Supreme God King

Chapter 1540: Rebirth

I am Meng Fan!

The fall of these four words contains an endless loneliness and vicissitudes!

The old man's eyes flickered, and he did it quietly. If the old strong man looked carefully here, he would definitely lose his color, because although his face is old, the breath between his brows is still the same. . . . No change, just like before!

Meng Fan!

The old man is naturally Meng Fan. After a lapse of five hundred years, he crawled out of this soil, where he fell. If anyone knows it, it will definitely cause a big shock, enough to cause a sensation in the world. The person is dumb.

The soul flies away, the martial arts, the soul, and the body are all wiped out. No one in this world can survive such injuries, even the powerhouses of the gods are no exception, but they have a strange way to save their lives. This kind of injury is enough to penetrate anything in the world.

However, Meng Fan is truly resurrected. It is him. It is not that he was rebirth from Nirvana, but because he was not completely dead back then, but a trace of the origin of martial arts, soul, and body are all attached to a kind of object. Above, he is called Deadwood!


This thing was given to Meng Fan by Master Bird and Master Gui, and Meng Fan didn't know his role at all, and had always placed him in his own space.

At the moment when his soul was completely dissipated, no one in the world noticed moving with a piece of dead wood in Meng Fan's body, absorbing a trace of his martial arts, a trace of soul, and a trace of flesh. After being dyed, he fell into this world, let Meng Fan fell into an endless deep sleep.

Five hundred years of wind blowing, five hundred years of sunset, five hundred years of sleep!

Among them, Meng Fan hasn't awakened all the time, and it was only at this moment that Nirvana was finally completed in these five hundred years. He emerged from the cocoon, crawled out of the mud, and possessed a new physical body!

The memory was restored little by little, and connected into one piece. Everything flashed in Meng Fan’s mind. It was only at this moment that Meng Fan understood that the function of that piece of dead wood is dead wood, but it has a trace of god. Wang Zhili!

In the old days, Lord Bird and Lord Turtle had followed the king of gods and powerful men, knew too many secrets, and reincarnated through the ancients. If there is any knowledge of Nirvana rebirth in this world, then the two of them are definitely the best.

This piece of dead wood was forged by the **** king back then. It retains his most original power of the **** king. It has always been kept by Lord Bird and Lord Turtle, and it was given to Meng Fan on that day.

Perhaps in the past, Lord Bird and Lord Gui had already expected this scene to happen today, and because of Meng Fan's character, something was going to happen.

So although the two of them didn’t say anything before leaving, they gave the dead wood to Meng Fan. This kind of divine object is too precious, enough to drive any powerhouse in the world who is not in the Divine King Realm crazy. What can be exchanged for one life?

If this kind of thing is in the hands of the bird and the turtle, then the two can even commit suicide and be reborn with this, without falling into the forbidden zone and suffering, but the two of them will give this thing reluctantly. To Meng Fan.

What is a brother, what is a man!

For a man, his brotherhood doesn't have any excessive words, but he does something for his brother at the most critical moment!

"Master Bird, Master Turtle!"

Meng Fan spit out two words softly, a trace of longing appeared in his eyes.

Changes in the world, too many vicissitudes of life, for Meng Fan, this kind of old friend, especially the fateful friendship, naturally makes him extremely cherish.

After a nirvana, unprecedented. Perhaps Meng Fan faced a life-and-death crisis before, but he never really died, but now he really died once. Whether it is martial arts or gods and souls, they are completely annihilated. What kind of perception is this? For Meng Fan, it was an unprecedented opportunity.

And this kind of opportunity has not been encountered by many people in the whole time, because no one can be resurrected after death and rebirth with the help of this dead tree.

Withered wood, originally it is death, but after the extreme, it is rebirth!

Meng Fan stood still, but there was infinite wisdom between his eyes, and at this moment the vitality and blood flowed, so that Meng Fan could clearly feel that his current realm had already taken a complete step. Step into the sacred two realms without interest!


He slept for five hundred years, and did not move for five hundred years. In exchange, Meng Fan once again became Nirvana and stepped out of the sacred state. The three realms are sacred, one step at a time, and each step contains a huge gap. At this moment, Meng Fan has achieved the second realm of sacredness. He is less than a thousand years old to reach this level.

Nirvana rebirth, once again transformed into the mortal!

I have to say that Meng Fan has created a miracle again, enough to make anyone wonder. But now Meng Fan doesn’t have any look of joy. At this moment, he is no longer the Wuzhen boy who could easily be moved by foreign objects. Today’s Meng Fan is already old, with shocking power and his own mind. It has reached a point where anyone is afraid of seeing it. From life to death, from death to life, a strange aura appears in Meng Fan faintly, which is his understanding of life and death. .

Without this kind of experience, he would not be able to break through, nor could he create his own means!

