Supreme God King

Chapter 1536: last moment

The tone is calm, extremely calm!

At this moment, Meng Fan was standing in the sky, covered in blood, stepping forward, like the same light shining on the eternal stars, making everyone's heart shocked, and their eyes focused on his body.

"Meng Fan!"

"Big Brother!"


Between heaven and earth, among countless corners, there was a whisper, and the figure stared at Meng Fan's body in an unknown place, tears falling.

There are even strong people who can see that even though Meng Fan is extremely domineering at this moment, he advances dozens of steps with his finger, and blasts the three ancient killing gods, but the price he has paid is extremely huge.

Others only saw Meng Fan's infinite strength, but they didn't know the source of its strength, because at this moment Meng Fan was no longer an ordinary battle, but was completely present. . . . Killing!

Fight with fate and burn martial arts!

Run the two god-level techniques to the limit, put your own combat power in a state of absolute peak, and then move forward.

At this moment, Meng Fan was burning his own life every moment. If it weren't for the unyielding arrogance in his body, I am afraid that the blow of the seven kills would be enough to completely collapse Meng Fan.

Although the greedy wolves, the seven kills and others are fighting, they are not as crazy as Meng Fan. They dare not overdraw the power in their own body. Just like Meng Fan, he burns martial arts and suppresses all injuries forcibly, just to keep him always Is at the peak.

The latter seems to not intend to live after today, just like all the ten thousand domain monks before, completely burning himself, just to bloom at this moment. . . . . The strongest combat power!

The warrior is speechless, just for a moment!

Now the injuries in Meng Fan’s body are too serious, not to mention the broken heart, etc. The soul in the body is mostly obliterated. The all-in-one Qi Cauldron is broken, and the human body is one. Meng Fan's blow is unknown.

It was he who spent most of his life to create the kind of domineering and unparalleled before, forcibly using his own life force. . . . . Zhenfei's three killers, in exchange for this moment.

Even if Meng Fan stops now, I am afraid that he needs to be reincarnated, because he has become a powerful god, and his own martial art has been wiped out too much under the forcible burning. If it is not like the bird, the turtle has become the ancient ferry Robber, at this moment Meng Fan is bound to die!

The most important martial art in the vitality monk's body is obliterated, and it cannot be restored.

However, in Meng Fan's eyes, there was no fear at all, and he could not be calm anymore!

In his eyes, all the powerful people who died for this road were the only ones who paved the way for Meng Fan. To stand before the thunder pass of this day, Meng Fan is definitely not the credit of a person, but Thousands of people used blood to cast for him.

At this last moment, how could Meng Fan be discouraged, how could he give up!

The blood flowed out, and Meng Fan stepped forward again, even though it was the seven kills, the wolf greedy, and the army-breaking three killers, it still made Meng Fan fearless.

The arrival of the three sacred and three realms is indeed a mortal situation for him. Anyone in the world will be in extreme fear when facing this, but for a person with a mortal mentality, how can he be feared!


Meng Fan blasted out with a punch, his vitality exploded, his punch came out of his body, traversing everything!

Between the blows, there was a kind of hegemony that penetrated mountains, rivers, sun and moon, coming from the void, and colliding with the seven killers.

It was just a moment that caused Meng Fan's body to be constantly shattered, but the punch was still domineering, even if the force of the impact caused the bones in his body to appear cracks, it was impossible for Meng Fan to reduce A bit slower.

One person vs three ancient killers!

At the moment of this fist impact, Meng Fan changed his hands, circulated continuously in his body, changed the setting sun in one hand, and rebelled against God scroll in one day. The whole person was in the most crazy state, attacking frantically.

There is no fancy means, only the most original boxer strikes and suppresses everything!

Bang, bang!

Above the sky, everything burst, under this kind of breath, it shocked countless people.

Among the ten thousand domains, everyone's eyes are fixed in this scene, a lonely figure standing at the end of this world, at the expense of burning his own martial arts, all in blood, and constantly fighting.

The air waves of seven kills tore apart Meng Fan's bones, and the means of breaking the army made his blood flow clean. The power of greedy wolves wiped out most of Meng Fan's soul. But the latter is still standing on this sky, even if the blood can't flow out, it is still there. . . . . . war!

"God Slaughter!"

Meng Fan spoke again, his palm changed, his body was in a state of withering even under suppression, but Meng Fan raised his hand with a blow, but it was a powerful and extreme murderous explosion, which penetrated the entire sky and slashed towards the seven killers. go with!

One shot down, three people. . . . Back again!

Eternal evildoer, Tianzong talent!

It is definitely not an exaggeration to describe Meng Fan in this way. The latter used to be able to fight higher when he achieved the Shinto path, and now his strength is even more improved. However, under this kind of battle, he faces seven kills, breaks the army, and is greedy. The three major killing gods, including the wolf, simply didn't have any suspense of winning, but this battle Meng Fan did not stop, still continuing, bursting out with the greatest strength.

