Supreme God King

Chapter 1539: years

Catastrophe. . . . it's finally over!

In such a great battle, I don't know how many people paid the price, casting the road with blood, dyeing the entire Middle Ancient Region red.

And now, after a few months, the people in the restricted area disappeared, and the whole world gradually returned to calm.

In the temple, the powerhouses of the great emperors returned to their respective worlds and stopped fighting.

Not only them, but also the strong from all over the Ten Thousand Territories. After the previous war, they were all seriously injured. They needed to cultivate their health too much, everyone was exhausted, and the price paid was too great. Big.

The reshuffle of the entire Middle Ancient Region, including the control of the Emperor Clan, began to decrease. Compared with before the war, I don't know how much weakened my own strength, and the damage was too great.

And there are countless forces being replaced, countless people disappearing in this long river of time, some are engraved, some are insulting, etc. Under this catastrophe, there are too many people who have different choices, and naturally so Create a different path.

The only thing left is this piece of ten thousand realms full of Cangyi and too many weeping people. Although this victory has been won, too many people of ten thousand realms have died, and this kind of price is far beyond. Imagine, and although the restricted area is defeated, the resources plundered this time are really incomparable. Including the number of temple owners of the restricted area are supplemented by countless lives, and it is only the temple that can make the eight restricted area temples. The Lord was born and conquered the world.

The World War I was lonely, although Wanyu was victorious and bleak, and the forbidden area was defeated and the harvest was huge, and the enemy is still there, I don’t know how many years later they may attack again, and then there will be a new period between this world Elegy!

However, in the end, it was a victory, and it was also a blessing for countless people in Wanyu, who made countless stories, scattered around, and continued to spread.

"Meng Fan!"

Chaos basin, dark alliance!

The female emperor quietly looked in front of her. On the small island in the center, there was an extra tomb. There was no stele on it, but everyone knew that there was only one person buried here, only Meng Fan!

In that great battle, Meng Fan died as a martyr and exploded himself. He couldn't even find a trace of his body, let alone what it was to save him.

This tomb is only used as a memorial by the people, so that all the people of the dark alliance are watching quietly here, as if seeing the figure of the past, the faint smile, the firm look, it is a pity. . . . Everything has become a memory!

Since this tomb was erected here, I don’t know how many people come here every year. Some are top powerhouses who dominate the world, some are the masters of peerless powers, and some are beautiful ladies. Standing in front of them, looking at the tomb, offering a glass of dirty wine, I don't know how long it will be before they leave, and he will come back next year.

Even if time passed, there was no feeling of loneliness at all in this tomb. From time to time, someone came here to clean and organize it, as if he was still there.

"restricted area!"

The female emperor clenched her teeth and spit out two words, revealing incomparable determination on her beautiful face.

In the distance, a woman leading a little boy, also watching here, the little boy said with tears in his eyes,

"Mom, don't you see my father anymore... Before my father left, he said he took me to play..."

Hearing this, the beautiful lady smiled dismal, but she gathered her emotions and said seriously,

"He left to save Wanyu. The small family is small and the common people are big. Your father... is a great hero that is hard to come out of the ages!"


With two words, the little boy’s eyelashes trembled, and finally he clenched his fists, nodded seriously, and said firmly,

"I want to be like my father, becoming a hero!"

The tone was sonorous, extremely powerful, and from then on saw a weak shadow in the dark alliance. Just like the Wuzhen boy back then, he started his cultivation road, so hard and so tough, and never gave up.

With the passage of time, after a full ten years in Wanyu, someone heard about a young man killed from the dark alliance, named Meng Nian, who sought the title of Xuanyuan and swept all over the world. No matter what he looked like, his appearance was very similar to the past Meng Fan, who started to fight with Wanyu, practiced hard all the way and defeated Tianjiao of his age.

And it's not just him. There are also strong players in the dark alliance, including Youyou, Han You, Sansheng, Hu Niu, Xiao Hei, etc., who were not well-known in the dark alliance before, but accompanied As the years passed, it began to rise.

Although some people leave forever, time is still going on and Wanyu is still making progress.

There have been too many traumas here, but it is a new beginning after all, and there are countless young people who have begun to rise and continue to fight.

Ten years, twenty years, fifty years later. . . . . In the Middle Ancient Territory, there was a powerful influence that moved the world, not only because he was a legacy of a person, but because the strong came out in large numbers, even if that person fell, but countless young generations were born.

