Supreme God King

Chapter 1530: One!

You want to see my true strength!

With a calm tone, Meng Fan just stood in the sky, his vitality exploded, and the blood in his body unexpectedly erupted again, absorbing the heaven and the earth with the imbalance of the gods, not afraid!

Between the sky, murderous Ling Ran.

Even if it is a duel between countless strong players, it is also particularly eye-catching here.

It was not the first time that the two sides collided. The last time they were in the imperial palace, there was no difference between the winner and the loser. Now that the two sides have their own gods, they are naturally competing.


Above the sky, the two words of You Zhan fell, and the blade was undiminished, coming quickly, in a posture of a big blow.

The sacred realm, the secret of the restricted area!

This secluded battle from the secluded restricted area is definitely not a vain, killing intent in one move will suppress everything.

However, in the next moment, there was a loud noise in the void, the fire splattered, and the void was shattered. At a glance, I saw Meng Fan still standing in place between the sky, but there was a large cauldron around his body. , The runes flickered, and the breath emerged, as if a river was rushing behind Meng Fan. . . . . Thousands of mothers and sons are angry.

Mountains and rivers in Yiding Town!

At the moment when the Myriad Mother and Child Qi Ding emerged, Meng Fan was completely enveloped in it, and everything resisted, even if it was the powerful blow of Youzhan, even Meng Fan didn't make a move, he couldn't break through!


You Zhan's expression changed, without any hesitation, the backhand was cut with several swords.

Stepping into the sacred realm, how powerful a blow is, countless sword lights flashing in this instant, each blow is enough to split the sacred, shatter the universe, and come crazy!

Bang, bang!

The voice fell, like thunder, and You Zhan kept making moves at this moment, but what surprised him was that no matter how horrible his power was, no matter how fast the blade was, it would be impossible to break through Meng Fan's ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding.

One person and one tripod stood in the void like this, as if supporting the sky and stepping on the earth, a smell of subduing sentient beings fell!

The dozens of Yu Zhan's attack methods were all turned into invisible, only a piece of sparks flashed!

how is this possible!

You Zhan was shocked, absolutely unbelievable, and even thought he was in a dream.

If faced with a sacred three realm powerhouse, perhaps he can still accept it, but Meng Fan in front of him is only a generation of his age. In the past, it was only between the first and second in the fight. After collision, yes. . . . Has reached this point.

From the beginning to the end, Meng Fan kept his hands behind and carried it on his back!

Not only was You Zhan stunned, the many powerful gods in the restricted area around it were shocked, because Meng Fan was also a powerhouse of the sacred realm. Even if he could suppress the ranks, the scene before him was indeed shocking enough. !

"Impossible, what kind of thing are you, shoot it!"

Yuzhan roared, once again blasted out, turning into a towering sword light. At this moment, the secret method of the restricted area was also operated to the extreme by him. The whole blood exploded, the air of black death spread, and the endless force was completely concentrated. With this knife, he slashed towards the top of Meng Fan's head again.

Endless murder, falling from the sky!

At this moment, Meng Fan's eyes were swept away, and finally the palm of his hand was lifted and slowly clenched. The blood in his body was surging, and there was a chaotic change.

Ordinary people simply cannot know that there is an extremely terrifying cycle in Meng Fan's body. It absorbs the power of the heavens and the earth with the gods, and compresses the power of the body with the setting sun. The two god-level techniques are endless and endless. Let this moment of pure power fill Meng Fan's body completely.

At the moment Dao Mang shot, so did Meng Fan. . . . . . A punch!

With a fist out, the meteor-like light pierced through the sky and the earth, Meng Fan stood alone, blood erupting, but the sky was pale, and the hair fluttered, a breath of letting me and killing everything penetrates the sky and the earth.

"Since you want to see my true strength, then go on, since I have enlightened Emperor Yu Dadao, I haven't really... I have tried my best!"

The tone rumbling, fists rushed straight.

Others didn't know what Meng Fan had done during these years. For ordinary people, it was only a month.

However, Meng Fan spent 30 years living in the Shenyuan Tower, and by chance, he entered the eighteenth floor of the Shenyuan Tower, and successfully comprehended the Emperor Yu Dadao and completely removed it. Fusion in Meng Fan's body!

The reason why Meng Fan hasn't made a breakthrough is because Meng Fan's other background is not enough, but his own martial arts has undergone a qualitative transformation in the Shenyuan Tower. Completely absorb the Emperor Yu Dao, the martial arts of the former three realms of Shenyuan, so that Meng Fan can use his own martial arts to improve comfort, fully control the power of circulation in the main body, and cause the changes of the two gods to a higher level. floor!

Before, Meng Fan was just gaining momentum, so that at this moment, in this last moment, he is extremely biochemical and sweeping everything.

Now that the power is fully demonstrated, it is for Meng Fan's true peak combat power, and it is also his first shot in thirty years of comprehending the Shenyuan Tower.


