Supreme God King

Chapter 1538: The catastrophe is over

Bloody flag!

The void shattered and disappeared completely!

Meng Fan is dead. Whether it is martial arts, soul, physical body, etc., it is completely vanished at this moment. Then his own life is the price of this final battle, as he said before, at the beginning of this battle. Maybe he didn't plan to live.

All the way through the war, Meng Fan only had to practice hard, and he considered himself not a saint, but to Meng Fan, he was a truly upright man.

A man should walk the world and protect his love!

For Meng Fan, whether it was the hatred between him and the restricted area, or the shadows standing behind him, it was for him to die without any hesitation.

Fight for a lifetime. . . . . Loved for a lifetime, this is Meng Fan's responsibility and frankness to those around him.

At the moment his body burst, he didn't have any thoughts, only that kind of calm, and finally it was a pity to rest, he was too tired, too tired, the whole person returned to chaos, blood stained the red flag, in the eyes of everyone Underneath, it slowly disappeared and merged into this space.

Countless people were crying, staring at the disappearing figure above the sky, and it was difficult to utter a word for a long time.

Among the people, Meng Fan's strength is far from the strongest. There are many people who are more terrifying and ancient than him, but the latter possesses an unimaginable spirit.

It was the influence of that kind of breath on him that was able to make the entire Middle Ancient Region not know how many people were fighting, and how many people chose the path with him, just standing here and achieved this step.

"Meng Fan..."

Bai Shui'er tears down, her delicate body trembling constantly, looking at the figure above the sky, and even at this moment, she has the same thought of leaving with him, which is unparalleled.

But after a few breaths, Bai Shui'er's jade hand grabbed and said softly,

"Although you have left, I... will continue to help you fight. The restricted area will not be destroyed, I will... this life will not end!"

The tone was sonorous, unparalleled firmness, and a murderous intent that had never been seen before emerged on Bai Shui'er's face.

She has a gentle personality and is not good at fighting with others. Even though she was born in an imperial clan, she lived alone in the past, constantly struggling, and rarely killing.

But now at the moment Meng Fan died, Bai Shui'er exploded with a monstrous hatred. This hatred was directed at the restricted area and was the only source of her survival now!

"Did I cry..."

In the distance, Yang Qing murmured, staring at the void that was already empty, as if she wanted to keep that figure in her heart forever.

Looking at the world, there has never been a man who can convince her, but at this moment, even Yang Qing feels unparalleled admiration for that heroic person, and even feels ashamed.

And in the faint, there is still that kind of heart-piercing pain, deeply engraved in her heart.

On the battlefield, Cao Qiushui, God Monkey, Qin Hong, Wang Soul, and the ancient powers of many major forces are speechless at this moment. Even if they are strong and **** men, they cannot hold back at this moment. Tears are In front of his own eye sockets.

"Emperor Kaitian!"

After a few breaths, a roar erupted in one of the corners, and immediately the sound converged, causing everyone around the entire Tianlei Pass to roar up to the sky, their blood erupting, and the intent to fight into the sky. Through the entire sky.

The sound is like thunder, more of that kind of fighting spirit gathered from all sides!

These four characters were originally nicknamed Meng Fan by the Tongtianhu people in the Tianbone Mountain Range that day, but now the banner is unfolded and the blood is full of blood, making everyone see these four characters.

Among the ten thousand domains, even the strong of the gods cannot be called the emperor. Even the cultivation base of the second and third realms is powerful and unparalleled, but it is difficult to get the respect of countless people.

The emperor is admired by thousands!

Only the one who is truly admired by thousands of people, and who is also domineering and unparalleled, can be called the great emperor. At this moment, countless people screamed out in four words throughout the Tianlei Pass, for Meng Fan's Respectfully, that he is well-deserved, he is the Great Emperor!

Not only in this place, but in all directions in the entire world, in countless corners between the ten thousand domains, after crying, everyone is full of hatred in their eyes, roaring up to the sky, vitality It broke out, and the fighting spirit rose to the sky.

Yes, Meng Fan is dead, but. . . . . The restricted area is still there, the enemy is still there!

Some people left for the sake of others to live better. Many people paid the price of their lives for Meng Fan's death. Now Meng Fan's price is also for the continuation of the Ten Thousand Realms, so that the people around him can escape. sea ​​of ​​bitterness.

Everyone rioted, and the entire sky thunder pass was boiling, facing the people in the restricted area between them, launching the most terrible attack!


And just between the electric light and flint, the Tianleiguan formation that was originally imprisoning everything broke apart at this moment, the sound came out, everything fell apart!

