Supreme God King

Chapter 1544: Late friend

Calm tone!

However, the person has already come, walked in the void, his face fell into everyone's sight, even though it was full of vicissitudes, but it still gave people a sense of scholar.

However, immediately after the shot, all members of the Liu family didn't think so!

Because that figure came, it confined the world with one hand, and completely sealed the place where Liu Han was, while the other big hand came, flashing in the void, almost to the extreme, and another big slap came and pulled Liu Han. On top of his face, the five fingers fell to the right. . . . Half of the teeth are shattered!

The person who shot is naturally Meng Fan!

He had been motionless before, watching Meng Nian from a distance, but only after Liu Han took the shot, he helped and followed him.

It is indeed Meng Fan who swallows the mountains and rivers with anger and cherishes the common people. However, there is a more prominent feature in the latter's character, which is to protect the calf. If this were not the case, he would not have exhausted his efforts for Ruo Shuiyi and return to Tianhan, let alone rush to the capital for the sake of the monkey and fight against the Zhongtian Dynasty!

After two slaps, he directly smashed all the teeth in Liu Han's mouth. He finally screamed after being beaten. His face was extremely red and swollen, and blood was flowing out, just like a big pig's head.

Pop, pop!

Meng Fan's palm flew, and he left with seven or eight big mouths. Liu Han, who was pumping directly, almost fainted. How could anyone beat him like that?


Liu Han roared, his vitality exploded, the runes flickered, and many secret methods moved in an instant, breaking through Meng Fan's suppression of him.

With one step, Liu Han turned his fist into his palm, his vitality merged, and a handprint of the power of a mountain peak penetrated the entire world. At this moment, Liu Han could only explode with all his strength, and the means to press the bottom of the box was taken out. At the moment of its use, the ground cracked the mountain and Zhou Tian trembled, and he came directly towards Meng Fan.

Magical skills!

A sacred two-level powerhouse displays magical skills, and the breath emerges, just for a moment, it has the infinite power of killing the eight wastes and sweeping the dead!

The fingerprints hit, and went straight to Meng Fan!

But standing still, Meng Fan was expressionless, sleeping for five hundred years, wind blowing for five hundred years, and even dead. What could make Meng Fan move in this world.

Under this endless pressure, Meng Fan only blasted out with one punch, Emperor Quan. . . . Shot again!

Fist moves forward, golden dazzling, five hundred years in the world, goodbye Meng Fanquan!


The sky burst, the void exploded, and the space in it was completely wiped out at a glance, leaving Meng Fan and Liu Han completely in a vacuum.

But at the next moment Liu Han screamed, his palm burst into pieces, blood spurted out, his entire arm was completely abolished, and his whole body flew out again, suffering serious injuries!

Meng Fan was expressionless and stepped out.

He is different from Meng Nian. Although Meng Nian is very similar to him, he was taught by Gu Xin'er since he was a child. Gu Xin'er is kind and gentle by nature, which naturally affected Meng Nian.

Even though Meng Nian's talent was amazing and extremely hardworking, he didn't have the experience of a lone wolf like Meng Fan, and he naturally lacked the cruelty in Meng Fan's bones.

In those days, Meng Fan was able to break out from the bottom of the Ten Thousand Territories. After going through the family, the blood was cold and bloody, and he understood the terrible enemies of the world.

Giving any enemy a chance is ruining his own way. Therefore, from childhood to adulthood, at any moment, Meng Fan has only one force to kill the enemy. The lion fights the rabbit, still doing his best!


Stepping into this mid-air, Meng Fan stretched out his big hand, five fingers transformed into a huge palm between the sky, which printed out the sky, covering everything, and Liu Han's path of retreat also happened to be Falling into the palm of Meng Fan.

Creak, creak!

The world closed, the big hand clenched, Meng Fan controlled it with a seal, and then. . . . crumb!

"Do not!"

Among them, Liu Han screamed, his tone was extremely bleak, full of infinite shock and unwillingness, but this moment was irreparable.

With his horror, he suppressed Wanyu, but the opponent he faced was called. . . . Meng Fan.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth are eclipsed, and the power between the big hands is flooded. It is a power that destroys the sky and the earth appears in Meng Fan’s hands. Even a strong man of the sacred two realms is completely penetrated at this moment. The soul of the whole person, In martial arts, the flesh began to shatter continuously, and finally it was. . . . Vanished!


Five hundred years later, Meng Fan was born and made a move. . . . . It is God Tu!

All the members of the Liu family in the field were stunned, watching the scene in front of them in shock. It was really hard to imagine that the people who came out turned out to be terrifying to this point.

A lofty, incomparable Liu family ancient, was actually slaughtered by him, just like squeezing a chicken to death, there is even no room to fight back!

From the beginning to the end, it was just a few breaths, but the eternal sacredness was buried in his hands, this man. . . . who is it!