The naked eye could see that the sky burst, and the fist and the blade light collided together, causing the entire void to be split. Under Meng Fan's punch, the blood from the sky above the sky spurted out, and the body burst directly, and the whole person turned out to be. . . . . . Fly out!

A strong man in the first realm of the gods flies with a punch, what kind of power is this!

His eyes flickered, and Meng Fan's body moved in the void. He came to the side of You Zhan in one step, and flew over with one kick, kicking directly between his lower abdomen, without giving him any chance at all.

With a muffled sound, under Meng Fan's blow, it was like a hundred thousand thunder, and it was the next moment that the body of the ghost burst open, blood staining the world, and splitting it in half!

Such a scene was so amazing that it caused the whole world to be in shock. Not only the people from the restricted area, but also the powerful people such as Wang Hun, Qin Hong, Yang Qing, etc., are incredible. I never imagined Meng Fan today. It is strong to this point.

In the past, when the six great arrogances of the imperial palace were shot, Meng Fan was still on par with everyone, even if it was suppressed, it was definitely not much, but after also stepping into the gods, at this moment, Meng Fan is already invincible, sweeping the same age. Even if they were standing in the position of Youzhan, they couldn't do better. The latter was too terrifying, and the fighting strength was unpredictable, and it was not what ordinary gods could imagine.

Break the enemy with one punch, kill with one kick!

At this moment, Meng Fan directly split the first Tianjiao of the Youzi restricted area into two sections, which caused a shock in the entire field. In the midst of flying in the sky, Meng Fan grabbed the soul of Youzhan, five-finger Helong, and void imprisonment. , Put it in full control.

"Meng Fan, dare you!"

Above the sky, there is an ancient roar from the Forbidden Area of ​​Youzi. It is a person from the Palace of the Forbidden Area. According to the truth, this Youzhan should be like his grandson. At this moment, he can't help but be impatient. , Turned into a rolling peak of vitality!

This old man has already reached the second realm of the gods, which is extremely terrifying, but Meng Fan standing on the sky just raised his hand, turned his fist into a palm, and blasted with him.

The power of the two collided and the sky shook. Under this kind of big burst, Meng Fan stood there, motionless, while the other hand grabbed the soul of You Zhan and started. . . . . Crushed a little bit!

Crushing it to pieces with Meng Fan's power, just a few breaths of time, is to make You Zhan, a Tianjiao that never appeared in the restricted area, completely turn into ashes in Meng Fan's hands.

"Why don't you dare to start with this, today, either you die or I die!"

Meng Fan said indifferently, completely slaying You Zhan, and his voice was even more like thunder, spreading throughout the world.

Under his words, it caused the crowd to boil. The blood in the body of the hundreds of millions of monks participating in the war is burning, and countless people's vitality is rushing forward, and at the same time shouting.

"Either you die, or I die!"

The sounds converge, comparable to the ocean, revealing a mortal pride.

Indeed, at this point, all the monks participating in the war are already crazy. If the ten thousand domains fall into the forbidden zone, then everyone in the entire common people will be completely imprisoned, and not just them, including all The descendants of people will be like forbidden areas, like cattle and sheep, living in ten thousand realms, controlled by the imperial family of the forbidden area, true demons, and slaves for generations.

Under this kind of situation, they can't help but fight hard and fight!

Accompanied by the sound between the sky, everyone moved forward, like a wave of impacting moths, impacting towards the entire Sky Thunder Pass. This ancient battle has also reached the point where it is the most frivolous. At a glance, the sky above the entire Tianlei Pass is full of vitality bursts within a million miles. Countless monks are fighting on the sky, and blood falls and melts. Because of the rain of blood, it has never stopped, dyeing the entire sky and the earth red.

Even people who are accustomed to seeing countless killings cannot bear this kind of scene, and they will vomit!


Meng Fan fisted out, full of blood, peak combat power exploded, and the duration was definitely not long. At this moment, he also seemed mad, and the whole person strode forward and went straight to the thunder pass that day.

Beside him, the **** monkey, Yang Qing, Qin Hong, Wang Hun, Cao Qiushui, Bai Shui'er and so on are ancient. Countless monks also surround him to protect the way and help him move forward, like a sharp sword. Generally, fight forward.

I don't know how much time has passed, but it is finally before the four penalty area pillars that are closest to this penalty area.

The air of black death is permeated, the four pillars are floating in the void, and you can faintly see that they are connected together, making this supreme array!

If the force is exerted from the outside world, it may be able to destroy the formation, it is possible for Qin Mieren, Taichu and others to come out in advance and return to this ten thousand realm.

There is no doubt that all the opportunities and all the vitality are in sight!

However, in the next moment, the sky is torn apart, the wolves are greedy, the seven kills, and the army breaks the heat to lead a kind of ancient forbidden area. The two sides look at each other, and after a glance, it is murderous Ling Ran, the frozen world, at this moment there is one more sentence There are many words, there is only one battle, only to kill! <

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