Supreme God King

Chapter 1547: screen

Ashamed, ashamed!

Although the words said so, but what shame does Meng Fan mean? It can be said that it will be fast and fast to collect all of it. It is not left to the King Soul and the others, everything will be taken over, everything is required !

Meng Fan was naturally the one who designed and laid out before. He did not expect that there would be so many powerful people who came to this world, and he was still his old friend.

Although the matter of killing familiarity is a bit unreality, now Meng Fan has just regained consciousness. At the moment when he was dead in the past, the collection that followed him for many years was completely shattered, making Meng Fan extremely heartbroken.

At this moment, when he came back, he naturally wanted to restrain himself, and the four Yang Qing who had been sent to the door naturally made Meng Fan not polite at all!

The four great arrogances were used by Meng Fan as bait with the emperor tree that he got from Cao Qiushui before, and then they were pitted and kicked, and their whereabouts were restored without any trace, so they did not give the other party any evidence to seize him!

The old Wuzhen boy who was able to reach the present can only rely on this kind of cunning in his bones.

The stronger the enemy, the stronger I am, and the worse the enemy is.

This is Meng Fan's style of behavior all the time, and now that everything succeeds, he is satisfied, and his eyes are looking far away.

As Wang Hun said, his line of cheating people is only secondary, and what he really wants to do is to look for the painstaking effort of this old monkey.

The inheritance of the **** king contains too much, and it is also very important for him. The old monkey keeps it here and waits for the destined person, which naturally makes Meng Fan want to try it.

After tidying up, Meng Fan is acting, heading toward the depths of this space, quietly sensing the strange changes between the world and the earth, looking for its laws.

The whole world has been made into a world by the old monkey, and he has done such a lot of effort for his domain. Among them, there must be a lot of effort, but Meng Fan understands that the latter will not be placed randomly. According to its previous arrangement, he wants to see This painstaking effort, I am afraid, still needs a very difficult test.

However, for many years, Meng Fan was an absolute expert in digging for treasures. As his spiritual thoughts spread, he began to search directly based on the traces left by Zhou Tian.

It took a full half an hour to finally make Meng Fan a breakthrough, his eyes flashed, and he flew quickly toward the misty world.

Half-step hard work!

No matter how you hide it, you can't hide the Lord's powerful aura, especially when you find it here, even Meng Fan doesn't believe that the old monkey has a way to reach the sky.

From the avenue to the simplicity, in many cases the simpler things may have more profound meaning.

There are several roads between the sun and the sky, which make people feel infinitely imaginative. But there are a few roads that have an amazing aura, as if there is a treasure in them, and after comparison, Meng Fan chose one of them and stepped out.

This kind of choice is like gambling. If it fails, others may gain the upper hand, but Meng Fan is not afraid and insists on himself.

Unobstructed all the way, Meng Fan strode out and walked along this ancient road. After not knowing how long it took, he finally reached the end of the road ahead.

The world is full, the blood is endless!

After stepping into the end of this road, Meng Fan was stunned for a moment, because this place seemed to be the real end, the whole world was in a state of extreme dying, everything was nothing, nothing People will feel quite uncomfortable after seeing this, it is too depressing, and there is no anger at all.

Only in its most central place, there is an object suspended between the sky and the earth. . . . A little white bottle!

After just a glance, Meng Fan's heart trembled, and he felt an unprecedented pressure. The hairs on the body surface were all standing upside down.

There is no doubt that this cannot be faked. The object in this small bottle is the blood of the old monkey and is placed here.

This class of aura is too strong, so that Meng Fan is like this. No one can do it except the **** king!

However, before Meng Fan could speak, the void trembled, and in the next moment an old voice spread between the world and the earth.

"You came!"

For the three words, Meng Fan was taken aback, looked around, but made this voice out of the small bottle, and there was no one around, so he could only say it to himself.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan arched his hands,

"But Senior Monkey!"

"it's me!"

In the void, the breath of the white bottle flickered, shocking the space, and at the same time an old figure emerged, as tall as a mountain, black in its entire body, and a pair of eyes contained endless chaos. The image of the old monkey came out again, facing Meng Fan, like a peerless emperor, looks down upon nine heavens and ten earths.

"I have been waiting for you here for a long time!"

When he said that, Meng Fan's heart trembled, but it was not too unexpected. It was not surprising that he could see dead wood on his body by the means of an old monkey and would not completely die.

The important thing is that the latter says that he is waiting for himself, so there must be a reason!

