Supreme God King

Chapter 1529: Journey

There are people fighting in the world, but there are people behind the scenes, taking resources!

This scene made countless people feel indignant, and they wanted to do it right away, but after Meng Fan's voice fell, it caused a commotion among the heroes, who chose to suppress the anger and follow it.

First, now Meng Fan’s prestige is extremely high, and secondly, there are countless old monster powerhouses who agree with Meng Fan’s approach. The Liu family and Zhao family dared to do this, absolutely not only relying on two three-level powerhouses. There are more back-hands.

Nowadays, the most important thing for everyone is to break through the thunder barriers of this day and rescue many powerful people such as Qin Mieren. As for other things, they can only wait until the fall of autumn to settle accounts. Of course, they also need to be able to survive this catastrophe. Row.


After a while, the heroes moved and followed Meng Fan, leaving behind the Liu family, Zhao family and many others with sneers.

In the five days, Meng Fan and others used it to hurry, and went straight to the thunder pass on this day. And a large number of strong people in the restricted area also rushed, and **** battles continued. This road was destined to be a **** storm. During the advancement, countless monks died on the spot, and there was no chance of seeing the world again.

At the same time, the consumption of Meng Fan and the others is huge. Even the strong man who has not fallen has his body burst. The blood, including a large number of gods, is like this. It is as powerful as a monkey, shaking the existence of the three realms with one punch. It is a whole body injury, very comparable!

Meng Fan's own blood penetrated to the internal organs, and he could spurt blood with one mouth, his clothes torn, and numerous wounds. During these few days of advancing, people from the restricted area have come and besieged Meng Fan, without even giving him a chance to repair himself. He has been constantly in battle, and the damage to him is huge.

However, at this moment, Meng Fan's eyes were still bright, like a sharp sword, looking into the distance!

Although the price was so high, the results were obvious. The strongest people finally came to this day before Thunder Pass, the closest place to the distant place!

Even with countless people's careful sensing, they can still find the towering four forbidden area pillars. There is no doubt that everyone's efforts have not been in vain, and they have finally been rewarded. They are only the closest step to victory.

However, there is no happiness on everyone's faces, but a kind of dignity, because at this moment everyone understands that the closer you are to this thunder pass, the stronger the danger, the latter. Obviously he will make the final counterattack, gather all, and fight this group of people for life and death!

With a tragic smile, Meng Fan suppressed the injury in his body and said slowly,

"Everyone, it seems that there will be a greater battle in a while. In any case, it is a blessing in my life that Meng Fan can fight with the elders and the strong this way. That's enough, no regrets for life and death!"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world!

After a while, the eyes of countless strong men behind him flashed, looked at Meng Fan, and finally said at the same time,

"Life or death without regrets!"

With the spread of these four words, it resounded through the world, like Hong Zhong, so many powerful people roared together, it was almost trying to shake the entire Middle Ancient land.

At the same time, following Meng Fan's stride forward, except for all those who were unable to move after the death of the battle, they all walked towards the Tianlei Pass, and laughed as they moved forward, even if they had the weapon of the king before, suppressing everything. .

At the next moment, the sky moved and the situation changed. At a glance, you could see the black death air coming from the sky. I don’t know how many figures are contained. They are all strong in the forbidden area. The people gathered at this moment are as Meng Fan expected. It was terrible before, and how many times stronger.

Obviously, the most powerful hole card in the restricted area was taken out. Before the thunder pass this day, they could not lose it. Naturally, it was the best and most adequate preparation!

In front of the endless black death, there are three men standing, each with a different appearance, but they are like stars, incomparable.

A closer look made everyone's hearts shake, because these three people were seven kills, broke the army, and greedy wolves!

The three ancient killing gods have completely recovered and come back!

The strength of these three people has reached the three sacred realms, unmatched and terrifying, possessing the power to suppress everything, just as the leader stood in front of everyone. Behind him there are countless strong people in the restricted area, all hiding in them, and a kind of destructive pressure is coming.

The two camps completely collide!

Undoubtedly, on one side is the most terrifying new force between the earth today. It has gathered the Zhongtian Dynasty, Yikeline, Eastern Demon Race, and many other emperors, the supreme powers, only they are qualified and powerful. Rebellion, along the way, pass through the generals, kill everything.

And one side is the most terrifying group of people who have fallen into the restricted area between the earth today, completely gathered together!

Such a battle is rare in the ages, a battle, life and death, is enough to turn the world between the world and the earth!

The Middle Ancient Territory was boiling, and now the entire Middle Ancient Territory did not know how many creatures looked at this place, and countless people bowed to the ground and prayed.

This battle is too critical, enough to drive everyone into madness!

