Supreme God King

Chapter 1534: Chaos

The master of the veins, the **** of heavenly remnants!

The sound of a flute has become extinct, but in the past years when this Qi was born, I didn't know how many powerful people in the world worshipped, and the soul flew away. He was the real emperor on earth!

No one could have imagined that after the birth of the Heavenly God King, the Lord Heavenly Remnant God King also appeared in the next line, fighting the world, and his weapons of the year appeared.

The two **** kings are not in the true peak state, just a trace of soul left in the weapons of the past years, but they have the laws of the gods and are equally shocking!

Two great kings, come together!

And there is also a quaint, gray old monkey that is the father of the **** monkey. It also appeared at this moment. Standing before the common people, no one outside of the monkey can feel the power in the old monkey. But that kind of domineering aura is really terrifying!

"It's not the King of God, but... It's only one step away. He is ahead of us. I didn't expect that although he failed in the first battle, he took advantage of Nirvana. Although he is only in the state of three realms, he has realized that level and stepped forward. It took a long time to get out!"

In Tianlei Pass, Qin Mieren slowly said, his tone full of shock.

Not only him, but many other powerhouses in Ten Thousand Realms are also extremely surprised. He is no stranger to the old monkey. In the past, he was definitely a legendary existence between heaven and earth, domineering and arrogant.

But looking back at this critical moment, everyone who has surpassed that era, including Qin Mieren and Yang Wudi, stayed in place for many years and never took that step, but the old monkey did When it arrives, even if it is not in the Divine King Realm, after a certain step of comprehension, its combat power... is definitely not comparable to the Three Divine Realms!

There are three big existences in the field, and that one is the invincible world in the past, and the people who are proud of everything are now appearing at the same time, resisting the restricted area, and fighting several major restricted areas!

Such a scene was too shocking, and it caused a terrible storm in the entire world, and no one would have thought that the last moment would have arrived like this!

It turned out to have attracted the existence of a strong God King Realm, and there are still living God Kings in these ten thousand realms, and they are fighting the world and stepping forward.

"And I!"

However, before the hundreds of millions of creatures could react, at the same time, a voice came from the sky of the entire Middle Ancient Region, and the voice fell, shocking the world.

At the same time, as far as everyone's eyes can be seen, a beautiful figure in the void can be seen stepping forward, slender, slender, graceful, and dancing in clothes. He is truly a peerless beauty, but the breath that emanates from his body makes the world. Any strong person has a feeling of suffocation, possessing supreme domineering!

"Magic Ancestor!"

At the same time, the strong among the three forbidden zone pillars was also silent, staring at this beautiful figure, obviously also a little surprised.

A generation of magic ancestors!

Really born, came from the Sky Bone Mountain Range, it was Lan Caiyi, but unlike before, that kind of allure of the city is no longer visible, only the peerless power that dominates the world.

If you see Lan Caiyi at this moment, absolutely no one can imagine that Meng Fan once slapped her **** with a big hand, and under that breath, everything was crushed, making the entire Middle Ages It was trembling.

The four great **** kings meet together!

At this moment, the sky and the earth boiled like boiling water. At this last moment, it turned out to have reached this level.

There are also top powerhouses in Wanyu, and there is also this kind of unyielding soul!

The crowd was speechless, and hundreds of millions of creatures kowtow. After reaching this step, they are already out of everyone's control. No one thought that the gods and powerful men who had been wiped out in this long river of time would appear one after another. Arrived in these ten thousand domains, a battle of heaven and earth.

Standing on this sky, the old monkey's eyes flashed, and he made a bow to Lan Caiyi. In terms of his blood, he should be regarded as a descendant of Lan Caiyi.

While standing in the void, Lan Caiyi shook her head and said calmly,

"No, although the line of Warcraft is all my offspring, but the alien species has already changed because of itself. It has opened up and is out of my blood, and you have already reached this step. It is accurate between you and me. It is already equal, there is no competition!"

The old monkey smiled and said no more, but looked into the void and said coldly,

"Don't come out yet?"

With one word, the world moves!

Everyone understands. Obviously, if the old monkey has something to say about the restricted area, the meaning in these words is that there are still people behind the restricted area, and there are strong ones!

As the sound fell, the sky trembled, and the sky was torn apart. You could see another waterfall falling in the void, which turned out to be. . . . . The eighth restricted area pillar!

The thirteen hall masters, a total of eight came, this is absolutely shocking and suppressing everything!

However, standing in the void, the old monkey said calmly without fear,

"Very well, since that's the case, then everyone... Let's fight!"