Like a volcanic eruption, the entire sky is constantly trembling, and you can clearly see that a group of figures are rioting, not just one person, but a group of sacred three realms between the heaven and the earth, including Qin Mieren and Yang. Invincible, Taichu, and so on, the many old men between heaven and earth burst out with their respective auras and reverse everything. Under the fusion of terrifying auras, there is the power of the four forbidden area pillars in the void, which is also completely opened by it. Confine this group of strong men.

Hundreds of sacred three realm powerhouses shot and broke through, what kind of power, even if they were not in the Divine King realm, they did not break through to reach that step, but each aura broke out, turned into monstrous handprints, and bombarded towards the forbidden area pillar.

Meng Fan. . . . Although he is dead, the battle between heaven and earth is still going on, and everything is still going on!


In countless corners, there are constant shouts of killing, shaking the world, full of hostility!

The whole Tianleiguan was boiling, and the moment Taichu and others left here, it also changed from passive to active.

This is a group of countless tigers imprisoned, each of them is the oldest group of people in this world. Many people are only one step away from the throne of the gods. They were designed by Taibai and others on this day. Trapped in the thunder pass, he can only watch the outside battle with his own eyes, and cannot make any moves. The breath held in his heart can be imagined.

At this moment, they all broke out one after another, and the war started!

The entire Tianlei Pass collapsed, and the restricted area moved, Taibai, Seven Kills, Greedy Wolf, Broken Army, and the four broken pillars in the restricted area fought with many of this group of ancient existences.

This battle lasted for three days. The air flow was overflowing, the world was shattered. I don’t know how many mountains and rivers were changed, the rivers dried up, and the huge sky thunder shut down the hundreds of thousands of miles in Zhou Tian. Too much transformation has taken place.

Battle, blood, broken, death, destruction. . . . . All of this is happening constantly, and finally it's over!

Seven kills, breaking the army, greedy wolves, and many other powerful people in the forbidden area were killed. Some were completely reduced to fly ashes between the heavens and the earth, and some were reincarnated by the ancient law of the forbidden area and were reincarnated by many heaven and earth. The strong kill.

In the early days of being released, Qin Mieren and others were too strong, there were too many people, and the strong continued.

Even with the four forbidden zone pillars, after all, it was not the king of the gods in the heyday. It was only the weapon that came to the war and came from the air. Among them, it only had the power of the king. If it was aimed at one person alone, it was okay, but in the face of too many existences of the level of Qin Mieren, in the end, he had to stop, the void disappeared, and the four forbidden area pillars tore away the space.

In the thunder pass this day, all the people in the main restricted area. . . . . Finally lost!

Blood stained the world, a piece of shattered!

The price paid in this war was too great. I don't know how many people died, and this road was created. Finally, with the help of Meng Fan, the medium, the thunder barrier was opened. However, now the light is finally seen.

Without this group of top powerhouses, the real demon in the restricted zone left between the world and the earth is not to be feared.

"Forbidden area...Exit!"

The red-robed elders of the Twelve Temples of Taichu waiting roared and stood in the sky like stars.

And before the order was given, many people from ten thousand domains began to sweep across all directions, the three-level powerhouses led the team, conquered everything, occupied all the previously lost land one by one, and killed the people in the restricted area.

After maintaining the entire world for several months, peace was finally restored in all places, including in every corner, everything was a remnant, and the ancient true demons in all places disappeared completely.

This world chaos. . . . It's finally over!

However, in countless corners, the cry of crying in these ten thousand domains is constant. Although the battle is over, everything is irreversible.

Not only are there too many deaths, too many people are left homeless, but also countless places have been changed, and the entire Medieval domain has been shattered by at least ten percent. One place is completely turned into a piece of scorched earth, without even a single figure.

Including the blue color clothes that climbed into the outer space with the four forbidden area pillars, the old monkey, the **** king of Zhongtian, and the master of the veins, these legends also disappeared in that space, and no trace of them fell. No one knew of them. Whereabouts, no one knows the success or failure of that battle!

For the people of the world, apart from the trauma, they are the legends between these ten thousand domains, and the songs that will not know how many years have been circulating in the ten thousand domains in the future.

Bloody chaos, forbidden zone attack, heaven and earth paled and moved!

To bury relatives and bury the bones, it is hard to see each other after a battle.

Home is still there, people do not return, how much distress.

Where does the soul go, there is no way, and it's sad.

Sad, sad, sad.

Sigh, sigh, sigh!

If you have a road to heaven in this life. <

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