Supreme God King

Chapter 1531: The situation changes again

There is only one battle!

Under so many fights, both sides paid an absolutely huge price, especially the ten thousand domain powerhouses. I don't know how many people died along the way, casting this blood path.

At this last juncture, Meng Fan and others could not tolerate any hesitation.


A word came out loudly, and Emperor Meng Fan blasted his fist and strode forward.

Many heroes behind him are the same, roaring, turning into meteors, and rushing forward, covering too many masters in the ten thousand domains. There are existences that have risen from time to time, with tens of thousands of years of silence. They are all the peak combat power bursts, traversing the sky and the earth, coming in the air!

So many powerful people gathered, killing intent Lingran, colliding with Qisha, Greed Wolf and others, even if there are few three realms among these ten thousand domain masters, but this group of people has a kind of ruthlessness that regards death. Spicy, let its fighting power erupt endlessly.

At a glance, you can see that countless of them are gathering momentum at this moment, and their peak combat power is reappearing. Some of them are already gray-haired, with dry blood and blood. Even if they are in the Divine Origin Realm, their own combat power is difficult to be as before. , Lived too long, completely old.

But at this moment, the whole person is completely different from before. All the vitality burns, and the rapid rise, turning into infinite power, like his youth, once again burst out infinite combat power, directly colliding with the strong in the restricted area. .

That kind of suicidal attack, at this moment, more monks did it, without any hesitation!

"Wanyu will win!"

An old man yelled. He was only in the first stage of the gods, and he was not the opponent of the seven kills at all, but he did not intend to have a heart that could contend with it. He directly hit with his body and burned his vitality and blood in the seven kills. The side shattered, and the vibrating Qi continued to recede, completely using the opponent's injury in exchange for his own life!

Even if there is no power in the three realms of the gods, even if there is no supreme combat power, even if the weak is against the strong, but at this moment the countless ten thousand domain cultivators in the sky are already crazy, as if there is no one among them. The natural majesty between the realms, there is only one battle, with the body to martyrs, in exchange for the first line of life for other people!

"My grandson..."

In the Tianlei Pass, at this very moment, many masters such as Qin Mieren have already sensed the changes in the outside world. Looking at them, including this group of immortal and terrifying masters, tears are also slowly shed. , An extremely sad look appeared on his face.

One of the elders of the Holy Three Realms spouted blood, and there was no life in his eyes. He came from the same vein. He had seen his children and grandchildren have already blew themselves in place, desperately fighting against the strong in the restricted area. From top to bottom, they are already dead between the world and the earth, and they have paid more than a dozen lives in order to move forward.

The old man wanted to cry without tears, and his expression was bleak. Even though his combat power was earth-shattering and the three realms existed, a trace of childlike helplessness emerged above his face. Trapped in this thunder pass, everything was only to see the outside world with his own eyes. happened.

Martyr with the body, strike with the soul!

The entire Middle Ancient Territory is boiling. Under this kind of catastrophe, all the people and countless forces from the Middle Ancient Territory are dyeing this road with blood. They are opening up with their bodies, and they are dying here. Between the week and the day, in exchange for stepping forward, one can see at a glance that between the fall of each step, a monk who does not know how many tens of thousands of domains died, and how many cultivators who don't know how many tens of thousands of domains filled in and continued fighting.

For half a day, the corpses were all over the field, blood stained the thunder pass!

There are countless people killed and wounded around Leiguan on this day, tens of millions, and they are all the bloodiest monks among the ten thousand domains. They participated in this battle, fighting with their bodies, The price paid by the soul is too great!

And the gleam of life in exchange finally helped Meng Fan and others to completely tear open a path, so that a kind of powerhouse was completely close to the four forbidden area pillars of Leiguan on this day, including the Seven Kills and others. I was isolated, unable to come over.


The monkey roared, even though he was injured in countless battles, he was always standing next to Meng Fan. No matter the red and golden hair dyed with blood, every part of it was quite fatal.

Meng Fan was speechless. He clearly understood how many times the monkey used his body to resist Meng Fan’s injuries, and always followed him. This is the meaning of brothers between each other, not with words. Speak clearly.

The fist opened up, and the monkey took the lead. Suddenly the blood that had been dried out suddenly broke out again. The whole person was like a peerless soldier with a sharp edge, striking forward and waving his big hand. In front of him, countless forbidden areas are ancient and fly out. Was shocked by its air wave.

Now Meng Fan and the group of people are the closest to the forbidden area pillar. They came here under the cover of everyone. The monkey also summoned all the strength in the body, stepped out, shaken all the obstacles around the body, and finally hit with a punch. Between the large array formed by the pillars in the restricted area.