"Unexpectedly, I can continue to live, this is good, it is not good, bird, turtle, it seems that you really look at me very highly, I hope I can go on!"

Meng Fan gave a wry smile. If ordinary people heard it, it would be very difficult to understand, and only Meng Fan himself knew what he had paid for his journey.

If he fell asleep for a while and didn't wake up anymore, then all the burdens would have been let go, but now that he had been reborn, all the burdens would have returned for Meng Fan.

For the restricted area, for the heaven and the earth, for the sister, and for the vows he once made, Meng Fan still has too many things unfinished, and there are still too many people who can't let go!

Under this situation, Meng Fan must continue to fight and go on again.

Standing, Meng Fan sighed and moved forward. It was still like the man five hundred years ago, as anxious as the one who moved. Since he has returned, then Meng Fanke has never been a person to evade responsibility. Naturally, he wants to go all the way. . . . Start!

It is not easy for the ants to shake the tree, and what a fate!

This is Meng Fan. Although his mood has changed a lot, as long as he exists for a day, he has never given up on the battle. For him, he can only become stronger and only have a journey!

With one step out, Meng Fan left this thunder pass and returned to this world.

Feeling the surging vitality fluctuations again, Meng Fan moved forward without joy or sorrow. After returning, he moved very slowly, and he was not anxious to see his old friends, but walked forward, carefully sensing Zhou Tian.

I haven't moved for five hundred years, and I don't know what changes have taken place in this world. Naturally, it also attracted Meng Fan's curiosity.

Silent all the way, Meng Fan incarnates as an old man, moving so calmly.

No one noticed him at all along the way. Now, after so many years, the world is already rejuvenated, and countless cities, countless countries, and cities have been built on the ruins of the past. Very prosperous.

And during the journey of Meng Fan, no one noticed him at all, and even the peerless strong would not look at Meng Fan.

Because at this moment, when Meng Fan didn’t make a move, he was really too common. He was completely like an ordinary person, dressed in ragged clothes, and no longer the kind of imperial majesty that day, he was just an ordinary old man. Wandering everywhere, how could it be valued.

Meng Fan doesn’t care at all. He has enjoyed too much glory in the past years, and too many people’s eyes are focused on him. At this moment, Meng Fan’s mentality has become true, and he really wants to become a man. Ordinary people don't care about any false names.

During the half month's time, Meng Fan also spent his travels to relearn the Middle Ages.

And as he walked and sensed the world, his expression suddenly changed. This was the first time in half a month that he had a strange reaction. He looked at a piece of heaven and earth. There was a huge grassland, extremely magnificent and vast. .

At the same time, in this world, you can see countless powerful people turning into streamers, coming here, fast, one by one like shooting stars, I don't know how many monks gather, thousands, and different strengths!

Obviously there are big things in this place, just now there are so many powerful people, even after Meng Fan's spiritual thoughts are swept away, he actually feels that it seems to have a faintly divine atmosphere.

Touching his chin, Meng Fan was a little bit astonished. His body was hidden among the people of the world, following forward, and at the same time he asked a big man who hurriedly stepped out to the side.

"Excuse me, what happened here?"

"You do not know?"

Hearing that, the big man looked at Meng Fan with a very weird look, and immediately said with disdain.

"It's really ignorant. Have you been asleep these years? Do you know the battle between the world and the king? It is said that there was an old monkey from the world and the earth participating in the same day. It is a half-step God king. The strong, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone in World War I.

It’s a pity that he was not the true king of God after all. He died in that battle in the end. It is said that although the old monkey died that day, he kept his own means of reaching the sky. It was the blood of his **** king. With his uninheritance, he came from extraterritorial space two hundred years ago. It is said that this thing has spirituality. Although it is a dead thing, it is looking for a predestined person between the world and the earth. There was information before, and the breath of blood appeared here, so it attracted countless people to come, but you old man Don't come here if you are old like this, it's useless if you come! "

After speaking, the big man moved and walked quickly towards the center of the grassland.

Looking at the disappearing figure, Meng Fan shook his head. He couldn't think of his appearance as a handsome middle-aged man, but after these five hundred years, he became a bad old man.

However, Meng Fan just smiled, and at the same time, his mind moved, looking at it, it was a bit strange, and he couldn't think of the blood of the old monkey. . . . Come back to heaven and earth, and have self-sense!

Third more. Of course this book of God King will not end this way, and there are still many things that I haven’t explained. I won’t be unfinished. Many book friends guessed it right. It’s amazing. It’s amazing. I just know it after leaving a fortune. Yes, withered wood is reborn, I have done it a long time ago, and give a compliment to the book friend who guessed it right. One more thing, although the **** king is not over yet, but the **** king should be progressing towards the late plot in my heart, and it will be even more exciting. I still have a big plot I want to write! I will also update a lot to make it cool for everyone to see. I am still working hard today, how about it? How about giving tickets to various platforms? <

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