It can be seen that in the huge Middle Ages land, countless countries, countless forces, that group of low-powered people is incomparable, unable to participate in the war, only at this moment choose to pray, hope that Meng Fan and others can win the final victory, only this way , Just have such a glimmer of life!

"Jie Jie... Not bad, I can come here, but after coming here, everything is over!"

Above the sky, Greedy Wolf said slowly,

"Kill you, we can naturally be more unscrupulous, just because you came together, let's bury it together!"

The tone is harsh, with a sense of confidence!

At the same time, you can see the transformation of heaven and earth, and the surging of black death. In the next moment between the sky and the sky, countless strong people in the restricted area are standing in the void, laying down layers of ancient large formations. The horror of the ancient great formation is full of killing formations, inscribed with supreme power, once stepping into it, it is equivalent to stepping into the forbidden space laid by the strong in the restricted area.

This kind of method is naturally aimed at the powerful in the ten thousand domains. Meng Fan and others are now mainly attacking and want to open the sky thunder pass, while the people in the restricted area are simply waiting for work, and they don’t know how many secrets in the restricted area. The ancient great formation, to defend against the attack of Meng Fan and others.

Wait for work with ease, defend and break offense!

Just breaking through these ancient **** formations, I don't know how many strong people among the ten thousand domains need to spend their lives to replenish them before they can break open, unparalleled horror!

"Who wins and who loses will only know after trying!"

Meng Fan's eyes narrowed, coldly said,

"I hope heaven and earth will never fight again from now on!"

A few words fell, and the sole of his foot stepped on, Meng Fan directly moved forward like a switchblade. There was wind and thunder, and the world was cold. In between, there were countless scars on the body, but they were all He started to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was forcibly suppressed by him, and the whole person reached the peak state, comparable to a great emperor, and he wanted to subdue the eight wilderness!


Not only Meng Fan moved, behind him, the ancient and scattered people, such as God Monkey, Wang Hun, Qin Hong, Cao Qiushui, Yang Qing, etc., also moved one after another, and a battle began. At this moment, there is no need to say more, only fighting can resolve hatred, only killing can stop everything.


The sky burst, everything collapsed!

Such a grand battle was completely unfolded before Leiguan this day, from which they have been killed here. Meng Fan and others are determined to win. There is only one battle. Otherwise, I am sorry for the elders who died on the road. The souls who gave their lives in this battle!

The sky and the earth are boiling, and the eyes of countless people are concentrated, including countless corners in the entire Medieval Region. They are all closely watching here, and everyone who can participate has basically taken action.

This is no longer a battle between one person, but a fight between thousands of vitality cultivators, nearly 100 million yuan. The moment the vitality hits, there is a big explosion, and the torn aura burst. I don’t know. How many places shake everything!

Hundreds of millions of cultivators are fighting, what a magnificent scene, blood is overflowing, and the world is red, piece by piece!

In one of them, Meng Fan took the lead, with hair flying and fists breaking through the air. Between his imperial fists, any strong man in the restricted area is directly shattered by Meng Fan as long as he comes to him. The latter is like a perpetual motion machine in this endless killing. Sui!

"Meng Fan!"

In the next moment, a voice came in mid-air, and at the same time the blade light fell, almost extreme!

Even if Meng Fan reacted quickly, he was slower at this moment. When he stepped back, he saw the sharp blade of a knife graze his face, made a small cut, and blood flowed out!

The body was frozen, and Meng Fan's gaze saw that there was a figure standing not far away. He was not very old and full of energy. He looked like a younger generation. He had met Meng Fan before, and he was in the imperial palace. The first arrogant of the You Family in China, You Zhan!

In the first battle that day, the latter exerted strong pressure on Meng Fan, and he stood shoulder to shoulder, regardless of victory or defeat. Now You Zhan and Meng Fan meet again. Before Leiguan, the latter also entered the sacred realm , It is a god, the supreme arrogant in the forbidden zone.

Staring at Meng Fan, You Zhan said coldly,

"It is said that you are the number one arrogant, then take a look at your strength, don't be wronged in the end!"

The voice fell, cold as frost, and at the same time You Zhan's body moved, and the whole person was already turned into a cloud of smoke and dust, and he came straight to Meng Fan, like a ghost and god, not only completely stepped into the sacred realm, but also controlled the secret method. , The whereabouts are unpredictable!

As it approached, the entire world was imprisoned, and the goose bumps on Meng Fan's body rose up, making it difficult to capture the other's figure.

This quiet battle is worthy of being the arrogance of the restricted area, the enchanting evildoer who has been known as a **** for a century, is definitely an unimaginable killer, waiting for an opportunity, and lethal!

However, under this endless murderous intent, Meng Fan remained motionless, his clothes fierce, and in the face of the surging weather, he smiled slightly and uttered a few words, <

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