Supreme God King

Chapter 1543: Protect the calf

one strike!

Liu Tianlong is flying, and the personnel are unknown!

Such a scene immediately made countless people stare, staring at them in a daze. Even if there are hundreds of thousands of people gathered here, there are still some who can't react, including many of them who are strong, with extraordinary eyesight, but also with a face. be surprised.

It was Meng Nian who suppressed Liu Tianlong before, but after a short while, Liu Tianlong's combat power skyrocketed and he was extremely fierce. However, at the last moment, Meng Nian turned him into the air with just one punch. This is true. . . . It's too unacceptable.

Such an unpredictable scene, such a weird ending, could not help making countless people in the field a question mark, including Meng Nian himself, because under this last blow, he could not actually fight. Liu Tianlong's, the latter's combat power skyrocketed, but the sacred power contained in his body was unparalleled.

However, at the moment Meng Nian punched him, a strange force appeared in his body, which came inexplicably to help him fight Liu Tianlong!

In the distance, everyone in the Liu family was in an uproar, and in one of the corners, the man disguised by Liu Han from the ancient Liu family spouted blood and took a step back. Although he was forcibly suppressed, the whole face was It is extremely uncomfortable to become flushed.


After a while, Liu Han glanced at Meng Nian and the others with fear, and uttered a word.

The Liu family was in an uproar in the field, looking embarrassed, one by one like pig liver, but under Liu Han's words, there was nothing to do. Only Liu Tianlong, who was seriously injured on the ground, left with him, and disappeared here dingy. On the grassland.

The Liu family, who was still arrogant before, left, and immediately caused an uproar in the court!

Including the dark alliance Meng Nian and others didn't expect this scene, and they couldn't help shaking their heads while looking at it.

In fact, what caught their attention most was this stone in the field.

This time, the **** intelligence of the old monkey spread all over the world, attracting Meng Nian and many other disciples of the dark alliance, so they came to look for it.

In this plain before, the disciples of the dark alliance scattered to search for information. This thing was discovered by a disciple of the dark alliance. Its aura was unpredictable and extremely old, so they immediately summoned everyone from the dark alliance.

What I didn't expect was that the members of the Liu family also learned the news, and upon hearing the news, the two major forces collided together.

Now that the Liu family has been driven away, then this stone tablet is owned by the Dark Alliance!

With a move of his palm, Meng Nian took a step forward and gently stroked the stone tablet, and found that the rune depicted on it was extremely ancient, revealing an inexplicable breath.

And without waiting for Meng Nian's investigation, a voice suddenly came from the sea of ​​knowledge.

"This stone tablet is fake. Someone stays here to attract everyone's attention. Whoever gets this stone tablet is the target of the public, and the people who set up this game can find the real effort with peace of mind. Come and create opportunities for yourself. I have lost a lot of opponents out of thin air. I will take this stone stele away in a moment. Don't be here!"

The vicissitudes of tone made Meng Nian's whole body shocked, incredible.

He is a quasi-god master, and his divine consciousness is extremely powerful. Even if he can't compare with the old Meng Fan, he also has amazing means, and his growth has reached the point where he is infinitely close to sacredness.

But when the speaker came over, it turned out that Meng Nianlian found that there was no clue to him, and he couldn't help being stunned.

However, despite all the hesitation and question marks in his heart, under these words, it made Meng Nian feel instinctively extremely at ease, and he directly chose to believe it.

This kind of feeling seemed familiar, but it was extremely vague, making Meng Nian a little forgotten when he had it!

But before Meng Nian asked, the sky suddenly faded, the world changed, and a terrifying swallowing force suddenly came from the void, turned into a big hand, and grabbed it here.

In just a moment, he grabbed the stele in front of Meng Nian, and then turned into a terrifying meteor, heading towards one of them.

The crowds in the field were shocked. There were still countless people who looked at Meng Nian and the others, but now they all have their eyes shifted, focusing on the person who shot.

And for everyone, the person who shot is just a dark shadow, too fast. After winning, it will fly away. All this only happened in the blink of an eye, but how could hundreds of thousands of people give up.

After a few moments, countless people gave a long roar, and they were already reluctant to worry about it. They all turned into meteors, and their vitality exploded, directly chasing those meteors.

"Don't let him go!"

"Yes, that thing is definitely related to hard work!"

The crowd roared and was extremely noisy, making this area of ​​heaven and earth extremely chaotic, all moving in madness, each cultivator used their own methods to track down the stone monument.

The scene was chaotic and difficult to control, but Meng Nian, who was standing in place, stopped the Dark Alliance and others who wanted to continue tracking. Instead, he looked around and wanted to find the figure, but it was a pity that Zhou Tiantai It was chaotic. Secondly, Meng Nian didn't have any clues at all. He couldn't find any clues at all.