After a while, Meng Fan was already polite and respectful, not because of the strength of the old monkey, but because of what he had done for the world in the past, and even gave up his own way of becoming the king of God in exchange for this world. The peace between the two, such great courage, and big heart are enough to make Meng Fan like this.

After giving a big gift, Meng Fan asked,

"Boy Meng Fan, listen to the teaching!"

"No teachings!"

In the void, at this moment the old monkey shook his head, and at the same time stretched out his palm, his vitality gleamed in his palm print, like a world, but at the same time everything was revealed, turned into a scroll, making Meng Fan's gaze stop. among them.

In the picture scroll, there is an extremely chaotic space, with eight figures in it. It is the battle between the world and the earth in the past, and the battle in the outer space. The eight of them are the masters of the four forbidden areas, plus the King of Heaven. Old monkey, Lan Caiyi, the master of the line!

Such a collision of the eight peaks is a mystery to everyone in the world, because no one is qualified to participate in the battle. That battle took place in an extraterritorial space, and there were only eight people in the field, and now they don’t know about it. How is it, who wins and who loses!

However, now under the display of the old monkey, the scroll unfolds, which also reproduces all the battle scenes from yesterday, allowing Meng Fan to see clearly.

God king battle!

This kind of battle has probably been rare since the beginning of the sky. It can only happen once tens of thousands of years. It is a battle of top powerhouses that truly stands at the pinnacle of this world. If there is no battle, the first battle is the earth moving mountain. Shake, destroy everything.

Looking at Meng Fan's gaze, he could see a clear gathering of eight people in the field. You come and I go, show each other's martial arts, explode what they have learned in life, and the entire extraterritorial space collapsed.

The breath was overflowing, and countless pieces of space debris fell. If it happened in the Middle Ancient Territory, it would be enough to completely destroy a small part of the Middle Ancient Territory and kill hundreds of millions of creatures with a single finger.

Space, debris, blood, fluctuations. . . . In this piece of space, Meng Fan saw the fight between the powerhouses who really stood at the top of this world. It was too terrifying, and it touched him too much.

It is also unimaginable to reach the point where it is now. There are still people in this world who can cultivate vitality to this point. They are born with a finger, and die with a finger. One of the secret methods of vitality is enough for Meng Fan to study for countless years. Now, that kind of power change is almost exhausted.

Meng Fan could speculate that if he were on the court now, he would be wiped out immediately, and he might not even have a chance to use dead wood.

With the continuous battle in the picture scroll, the world changed color, and finally you could see the forbidden area column shattered, and cracks appeared on it, but at the same time, the old monkey in it was exhausted, he was not after all It is God King Realm.

This realm is too terrifying, half a step away, it is also bad, it is a huge world, there is no way to make up for it!

Take half a step against the palace master of the forbidden area. Although the latter is only a weapon to fight, it already absorbs too much power of my undead between heaven and earth. The more it absorbs, the more his body power can be transmitted. These four The main hall master is different from the forbidden zone pillars that imprisoned Qin Mieren and others. In order to fight against the old monkey and others, he absorbed most of the undead power that slaughtered the heaven and earth creatures this time, and the combat power exploded more and more, and finally let the old monkey Fallen, completely collapsed!

In the blood-colored setting sun, you can see the old monkey's body shattering little by little, turning into countless flesh and blood, scattered between the world.

In addition, the God King Zhongtian, the master of the line, Lan Caiyi and others were also soul-worn, and the three of them were not completely victorious. During this period, they suffered heavy injuries and almost completely collapsed.

Fortunately, at the last moment, the power in the forbidden area pillars among the few big voids was almost consumed. Even though the great hall masters were still willing to participate in the battle, they were still unable to come back. So in that battle, the last The old monkey fell completely, and the three great kings suffered heavy losses and ended. . . . .

The picture is closed, and Meng Fan's spiritual thoughts are also drawn from it, and there is only shock on his face.

It has to be said that this kind of battle scene alone is an eye-opener for him, as if to open a world to him again!

After a long silence, Meng Fan asked,

"I don't know what the old man did for showing me this thing!"

In the void, the old monkey stared at Meng Fan and slowly said,

"I just want to tell have a long way to go, and this time the catastrophe is just the beginning. People in the forbidden area have always used ten thousand domains as a breeding farm. Every eternity, they will Come to collect a wave, things like heaven and earth will inevitably happen in the future, and even more tragic. They also need to nourish themselves with the spirit of ten thousand domains, Meng Fan... You are ready to face the next great catastrophe. Already?"<

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