not who Meng Fan was. The qi and blood in his body quickly recovered, and the consumption of the qi was absolutely unclear. The operation of the Inverse God Scroll broke out Meng Fan’s own supreme martial arts. This is the peerless martial arts created by Meng Fan in his life, although it is also the same. It is an anti-shen seal, but it has already been trained by Meng Fan alone, forming a group of its own, completely transformed by Meng Fan's own martial arts, and it will burst like that.

To the endless roar behind him, Meng Fan’s mouth was curved surprisingly, and he said softly,

"Fool...It's really cheap, I'll give you a palm sooner or later, but not now... I have to say that the bragging ability of the young master is comparable to the master bird, the master turtle, haha... .."<

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