Supreme God King

Chapter 1527: Death War


After the two words fell, Meng Fan stood there, silent.

Being able to see his confidante in this kind of battle, Meng Fan immediately aroused infinite love in his heart, because no one can guarantee that he will survive tomorrow. Under such a catastrophe, the gods are all Like ants, they can be destroyed at any time!

The eyes are facing each other, and they are speechless!

Bai Shui'er stood quietly on the spot, her jade hand clenched, and her eyes staring at Meng Fan, as if she wanted to portray his figure in his heart forever.

"The arrival of the Eastern Demon Race, the original intention is to do their best for the common people!"

Just as Meng Fan and Bai Shui'er were looking at each other, the voice broke the calm again. You can see that in another direction of the sky, the rows of figures are also tearing the space, but they are coming, they are a large group of strong gods .

This group of people is extremely weird. The most distinctive thing is that the hair is white and the eyes are blue, which makes people feel incapable of extricating themselves at first glance. They are the Eastern Demon Ancestor, one of the five races!

"The same goes for the North Sky Ghost Race!"

"The Holy Sky Yin Clan is here!"

The two voices broke through the air again, causing the heroes to tremble. Looking at it, they discovered that two large groups of people in strange costumes had come before the Zhongtian Dynasty.

These three tribes are also one of the godless tribes. They have always been extremely mysterious and powerful. The ancient among them has moved. Following Yang Wudi to this Heavenly Thunder Pass, there are many one and two states left behind. Upon arrival, the blood shocked the world, penetrated everything, and made countless people terrifying.

And this is not the point. The sky is torn apart, and it turns out that there are countless figures coming from far away, tearing the world, some of them are people of the supreme power, in groups, the entire sect The powerful force that can be used from above comes, and some are alone, crossing the space.

Under the gathering of so many people, it can be said that it is overwhelming, and the earth was still unrivaled before. At this moment, you can see the strong among the sky like locusts, swarming and coming in madness.

"Meng Fan, I am willing to help you in a fight!"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world, coming from all directions, this is the countless powerful people in the entire ten thousand realms shouting at the same time, and even some of them have extremely low cultivation bases, but they are in the Hunyuan realm and Xuanyuan realm, but unexpectedly They are all in this crowd, defying death, coming together!

There is no doubt that Meng Fan's voice spread throughout the Middle Ancient Regions before, attracting hundreds of millions of responses. At this moment, countless powerful people are gathered here.

Including the godless race, major forces, countless scattered people, and those who died of all their relatives around this catastrophe, the people who came were even far faster than the speed of the forbidden zone.

If the speed of the people coming to the Central Capital in the restricted area is the river, then the gathering of the powers of the ten thousand domains is like the sea, no matter how low the cultivation base is, regardless of the strength, they are willing to come!

damn it!

Between the sky, all the strong in the restricted area, including the two hidden experts in the three realms, were absolutely unimaginable, and even out of the plan of the entire restricted area. You must know that it has been arranged for them for a long time, and they are the people who understand the ten thousand domains. Under the sky thunder pass, the major forces will not have the supreme power to sit down, and they will inevitably panic, each wanting to protect themselves, and the restricted area is also just right. With the strong bullying the weak, each defeated, even the Zhongtian Dynasty and the first line are not a problem.

However, before Meng Fan spoke throughout the Middle Ages, he not only won the consent of countless strong people, but also allowed countless people who had been desperate to renew their strong fighting spirit and gather here in the restricted area of ​​World War I.

A single chopstick can easily be broken, but this group of chopsticks together, and still like the tide, is already a person who is not afraid of death. What a power!

"it is good!"

In the void, Meng Fan closed his gaze, swept the world, and finally landed on many restricted areas, only one punch was blasted out, and the air wave hit, and overwhelming!

Sad and speechless!

At this kind of moment, Meng Fan didn’t need to say much, he had already proved his attitude with actions. Between his punches, the entire sky was suddenly pale, a golden fist pierced through everything and hit the sky. , Like a great demon god, run wild!


Seeing Meng Fan's actions, everyone shouted, and the sound gathered in the sky, moving together, fighting against the strong in the restricted area between the world and the earth.

The cry of killing goes straight to the sky and spreads all over the sky. This is not just one person, but hundreds of millions of living beings. The major forces gather at the same time. Among them, there are already as many as a thousand gods, even among them. There is no three realms of gods, but so many powerful people gathered together, it is already too terrifying.

The waves of air raged and overwhelming, causing everyone in the entire Zhongdu City to boil!

In the face of this kind of catastrophe, it is not a matter of one person, one world, but the unwilling battle, unwillingness to fall, unwillingness to slavery, unwillingness to death, unwillingness to mediocrity, unwillingness to darkness, and unwillingness of all beings among the ten thousand domains. . . .

Countless people trembled and blood burned. At this moment, their eyes were already full of endless murderous intent, and there was no trace of fear!


