Supreme God King

Chapter 1537: Blood stained

Three handprints, take another photo!

From the seven kills, greedy wolves, break the army, such characters, how terrible.

At this moment, a terrifying wave of air ran through the entire world, causing all the imprisonment between the void, only the thin and lonely figure of Meng Fan among them.

Fighting like this, he is the only one who can reach here!

Between the ten thousand domains, there is a mourning!

And standing in place, Meng Fan was fearless or retreating. Just standing in place, there was no resistance at all, allowing this powerful force to come and destroy everything.

"Huh, give up!"

Qisha sneered and said, at this moment, he also showed a trace of excitement.

Being able to kill Meng Fan had to say that the three of them breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. Although they didn't want to admit it, they had to say that Meng Fan also had a position in their hearts and themselves in an invisible way. The threat was huge and terrifying.

The sacred realm, though, between the heavens and the earth, who has the power and ability in ancient times, although Meng Fan died, it was enough to cause a sensation in the past and the present.

The fingerprints hit, and the three mountain peaks were closed, which completely enveloped Meng Fan, but let the power penetrate his body, Meng Fan was connected. . . . There is no act of resistance!


Just for a moment, Po Jun frowned suddenly, his complexion changed suddenly, and he shouted,

"Oops, Tianleiguan defense!"

After a few words were spit out, the people in the restricted area were in an uproar. At the same time, they looked at it and found that a powerful Hong Zhong in the void turned into a meteor, and went straight to the thunder pass defense and killing array that day.

This shooting star is. . . . The Myriad Mother and Child Qi Cauldron, in which the vitality surged, belonged to the last trace of combat power in Meng Fan's body!

Prior to this, Meng Fan used himself as a guide to divert the attention of the three powerhouses, so as to exchange the incomplete Qi Ding's shot. Without any means, it was transformed into a meteorite, alive. . . . . Smashed into this day Leiguan defense formation.

Between heaven and earth, there was an uproar!

Just when Pojun and the others roared, countless people also reacted, and at the same time they focused on that Hongzhong. The previous kind of battle was too domineering. Meng Fan suppressed the Eight Desolations and penetrated the three of them. The three-kill gods in the trembling restricted area were all hard to resist. Instinctively, everyone focused on Meng Fan. .

What no one thought was that Meng Fan had already made a plan, his purpose was only to break through the Heavenly Thunder Pass, his plan itself. . . . It is to give up self and not intend to live!


Under the attention of the public, that Hongzhong is almost reaching its limit. It has already been shot, and it is too late to stop the Greedy Wolf, Brojun and others. Only to see the blood of Meng Fan, the old friend Wanmu Qiding forged along the way It turned into a raging flame and bombed the periphery of Leiguan on this day.

The thunder rang out, and the killing array enveloped, but at this moment it burst!

This is not only because of the power of the Myriad Mother and Child Qi Ding, but also the last trace of Meng Fan’s combat power contained in it. It is the result of his burning martial art and the power that can be used in all the souls of the soul. At the moment of impact, the power is infinite, and it is also The ancient killing array covering this world. . . . Tear open a tiny hole!

Meng Fan!

In the thunder pass, countless ancient roars, immobile, and speechless in the battle, this group of people has long been indifferent and accustomed to seeing life and death in the world, but at this moment they are still extremely excited, tears remain, staring at the field .

This young man shouldn't have to bear all this, he could have left, but Meng Fan chose to sail against the current, to fight, and to resist. . . . Appearing in this world, the last drop of blood flows into the body.

The killing array exploded, the power penetrated!

In a flash, Qin Mieren, and many powerful men in the early days have already seized this fighter opportunity. Among them, they are all very people. Even though they are only a line of holes, several big hands are attacked, directly confining the space, and bringing that one. The gap is completely shrouded, communicating with the outside world, and making everything freeze!


Among them, Taibai roared, his face distorted, and he couldn't believe it.

This time the heaven and earth disaster, the forbidden area was turbulent, and it took me a long time, and the palace owner of the forbidden area took the action himself and participated in the battle from the air. Now this time under the catastrophe, a total of eight people have been dispatched, but how powerful and powerful.

It was originally a slaying game against Wanyu, but under Meng Fan's reversal, everything turned out to be. . . . change!

The battle between the universe and the world changes rapidly!

At this moment, there was a gap in the killing array of Tianlei Pass, which meant that there was a lot of hope, and it would be controlled by Taichu and others. . . . Turn it over!

Up to now, there are eight powerhouses in the Divine King Realm, and the thirteen hall masters have taken action, plus such powerhouses as the Zhongtian God King, the First Demon Ancestor, etc.

Nowadays, the war and this kind of turmoil are one of the few in the entire ten thousand domain. Under this kind of situation, Meng Fan insisted on reaching the present, and finally found a breakthrough, giving everyone hope.

Suddenly, the world was cheering, countless people boiled, weeping with joy, and finally saw a ray of light.

