Supreme God King

Chapter 1507: On the Road

In the Shenyuan Tower, after a short period of disturbance, peace was finally restored.

Although the people in the temple didn't see it, ordinary people couldn't see it because of the powerful sense of spirit. However, many powerful people in the temple found the mysterious secret in it, and couldn't help but laugh softly. An inexplicable taste.

The world's first arrogant, white hair Shura!

Being able to reach today is really like a cunning and incomparable fox, and it is definitely not just his combat power.

Go ahead to dangers!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using this sentence in Meng Fan, even if he knows that the Seven Gods are aiming at himself, he has also stepped into it to resolve the storm, which is amazing.

"It's worthy of being a person valued by the elders from the beginning, so amazing!"

"If the younger generations are just like him... what else we need to do!"

Surprising voices came from all over the temple, and in countless corners, there were no words in the past, but now they are talking one after another, revealing the meaning of vicissitudes.

And in the cave of Venerable Ke, I can see at a glance that this old man is now trembling with anger, staring into the Shenyuan Pagoda, and feels no sense of missing this opportunity to kill Meng Fan. Pi was angry, but there was nothing to do, only stare!

Between the outside world, an amazement!

And Meng Fan stepped into it quietly, walking in the ancient pagoda with fast body and swift steps.

The whole world now looks more like a small thousand world, with endless worlds. After stepping into this place, any cultivator will not encounter it, but will go out of his own way.

This road will become more difficult as the number of layers increases, and only by discussing the Tao along the way can you go up.

Wherever he goes, he can show Meng Fan a stone stele, which contains the universe and flashes of runes, which is exactly the martial art left behind by a sacred one.

Just the moment when the mental power touched, it made Meng Fan feel the overwhelming pressure.

However, the more so, the more excited Meng Fan is. There is no doubt that this is definitely a great opportunity, even if it is quite difficult. However, in the face of the catastrophe, Meng Fan must do this, and the more powerful it will give him Pressure is the only way to burn all the potential in him to increase his speed of cultivation.

"One day outside, one year here, that is to say, I have a full 30 years of kung fu here. Master Tiandu said that he could only go to the tenth floor before, and I don't know where I can go!"

Meng Fan sighed softly, and at the same time a terrifying light burst into his eyes.

I want to be undefeated forever, looking up to the sky and looking invincible!

This sentence is deeply engraved in Meng Fan's heart. What he said in the past was his real idea. Now here is the powerful martial art left by countless sacreds from ancient times, which means that Meng Fan can fight against him. Although the competition is not as terrible as a real battle, it is still possible to get a glimpse of the whole picture.

In other words, it is possible for Meng Fan to fight against countless sacreds in ancient times here, and can truly beat this group of ancient existences!

Breathing out a deep breath, at this moment all of Meng Fan's fighting thoughts were forgotten, only that kind of frankness in cultivation, stepping out at the same time, the spiritual power was integrated into the first stone tablet.


Just for a moment, when Meng Fan knew the sea, it roared, and a majestic sound like thunder came.

"Who dare to come here, do you want to talk to me?"

With a word, the world moved, and it was a woman who fell in front of Meng Fan. She was dressed in a blue shirt, with blue silk flying, and her face was beautiful. At the same time, there was a powerful and unmatched aura between her body, which was an ancient figure. Sacred, and still the beauty of the world famous.

After scanning his eyes, Meng Fan nodded, arching his hands.

"Yes, senior, you are offended in Xia Mengfan!"

The voice fell, the verbal method followed, and the breath moved. The majestic martial art in Meng Fan's body was directly operating and unfolding.

The opponent of Meng Fan’s discussion on the Tao last time was the Destroying God King. Even if the Destroying God King suppressed himself, it was only in the same realm as Meng Fan, but it also benefited Meng Fan infinitely. Through the real destruction of God’s Tao, I have seen too much of its own shortcomings.

Therefore, after that battle, Meng Fan was completely enlightened and reborn, with the help of the destruction of God's way as the foundation, to make a thorough breakthrough and seek for the gods.

But the gods in the world are unique, that is to say, in disguised terms, Meng Fan's ability to prove the gods fully shows that although he is based on the inverse **** scroll, he has completely escaped.

Although the martial arts of today are all inverse **** scrolls, they are completely different from the martial arts of destroying the **** king. It is Meng Fan's own path, a unique path in this world.

Although it is still impossible to prove whether this path of Meng Fan is correct, it belongs entirely to Meng Fan, full of all his life experiences and obsessions, and all the forms of martial arts.

