Supreme God King

Chapter 1533: King of Gods

The sixth restricted area pillar!

At the moment when the black and dead air fell from the sky, a big storm was suddenly set off, the magic sea was overwhelming, and the aura filled the sky, suppressing the entire mountains, the sun and the moon, making the Tianlei Pass and the surrounding areas completely forbidden.

Before the four major restricted area pillars shot, now there are two more, which means that among the thirteen hall masters, there are actually six people participating in the battle, and they are attacked by air!

This is... How shocking!

There was a wave of fluctuations in the entire Middle Ancient Realm, which was totally unbearable. I didn’t expect to have been silent for such a long time in this ten thousand realms, let alone the **** king, even the powers of the three realms of the gods were rare. appear.

However, as soon as the catastrophe came out, there were six powerhouses in the realm of the gods, and the weapons of the thirteen palace masters that were rumored to reappear in the world and fight everything.


The void flashed, and the endless black death air struck, turning into a long and rolling stream, coming towards the piano sound between the void, the light flickering, and the power smashed away.

Suddenly it caused a big tremor, and the whole world burst apart. Even if the sound of the piano came from the King of Heaven, it was blown away tens of meters at this moment!

The two forbidden zone pillars meant that the Supreme Hall Master of the two forbidden zone temples had come. At this moment, silence was better than sound. That kind of billowing black death breath erupted, which made the Leiguan battle reach the highest peak this day.

Hundreds of Divine Origin and Three Realms, countless Divine Origin Powerhouses, I don't know how many restricted areas, the peerless existence among the ten thousand domains shot, and now that the last moment is reached, the existence of the Three Divine King Realms turned out to be!

God King!

Since the opening of the vitality river, there are only a line of less than a hundred people, and any one is the emperor of all ages, who can dominate the world by one person, and sweep everything. Now there are three people in one world, even if they are only weapons. Coming will also cause a sensation forever, I don't know how many years before there will be a big battle like this.

"Zhongtian, I didn't expect that after such a long time, we... met again!"

Above the sky, two forbidden area pillars stood up, but they did not continue to attack, the air of black death was permeated, and at the same time an indifferent voice spread throughout the world.

The words are powerful, and everyone's hearts are shocked.

The dialogue between the powerhouses of the God King level, I have to say that this is definitely the first time in all ages. It attracted everyone between the heavens and the earth, and everyone in the Middle Ages was holding their breath, including the Qin Mieren who was in the thunder pass on this day, Taichu, etc. Those who waited for hundreds of Shenyuan powerhouses were extremely nervous, staring at the court.


In the void, an old voice also slowly fell, coming from the shadow of the piano that flew out of it. In it, vaguely as if you could see an old man stroking the piano, surrounded by infinite runes, the tone was incomparable Vicissitudes,

"And you are still so calculating, indifferent and without any emotion, killing so many people is not enough!"

"How can it!"

In the void, one of the forbidden area pillars sneered, disdainfully said,

"It's just ants. The more you kill, the more power we can recover. Looking at the world, what is the most precious, only immortality, only immortality, Zhongtian, the last time your body was cut off, the soul was scattered. Should I stop in front of us this time!"

The tone rumbled, making everyone between heaven and earth tremble, unable to participate at all.

"of course!"

In the void, the voice of the God King Zhongtian passed through the shadow of the piano, his tone calm, but he possessed an incomparable firmness.

"It's the same scene again. It's a pity that the people back then are no longer there, but... If you let you do this, I'm sorry for the comrades who died back then, and this group of little guys can do that, me. How can you shrink back!"

After a few words fell, the piano shadow shot, and the sound wave that had shocked the sky came out again, and the void hit, surpassing the entire world, even facing the two forbidden zone pillars, there was a kind of breaking the eight. Desolation, the strength to crush everything.

And at this moment, the two forbidden zone pillars above the sky dome also make the same shot. The latter has been prepared for a long time, not just a hole card. At this moment, the palace master of the two forbidden zone halls shot, the light flickered, the power impacted, and it penetrated directly. The whole world collided with that kind of piano sound.

Zhongtian God King vs Two Lords of the Forbidden Zone Hall!

This scene is too terrifying. The moment when they fight again is to make countless people retreat. Even though three of them have already controlled the power to the extreme and become superb, but only that kind of supernatural power spreads is to make the gods strong Those are unbearable!


The sky burst, and the three forces intertwined!

There are too few people who have seen this kind of battle between the gods and kings, but it happened in this world, at this last juncture.

The breath shattered and crushed the sky, causing countless space fragments to blast away and flutter in all directions.

The three kings move!

Between a few breaths, the two pillars in the forbidden area screamed, and the power ran, and the infinite demon energy turned into two monstrous handprints, which attacked brazenly, directly slapped on the shadow of the piano together, causing it to be between the whole body. It exploded frantically and retreated again.

