Supreme God King

Chapter 1548: ready

are you ready!

The old monkey's tone was calm, but the moment it fell in Meng Fan's ears was like a deadly weight.

Yes, even if I exist, I come back alive, but how to face the restricted area, face the future catastrophe, how to resist, let alone realize what I said, goodbye.

The more he practiced, the more Meng Fanke was able to feel the difficulty of breaking through. What's more, what he wanted to do was something that no one could do forever.

It's not too difficult, but it's just going to penetrate everything, just now there is such a glimmer of hope.

This kind of thought alone may not be able to be realized even after reaching the **** king, let alone the current Meng Fan.

With a little silence, Meng Fan looked at the old monkey and said seriously,

"Senior, please teach me!"

There is no doubt that the old monkey stayed here, saying that inheritance awaits Meng Fan, but it is definitely not just to speak some Mandarin with Meng Fan, there must be other important things.

Hearing this, the old monkey nodded and said solemnly.

"Meng Fan, you are very good. To be precise, you are quite good. I have seen only a few people like you in a long period of time. Without exception, they have become the best masters in this world. It has also achieved the throne of God, but... this is actually not enough. The battle you see is only the temptation battle of the thirteen hall masters. There is nothing wrong, it is only their temptation, but it has already let Wanyu Among the four gods and kings, they still have the upper hand. My father died like that. Now it’s my turn. There is nothing to regret. But what I worry about is the future world. According to their development, sooner or later. One day the thirteen hall masters will come out and visit Wanyu in person. What do you think will happen then?"

The thirteen hall masters are coming out!

After experiencing that kind of battle, he naturally knew how terrifying it was, and Meng Fan knew even more that in the last time, the thirteen hall masters in the restricted area only appeared eight, and they were using their full strength, not to mention the main body coming.

As the old monkey said, if the thirteen hall masters truly come in the future, who can stop, who is qualified to stop!

"I can tell you that there are still kings and powerhouses in this world, but the power of those thirteen people is too terrifying, and it may not be enough to destroy them...not enough!"

The old monkey’s eyes were deep and slowly said,

"So in that great battle, I tried my best to save my heart and blood, in order to create a **** king and powerhouse for this world to prepare for the future battle, and the person I chose , It's you, Meng Fan!"

With a word, Meng Fan's whole body was shocked, looked at the old monkey in shock, and said in a deep voice.

"Thank you senior for looking up high, but how can the boy He De how can make senior so value, although he is eager, but the boy also understands that the Divine King Realm is too difficult, this road is doomed to nine deaths, and there is a divine monkey, he is also the heaven and earth The unparalleled powerhouse!"

Hearing this, the old monkey shook his head and said calmly,

"Tian Xing's character is too strong. This is his strength and weakness. All things in the world are extremely rigid and breakable. He is far from your kind of rigidity and softness. Maybe he has hope in the future. , But I think your hope is greater, because martial arts have highs and lows, and gods have highs and lows. Even in the realm of the gods, there can be a victory or defeat, so even the achievement of the gods may not be able to resist the restricted area. And I see hope in you. I think you have this opportunity to achieve a higher realm. You can also rule the roost in the Divine King Realm. So I left this hard work to you, presumably the bird and the turtle back then Seeing your potential, so fighting to be caught in the restricted area is to leave you an opportunity, and I hope you can go further!"

Sparrow and tortoise were caught!

Hearing what the old monkey said, Meng Fan's heart trembled, and he said anxiously.

"Old gentleman, do you know the news about the bird and the tortoise?"

"Be clearer!"

The old monkey said slowly,

"They are locked in the Forbidden Area of ​​Youzi, and their bodies have great secrets. This kind of secret is very important to the Forbidden Area, and it is also the capital for them to survive, but I don't know when they are worthless, Meng Fan, I believe the two of them absolutely did this voluntarily.

The monks of my generation have gone through too much. In the past, countless relatives parted and loved ones could not protect. This kind of pain will eternally fall into my heart. If it is a lifelong wish, then it is to level the forbidden area, believe in the bird and the turtle. Seeing hope in you, no matter what they endure, they will be selfless.

The same is true for me. This heart and blood contains the power of my life, especially since I have spent many years on the perception of the Divine King Realm. I will leave it here, waiting for your arrival and giving it to you. Just for you to be able to take a short time to improve your understanding of vitality cultivation! "

The voice fell, causing Meng Fan to fall into endless silence.

Become the king of gods and resurrect your sister!