All the members of the Liu family were dumbfounded, trembling all over, unable to withstand the great pressure, most of them sat on the ground in fright, unbelievable.

And in the sky, after a few breaths, everything is calm and calm. The big hands are closed, and Liu Han is no longer a trace. Only Meng Fan is standing on the sky, looking around, calmly. Tao,

"Let's go!"

Tushen was Meng Fan's style. As for the other members of the Liu family, they were just ordinary disciples, so Meng Fan had no interest in killing them.

After hearing Meng Fan's words, all members of the Liu family in the field looked at each other, and then each ran forward like an amnesty.

Each of them paled, for fear that he ran for a minute, Meng Fan repented, ran wildly, and quickly disappeared in place.

I have to say that the majesty given to them by Meng Fan is too terrifying. It is an out-and-out Great Demon King who suppresses everything and makes everyone run fast. How can he care about the majesty of the emperor!

After a short while, it was only Meng Fan under him. He shook his head, and Meng Fan put away his breath, once again restored the appearance of that ordinary old man, unlike the previous Shura.

Looking into the distance, Meng Fan's eyes flashed, as if he could see through everything.

With his current spiritual thoughts, it was enough to insight into the world and know too many things. For Liu Han, he just killed him. The only thing that really interested Meng Fan was the blood of the old monkey.

"One, two, three... It seems that many old friends come here, hehe!"

Meng Fan counted gently, and immediately stepped out, heading to one of the directions, a look of excitement flashed in his eyes.

The plain was incomparably chaotic. After Meng Fan threw the stone tablet out before, it naturally attracted the tracking of countless people, moving frantically, searching on the entire plain, including those from the world like today. Countless powerhouses, major forces.

Not being able to find the gods is to cause a piece of battle, fighting on the entire plain.

However, for a strong man of Meng Fan's level, it was a piercing one to get rid of falsehood. Unlike everyone else, he chose a strange path, and moved forward slowly through divine consciousness.

"Domain, worthy of being an old monkey, really amazing!"

Walking on the sky, Meng Fan said at the same time, sighing.

Only the real supreme powerhouse can penetrate at this moment and perceive the difference between the world and the earth. The intelligence of the people before is indeed true. This plain has the aura of a god, but the old monkey put his heart and blood. local.

However, everything is not that simple. What shocked Meng Fan is that this plain seems ordinary, but in fact it has become a peculiar realm. If you want to find the blood, you can only break through the many obstacles in the realm. , Step into it.

So many people can't see the mystery between the world and the earth, because their strength is not enough!

Invisible, the old monkey has already laid the threshold, it is definitely not that easy to step into it!

Meng Fan stepped out of the void in a few steps, carefully sensing the changes in the atmosphere between the world and the earth, walking on the plain, tearing the space from time to time, opening up the rows of defenses in this invisible.

It has to be said that the hidden array laid down by the entire world is extremely difficult for Meng Fan.

In the past, the old monkey has been infinitely close to the king of gods. It can be called a half-step. What a means, and the inheritance is left, not only has the self-consciousness, but also the strength, and becomes a realm of its own!

In this plain, the rows of ancient gods are connected together, ordinary people don't even have the qualifications for induction, and it takes a certain degree of difficulty for Meng Fan to crack.

In a full half an hour, Meng Fan had just shot out from the outside world, passed through the outside world, and came to a strange space.

This piece of space is a small world of its own. Only by opening the key to the outside world can you be qualified to step into this place. It should be the absolute domain left by the old monkey, and the hard work should be in this space.

At a glance, the world is chaotic, full of endless vitality fluctuations, and the trees are lush, with a feeling of birds and flowers!

And stepping into this world, Meng Fan also concealed his aura, but before he did any more movements, a sudden movement in the void caused Meng Fan's body to recede and become more restrained.

At a glance, not far away is a clever fat man who is also tearing the space and striding forward.

One of them was wearing a purple robe, which looked extremely agile, his small eyes swept around, and he stepped directly into the world, and at the same time chuckled.

"Hehe, praying mantis is catching cicadas, the oriole is behind, and your master Cao casually threw an ancient stone tablet, which deceived so many people, it seems that there is a silly boy from Meng Fan's family, hehe... I asked you Meng Fan to suppress Lao Tzu back then. Lao Tzu couldn't clean you back then, still can't clean your son. You must cheat him to relieve his anger!"

The tone was triumphant, and at the same time the fat man moved in the void, directly tearing the space, stepping forward, extremely fast.

I am afraid that even in front of people, it is impossible to capture his traces. The latter is obviously powerful and has already stepped into the second holy realm. Under the secret method, it is extremely terrifying and silent.

But when the fat man stepped out towards the ancient land, he didn't even notice that there was a figure behind him. . . . . Also followed silently! <

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