None of the three descended from the deity, but their own weapons appeared, but the Zhongtian Divine King was obviously at a disadvantage, one enemy two.

This is definitely not as simple as one plus one. This can be faced with the power of the **** king. Under the penetration of this power, even the weapons of the previous generation of **** kings have gaps and strings on them. A few broken, encountered a strong crush!

And this didn’t mean to stop. Just as the Qin Ying retreated, I saw it flashed in the void, and a ray of light came from the sky, smashing directly towards this Qin Ying. With this blow, it was to make this one. Qin Ying was hit hard, almost completely shattered!

The power surged, the void appeared, and it fell into everyone's eyes. . . . . It is another forbidden area pillar, which represents the resurrection of the palace owner of another forbidden area temple, and his strength is shown!

The seventh restricted area pillar!

The whole people were shocked, and I didn't expect that the penalty area had already prepared so many hole cards. The four major penalty area pillars were just a test. After the real, there were three hole cards, which were shot one after another, which severely damaged the King of Heaven!

This kind of plan is too terrible, the latter dare to launch a catastrophe of heaven and earth, relying on it!

The real powerhouses of the three major palace masters took action and fought outside.

In this piano shadow contains the power and soul of the Zhongtian God King. Even if it is not the peak, it still possesses a bit of the power of the God King's combat power. However, in this case, the power of this piano sound almost completely dissipates. destroy.

"Zhongtian Divine King! The former generation of Divine Kings shattered their bodies for the sake of the common people, and their souls were severely wounded. They had to retreat to the heavens and the earth, and have since disappeared. There is a trace of his soul left in this weapon. Do you still have to repeat the same mistakes!"

Among the crowd, there was an old man who roared in deep grief.

"Who can help a bunch of God Kings!"

In the corner of Wanyu, there was crying, very sad.

One enemy and two were originally a kind of crushing, but it was unexpected that there is still the third palace owner of the forbidden area to participate in the battle. This is no way, even if the soul of the Zhongtian King is awakened, there is no chance.

The three forbidden zone pillars, like three mountain peaks, cut off all vitality in this world!

After a while, under everyone's gaze, the power of the three forbidden area pillars attacked, the endless magic sea rolled, and directly besieged the Qin Ying in it. Within a few breaths, the shadow of the piano in it was continuously split and shattered.

Under this level of crushing, I am afraid that the Zhongtian God King will not be able to support the Lord for a few moments!

"Zhongtian, if you choose to surrender now, you might still have a chance to become my Forbidden Zone Palace... the fourteenth Palace Master!"

The three forbidden zone pillars came, suppressing everything, constantly wiping out the power in the shadow of the piano, and at the same time a voice came out, you are from one of the palace masters.

But under this kind of crushing, the shadow of the piano never retreated, the power and the four figures in the void madly collided, and said at the same time,

"The warrior is speechless, my heart is speechless!"

The eight characters are extremely vicissitudes, but they contain an unparalleled and firm taste.

That kind of piano sound protected Zhou Tian and collided with the three major restricted area pillars, causing the trace of soul left in the shadow of the piano to become more and more rare, and even to be wiped out!

"It's really looking for death. Without your soul, I'm afraid it will take longer for you to want to resurrect. By then, the entire world is in our hands, and you can only watch from the side!"

The master of one of the forbidden area halls sneered, and the power was closed to suppress the Eight Wastes.

The three powers were transformed into three ancient killing formations. Between the flickering runes, everything was wiped out. At the moment when this power was about to completely kill the last soul in the shadow of the piano, a voice suddenly spread between the world and the earth. Come, resound in the sky,

"Yes, the fighters are speechless!"

Standing behind this king of heaven, a figure appeared, not a human, but an old monkey like a divine monkey. The whole body was gray and extremely dim. The whole person seemed to have no idea how many years passed, old and terrible, but At the moment when he raised his hand, it was a hand. . . . Supported this world and resisted the attack of one of the palace masters in the restricted area!


Beside Meng Fan, the monkey roared, even though his body was severely injured and his body was cut at the waist, all the excitement at this moment was to stand up and tears remained.

The incomparably solid figure of the past appeared between the world and the earth. The one who used to make a big trouble in the capital, now turned out to be an old monkey standing up and down, just like that!

With one punch, resist the attack of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone Palace Lord!

And it's not just that the old monkey shot at this moment. Between the ancient land, there is also a voice that contains endless killing and killing. If you listen carefully, you can hear that this is a Xiaosheng, booming. Come, help Zhongtian God King and the old monkey fight together.

Countless people who belonged to the ancient years were tears of excitement. Everyone knew that the weapon that belonged to the Zhongtian God King was a lyre, and the Celestial Can God King, who created the line back then, possessed it. . . . . A fistful of Xiao, frightened the world, suppressed the flute of the world for a hundred thousand years! <

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