Among the countless cheers with Zhou Tian Dadi, Meng Fan also grinned and was a little excited, but his whole person was in. . . . In destruction!

Meng Fan. . . . After all, he was not a god, but just a tough Wuzhen boy. Up to now, he is completely dependent on his own strength.

The last bit of strength was used in the breakthrough. Although Meng Fan succeeded in stealing the dragon into the phoenix, the price he had to pay was himself.

The power of the three killers came, penetrated everything, wiped out his soul, penetrated his body, and suppressed his martial arts. How extraordinary is the power of the three killers. At this moment, the power is closed, and Meng Fan's body is constantly shattering. The whole person started to burn in the raging fire.

"Meng Fan!"

In the chaotic valley, the Empress, Gu Xin'er, Ling Daiyou, Lonely Proud, Lin Tang, Burning Heavenly Ling, Amethyst and others roared, but the voices could not be heard at all, only through the divine mind to see this place in the world , Standing in the void, the figure that was constantly disappearing by the raging fire!

At this moment, there is no means to rescue Meng Fan, even if it is an eternal evildoer, all the way against the sky, so. . . . A mortal game!

The body was obliterated, and Meng Fan disappeared a little bit, but even so, he was extremely calm, without any regrets.

The man should walk the world, the warrior is speechless all the way!

Before this, Meng Fan had planned everything. Now that his goal is successful, there is only that kind of peace. Looking at the sky and the earth, his eyes seem to pass through the void, and then at the chaotic valley, and then at the familiar shadows. Scenes of scenes passed, and finally slowly said,

"I'm sorry... After all, I couldn't get to the end, sister... I also failed to fulfill my vow... But sister, I should not be ashamed of you. I have lived all the way, loved, fought, and failed. I've been honored, I've been downcast, maybe someone mentioned me after the ages, and I can also say that I am a hero, I will see you now, sister!"

The last two words fell, between the endless flames of heaven and earth, Meng Fan was whole. . . . Shattered!

The battle should have been smashed now, if it weren't for Meng Fan's powerful mind, if it weren't for his own defying techniques, it would not be able to support it. It finally opened the killing array of the outside world of Leiguan that day, and it also made Meng Fan's heart relax. Only a moment later, his whole person could not hold on, and with his voice, it began to quickly fade away!

Meng Fan!

The crowd was in an uproar, shaking.

Countless gazes on the entire battlefield of Tianlei Pass, Yang Qing, Cao Qiushui, Qin Hong, Wang Hun, God Monkey, Bai Shui'er, countless ancient powers, all shaking their bodies at the same time, standing in place, one sentence The words are impossible to speak.

Such a scene is too heroic. At this last moment, another figure has paid the price of his life for a **** battle. He is Meng Fan. . . . The No. 1 arrogant of Wanyu who has risen in a century, no one can compare with him for 100,000 years!

Countless people in the field have his friends, his enemies, the arrogance who fights with him, and the beautiful woman who loves him. . . . Nowadays, his eyes are focused on this figure, and a word can't be uttered. No matter it is, anyone can only admire infinitely at this moment.

What no one has been able to do since ancient times, but it is vividly demonstrated in Meng Fan. The latter stands alone, speaking throughout the Middle Ages, summoning everyone, and finally at the last moment, accomplishing what he wants to accomplish. Thing, opened the door of Leiguan this day.

In the chaotic valley, at the same time, countless people from the dark alliance knelt on one knee, the sword glows up to the sky, and the **** men can't help crying at this moment, and roar up to the sky.

"Respectfully send Brother Meng Fan!"

The roar resounded like thunder, resounding through the entire world, as if to penetrate the firmament and spread to every corner of the entire world,

In Tianlei Pass, Middle Ancient Regions, Sifang Regions, Northern Group Regions, Divine Emperor Regions, Chaos Demon Sea and many other places, there were waves of vibrations, countless people grasped tightly, blood flowed out, it is hard to believe that this happened.

At the same time, a group of figures were killed. At a glance, you could see that they were a group of monsters. The head of them was a tiger. It was the Sky Tiger, Hydra, Golden Lion and others in the Tianbone Mountain Range. This group of monsters were alien species. Follow Lan Caiyi out and come to this world.

Now that the Tongtianhu and his group are fighting, looking at Meng Fan in the void, they couldn't help feeling sad, tears fell, and the Tongtianhu wept.

"Brother...You are a human being. Before you lied to me, we were still angry with you and didn't come. We didn't expect to see you again now, brother, come on. Let me spread the banner of the lord!"

There was a loud roar, and at the same time, many monsters moved one after another behind him. A big banner was also directly raised, with only four characters on it.

Emperor Kaitian!

This banner was fluttering in the wind, and as Meng Fan's body burst and disappeared, the flesh and blood erupted and scattered around, completely dyeing the banner red and facing the wind. . . . . Flying! <

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