Supreme God King

Chapter 1528: Blood path

Battle for death!

Before the Zhongdu Dynasty, too many powerful people gathered under Meng Fan's call. Moving at this moment, the sword is pointing at Tianleiguan!

At a glance, you can see countless powerful people swarming in the sky, like a series of meteors, piercing the entire sky, shaking the hearts of countless people, and witnessing the departure of this group of people.

There is no retreat in this battle!

This battle is a life of nine deaths!

This battle is destined to be bloody!

However, at this moment everyone moved, without any hesitation, the faces of countless strong men were filled with a kind of peace, that kind of indifference to life and death, that kind of pride belonging to the vitality monk.

The man stands in the sky, does not bend his waist under the sky, and does not change Ling Yunzhi!

This is the true vitality monk, and this is the person who can truly reach the world for major repairs, perhaps countless of them are aloof and indifferent on weekdays.

But at this moment of great right and wrong, they were the first to stand up, daring to fight for the common people, and daring to complain for the people of the world!

Hundreds of millions of powerful moving across the world, including people from all major forces, are all madly moving space, turning into rainbows and going away, the sound of sonic boom tearing the space is like thunder.

In these ten thousand domains, this kind of scene has not appeared for many years, which is unimaginable for countless people.

And even more shocking is the restricted area, even if there are many powerful players in the three realms, but when so many forces are completely twisted together, it also makes them feel a numb scalp and absolutely encounter the most powerful threat. .

I thought it would be a Ma Pingchuan after Tianlei Pass, but now under the variable of Meng Fan, it's not as good as before!

At Tianlei Pass, the four forbidden zone pillars fell from the sky, suppressing everything!

In the endless black death atmosphere, a young man's face was distorted, full of scorn, it was Taibai.

"Meng Fan!"

Between the two words, he almost broke his teeth. It was not the first time he heard this name. The hearing made him extremely uncomfortable.

But now Meng Fan is even turning the situation around, and he has gathered so many forces without a collection of supreme powers, which really makes him unacceptable.

"A bunch of trash, they didn't kill this guy before, let him survive, otherwise, how could there be so many things!"

The tone was harsh, his hands were tight, and finally Taibai said coldly.

"If the order is passed on, no matter what method is used, I don't want to see them alone outside Leiguan this day. This is the order of the palace master. If it fails, the consequences will be my own!"

At the same time, the secret method was in motion, and Taibai's voice did not know how many powerful people in the restricted zone had fallen into the movement.

Among the countless corners, there are many strong people in the restricted area who are absorbing the power of the human race. Their eyes flashed, and endless killing intent came.

There is no doubt that the battle at Tianleiguan was too important. The two sides had calculations for each other, and because the thirteen hall masters of the restricted area participated in the battle in the air, it caused Qin Mieren and others to be trapped. The most critical point of World War I, if Meng Fan and others opened it in advance, I am afraid it would be able to completely destroy the plan of the restricted area and turn things around.

On the contrary, people in the restricted area are destined not to let them do this!

Between the sky, while Meng Fan and the others turned into a long rainbow, one could see the sky tearing apart, and the powerful in the restricted area from all directions came again, traversing the sky and the earth, blocking the people of the ten thousand domains!

With Taibai Ling, this group of people was mad, a large number of ancient true demons moved, sealing the world, causing Meng Fan and the others to want to step forward, they had to fight step by step!


The **** monkey Tianxing roared, with only one word, but it contained endless killing energy.

In the past, what he and Meng Fan saw was only the first realm, but now, after so many years, they have successfully reached the second realm. This kind of cultivation speed is really terrifying, and the momentum is overwhelming. .

Between his actions, it can be said that the entire sky is shocked, the golden body is full, the air waves are rampant, and all the strong in the restricted area are directly fighting together!

The same is true for the many people behind him, bursting out with shocking power, fighting each other, and fighting all the people in the restricted area in front of him.


In countless corners, an old man in the Profound Origin Realm was blood-stained all over his body, all wounds, but he strode out, and directly grabbed two strong in the restricted area, let his body resist his speed, and burned his vitality. , All the power flowing into the body was delaying time, and at the same time roared,

"You wait forward, I will stay behind!"

While speaking, let the power of the two powerful forbidden areas penetrate his body, but he did not retreat and stood in place.

In the other direction, the two old vitality cultivators worked together to set up a large formation, blocking everything, consuming their own vitality, just to block the arrival of countless true demons from the outside world, and to give all the power behind them all time!

Now in the entire world, such a scene is not just where it happened, it also happened in countless corners, all of them!

Undoubtedly, everyone understands that time is the most important thing for all beings in Ten Thousand Domains. Reaching the Sky Thunder Pass as soon as possible means that the Ten Thousand Domains can win the opportunity sooner. So naturally there are a large number of strong men who sacrificed themselves, opened the way for everyone on the road, laid a magical formation, and used themselves as the shield to win the most precious time for Meng Fan and others.

Between heaven and earth, a **** color!

Along with Meng Fan and others moving forward, a large number of powerful people continue to merge into it, and there are batches of powerful people who died on this road, resisting with their bodies, and turned to ashes!