Meng Nian was born and began his campaign. In these fifty years, he defeated many arrogant talents, achieved quasi-shendao, and approached the core generation of the imperial family.

And with the passage of time, Xiao Hei, Hu Niu and many other powerhouses also moved one after another, bursting out the most terrifying means, and conquering Ten Thousand Regions quickly rose.

Each of these names spread all over the world, and it was amazing to everyone to discover that in this dark alliance, there are not only the supreme strong, but also the young generation is quite fierce, it is like a monster, and there are always strong people appearing. All of them are amazingly talented, and once they are born, they will set off a storm.

Under the cultivation of the emperor clan, it also allowed the dark alliance to expand rapidly. Firstly, because Meng Fan's reputation had shaken the world in the past, all the forces had no disrespect, and naturally there was a lingering prestige.

Secondly, not only the young generation has risen, but many masters such as God Monkey, Burning Heaven Order, Empress, Amethyst, etc. are all in the dark alliance, powerful, and each of them is rapidly expanding their power, making countless people have to obey.

And the most important point is the temple. The emperor Bai Family’s open and absolute support. The two powers were originally calm and seldom participated in the struggle between ten thousand domains, but after the war of that day, the two powers were Announced an alliance with the dark alliance.

Fortunately for the Bai family, now Bai Shui'er has become the patriarch of the new generation of Bai family. Everyone knows the relationship between her and Meng Fan, but what is the existence of the temple, immortal, how arrogant, even the Zhongtian dynasty and The whole line couldn't make him have any concessions, but now it turned out to be openly supporting the dark alliance, which is not a huge help, which shocked Wanyu.

There are strong inside and assistance outside, and the younger generation is sweeping the Quartet, allowing the dark alliance to grow even without Meng Fan as time goes by, becoming stronger and stronger in the vast Middle Ages.

Time has moved forward for a full five hundred years, the vicissitudes of life, the past battle has left countless legends, but under the healing agent of time, all the scars are gradually being smoothed, and new generations continue to emerge. Various legends are also slowly unfolding.

In the five hundred years of time, the Middle Ages also has too many changes!

The temple was retired, the twelve emperors returned to their respective families, regained their vitality, and finally gradually reached their peak, and the dark alliance that made more people known between heaven and earth is now called by the world. . . . The thirteenth emperor!

Although in the past few years, no peerless power has appeared to control the dark alliance, but with the support and support of countless people, it has also made him bigger and bigger in the Middle Ages. Even if he is not an emperor, there are countless in the Middle Ages. Compared with people, the background of today's dark alliance is too strong. It simply has the capital comparable to the emperor, so it is called the thirteenth emperor!

Five hundred years in the world, one finger in the vicissitudes of life!

Tianlei Pass!

This place has been gradually forgotten by the world. The bloodstains are completely dry. There is no golden horse and iron horse in the past, only a ruin of wreckage.

This is true for millions of miles in a radius. Only this kind of depression tells about the kind of war in the past, and many gods and kings moved holy, fighting the world.

However, in such a long time, few people come. The younger generation just hears and disdains, while the older generation is unwilling to bring back such memories. Naturally, they will not come back. It simply belongs to the area of ​​the three no matter what, there are no gods, only a ruin.

After so many years, there is finally some popularity above the ruins, and trees can grow, so as not to be harmed by the strong black death air of the past.

The leaves fell, lush and lush, and in an unknown corner of it, too many people had forgotten who it was that fell here. Just between that piece of land, there was actually a palm slowly extending from the soil, and it was right away. . . . . A figure crawled out.

This person was extremely old, he looked like an old man, his hair turned white, and some wrinkles appeared on his face. He emerged from the soil like an old beggar, sitting between the world and looking hard. around.

His eyes flickered, but it seemed to be the same as before. The old man sat quietly. No one noticed his existence, and he couldn't find the power in his body. It's just that the ordinary can't be ordinary.

But in the old man's sea of ​​consciousness, scenes constantly flashed, and the same is the Tianlei Pass in front of him, but it is completely different, where there is this kind of peace.

In his eyes, there are only endless blood, a mass of killings, too many strong forbidden areas, and a moment of splitting himself. Pieces of memory merge into his sea of ​​knowledge, constantly pieced together, and finally merged into one, making him thoroughly Everything is connected together.

After not knowing how many breaths, the old man took a deep breath, looked towards the sky, and said slowly,

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