Under the air wave, shaking seven kills, the three of Pojun came back, spurted a mouthful of blood, looked at Meng Fan, each of them had an inexplicable smell in their eyes.

I have to say that there is a kind of admiration in this kind of taste, even if they are completely opposed.

If you put yourself in the place, they are Meng Fan, but it is absolutely impossible to hold on for such a long time. The injury is too serious. At this moment, Meng Fan is a living dead, but under the pressure of three people, he can still Being in this kind of powerful attack, what kind of belief is this, supporting him to reach the present, perhaps for them, at the moment when the Qi Ding explodes, they can completely retreat!

"Meng Fan... You are indeed very powerful, I have never seen someone like you!"

Seven kills said indifferently.

On the side, Greed Wolf and Breaking Army nodded, but the murderous intent in their eyes was more intense, at the same time,

"Even so, but I want to kill you even more!"

"Yes, staying is a big disaster!"

The three screamed at the same time, each shot, turning into the most fierce attack, and once again slashed towards Meng Fan.

Up to now, the deaths and injuries in the ten thousand domains are already widespread, especially the two previous shots of the thirteen hall masters, which have destroyed the ancient monkey and countless battles. Now, there is only himself around Meng Fan's position, only Meng Fan. . . . The closest place to the core of Thunder Pass!

Facing such a powerful offensive by one person at the same time, the sky was suppressed, and everything faded!

Meng Fan was expressionless, only one word was spit out.


The word is broken, meaning broken!

At the moment when this word fell, its entire breath exploded, like an erupting volcano, lifted up and broke out!

The ultimate killing method of the Saint Empress Zhongtian was unfolded in Meng Fan's hands at this moment, and the moment she raised her hand, it turned into a stream of light that must be sharp, cut through the sky, and went straight to the three of them.


It hits again, and it kills with one blow. At the moment Meng Fan's hand fell, a powerful force could be seen penetrating, but it was seven kills, breaking the army, and the three men of Greed Wolf. . . . . At the same time it exploded!

How terrible such a blow!

The three of them are the three gods of death, the three sacred realms, and they attacked Meng Fan at the same time. The ordinary sacred realm had already been blown up in this blow, but at this moment, Meng Fan was actually in Three people were seriously injured in a snap of the finger, and their chests were punched!

Wanyu shocked, an uproar!

There are too many joys and sorrows in this battle. Some people choose to fight, some choose to escape, some choose to take advantage of the chaos and robbery. In the eyes of countless lower-level monks, people like Meng Fan are unparalleled heroes in the world. Only the existence of this kind of person can save many people from death.

The scene before me caused too many people to cry and it was unbearable.

Everyone understands that if Meng Fan is in the Three Sacred Realms, after this hyphenation art is shot, it will cause the ultimate killing, which can be a lore. . . . The three big killers of greedy wolves!

But it is a pity that Meng Fan is not in that kind of realm. The time given to Meng Fan in this great catastrophe is really too little. Now he is only a sacred realm, and he has only achieved heavy losses between this blow. That's it, but Meng Fan himself paid an unimaginable price.

With the palm of his hand falling, Meng Fan stepped forward, but there was a creaking and creaking sound all over his body. Just between this movement, Meng Fan stopped all his movements.

At the end of the battle, Meng Fan had the last drop of blood flowing into his body, and now even his bones can’t bear it. Under this kind of continuous burning and continuous overdraft, he just needs to move his whole body again. It's about to crack.

This is the price he paid. Although Meng Fan is a wicked evildoer, he is not a panacea after all. The last trace of power flowing into his body has already tried his best, but he cannot continue to fight!

The three of the seven kills went backwards, each gritted their teeth, spurting blood, and constantly regaining their own strength, while looking at Meng Fan in shock, clearly understanding how dangerous the previous blow was!

"What a pity!"

Seven kills sneered, recovering from the injury on his chest, disdainfully said,

"If you are in the Three Sacred Realms, you can definitely kill us, but unfortunately you are not. Only one step away, then everything is sorry... Meng Fan!"

The last two words were spit out, and the three of them joined forces and cut it again!

Although he was shocked before and almost died, but the eyesight of the three of them has been judged now. At this moment, Meng Fan is completely in a state of absolute serious injury. There is no room for fight back. It must be beheaded!

Three attacks and fall, like three mountain peaks slapped over, facing Meng Fan who can't move, how unfair and unwilling is this!

Under this endless murderous intent, the corners of Meng Fan's mouth curled out, but. . . . The smile remained the same, still so calm, calmly moving forward, as if everything was already in him. . . . In the plan, only this last step is missing! <

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