For two full days, they kept fighting, Meng Fan and others' road forward was dyed red by blood. At a glance, countless earth and countless mountains and rivers permeated. I don’t know how many people died on the road like this. In one of the corners, there was no sound.


Standing in the sky, Meng Fan yelled at the sky, his body was shocked, and the emperor fist opened the way!

At this moment, he was also excited, and he felt that his eye sockets were red. On this road, there were too many strong forbidden areas to target him, but there were not many people who were willing to help Meng Fan, open the way for Meng Fan, and stood by him. Side, resist the most deadly blow, but often this kind of price is his own life.

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he is not sad!

Meng Fan didn't even know the many ancient men who died for himself, but the latter had paid too much for this battle.

A fist smashed a person in the restricted area. At this moment, Meng Fan clenched his teeth and strode forward, clearly understanding that he could not retreat, even if he wanted to stay for a fight, but for the situation as it is today, there was a sound. The roar spread all over the world, so that countless forces responded.

Although Meng Fan is not the strongest player in the field, he is already a banner in everyone's hearts. If this banner is not available, everyone will continue to move forward until they die before the Tianlei Pass, or Is to break it open!

The fist tore and shattered a strong man in the restricted area. Meng Fan didn't dare to stay for a moment, only stepping on the endless blood around him and stepping forward.

And behind him, there are countless followers, including God Monkey, Yang Qing, Cao Qiushui, Wang Hun, Qin Hong, Bai Shui'er, etc. There are countless ancient, casual cultivators and so on. Fighting forward, opening the way to fight.


At the next moment, Meng Fan frowned and looked at one of the worlds. He found that there were a large number of human beings moving. Among them were peerless strong men. However, they were not fighting for the restricted area, but moving large-scale. Resources.

"This is from the Liu family of the emperor, and there are some from the Zhao family!"

After a few breaths, an ancient Zhongtian dynasty said coldly, with a bad tone.

As far as everyone's eyes could be, after a few breaths, they understood what this group of people were doing. They were actually moving resources. They moved away everything they had before. This place is not the Emperor Liu family at all. , Where the Zhao family is located, belongs to the hinterland of the Zhongtian Dynasty, but at this moment they are choosing to take advantage of the fire, like a restricted area, before the restricted area comes here, take back the things here!

"You guys, ass!"

Another ancient Zhongtian roar,

"You don't want to fight for the world, but you choose to take advantage of the fire, and you have to be shameless!"

The breath of the people came and opened up the world, but in the next moment an old man appeared in the hinterland of Liu's family, standing in the sky, his blood pressure controlled the wastes, but one person gave everyone a great terror, behind him It was the same that a strong man appeared, with a breath similar to him, and everyone recognized at a glance, these two people turned out to be. . . . . The sacred three realms exist!

The two sacred three realms exist!

The crowd trembled, and everyone was shocked. You must know that the king of the gods gave orders to the world. At the invitation of the twelve red elders of the temple, they already gathered almost all the three realms of the gods in the world to fight. I saw two statues here, and they were still members of the Liu family and Zhao family.

After a while, Bai Shui'er reacted and sneered.

"It seems that the two of you should be the powerhouses who have concealed themselves, right, if I am not wrong, you should be the Liu family, the previous generation of the Zhao family, Liu Sen and Zhao Lietian, it was rumored that you two are already souls. Returning to the heavens and the earth, you have fallen, but now it seems that you should have created an illusion, in order to avoid the sight of the temple and the restricted area, so as to fish in troubled waters!"

"Girl doll, good eyesight!"

Liu Sen, the old man of the Liu family, said coldly,

"But it is of no use. If the situation is not reported today, the situation has changed. I am afraid that the Godless race is not supreme in this battle. This dynasty has changed people. If you wait to commit suicide, I will not stop it. go quickly!"

With a word, the group is indignant!

Countless strong men gnash their teeth and want to do it. They have to say that the Liu family and the Zhao family are too shameless. Not only do they hide their own strong men, but they also have to do this troubled water fishing and expand themselves. It seems that the Liu family The three powerful men who stepped into it were abandoned by them, and they really still have a lot of conspiracy. They want to rise in this war and take the dynasty!

"Don't move, go!"

Meng Fan let out a low roar, took a deep look at the two elders of the Liu family and the Zhao family, no longer hesitating, stepped out!

There is no doubt that everyone has their own choices during this war. Some people like Meng Fan choose a battle. Even if they die, there are countless people who choose to avoid. Although the Liu family and the Zhao family are shameless, But now there are two great sacred three realm powerhouses, if you want to kill, it must be a waste of time.

But for Meng Fan and the others, the most important thing now is time, and they don't know what back then the other party has, so naturally they can't control it. Obviously, the latter two have been prepared for a long time, and they don't know if there are any other forces that join him in it, ready to profit from the decisive battle between the forbidden area and the many worlds and earths.

So even though his heart was full of anger, Meng Fan gave a low growl and chose to ignore it, only to move forward.

It's just that at this moment, his eyes are as cold as frost, with endless chills. For that Wuzhen teenager, some hatred is in his heart and will never be forgotten. Sooner or later, when there is a chance, he will be like a snake Get out, revenge comes! <

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