Although this is Meng Fan’s greatest wish in his life, he understands the hardships of this road. Even he himself feels that the opportunity is extremely slim, but he never imagined that in this world, an old monkey, a bird, and a turtle are willing to help Meng. Fan, sacrificing oneself for self, this kind of help is not for Meng Fan.

Even Meng Fan and the old monkey only had a one-sided relationship, but the latter had placed the bet on him for the sake of Wanyu and the common people, which made Meng Fan feel full of emotion.

"Old sir, you are so to me... the kid is helpless!"

Meng Fan said slowly, really didn't know what to say.

"Haha, don't agree first, although the old man is optimistic about you, but if you want to get the inheritance of the old man, you still need to pass a level!"

The old monkey laughed and said calmly.

"This is a test that the old man carefully laid out for you. If you can pass, then the hard work is yours. If you can't pass, I'm afraid the old man still needs to think about it!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan's eyes flashed, nodded, and said solemnly.

"If this is the case, the kid is going to give it a try. In any case, I would like to thank the old man for this opportunity!"

Half-step God King’s effort, the old monkey’s lifetime inheritance, this opportunity is not small, and at the same time Meng Fan also understands that the old monkey can tell himself so solemnly that there is a trial, so I’m afraid the so-called trial Refining must be quite extraordinary, and it will be difficult.

However, Meng Fan was not afraid at all. Even the old monkey, every bird and turtle believed in himself in this way, so if he failed, how could he be able to pay each bird and turtle right to him.

With his eyes facing each other, Meng Fan looked at the old monkey so openly, without any waves!

After a few breaths, the old monkey's eyes flashed and he waved his hand, which immediately shook Meng Fan's consciousness of the sea, and his eyes fell into a blur.

In the trance, Meng Fan's body trembled, his blood burned, and the soul in the whole body seemed to be drawn away from his body.

After not knowing how many breaths, Meng Fan opened his eyes just now, but discovered that he was on a battlefield, but it was no longer his body, but an ordinary soldier, facing the battle between Zhou and Tian.

There were no strong vitality fluctuations, no outrageous bodies, and some only their own faintness. At the same time, Meng Fan saw a black death air between the sky and the earth, like a dark cloud, covering the sky and the earth, sweeping everything!

Under this situation, Meng Fan didn't even have a chance to escape, he was swept into it, turned into a piece of waste, and his whole body became completely flesh and blood!

When Meng Fan opened his eyes again, he saw that the world changed again. This time Meng Fan became an ordinary disciple of a sect. It was also in the midst of this great calamity. Faced with the forbidden area, he did not fight back. Power, be killed again!

In the third reincarnation, Meng Fan was a businessman, leading his wife and children all the way forward. As a result, Lu met the ancient true demon. He saw his wife and son died together, knowing that all this is not true, but everything is It was Meng Fan's tears that couldn't help falling, even if his consciousness was still there, but the body's attachment to that relative was still extremely strong, and it was naturally heartbroken at this moment.

In the fourth reincarnation, he was an old man, full of children and grandchildren, but he encountered a restricted area and was killed. . . .

The fifth reincarnation, the sixth reincarnation. . . . . In each reincarnation, Meng Fan was the most ordinary ordinary person. Facing the restricted area, the people around him were killed, only that kind of helplessness and despair permeated his heart, and finally died in sorrow.

Such reincarnation, one life after another, each time is repeated with tragedy, each life is so sad, in this continuous reincarnation, Meng Fan even began to gradually become confused, because every blow is It's too big, making him forget that he is a powerful and unparalleled Shura, and he is also a weak and weak human being. In this kind of sinking, he is constantly losing himself!

This cycle is. . . . Five hundred lives!

The old monkey just kept watching from the side, expressionless, just staring at Meng Fan. The latter is just that the soul stepped into the illusion set by the old monkey. In it, you can see a fire hovering above Meng Fan’s head. This fire was extremely domineering when entering it in the first life, but it continued to During the cycle of reincarnation, the flame began to gradually disappear. After one life and another, the fire began to become extremely weak. Since the fifth century, the flame was already the size of a palm!

Only the old monkey knew that Meng Fan entered with his own will. This flame is equivalent to his will. In the constant reincarnation, his will is also destroyed by that kind of cruelty, once it is the last flame. Extinguishing means that Meng Fan’s will was completely destroyed by the terrible forbidden area and ceased to exist in the dream. Facing the forbidden area is no longer the same Meng Fan who resists his body, but also proves that he is in the real world. Among them, Meng Fan will also be the same after experiencing too much blow!

Looking at Meng Fan, who is now only a trace of flames, the old monkey couldn't help but sigh slightly and said sadly, <

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