Earthquake opened, the **** wind, under the gathering of so many powerhouses in the ten thousand domains, the people in the many forbidden areas under the middle capital could not be supported at all. They were all surrounded by people coming from all directions. Kill to die.

In less than half an hour, there was a corpse between the world, blood staining the world, but most of them were people from the restricted area. With the help of many emperor elders, including the existence of the three realms, they were completely beheaded!

Such a counterattack is not unbelievable, it cannot be said that it is not shocking!

And at the next moment, Yang Qing came out in the blood, her golden armor was covered with blood at this moment, the blue silk was flying, her face was strange, she looked at Meng Fan and said coldly,

"Meng Fan, this won’t work. Even if we are able to guard the Central Capital, the restricted area is now too large. It will not necessarily target me, but will be full of tens of thousands of domains. The territory is so vast that it is impossible to finish it in a month, but they can continue to kill. In places we don’t know, the people in the restricted area want sacrifices to the creatures of the ten thousand realms. If they kill enough Many people, I'm afraid the true thirteen hall masters will come!"

With a word, countless powerhouses between heaven and earth were silent, clearly understanding that what Yang Qing said was definitely not false.

The souls of the people of Ten Thousand Territories, the power of their hearts and blood, are all collected in the forbidden zone. Now this catastrophe has not known how much they have grown. For the strong in the forbidden zone, their most important thing is to fight. Yang Zhan created a big cycle, allowing all the strong to continuously improve themselves during the killing.

And the most important thing is the thirteen hall masters behind this forbidden area hall. These thirteen people slept in the ancient times. If you give him enough power, I am afraid that the latter will truly wake up. The four thirteen hall masters’ weapons It is that the Taichu and others have been trapped. If the thirteen hall masters participated in the war personally, what would happen? I am afraid that the ten thousand domains will be forever sinking in black, and there will be no hope.

Even if Meng Fan gathers now, the restricted area may no longer fight Meng Fan decisively, but wantonly kill the people of Ten Thousand Domains, leaving them with nothing, because the entire Middle Ancient Domain, Ten Thousand Domains is really too big and it takes time. The longer it is, the more resources the latter occupies, which is the biggest blow to Wanyu.

As Scarlet as today, all the purpose of the restricted area is also for the thirteen hall masters behind him to be truly resurrected!

"Do you have any comments?"

Meng Fan swept his surroundings and looked at the powerful men of all the supreme forces.

Between heaven and earth, there was silence, and after a few breaths, an ancient slowly said in the same vein,

"I don’t know if you can listen to the old man’s words, as today’s fall, you and I are all those who are in this calamity, fighting for the ten thousand domains, for the common people, and for each other, if the impulse is blindly No, I think the most important thing is the Tianlei Pass. Maybe we can’t kill all over the world in a month, and we can’t stop killing everywhere, but we can enter the Tianlei Pass from the outside world. Breaking through this ancient killing formation in time, gave me and other ancestors to reduce countless pressures, and when I go to Tianlei Pass, I will definitely be stopped by people in the restricted area. They may take the initiative to me and wait without trying their best. It will cause us to interfere with Tianlei Pass. At that time, we will not be so passive when we catch them, but will actively face their battle!"

The voice fell and spread all over the surroundings, immediately drew countless people's expressions, and each fell into contemplation.

After a few breaths, many old monster powerhouses in the Zhongtian Dynasty, the Bai Family, the Eastern Demon Ancestor, the Northern Ghost Clan, etc., nodded and said solemnly.

"Yes, this method is good. Take the initiative and attract them to come. It can also reduce the pressure on the common people in the ten thousand domains. If it can really break through the sky thunder barrier, with the power of the ancestors and others, it will be more able to Rescuing common people has a huge advantage against the restricted area!"

This group of people in the field are all extraordinary people, and such a big attention was already finalized after a few breaths.

Seeing that almost everyone agreed, Meng Fan also nodded, arched his hand, and said slowly.

"If this is the case, then everyone, the kid is not talented, let's take a shot with you first, and the sword is...Tian Lei Guan!"

The tone fell, sonorous and powerful!

While speaking, Meng Fan also strode out and headed straight for the sky. After that, everyone followed him, like a torrent of countless powerful men, flew towards the sky thunder pass together.

Thousands of gods, overwhelming the sky, traversing everything, at this kind of moment this scene can be described as spectacular and spectacular. However, only the people who do it know that they are just beginning. Once they move towards the goal of Tianlei Pass, they will encounter the most powerful blockade in the restricted area. Countless strong people will be ordered to come. At that time, it was equivalent to the forbidden zone powerhouses in the entire Ten Thousand Realms of World War I, and many of them existed in the three realms.

One is okay, two, three. . . . Thirty statues!

Under this kind of situation, everyone understands, but at this moment, everyone has no fear and can only move forward, even if this is a scene. . . . . Battle for death! <

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