The fist fell, and the divine monkey's light flickered, like the same sun, surging with blood and rolling force, even the forbidden area pillar that was fought in the air by the thirteen hall masters had numerous cracks at this moment, causing the sky to shock.

Countless people on the Middle Ancient Territory land are boiling, and hundreds of millions of people are watching this battle. They are simply going crazy. Unexpectedly, at this moment, there is finally hope!


The monkey roared, his eyes were like stars, and his fists waved and smashed.

Even though it is the second sacred realm, its combat power is that one punch can fly to the third realm. It is conceivable that the divine monkey has a lot of horror now, even if it is seriously injured and covered with wounds, but now it is forcibly suppressed. Falling down, like drumming, bombarded before the penalty area pillar.


After that, a large number of ancient forces from the heavens, the earth and the tens of thousands of domains were killed. Now this group of elders are crazy. The former comrades in arms do not know how many died, their eyes are red, and the blood is erupting, each will gather the most powerful vitality fluctuations, Cross the world and help the monkeys to bombard this forbidden area pillar together!


One breath, two breaths, seven breaths...Under the action of so many powerful people, the rune formed by the forbidden area pillar in front of them burst into pieces and turned into sky fragments!

The fall of this scene was so shocking that it caused Meng Fan and the others to be shocked. Almost everyone had to breathe a sigh of relief. Once the forbidden area column was broken in the outside world, then Qin Mieren, Taichu and others Come out, will cause decisive changes to the situation of this war.

It's really too critical. This sky fragment is the key to saving the Ten Thousand Territories. Even Meng Fan felt lightened at this moment, as if he had seen endless hope.

However, just as the world’s heroes were delighted, there was a sudden tremor in the sky, making everyone stunned, because at this moment, although the space defenses in it were all fragmented, there was no expected picture. Qin Mieren and the others did not break through the barrier.

But there is a more terrifying and evil force running through!


The sky faded, and the void shattered. Under the eyes of everyone, an extremely terrifying light fell from the sky, and the black death gas surged, like a waterfall, flowing down the void. This is.... . A restricted area pillar!

Everyone lost their color, looking at the field, the four forbidden area pillars were still in front of them, and another forbidden area pillar appeared. Seeing this scene, the countless old people who fought with blood and blood were pale, like dead gray, because of this scene. What it represents is... . After the four hall masters of this forbidden area hall participated in the battle, there was another hall master with a restricted area hall attacked from the void. Interfering in this ten thousand realms would make the previous attacks of the monkey and others fail and could not be blown away. This defense!

The fifth figure, one of the thirteen hall masters, joined the battle in the air, and strength came!

The huge forbidden zone pillar runs through the entire world, and the devilish energy radiates, with a kind of overbearing that distorts the void. When facing the **** monkey and others, the rune on it flashes in the next moment, it emits countless rays of light, directly attacking!


In an instant, the strongest **** among the eight ten thousand realms in the front was wiped out in ashes in an instant. It was too terrifying between this blow. It runs through the world, even if the aftermath moves forward, it is unparalleled horror. As a result, the God Monkey and the others flew out directly, and dozens of experts in the Divine Origin Realm were killed or injured in just a moment, and the latter, the forbidden area pillar, just broke out.... . Just a ray of light!

The thirteen hall masters join the battle!

The crowd was amazed, everyone was stunned, unable to imagine this kind of picture, I did not think that they saw the dawn of victory just before, but they were directly extinguished, and they would face even more terrifying darkness. Not only the four resurrected in this forbidden area temple, but also the fifth.

"Jie Jie.... I plan for the eternal temple, calculate everything, how can I make a mistake!"

In the void, Taibai smiled gloomily and said coldly,

"The previous Four Great Hall Masters were just the first-tier trump cards. In fact, there is another Hall Master who has been resurrected, and under so many killings between the heavens and the earth, fighting to support the battle will make the Palace Master more powerful Strong, what do you have to fight against!"

Accompanied by the voice of Taibai, the five forbidden area pillars in the void shot again, the runes flickered, the sky and the earth shook, and the magical energy that was like a waterfall spread out and swept into the void. This belongs to The power of the most mysterious thirteen hall masters in the restricted area, even if they are fighting in the air, but the arrival of weapons means absolute terror and killing!

Only for a moment, the Tianlei Pass dimmed, and all the ten thousand domain experts who came here trembled, feeling a feeling of doomsday coming, feeling helpless.

And in the outside world, there are countless people suffering, despair, sadness, grief... A gray-haired old man knelt on the ground, holding the remains of his loved ones, saying, <

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