The two words fell, the sky shook open, and the old monkey tore the world with one fist. It turned out to open a mysterious space outside the domain, step into it, and at the same time invite everyone.

In the arena, there are the powerhouses of the eight great **** king realms. If they start a war here, even if they have the ultimate control over their power, once there is a trace of aftermath, they will destroy the world and penetrate the Middle Ages. Caused not knowing how many people died of innocent people.

Therefore, the old monkey was compassionate and compassionate, and he created a piece of heaven and earth, and let the eight great gods and powerhouses enter it, where to fight in a mysterious place!

There was a moment of silence in the court, and the four forbidden area pillars and the Zhongtian God King, one line dominating the Heavenly Remnant God King, and the blue color clothes all moved, transformed into each other, and entered that mysterious space!

The void was closed, everything changed, and before leaving, the old monkey silently glanced at the **** monkey, smiled, and immediately. . . . . Completely integrate into that side of the world.


The monkey yelled, blood spurted, tears kept falling.

Meng Fan grabbed the **** monkey, and his power continued to blend into his body, but the **** monkey couldn't restrain the excitement in his body. The blood fell and said in a deep voice.

"Although my father broke through, he has reached the end of his life... After this battle, he will die!"

When he said that, Meng Fan was shocked and looked at the monkey hesitantly.

The God Monkey wailed,

"Father did not die after World War I. He was reclusive and broke through and finally succeeded... But now he has only realized that step, took a half step, and gave his father eternal time, maybe Father can really guard against the sky, but... Father gave up. He chose to come out now, which is equivalent to giving up the path of becoming a **** king. It is just a half-step strength against the thirteen hall masters. Whether he wins or loses, he will consume his father. The vitality in the body, this battle...My father must die!"

The tone rumbled and spread all over the surrounding area, which immediately caused everyone including Meng Fan to lose their color.

Give up the road to becoming a king!

What kind of spirit is this, and what courage the old monkey has. At this moment, in order to protect the world and fight the world, forcibly out of his retreat, to help everyone in the world fight!

The warrior is speechless!

This is what the old monkey said before, resounding in Meng Fan's mind like Hong Zhong, making him stiff in the sky, speechless for a long time.

What is a vitality monk, what is a **** man, is nothing more than the old monkey, who stands upright in the sky, with means to reach the sky, and is willing to give up the opportunity to achieve the supreme path for the people of the world!

Between the sky, the crack slowly closed, and the whole world calmed down again. The terrifying eight figures merged into the void and disappeared completely, leaving everyone only a shadow of memory.

Obviously, these eight extremely terrifying existences have already stepped into and fought a battle. No one knows the result, and no one knows how.

But in any case, the names of Zhongtian God King, Heavenly Remnant God King, Old Monkey, Lan Caiyi, etc. will spread throughout the world. Their names will be immortal and immortal!

"Tian Lei Pass must be opened!"

Amidst the endless space debris, Meng Fan yelled up to the sky, and his blood shook the wasteland.

The previous excitement was quite huge for him, even if he had endless admiration and admiration for the old monkey, this was the real man in the world. At this moment, the qi and blood in Meng Fan's body were circling, surging, and the body that had been gradually exhausted turned out to be reborn with a powerful and ultimate strength. Kind of twisted posture.

Meng Fan is like the same star, shining with light, striding out, and again toward the guardian array outside the thunder pass on this day.

Without the intervention of the powers of the God King Realm, without the crushing of that kind of powerful people, Meng Fan naturally wanted to continue his path and completely open the defenses outside the thunder barrier of this day.

Take a big step forward, never move forward!

In Meng Fan’s eyes, there is only peace and determination. If you don’t open this sky thunder pass, how can you get rid of the billions of dead beings? If you don’t open this sky thunder pass, how can you get the monks fighting in this world? , If you don’t open this thunder pass, how can you be right or even give up the old monkey who became the king of God!

This battle was forged with blood by the cultivators of Ten Thousand Regions, from the **** king to the bottom human race, Meng Fan. . . . To carry it through to the end, no matter what the price is!

In the moment, the surrounding greedy wolves and the seven kills on the sky also madly killed them. Now their hole cards are consumed cleanly, only the bayonet is the most furious battle. The endless black death air permeated the sky and went straight to Meng Fan, like **** descending, covering the entire world, with a kind of dominance of extinguishing everything.

But now Meng Fan is calmer and colder than before. Under the endless murderous intent, only one word is spit out, <

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