While there was chaos in the field, an extremely vicissitudes of old man moved slowly, stepped away, and moved towards the front. . . . The Liu family and the others left.

On the plain, the Liu family walked in a crowd, and many of the Liu family’s children were blushing and resented one by one. Especially when he glanced at Liu Tianlong, who was still seriously injured behind him, his teeth almost broke!

"Ancestor, now our Liu Jiabing is strong and strong. If we can't, we will destroy the dark alliance. Why should you be afraid of them, even if they can defeat Senior Brother Tianlong, it is better to shoot directly and catch them all. It is said that this Meng Nian is a rumor. If Meng Fan’s son catches him, hum, then the dark alliance will inevitably give us a lot of conditions, and it is possible for them to be destroyed directly!

Among the crowd, one of them said coldly, a little unhappy.

Hearing that, Liu Han's complexion was embarrassed, and there was still a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

"Not today, there are experts in the dark alliance, otherwise..."

With a word, the Liu family’s children were all stunned. They were too aware of Liu Han’s strength, but they stepped into the existence of the two sacred realms, whether it was the Liu family or the current ten thousand realms, it was absolute. The top masters suppressed everything, but there was someone who made Liu Han so jealous that they couldn't help but surprise them.

After a few breaths, a child of the Liu family refused to accept it.

"Master, how tall is it? Humph, I don't believe it..."

However, before he could finish speaking, the Liu family disciple in front of him could not move on, because all the roads were blocked at this moment. Between the world and the earth stood a figure, a blue shirt, white hair, and a little The old man just stood there, motionless, but as if the latter was a huge mountain, all roads were completely blocked!

The children of the Liu family were all stunned. They wore the emblem of the imperial family on their chests, and they did not expect that at this moment there were people who dared to stop in front of them. For the people of the Liu family who have been extremely arrogant for these years , I'm looking for death!

His pupils shrank, Liu Han stared at the person in front of him, and said coldly after a few breaths.

"Why, you should be the one who shot before? According to what I know, I am afraid that there is no person like you in the dark alliance. You came for this hard work? Then I advise you not to be nosy, otherwise. Don't burn yourself!"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world!

At this moment, Liu Han also no longer hides, his own breath erupts, and the strength of a sacred two-level powerhouse is undoubtedly revealed, making the entire world suddenly dimmed, and only his powerful power controls everything!

The pressure of a sacred two realm powerhouse is so great that the Liu family’s children on the side are a little breathless, but before this earth, the figure standing there is still standing there, as if Is not heard in general.

With such a scene, Liu Han's complexion could not help but change. Who would dare to look down upon him in this world, the words of the ancient emperor in his identity were enough to scare too many people to death.

Seeing that the other party was not talking, Liu Lenglin laughed and said coldly.

"Since you want to be nosy, then give me... Die!"

The tone was harsh, and Liu Han strode out at the same time. With just one move, he was about to reach the extreme, and a kind of overwhelming vitality fluctuations hit.

Before his power was integrated into Liu Tianlong's body, it was too restrictive, but now that he broke out, without the previous scruples, it was terrifying to the point of suppressing mountains and rivers and destroying everything.

With a punch, Liu Han slayed, and that kind of handprint covering the sky came, covering the entire sky. Under this violent power, it seemed that the figure of one of them was infinitely suppressed, like the ocean. The drop of water in it is small.

The strong of the sacred two realms will destroy the mountains and rivers and twist everything with a full blow!

This kind of violent means came out, and the vitality fell, but in the next moment there was a very crisp sound in the middle of the air, pop!

When the voice fell, Liu Han flew out and was slapped with a big ear. . . . For pumping.

This big-eared photon was extremely electric, and it did not even give Liu Han any chance to react. It shot swiftly, but it was difficult to resist the speed of the Void’s shot, and directly used the quick breaking force to blow it away fiercely. Get out.

Under the palm of the hand, Liu Han’s mouth full of teeth was broken in half, his face was full of bells, and the whole person flew horizontally, like Liu Tianlong before, turning into a very beautiful arc, and then fell a dog to eat. !

Under a somersault, Liu Han's pain was about to be called out. He looked at the person who shot in shock, and clearly understood that he must have encountered a peerless powerhouse. The latter's blow turned out to be through his domain. Before he could see clearly, he had already slapped his face with a slap, how powerful.

"Who are you and why do you shoot!"

Liu Han’s horrified voice spread throughout the world, and standing between the void, the man finally moved, stepping forward step by step, and said calmly,

"Why? Humph... Xiaoye was the best guardian back then, now...not to mention exception!"

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