At this moment, his martial arts show up like a long river, in which countless images are faintly flashing, with Meng Fan's moments of struggle in Wuzhen, with his **** battles in heaven and earth, and his sorrow of blood in the restricted area... This kind of kind is Meng Fan's self for a moment, which constitutes his own martial arts, including all of Meng Fan's own thoughts!


In an instant, the martial arts of the two collided together. The woman is the ancient sacred. Although in the first floor of this tower, she did not show weakness. The martial arts show itself, just like a lotus flower, with the same ability. With infinite power, suppress the world.

At this moment in the outside world, the three of Bai Lanling stared at the Shenyuan Tower, and the youngest girl in yellow couldn't help saying after a while,

"Grandpa Tiandu, might Brother Meng Fan get hurt inside?"

"probably not!"

Hearing this, the old man in Tiandu shook his head. Both he and the five elders of Tianji Pavilion chose to wait here for a month to protect Meng Fan.

"It is true that there are high and low in martial arts, and high and low in gods. But after all, it is not a hands-on approach. It is just a discussion on the Tao. It may not be able to reach the point of life and death, and there are generally three types of discussion in this gods tower. The first is a tie, martial arts collide, each has the same philosophy and collides with each other, but no one can convince anyone, this is the first.

If this is the case, as long as you don’t fail, you can still continue to move forward, and it will not affect the Daoists’ arguing in it. Back then, most of the old men were able to pass through the tenth floor. That is, the martial arts who entered it are really powerful, and their own martial arts are extremely perfect. If they have completely defeated the martial arts left by the ancient sacred, they can admit that they have failed. This is more difficult because of the remaining martial arts. What comes down is the powerful concept of the supreme powerhouse. Who dares to say that his martial arts can suppress everything? "

Hearing the words of the old man in the sky, the yellow-clothed girl’s eyelashes flickered, nodded, and said solemnly.

"So what about the third one?"

"The third type? I'm afraid that only evildoers can do it, that is, one's own martial arts philosophy can really dominate forever, so it will have an absolute advantage in the theory of Taoism, even if it is The martial arts left behind by the ancient sacred will also worship and make him obedient!"

The old man in the sky coughed, but a strange look appeared on the old face.

"The old man has never encountered it, at best, it is a struggle for ideas that completely defeated an ancient sacred, but completely let the words poor, and identify with himself, or even worship this feeling, but I have never, but according to the previous temple As far as some elders are concerned, if someone can reach this point, something strange will happen!"


The expressions of Bai Lan Ling all moved, they looked at them curiously, not clear.

And at this moment in the space inside the Shenyuan Tower, a day’s time passed quietly. Without anyone disturbing Meng Fan, the latter was also focused on talking about the female sacredness in the first stone tablet he encountered. Tao.

After a day, Meng Fan's eyes slowly opened, awakening from the discussion, but many mysteries flashed through the deep eyes.

There is no doubt that the collision of wisdom and wisdom is the most able to stimulate the potential of the cultivator. Even if Meng Fan completely suppressed the female sacred in this battle, his own martial arts swallowed everything, and completely defeated the female sacred martial arts, but it was still able to See many things through the opponent's martial arts philosophy.

The head of that hundred families!

This sentence has full truth, and just when Meng Fan completely silenced all the ideas in himself, a voice suddenly came from his ear.


When he said that, Meng Fan was shocked and looked at the female sacred in the stele in shock, and finally said in surprise,

"It's not call me?"


A hint of blushing appeared on the pretty face of the sacred woman, Jiao Didi said,

"You are so amazing. I can't imagine that there are people like you in this world. People still like you, my husband, I want to marry you!"

Finally, after hearing what the latter was saying, Meng Fan almost bit his tongue, quickly extracted all the martial arts, and moved immediately, rushing towards the next stone monument.

And after that came the urgent voice of the divine woman,

"My husband, don't run away, marry me, marry me!"

With a terrible cold in his heart, Meng Fan also blended martial arts into the second and third stone tablets again, and continued to discuss the Tao.

However, under constant discussion of the Tao, what finally surprised Meng Fan is that once he completely defeated the martial arts in this stone tablet with his own martial arts, it would really change the people transformed by the martial arts. Those who have to be submissive, regard themselves as their masters.

Because a sacred thing that is most proud of is his own martial arts, and facing a martial arts that is far more powerful than oneself, he will naturally surrender and let Meng Fan move forward. In the first and second floors, I don’t know how many sacred conquests will be allowed. In the end, the sounds of all kinds of strange flowers continue to be heard.

"Msang Gong, I like you so much, you are the first to conquer other people..."

"Master, take me with you, I can do everything..."

"Little bitch, don't seduce the master, I can do it. I can warm the bed, massage, and love to be clean..."

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